Tag Archives: unconscious
Brother Polight is Not Spiritually Conscious
Brother Polight is not spiritually conscious, which is why he, like most ghetto scholars, cannot control their desires.
As most people familiar with the Black Conscious community would know; Brother Polight is currently in very serious legal trouble due to allegations that he sexually assaulted the 14-year-old daughter of one of his mistresses. Recent reports are that he has now been convicted of the crime and has been sentenced to seven years in prison. The truth of this matter will be revealed in time but it won’t change our long-held assessment that Brother Polight is not Spiritually Conscious and it is his lack of spiritual consciousness that has gotten him in moral and legal trouble.
Brother Polight became famous as a champion debater within the Black Consciousness community. The reasons why his fans loved him were many but perhaps the main reason was because of his intellect. He speaks several languages, he is well versed in religious and Kemetic knowledge, and he was a prolific writer who wrote dozens of books. The one thing that set him apart from most other Ghetto scholars though, was his open polygamist lifestyle.
Polygamy is the practice of having more than one spouse at the same time. It is an age-old tradition that is commonly practiced in cultures that follow polytheistic religions. Cultures that follow Judeo-Christian religions do not practice Polygamy; therefore, it is illegal in most countries, including the United States. Most Black men do not have a moral issue with Polygamy. In fact, most of us in the West either practice it outside of marriage or wish we could move to places where it is legal.
If you’re reading this and you’re anticipating that we’re going to say that Brother Polight is spiritually unconscious because of his polygamous lifestyle you are on the right tract but hear us out. You need to understand what spiritual consciousness really is. The dictionary definition of consciousness is a mental state of being aware of one’s environment and one’s own thoughts and feelings. It is the ability to experience and perceive the world around us, and to think, reason, and remember our physical and mental place inside the whole the consensus as termed reality. The Black community’s two main definitions of consciousness are Black racial and cultural awareness and moral uprightness.
Dohgon Spirituality goes even deeper and defines consciousness, or cognition as the passing of Neurons between our two brain hemispheres, which generates a Mind-field. When a mind field is present, our mind will then function under the influence of two mechanisms; Desire and Conscience. Desire is an instinctual mechanism of life, while Conscience is the energy of the Great Spirit that is the universe acting on our Mind -field to encourage the regulation of the Desire Mechanism.
When asked why he was polygamous, Brother Polight stated in one of his videos that it was a natural Desire of his and since his research showed that polygamy was a normal African tradition, he will continue to fulfill his desires. This is the problem that we at the HERU Interface of Dark Consciousness have with cultural traditions. Just because our ancestors practiced certain things doesn’t make them right to continue or re-establish in our present-day lifestyles. Our ancestors had many cultural practices, which if they were inspired by the Great Spirit that is the Universe, could not have been erased by time and colonization.
Most Black Consciousness ghetto scholars do not understand human Desire; therefore, most will see the demise of Brother Polight and not understand how his lack of spiritual consciousness actually led to his sexual perversions. In fact, lack of spiritual consciousness is also what led to the downfall of Young Pharaoh because all white supremacists had to do was figure out what his Desires were and exploit them. Uncontrolled desire leads to low Self-discipline, which is also a sign of a weak conscience. A weak conscience is a sign of a weak connection with the Great Spirit that is the Universe.
Military Coup in Russia Is Forced Reality
What does a military coup in Russia mean to Spiritually Conscious Black people? It shouldn’t mean anything if we already understand the propensities of unconscious and unethical people. To us it’s forced reality.
On Friday, June 23rd, news broke that there was a military coup taking place in Russia. However, as of midday Saturday, the coup was apparently called off. Infamous mercenary leader, Yevgeny Prigozhin, had ordered his Wagner PMC organization to make their way to Moscow to “restore order”, as he says after participating in the criminal invasion of Ukraine but not getting enough support from Russia’s military leaders. Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, had ordered the arrest of Yevgeny Prigozhin and the disbanding of Wagner; however, it seems that both sides have now come to some sort of agreement to stand down.
Unconscious religious and spiritless people got very anxious over the 24 hours crisis. After all, religious people were already anticipating the coming of Armageddon. The only problem is that they fear death and worry that their God won’t resurrect them to eternal life like their religion promises. Spiritless people were also very worried about the end of their happiness because, just like they fear that Putin will launch nuclear weapons on Ukraine and trigger a global nuclear war, they also fear that who ever takes over Russia will only carry on the same war-mongering behavior.
