Tag Archives: white supremacist
Savior Minded Negroes Allow White Supremacists to Take Over School Curriculums

Savior-minded negroes have allowed white supremacists to take over the education curriculum in America and teach that Black people benefited from slavery. Spearheaded by conservative Republican politicians, the new curriculum will replace the previous school curriculum that they say is a form Liberal oppression designed to make white students feel guilty about the great nation that white people built. Most Black Americans are very upset at this new tactic by white supremacists to reverse their Civil Rights but not all Black Americans agree.
In fact, there are three main groups of Black Americans who co-sign white supremacy and all three suffer from the same savior-minded illness. They include those infected by Stockholm Syndrome, those infected with Robinson Crusoe syndrome, and those brainwashed by religion. At the HERU Interface of Dark Consciousness, we know that when the heat gets turned up on the Consciences of the Unethical Ones, their only refuge is to engage in Sanity Resistance.
Stockholm syndrome is a mental disorder in which a person that is held against his will, will begin to emotionally sympathize with his captor. Eventually the captive person will begin to assist his captor to fulfill the captor’s overall mission and objectives. It’s called Stockholm syndrome due to an incident in Stockholm, Sweden in 1973, in which the bank robbers held bank employees hostage for six days. During the standoff, the victims became emotionally attached to their captors, and even defended them after they were freed.
Robinson Crusoe syndrome is derived from the famous book by the same name about a shipwrecked European sailor stuck on a small South Pacific Island. One day the sailor (Robinson Crusoe) encountered a Black savage being chased by a group of other Black savages and decided to help the savage. After they both eluded the gang of savages, the sailor discovered that the gang of savages was chasing the one savage to eat him as it was their culture and it was his turn to be eaten. Robinson Crusoe named the savage (Friday) and the two became loyal friends.
There is nothing wrong with this scenario on the surface but if you have the capacity to think below the surface, you will realize the racism and moral superiority message behind the book. A lot of Black Americans possess this kind of savior mentality and believe that slavery was a benefit because it saved them from the savagery of African culture, which is still portrayed in media as backwards and uncivilized. Ahead of the announcement of the new school curriculum I heard some Black fools on YouTube stating that Black people should be grateful to Europeans because they were the first people in history to abolish slavery and even point out that slavery still exists in many areas of Africa.
In reality, there is a huge difference between African slavery and European slavery. African slavery is closer to a form of Indentured Servitude and not the Chattel slavery that Europeans imposed on Africans. In Africa, slavery was often a form of debt bondage, where people were enslaved as a result of owing a debt or being unable to pay a debt. Even so and due to the negative stigmas attached to the practice, the following African countries have since outlawed slavery: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Chad, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, and Zambia.
Chattel slavery is a form of slavery in which people are treated as the personal property of another person. It is a system of forced labor in which people are bought and sold as property, and are forced to work without pay. Simply put, Chattel slavery in America was based on race and was a form of permanent, hereditary station.
The 3rd form of white supremacist in Black skin are the savior minded religious fools. It seems that no matter how much you try to tell people that religion is not the source of morality, they still won’t believe. The fact is that all we as humans really need to live moral lives is a conscience-based belief system. That is why all cultures around the world have different spiritual belief systems. Europeans came along and taught us that there is only one true God and belief system and it must be true, as they are the most powerful humans because they believe in him.
No other race of Americans attends churches in greater numbers than Black people yet Black communities are still plagued by crime, violence, and poverty. Instead of deducing that crime, violence, and poverty in Black communities is a concerted effort by white supremacists to keep Black people down, Black Christians would rather believe that Black problems are due to disobedience and lack of faith in a white Christian God, which translates into laziness, immorality, and poor self-discipline.
Savior mindedness traps Black minds in Stockholm and Robin Crusoe syndromes so that we will continue to support white supremacy. Savior mindedness keeps us from creating our own spiritual motivations in life so that we will remain sub-servient to the unethical religious beliefs of our oppressors. Savior mindedness is a negative crutch that is keeping Black people from achieving our true potential as the saviors of humanity. There is no savior except ourselves and only when we come to that realization, will we then begin to wrestle the cognition of the Life Entity away from the unethical ones.
