Tag Archives: black american vote
Why do Black women consistently vote Democrat?

Why do Black women constantly vote Democrat? The answer is because Black women are the most conscientious demographic in America. Before delving deeper into reasons for such a reality, understand that human behavior only has two polarizing forces; Desire and Conscience.
Desire is the default operating condition of humans. Desire, or ‘want – in the scripture,’ drives us toward goals that we ‘believe’ that we choose when in reality, it is the Life entity that is in control; using us to achieve its goal of universal awareness. (Search our other blogs for a deeper understanding of the Life Entity.) Desire ranges from love and lust to possessiveness and hate. That means that hate is not the opposite of love. How could people wouldn’t love to hate, if it was?
Conscience is a force generated by the Great Spirit that is the Universe, acting on the human Soul to reign-in and balance human Desire. The Great Spirit is the creator of reality and not God, as all Gods are manmade self-serving depictions of the Great Spirit. Simply observe the evil actions of people who say they are the Godliest to understand the difference. Anyway, in equilibrium, unconditional love is product of conscience acting on desire.
Now that you have an insight into these psychological forces, let’s explore why Black women constantly vote democrat. Most Black people in America begin life at a condition of inequity and the ones who feel and experience inequity the most are Black mothers. That is not to say that Black fathers don’t feel it too but they often choose the option of disappearing from difficult situations such as providing for children when they themselves cannot afford it.
Before you jump to conclusions, broken families are not the reason why Black women constantly vote democrat. As I said before, the reason is conscience and since conscience is a force, it doesn’t just exist, it can be strengthened. The consciences of Black women in America have been undergoing strengthening for centuries due to ever-present conditions of slavery, discrimination, racism, and marginalization. The result is that Black women have become the #1 defenders of the Black race against white supremacy.
There is a false and mindless narrative that the Democratic Party is the racist party. Yes, it once was and if it had remained that way, Black women would vote Republican. That means that Black women are not mindless drones attached to one political party over another. Any unclean place where white supremacists choose to make their nests, conscientious Black women will choose somewhere else to make theirs.
Black women, minus a few clowns such as Candace, who uses her conscience to side with white supremacy because she loves to hate her own race, will always choose to vote their conscience because not only is it more ethical to do so, they are also thinking about their fellow Black people, the constant attempt to white-wash history by white supremacists, and the constant attempts to install racist political policies designed to marginalize Black people politically, legally, and economically.