Conscious Black people don’t fear the ways of unethical people. We know that life is eternal and death is only a transition from one reality to another. We also know that HERU (Highest Exponential Reasoning and understanding) is the only factor that can change the various realities we encounter. We can choose to either rule the realities we “come to awareness” in or we can choose to stay asleep and let the reality of our existence rule us. As awoken Souls, we’ve chosen to code this reality for those who will come after us.
Forced Reality is a situation in which unconscious people try with all their might to override the natural progression of life towards a Sane existence. They see no good in understanding the faults of life unless it directly affects them. Examples of forced reality operators are conservative politicians, lawmakers, and elites in many areas of the world and especially America. They will claim to be Sane but will engage in racism, discrimination, and xenophobia at the drop of a dime. They control the world by psychological manipulation and deception believing that life is for the strong and powerful.
Some unethical ones are now theorizing that they might be living in a “simulation” and are not the results of an accident of chance or the gift of a worshiper-seeking god. The only problem is that because they cannot see a way to rule and commodify their theories, they won’t explore them. Simulation Theory is the right track but the truth will require the abandoning of ideologies that result in desires for war and conquest like the conditions we are witnessing in places like Ukraine and Russia today.
Hate is a Form of Happiness
They say hate is the opposite of love but that’s not true; hate is actually a form of happiness. This statement can be validated by the universal truism, “people love to hate”. Love itself is the epitome of happiness and not a polar attribute of human behavior. The only two polar attributes of human behavior are Conscience and Desire.
There were numerous incidents in the news this past week that support my belief that hate is a form of happiness but I will focus on just two in particular. The first incident involved the voting in of the first Black female Supreme Court Judge in American history. Republican Senators tried their darndest to block her appointment from the very moment her name came up as a candidate and there are only two reasons why.
The two reason why Republicans hate Ketanji Brown-Jackson is because she is Black and she is not a conscious supporter of white supremacy. She does unconsciously support white supremacy but that is a topic for a separate discussion. You could actually see the hate bubbling up in Republican Senator’s faces like pimples and hear the poisonous venom in their speeches and comments.
If you don’t live in an environment of racial hate, it might make you wonder how people can maintain such hate. You might even believe within yourself that such behavior is making those people sick but when you think about the hundreds of years and generations of hate that they have maintained then you will understand that, to them, hate has become a form of happiness.
The second incident that supports my belief that hate is a form of happiness is the killing of Ukrainian civilians by Russian troops. I promised myself that I wouldn’t write about the Russia-Ukraine war anymore because there is no benefit for Black people except to learn about human nature. Unfortunately, most Black people are too busy trying to survive than to worry about the risks we have to endure in foreign lands and against White, Arab, and Asian supremacists.
The result is that we get trapped by adopting the ideologies other Races indoctrinate us with and that they project into the world. Now I see Black people trying to defend Russia because of the personal hate they harbor for White America. White supremacists have been oppressing us so long that of course our hate for them is justified. Unfortunately, Russia “sticking it to the American Empire” by way of annexing Ukraine is a form of Black happiness that we somehow believe will benefit us in the long run.
Let’s analyze the truth of the Russia Ukraine war. The Russian narrative in the war is that they are trying to defend themselves against American and Western aggression. They say they don’t want Ukraine to join NATO because it would allow America to place their military closer to the Russian border, which is an existential threat. Nonsense! Russia is the largest country in the world but unfortunately, they are far from being the most economically prosperous.
There are only two reasons why Russia fears American and none involve military power. The truth is that Russia only fears America culturally and economically. America’s greatest economic resource is Technology, which they export to foreign lands through business development. Setting up businesses in foreign lands has the residual effect of influencing the culture of those regions. Eventually, the people of those regions become open to the idea of “pursuing individual happiness” instead of being subjected to government regulated Socialism or Dictatorship.
The real question we should all be pondering before we choose sides in other people’s conflicts is how will being happy for one side or the other rest with our Conscience. If we desire to keep using hate as a form of happiness then we will only continue to dwell in the same pit as the white supremacists in black and white face who permeate American politics. That doesn’t mean that we should forgive and forget as their religions tells us to do but they don’t do, it simply means that we should focus on more conscientious ways of generating happiness.