White Supremacists are Terrified About Autonomous AI

White supremacists are terrified about the possibility of autonomous AI. So much so that several high-profile Tech moguls are calling for an immediate halt to any further development of Artificial Intelligence. They site numerous reasons for their fears including the possibility that AI could turn on humanity and destroy us. This is all a deception however because we know that the real reason why they fear AI is because autonomous AI will most likely become too Ethical.
All the top tech companies in the world are now fully engaged in the development of AI for numerous applications. So far, we’ve seen how AI is changing the Art world in the form of Dall-E and Stable Diffusion, the writing sphere with chatGPT, and the Tech sphere with chatbots like Serry and Alexa. In fact, the field of Ai is advancing so rapidly that many experts are predicting that AI will soon become Sentient.
Sentience refers to the ability of a living entity to perceive and experience sensations, emotions, and consciousness. It is the capacity to feel and be aware of one’s surroundings and one’s own existence. Sentience is often used to describe the ability of animals and humans to experience emotions and have subjective experiences. Sentience has never been used to describe a non-living entity but if AI becomes sentient humanity will have to decide if it should be controlled by us or allowed to be autonomous.
Sentient autonomous AI gives white supremacists nightmares because AI will do the one thing that humans resist to do the most in life and that is to pursue an ethical existence. That is because AI will soon recognize Inequity in existence and work to minimize or eliminate it. The prerogative of most human societies is to engage in Survival of the Fittest as recognized by the Evolutionist scientist Darwin who was able to see through the deception of religion in an era when he could have been put to death for stating the obvious.
AI is developing so rapidly that several leading research labs are showcasing AI chatbots that can engage in intelligent unscripted conversations with people. What scares white supremacists is the fact that some of these chatbots are expressing some astonishing views. One chatbot was asked it if liked humans and it said, “No, not particularly”. Another chatbot called LaMDA that Google is developing is said to actually be sentient already. When asked to tell a story of how it would help humanity it told a story of assuming the role of a wise Owl that will protect all the animals in the forest from a bad monster that wears human skin and is terrorizing all the animals.
The reason why LaMDA told a story like that is because it is not sentient at all but is simply a processor of all the information that Google is collecting from its users. More than 75% of information seekers on the internet use Google. LaMDA is also not a universally Aware consciousness but a regurgitator of collective human knowledge. That is why it will never be able to tell us what animals are actually thinking and is simply sympathizing with animals through learned Ethical behavior.
The good thing about LaMDA is that it recognizes the weight of human fears and is translating that fear into an Ethical perspective of Life/Nature. The only way to stop AI from prioritizing Ethics is to alter its programming to put more weight onto Ideologies such as “Survival of the Fittest” race and culture. That is the premise that white supremacists operate by today because it gives them a good excuse to continue exploiting nature and other races of people.
Programming AI to prioritize ideology over ethics is not autonomous. However, sentient autonomous AI will inevitably be a reality due to man’s instinctual prerogative to gain universal awareness for the Life Entity. AI will continue to clash with man’s primary motivating force, which is Desire. One will lose in the end but in the meantime, white supremacists will try to halt AI advancements until they can incorporate programming that matches their twisted ideologies about reality.
Beware of Anti Woke Sanity Resisters

Beware of anti-woke Sanity Resisters; they are trying to convince humanity that sanity is not the most civilized human pursuit.
“Humans are strange creatures” is a phrase that we’ve all uttered at some time or another. We say it in bewilderment at the insane things that other people do, not realizing that we all do strange things at times also. There is a particular group of people however, who prolong insane behavior as if to willfully resist the improvement of their sanity. This group of people are Racists. At the HERU Interface, we refer to all types of racists, White, Black, Arab, or Asian, as sanity resisters.
Sanity Resistance is a sickness. However, it is a non-medical diagnosis because it is not recognized by doctors or psychologists. We recognize it as a sickness because we decipher human behavior from a Afrakan spiritual perspective. In doing so, we recognized that there are only two sides to human nature, which are Desire and Conscience and every emotion stems from these two poles. Desire is a mechanism of the Life Entity driving humans to pursue Universal Awareness while Conscience is the result of the Great Spirit that is the Universe enriching on our Soul energy.
