What’s Wrong With Malia Obama?

A lot of concerned Obama supporters are asking “what’s wrong with Malia” after the 18 year old daughter of the president was filmed at a concert twerking, pulling up her skirt, and gyrating herself provocatively. The popular answer is she just a teenager having fun. The real answer is she’s experiencing the byproduct effects of Humanism.

Humanism is the pursuit of happiness often in the absence of conscious thought. Humanism tells people that they have the Human Right to do whatever makes them happy in life simply because we believe that humans are the highest form of life there is, aside from our imaginary gods of coarse.. The problem is that most people don’t know that that is a very dangerous predicament to allow yourself to be in because the real master of life has its own agenda.

The real master behind life is Life itself. Life is a single conscious entity of which humans are only a small part. The prerogative of Human is to live a happy contented life. The prerogative of Life is to survive and thrive at all costs therefore it’s built a fear of death instinct into all living things. Life uses mechanisms, it feeds on itself, and without conscious thought humans are nothing more than its tools.

Happiness is a mental state that is facilitated by chemicals in the ; namely Glutamate, Dopamine, Epinephrine, and Serotonin. The more you quench your desires its to stronger your desires become. Soon you will become addicted to feeling and a slave to your desires. You will do everything you can to maintain a happiness state. We call it being Desire Dependent but don’t worry; it’s your Human Right.

“Uh? How is Malia becoming a tool?” you might ask. Well riddle me this; why do many teenage girls start wearing skimpy shorts at puberty? And I am going to accept your answer as they are just expressing their sexuality, which is their Human Right. Wrong! It is Hormone surges in their that is forcing them to express their sexuality. Why? What do you think?

So the reason why I blame Humanism again is because Humanism teaches children to explore and express their feelings. Now think of instances where they may have hormone imbalances that confuse their sexuality. All of a sudden we get upset because we don’t like being embarrassed by our children’s choices when you told them to be happy.

How to handle Teenagers who are experiencing hyper-sexual behaviors that are brought on by hormone surges. Hyper-sexual behavior in Teens is very hard to manage because of peer pressure. Their surging hormone levels affect their decision-making skills leaving them over emotional and susceptible to peer pressure. In such a state teenagers will follow and do things that go against the morals we try to instill in them.

The only way to change a teen’s behavior is to target their Conscience; unfortunately most parents do it wrong. Most parents use shame or to try to change behavior. A more effective method would be to teach them the about how their emotions actually work.

If you don’t know how your emotions work you can begin by recognizing that Life is a single entity in the process of developing self-awareness. It uses hormones to power reward mechanisms that drive our will to survive and thrive as a species. Without Conscience we couldn’t develop the self-awareness to know right from wrong.

I am Life, you are Life, and everything living in symbiosis in this biosphere we call is Life. Become a student of Life by becoming self-aware and in you will be able to understand and assist your teenager with Hormone surges such as those we see in Malia Obama