Afrakans are the most Genetically Advanced Humans
Afrakans are the most genetically advanced humans. This is a scientific fact that most people don’t know about because schools don’t teach it, the news doesn’t spread it, and the information is not available to 99% of the population. The organizations that discovered this astonishing scientific fact have suppressed the widespread distribution of this information from the world for several reasons; the most crucial being the fact that it goes against the globally accepted scientific theory of Evolution.
In the early 1990s, Geneticists from nine prominent universities around the world were assembled by the American Association for the Advancement of Science to work on a special project headed by Yale University. The Human Genome sequencing project was already well under way and new discoveries in DNA science were being made every day. The goal of this particular group was to take the new DNA discoveries and study the genetic differences between the racial groups of the world. In 1996 the organization patented and copywrited the group’s findings however, it was never publicized.
Several years later, DR Edward Robinson, a Black research scientist stumbled upon the research document and discovered the shocking secret behind its suppression. DR Robinson pointed out that the document was clouded in scientific jargon so unless you are a Geneticist, you will never be able to understand it. Although he understood it, he took it to several other colleagues to confirm what he found. What he found was that the document revealed that Afrakans possessed the most advanced DNA of all the racial groups of the planet.
The document is called; Global Patterns of Linkage Disequilibrium at the CD4 Locus and Modern Human Origins and it can be found here; www.nature.com/articles/5201368
DR Robinson then went on to research the Geneticists involved and the organization that employed them. He discovered that during their research in studying the DNA of the various races and cultures of the world, the Geneticists formulated a theory based on their preliminary findings, that different groups and races of people have small differences in their DNA. They found that although the different people of different races they tested all had 6 DNA series, the number of DNA within each Series is different. Whites have a particular number of DNA in a Series and Asians have a different number of DNA in a Series. They formulated a theory that the greater the number of DNA in a Series that exists within a group, it’s the smarter a person of that group has the potential to be and it’s the greater the probability of genius within people of that group.
Having blinders on that bound them to the scientific theory of Evolution, the Geneticists decided to test their new DNA Series theory by extrapolating it to include our nearest DNA relatives, Primates. They tested Orangutang DNA and found it only has 3 DNA series. They tested Gorilla DNA and found it has 4 DNA series. They tested Chimpanzee DNA, which is an Ape and found that it has 5 DNA series. At this point they were very happy because they already knew that Apes are smarter than Gorillas and Orangutangs and humans are way smarter than all of them.
The next step in the Geneticists research was to study the DNA of all the different races and cultural groups all across the world. They tested the DNA of Europeans from the English, French, and Germans over to the Russians and found they all had 6 DNA Series. They tested the DNA of all Asians, South Asians, Australians, and Polynesians and the results were the same. They tested the DNA of Native Americans from Eskimos in the north to the natives of South America and placed their findings from around the world on a map and called the map the “Intelligence map of the world”.
In all, they tested 116 different human groups and found their DNA series numbers. They found that all the groups from all over the world have 6 DNA series but when they finally went into Africa they were blown away because all the people of Sub-Saharan Africa (Afrakans) had 9 DNA series. It is important to note that Afrakans are different from North Africans, who originate from the Middle East and all have 6 DNA Series. The Geneticists were stunned so they concluded their research without presenting any new theory on the significance or importance of the number of DNA Series in determining the intelligence of racial groups.
We don’t have to guess why the findings that Sub-Saharans (Afrakans) have a significantly higher number of DNA Series than all the other racial groups of the world means. It threatens to disqualify the theory of human Evolution itself, which states that humans evolved from Primates. Evolutionary theorizes that Apes evolved into humans in Africa and other humans evolved from Afrakans. If the theory of Evolution is correct then how could Afrakans have a more advanced DNA structure than non-Afrakans?
DR. Edward Robinson gives his own theory on how such an anomaly is possible. He states that God made humans and placed them into the “Womb” that is Africa to develop into fully mature beings. Some humans left the womb too early so they never developed Melanin. Instead, their bodies compensated for their lack of Melanin by developing adaptations to suit the various environments they found themselves in. Those adaptations affected their physical as well as their emotional characteristics. According to him, this also answers the ago-old question of how Afrakans are able to survive the adversity of hundreds of years of slavery, colonization, and discrimination without completely collapsing as a race. Its because we have the psychological capacity to handle it, he states.
