Tag Archives: Black Jesus – Wikipedia
Russia Plays Their Black Jesus Card

Russia plays their Black Jesus card
Why did they do that and what does it all mean for Black people?
Disclaimer; due to mis-information and dis-information, many Melanin Rich people no longer feel comfortable referring to their racial profile as Black. Instead, we would rather classify ourselves according to nationality and tribe. We at the HERU Interface of Dark Consciousness will continue to use the term Black to refer to our race. However, in some cases, we will use the term Melanin Rich to refer to others.
Recently, Vladimir Putin, Russia’s dictator president, held a news conference in which he revealed a series of 500-year-old religious documents and paintings from Coptic Orthodox church vaults that depict Jesus and many other iconic figures as having dark skin and facial features similar to Ethiopeans. The images and documents were said to be from a recently opened vault belonging to the country’s powerful Orthodox diocese that was founded almost a thousand years ago.
It was a surprising move on the embattled dictator’s behalf, as he has become a pariah among his fellow white supremacists after invading Ukraine. As part of his Black Jesus revelation, Putin now encourages all fellow Russians to resist racism and accept racial diversity and inclusion. Any Black person who has ever been to Russia can testify to the thick racial tension they’ve faced. If you haven’t heard or seen a lot about Vladimir Putin’s Black Jesus revelation in the news, can you guess why? I’ll save you from thinking about this very complex question by telling you that the answer is because of the trauma it will cause to frail minds. It’s the same reason why they keep evidence of UFOs hidden.
One would think that when it comes to the #1 driver of human existence, which is religion and more specifically, Christianity, any news on the subject would be all over the news as a form of inspiration but no; Black Jesus was barely reported on by major news outlets. The only people who are excited about Black Jesus are Black people, themselves. And among Black people, half are saying, “we told you so,” while the other half either want to go jump off a cliff at the disappointment of their white savior being Black or are joining white Christians to debunk Black Jesus.
The paint in the images has faded over time. That is why the people appear Black, is the common trope. Others say it’s a conspiracy and Putin is trying to gain favor from Black people. He wants more Africans to come and join his war against the Ukraine. I hate to break it to you Black people but Putin released those Black Jesus images because he feels betrayed by his fellow white supremacists, who promised to share the wealth of this world equally but are now threatening to take his “Bread Basket” away. In other words, it’s a spiteful play against his former bedmates.
Russia, like most Caucasian countries, had gained a stranglehold on the rest of the world since the Greeks first ventured into Egypt in 300 BC. That hold was solidified when the Romans figured out the secrets of religion in the year 33 AD and created a divine intervention buy-in into Christianity. They incorporated religion into their tools for conquest and spread their rule over Asia, the Middle-East and Africa. Fast forward to the year 1611 when England’s King James ordered a rewriting of the Bible and the image of Jesus. All prior images of Jesus were then either destroyed or locked away.
Nothing beats a betrayal better than a reverse betrayal that results in embarrassment. For instance; you break up with your wife or girlfriend and in order to hurt her feelings, you tell her that you had sex with her friend. She then hits you beck with the revelation that she also had sex with your friends. Russia is trying to embarrass the West by revealing secrets that they themselves once were complicit in hiding from the world.
What does the revelation of a Black Jesus mean for Black people? Apparently, not much. The Sun didn’t change into a kaleidoscope of colors and our problems didn’t all disappear. It simply means that the Romans also figured out that religion works to enslave the minds of people no matter what color Jesus is and only changed the color of Jesus to satisfy their own uneasiness after accepting the twisted ideology of them being a master race in the 1600s.
Putin’s images of a Black Jesus are a deception designed to poke a stick in the eyes of his former friends while currying favor from Black people. A Leopard cannot change its spots. Likewise, evil people cannot operate with sincerity. So, when you see white supremacists doing things for your benefit, be leery. Use your common sense and knowledge to question their ulterior motives.