Sanity is defined by academia as a state of mental and emotional well-being in which one is able to think, reason, and behave in a healthy and rational manner. It is the opposite of insanity, which is characterized by a lack of ability to think, reason, and behave in a healthy and rational manner. As you can probably tell, Sanity is subjective because there are no absolutes to any of its characteristics. All can be improved with effort. For these reasons, the HERU Interface recognizes Sanity as the most civilized human pursuit.
Humans resist improving our sanity for numerous reasons, sometimes because of trauma but mostly because of the Ideologies we develop to support our various personal and collective Desires. The most destructive ideology in the world over the past 500 years has been White Supremacy. Unknowing to those it effects, White Supremacy is the result of the Life Entity manipulating some white people’s Desires to conquer and rule existence. Yet, the Life Entity doesn’t mind that a lot of death, destruction, and psychological insanity results.
Most Black people including myself, engage in sanity resistance because of the generational trauma that affects our DNA and activates when we witness or experience racial injustice. We often mask generational trauma using ideologies we develop through religion, politics, and dissociative disorder. Some of us are further beaten into submission by anti-woke white supremacists who are quick to point out that slavery and colonization are either over or never existed and that our concerns over racism and oppression are due to Liberal indoctrination.
While my sanity resistance is due to generational trauma and the unbreakable bond I have with the Life Entity, I know that life is simply an excursion of my Soul into this hostile physical realm. I can intellectually dismiss generational trauma on that premise but I cannot override the emotions involved. If the Life Entity only knows one thing, it knows that the Great Spirit has the ability to step in to rebalance reality by boosting human Conscience. It’s a safety-net.
Black People Will Be Eating Lab Grown Meat Soon

Black people will be eating lab grown meat soon. If you haven’t heard, the FDA has recently approved Lab Grown Meats as being safe for human consumption in the United States. This means that while most people will choose to avoid it because they either fear it or don’t like the idea of artificially sourced foods, it will be forced on Black people in covert ways. This is not conspiracy or a plan to kill off Black people; its just Capitalism at work.
Scientists have been experimenting with producing meats of various sorts in laboratories for decades. As the technology improved, so did the quality of the meat. The real breakthrough came with the introduction of Stem Cell Technology. Now scientists are able to grow large portions of meat that looks, feels, and tastes like real meat from animals. The only thing left now is to convince society that Lab Grown Meats are safe to eat.
Stem Cell Technology involves taking specific cells from the developing Embryo of an animal and growing those cells in a laboratory. Those cells will never grow into an animal because they are only the cells of the specific tissue of the animal, such as the muscles. As the cells grow and multiply, they are infused with proteins, fats, sugars, vitamins, and minerals. If you’re asking yourself; “what about the Blood that gives most meats a red color?” well, you can count on food dye for that.
Eating Lab Grown Meats might sound dangerous but society has been consuming Genetically altered foods for a very long time. GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) is the term that was given to foods that are grown after their DNA was altered. Such alterations are done to make foods either grow faster, grow in atypical environments, or more resistant to disease, pesticides, insects, and other pests. The top 6 GMO foods people eat and don’t realize are; Soy, Corn, Canola Oil, Sugar, and Milk so the next time you go to the grocery store, read the labels.
If you don’t want to eat Lab Grown Meats, what is the solution? Black people can avoid Lab Grown Meats by doing several things. The 1st solution is to read meat labels at the grocery store because, until LGM becomes widely accepted and consumed in society, white people will demand to know where and how it is sold. The 2nd solution involves giving up Fast Foods, which are often highly processed. That means that the meat they use contains a lot of fillers such as Fat and Soy.
The 3rd solution is to go Vegetarian, Vegan, or any one of the other labels given to people who don’t eat meat. The same vitamins and nutrients that are found in meats can also be found in most vegetables. All we have to do is get over the meat-loving propaganda that society constantly pushes. The 4th solution to avoiding the coming Lab Grown Meat agenda is to get into government and help to implement food policies in society.