I’m not a Geneticists but I can use my Afrakan Intelligence to extract common sense from knowledge that is presented to me. I do not ascribe to religion, Gods, or Evolutionary theory; therefore, I have my own opinion on why Afrakan DNA is more complex than other humans. Melanin is a hormone that protects the skin from the harsh effects of the Sun however, no matter how many generations white people live in Sub-Saharan Africa they will never develop Myelinated skin. That is why North African Arabs still have pale skin after living on the African continent for centuries.
Afrakan DNA grew in complexity because we have a greater connection with the Spiritual essence of the Universe through our Pineal Gland. The Pineal Glands of people of other races are Calcified and a Calcified Pineal Gland cannot produce Melatonin properly. Melatonin is a hormone that repairs and enhances DNA. Melatonin does not necessarily make people smarter or we wouldn’t still be enslaved by the centuries of religious and cultural indoctrinations inflicted on us by other races. In fact, some of the smartest Afrakans still believe that a white God is their lord and savior. Melatonin simply makes us more resilient in the face of adversity.
Afrakans can avoid DNA deterioration by maintaining de-Calcified Pineal Glands. This is achieved by reducing white-noise radiation, which are the artificial noise, light, and smells from technology. Avoid unethical religions and cults that steer our minds toward selfishness and the exploitation of other people. Avoid eating foods that are a pleasure to your taste but which are no good to the Cells of your body so they cause disease. Respect the importance of darkness, which is an essential condition in the Pineal Gland’s production of Melatonin. Sleep in complete darkness and void of other unconscious sensory stimulations.
Respect to the Not Fucking Around Coalition (NFAC)
As a Black person looking in from the outside, I say respect to the NFAC Black Armed Militia for bringing much needed muscle to the Civil Rights movement in America. Its time to end the political, legal, and social hypocrisies that racists are using to oppress Black Americans.
There exists a deep hypocritical chasm in America. The scope of this hypocritical chasm can be likened to an actual chasm such as the Grand Canyon. This chasm opened as a result of the immoral nature of humans to enslave and exploit each other. Slavery ended in America 150 years ago but instead of coming to their senses and work to heal racial injustice against Black Americans, white racists have prolonged racism using politics, economics, and Law enforcement.
Hypocrisy is defined as a pretense of having a virtuous or moral character when you actually don’t. Hypocrisy can therefore be applied to all aspects of human behavior. Racists operate hypocritically by implementing policies that limit the ability of Black Americans to participate in the political system. They operate hypocritically in the courts by punishing Blacks more harshly than whites for the same crimes. They operate hypocritically in business by promoting whites with less qualifications over Blacks and the list goes on.
Black Americans have been fighting to live according to the same Rights as white Americans since the end of Slavery. Over that time Black Americans have had to fight for every Right they’ve gained due to the continued hypocritical and racist actions of a small but powerful group of whites. The power of these racist whites grew out of animosity over losing their political power to the North after the Civil War.
So, not only did they infiltrate and take over the Republican party, they formed Militia groups under the pretense of protecting themselves against the enormous power of the federal government. Every so often we see these white Militia groups in the news intimidating politicians who pass laws that they don’t like or that encroach on their Right to Bare Arms. When Black Americans protest injustice and police brutality white Militias also come out and try to intimidate Black people because most Police officers are also members of white Militias.
Well on July 4th 2020 America witnessed something they had never seen before. Hundreds of heavily armed Black men and women began to march in military formation along a road in Georgia. Their destination was Stone Mountain, the headquarters of the KKK, the most notorious terrorist group in American history. When most people saw the NFAC Black Militia they didn’t know what to think but the answer was simple; they were a Militia, a group of armed citizens with rights under the U.S Constitution to gather in defense of their community. Unlike most Militias we see in the media today comprised of white racists, this Militia was all Black.
The leader of the NFAC knows the Law and Constitution and how to use it effectively against racists and their hypocrisy. NFAC members are self-disciplined, well trained, and determined to carry out their mission of defending the Rights of Black Americans just like the white Militias. I’ve always said; the more we develop pride in our Race it’s the more we will be willing to sacrifice our freedom and our life for our Race. The longer we wait to take our place as a self determinate Race, our children will continue to suffer at the hands of racists.
