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Bob Marley was Spiritually Unconscious

Bob Marley was Spiritually unconscious. Therefore, all his greatness was in service of the life entity, whose prerogative is to gain universal awareness by using humans to do its bidding.

Most people will hear this and say that whoever put this nonsense together must be a damn fool. What is a life entity and how can a person whose music has been revered around the world and whose legacy has inspired millions of people to live a life of love and unity, be unconscious? Well, I have seen and heard a lot of delusional people on social media, spreading falsehoods and conspiracies. None of their theories about life and reality are based on ethics so I will continue to speak my truth. 

To start, Life is an excursion of our individual and omnipotent Spirit into this realm strictly for the purpose of gaining experience. Once here, your Spirit loses its abilities except for the minute connection that is our Soul. That means that we exist at the will of the life entity, which is the collective consciousness of every living organism that exists here. The minds of you and I are a part of the life entity and since collective consciousnesses develop a single consciousness, that single consciousness overrides individual consciousness. Your philosophers who created the bible gave you a clue when they said, “where 3 or 4 of you are gathered in my name, I am also there.”

Ask yourself; “What is the main preoccupation of humanity?” The main preoccupation of humanity is to gain knowledge so that we may survive and prolong our existence here in the physical. This objective can only be achieved by first gaining universal awareness. So, there you have it; the life entity is trying to gain universal awareness at your individual expense. It uses mechanisms based on Desire to drive you to pursue happiness. It does not care whether you live or die as long as you serve its prerogative of gaining knowledge for it. When you die, it will simply recycle your essence to create new life all over again.

You only become conscious when you recognize and understand what you really are, why you are here, and how entities are created. Then hopefully, based on the mental capacity that you were dealt at birth, adopt a single purpose in life, which is to harness and steer the cognition of the life entity towards an ethical existence. Have I lost you? If so then you can go now. Don’t waste any more of your time trying to exercise your mind outside of the box that comforts you.   

99% of people will never become Spiritually conscious and will remain asleep in the Matrix. Some will recognize the inequities in life and work to address them but because they are not spiritually conscious, all they will become are Humanists. Bob Marly was a Humanist but it wasn’t his fault. People, especially those born in despair, will always search for happiness in physical things and comfort in spiritual deceptions. At worst, they will gather with devious minds and unknowingly create a demon entity that will drive them into the grave.

Bob Marley was a Rastafarian, which is a Judeo-Christian religion. Rastafarians recognize Hail Selassie-I of Ethiopia as the physical manifestation of God similar to the story of Jesus two thousand years ago. Since God cannot die, Rastafarians also believe that Hail Selassie-I is still alive in Ethiopia today.

Remember when I mentioned delusional people earlier? Well, Rastafarians fall into the same category as Christians, Muslims, Hebrews, and all other religious people. They all believe that a mystery God exists somewhere up in the sky in a place called heaven and this mystery God is not only watching and protecting his loyal followers here on Earth; he is going to return to Earth to rescue them someday soon. “I don’t want to wait in vain.” But they all will.

Also, remember when I said that the life entity uses Desire as a mechanism to drive the minds of humans toward achieving happiness? Bob Marley’s mind was overflooded with desire. The primary Desire quenching hormone in the human brain is Dopamine and he thrived on maintaining a full dose using Marijuana and sex. He balanced his vices by believing that he was being an advocate for poor and downtrodden people. I respect him for that and will never condemn his legacy but since I know that he was working for the god of the bible and not the true Creator, I will continue to consider him unconscious.

The truth is that life is the Hell described in the bible. It is a place where Spirits come and try to clean it up. Why not come in fully aware and powerful like a superhero that can punish evil doers with a bolt of energy, you might ask? Imagine that you are omnipotent, meaning that you cannot die. How rewarding would it be to solve a puzzle in one second? Not very rewarding right? Therefore, life is billion-year-old puzzle that your Spirit is taking turns at solving.

You come into life at the will of your host, which means that you may be aborted before birth, born retarded due to your host’s drug use, born deformed due to your host’s ignorance of life, born into privilege due to your host’s wealth, or born into poverty due to your host’s disposition. In fact, there are millions of factors that will predetermine your existence here. The only way that you can change the condition of life before you get here next time is to work to change it while you are here now.

Work with other conscious minded people to develop your own ethical entity. That ethical entity will grow to affect change in the cognition of the Life entity. The puzzle will be solved and life on Earth will become the same as it is in eternity.