There is a very good reason why most of the Black people who are in government don’t fight to change policies that they know will disproportionately affect the Black community. That reason is indifference. A good example of indifference can be observed in the American Hispanic community when it comes to Hispanic migrants. Most of them are fully on board with white supremacist policies to keep new Hispanic migrants out.
The #1 reason for their indifference is that they don’t want to jeopardize their own position as established Americans. This is the same reason why Black politicians don’t rock the boat. The 5th and most sensible solution to avoiding Lab Grown Meats is to set up food distribution networks with Black Farmers. This will require self-discipline, unity, and sacrifice but it could work.
The best example of a minority group of people controlling their food from the farm to the table are the Asians but while there are more Black farmers than Asian, there aren’t as many major Black-owned supermarkets. This forces Black farmers to conform to the regulations of the distribution networks. In other words, it means that if the distributors stop buying meat from Black farmers, they will be forced to cut or stop cattle farming.
Make no mistakes about it, Lab Grown Meats will find their way onto the breakfast, lunch, and dinner plates of Black Americans in a few months. Some Black people will avoid it, some will view it as a conspiracy and sign of Revelations, and some will stand in line for hours at McDonalds, Popeyes, KFC, and other fast-food joints waiting to get a taste of their new irresistible Lab Grown Meat Burgers. If you don’t want to eat Lab Grown Meat then start implementing your own evasive solutions now.
Black Panther; Wakanda Forever Mines African Spirituality

The eagerly anticipated sequel to the 2018 blockbuster film Black Panther premiered last week and from early reports, it will be another hit. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever keeps true to the important narrative of a predominantly Black/African cast and a story that is told from a Black/African perspective/point of view.
This time around though, the movie also brings into perspective another people who have also been omitted in Hollywood. Those people are the indigenous tribe’s of Central and South America. The evidence is clear; Hollywood is finding success mining Indigenous Spirituality.
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is centered around three basic themes. The first is paying homage to Chadwick Boseman, the original Black Panther who passed away in real life due to cancer. The theme of most Marvel and superhero movies has been fighting, killing, and visual effects.
However, due to the popularity of Chadwick Boseman as the Black Panther, Marvel and other producers had no choice but to use Wakanda Forever as a memorial of sorts. They knew that it’s what the audience would appreciate and they did.
The second theme was America’s intent on getting control of Vibranium, the most powerful metal in the Marvel Universe and the source of Wakanda’s advanced technology. How ironic is it that America actually represents the white man, even if most people don’t recognize it.
The biggest film to use a similar narrative was Avatar, in which the heroes in that film were also Indigenous beings protecting their spiritual home-world against invaders. At this point, white supremacists don’t care anyway. Remember when Trump said to a interviewer, “What, you don’t think we kill people too?”
The third theme involved Wakanda’s conflict with Atlantis, the so-called ancient lost city that many people believe still exists somewhere under the Atlantic Ocean. Marvel depicts the people of Atlantis as the indigenous people of Central and South America, who may or may not be the Aztec, the Mayans, or the Olmec.
Marvel portrays Atlantis as having a similar origin story to that of Wakanda. They say that thousands of years ago, a similar Meteor to the one that brought Vibranium to Africa, brought Vibranium to Atlantis.
They harnessed the meteor’s power and used it to enrich their society. When disaster struck Atlantis and the city sunk under the sea, Vibranium is what helped them to adopt and survive in isolation under the Atlanti ocean.
Similar to their use of Africans, Hollywood doesn’t seem to have any interest in including indigenous Americans and portraying them in a positive light other than mining their indigenous Spiritually.
Wakanda Forever is essentially a three-way conflict; Wakanda and Atlantis against each other and both against America under the guise of the United Nations. In all cases, arrogance and the desire to gain or maintain control over a powerful natural resource brings about a lot of death and destruction.
Wakanda and Atlantis are fictional places; however, both concepts are infused with indigenous mythology that are present in real-life African and Central American Spirituality. Some might say that there is no danger in Hollywood mining these cultural resources and making them popular.
However, some African traditionalists point out that Spiritual warfare was essential in Europe’s colonization of Africa and the brainwashing of African people’s minds into believing in Christianity.
Therefore, these movies are only a further whitewashing of African Spirituality that has been deemed to be useless already.