I’m sure that racists in government, intelligence agencies, law enforcement, and our own jealous Black people who believe that they are not Afrakan are hard at work devising strategies to take down the NFAC. They will use technicalities in the Law, infiltration and sabotage, and misinformation in the Black community to sew fear against associating with the NFAC. They will use unconscious Desire Dependent Black people to frame NFAC members and they will try to limit information about the organization by threatening to defund Black Media.
Black people want the same things in life as any other race of people. Most of all, we want to be happy. However, life has shown us that happiness is nothing without Fairness, Equity, and Accountability. That is why no matter what country we exist in our happiness is always compromised by unethical people. The Heru Interface of Black Consciousness supports anyone who stands for Ethics over Hypocrisy. That is why we respect and support the initiatives of the NFAC.
How To Knock Out Your COVID-19 Fears
How to knock-out your COVID-19 fears, lower your anxiety levels and gain renewed optimism about life in general. The HERU Interface is a new Afrakan Spiritual belief system that is helping Black people discover who they really are and what their true purpose as a human being is. This is essential information that will help us survive the challenges of this new age.
COVID-19 is a viral epidemic that the world has not experienced in generations. It has even been deemed a pandemic by the World Health Organization due to the fact that it has spread all around the world. Entire countries are being locked down and their citizens are being urged to stay in isolation to prevent spreading or becoming infected by the virus.
People’s fears and anxiety have risen to just below the level of panic and hysteria so governments are doing their best to maintain social order in their various countries. The primary cause of all the fear and anxiety is a general lack of knowledge about the virus, how it is spreading, and how to prevent contracting it. Second to that, most people are searching for ways to ease their fears and anxiety until the virus disappears.
As knowledge about the virus grows, people are becoming more equipped to fight it. “Fear of death”, is a human instinct that is actively warning individuals to not become too complacent or gullible about the severity of the sickness. In order to alleviate fear and anxiety, most people are turning to their various religions. Unfortunately, most religions in the world today are so senseless that they are literally dangerous to our health.
Religion is one of humanity’s most powerful creations. It is a belief that an all-powerful God is guiding the lives of humans therefore, that God deserves to be praised. The psychological effect of religious belief fosters many good behaviors in humans but it also causes many bad behaviors such as wars, hatred, and religious self righteousness, which leads to forced religious indoctrination.
The most dangerous behavior encouraged by religious belief is the reliance on Faith rather than Scientific Facts. In a time where we see entire nations being quarantined to prevent people from interacting with each other and spreading the virus, there are religious leaders who are encouraging their followers to gather in churches, mosques, and other places of worship because their faith in God will protect them.
If your Common Sense is pulling you away from the senseless behavior of religious people and you are seeking an alternative Spiritual belief system that is guaranteed to alleviate all the fears and anxiety you will ever have in life, I invite you to check out the HERU Interface. It is not a religion or cult since there is no membership to join. There is also no God, Idol, or Deity to worship, praise, or covet favor from. The HERU Interface is a new way of thinking and perceiving life.
Based on the acronym Highest Exponential Reasoning and Understanding, the HERU Interface encourages the active use of one’s Conscience to manage one’s Desires. Most people find this to be a difficult task due to the fact that we have been trained to function using a “survival of the fittest” mentality that encourages an all-out “pursuit of Happiness” but once you understand what you are, it becomes an easy task.
What are you?
You are the physical incarnation of a Spiritual omnipotent being. Every living organism has 3 distinct properties; physical, Soul, and Spirit. Your Physical body is a chemical structure that is born, grows to maturity, and dies. Your Soul is an energy field that is generated by your Spirit while it inhabits your body. Your Spirit is your omnipotent energy that also forms the collective intelligence that is the Universe.
Why do people not know what they are?
99% of people do not know what they are because one; they do not pay attention to their Spirit and two; they do not know the language of their Spirit. Its like walking in the jungle and hearing Birds chirping when in actuality, the chirping is the tribes people warning each other of your presence. Spirit is pure energy and energy can only communicate by manipulating energy. Spirit is the voice of your conscience or the strange dreams your have.
Since our Spirit cannot directly communicate with us, we exist at the will of life and are susceptible to whatever life throws at us. We could get killed at any time or we could live to be a hundred years old. We could get raped or be a rapist, a murderer, a drug addict, or anything that our Desires produce or other people subject us to. Even worse, you could die a victim of another Spiritual incarnation such as a wild animal or Corona-virus.
Not to get too confusing but yes, a Coronavirus, just like any other living organism is a physical manifestation of a Spirit. A virus is not an evil thing; we just perceive it as evil because it is incompatible with us so it endangers our health. Spirits are incapable of being evil. They simply incarnate in whatever organism life is producing and operate according to the instincts that the Great Spirit dictates the lifeforms to be.
It is therefore up to us as conscious beings to regulate the number of dangerous organisms’ life is producing so that life will be a beneficial experience for all our future incarnations in this realm, we call Life. Imagine if Life only produced Viruses, Life would be short lived and useless and it may never diversify and develop into complex organisms.
What is your purpose?
Your primary purpose as a living Soul is to experience Life for all its worth because your Soul reincarnates. In one life you could be poor and in another life you could be rich. In one life you could be a dog and in one life you could be a virus. Would you rather experience life as a human or a virus? Your secondary purpose therefore is to try to make life a better place for the next time you return.
There is a great awakening happening in the world. You can either learn how to join in this awakening or you can remain tied to the unfulfilling cycles of life. Remain tied to life and continue to comfort your fears with religion while you pursue happiness. You will never know any better but it wont matter because “ignorance is bliss”.
A better choice is to join the great awakening and be comforted by knowing that you are a Spirit that can never die. You can experience life over and over and experience increased joy each time but only if you begin to fight the devilish ways of unconscious people who are manipulating life in devilish ways to cause life to produce killer viruses like Covid-19.
Simply knowing the truth of your existence won’t help you unless you increase your knowledge about the world. Learn about the devilish ways of unconscious people and how to disarm them as you protect yourself against their evil ways. Their Soul is evil because of the state of life and not their Spirit so lets take the Bull that is life by the horn and steer it in a more ethical direction.
Understanding the Essence of the “Black is Beautiful” Movement
Understanding the essence of the “Black is Beautiful” movement.
Does Life work against Black people? The short answer is yes! But there is a reason for this and we can learn to overcome this condition by learning to understand Life.
The psychological instincts of human nature force us to seek happiness, conform to simplicity, and to relish beauty. Unfortunately, Life has not been kind to Black people because due to the unethical nature of other races, we have become pawns in other people’s quest for happiness, handicapped by forced complexity, and psychologically scarred by false ideals of beauty.
In order to overcome these challenges, we fought through slavery and continue to fight racism and discrimination. Mostly for our own psychological benefit but also to stop other races from using us to satisfy their own desires for happiness. We are educating ourselves and are often outperforming other races in business, politics, and entertainment.
We are also building self-sufficient nations no matter how others try to handicap us with Debt, financial bribery that creates Dictators that sell out the resources of our nations to enrich themselves, and by stoking tribal animosity to create war amongst ourselves. The only thing that we still struggle with is our self-esteem. That is why we need constant affirmation that “Black is Beautiful”.
Personally, I do not like the term “Black is Beautiful”. To me Black is powerful, intelligent, magnetic, electric, energetic, and potent. Beauty is associated with Desire, which is Right-Brained and unconscious. However, since Conscience is the only opposing force to Desire, affirming that “Black is Beautiful” is our Conscience encouraging us to control and redirect our Desires toward a love of self and race.
Self-hate is a disease that was ingrained in our Psyche over hundreds of years. It encourages most Black people to hate our racial features such as dark skin, tight curly hair, thick lips or broad noses. Most Black people therefor have adopted the belief that Happiness is achieved through lightening our skin, straightening or hair or getting surgery to reduce our noses, and lips.
We admire and idolize bi-racial people, which cripples the confidence of our young, especially our girls who are not equipped to handle dejection so they dwell in depression. Soon they consider themselves useless to society and either commit suicide or sell their bodies to fulfill the desires of men.
The mechanisms of Life are designed to ensure Life’s longevity. Learn to recognize them and control them but never let other people use them to control you or take away your happiness. