Tag Archives: andrew coyne
Why the Black Consciousness Movement Is Always Failing

The diaspora Black Consciousness community lost two very prominent members in the past few years. Young Pharaoh and Brother Polight have gone dormant due to very serious legal allegations and personal issues and if the reports are true, it would confirm something that I’ve been pointing out for ten years now; there is a critical difference between Mental Consciousness and Black Consciousness. This difference is why unconscious Ghetto Scholars will always cause the Black Consciousness movement to fail.
The era of social media injected new life into the Black Conscious movement, a race-first initiative that has attempted for many years to reverse the colonial brainwashing that many of us blame for the dysfunctions of the Black African race. Black Consciousness began in collages and universities across the world by Black students and Black professors who were eager to point out the omissions of Black achievements in the recording and teaching of world history. Unfortunately, those grievances rarely went beyond the confines of educational institutes due to a lack of interest in the Black community at large unless those grievances are highlighted during social uprisings.
I have always held racially conscious views but like many of my early influencers, I blamed Inequity on the political and social systems most societies are built on such as Capitalism and Colonialism. The natural detraction to the social inequities I hated in life was to adopt Socialist views. I wasn’t until I began to learn about how my Brain and Mind works at the Dohgon University of Thought that my outlook on life began to change towards prioritizing Sanity and Ethics instead. I began to realize that we as a race can fight the Ideologies in others that promote inequity, injustice, racism and discrimination for a thousand years and nothing will change until we target the conscience of unethical people instead.
Mental Consciousness involves training the Mind to make a conscious effort to prioritize Ethics and Morals in everything we do. The result will be an involuntary inclination towards mental Sanity, which I believe is the most civilized human pursuit. Mental Consciousness involves two instincts that exist in all humans. Those instincts are Desire and Conscience. Conscience involves effort while Desire requires none but both are essential for mental balance. Conscience over Desire results in self-righteousness while Desire over conscience results in self-destructiveness. True balance results in unconditional Love.
Unconscious Ghetto Scholars will always fail because they refuse to believe that Mental Consciousness is important. In fact, the two most successful Black Liberation movements in America involved the use of Mental Consciousness. Martin Luther King JR used Christian self-discipline and Malcolm X used Islamic self-discipline. Does that mean that in order for Black Consciousness to be successful, Ghetto Scholars must be religious? No, because religious indoctrination is a form of unconsciousness that promotes self-righteousness.
In my opinion, Young Pharaoh was never Conscious because he allowed white supremacists, who are unethical at their core, to gain influence over him. Couple that with his many other desire-driven faults, he eventually imploaded on himself. Brother Polight was also never conscious because he allowed his sexual desires to override his judgement, resulting in the exploiting of a minor. The failures of these two once prominent Ghetto Scholars should be an example for others not to follow because only an effort to achieve mental balance can sustain true Black Consciousness.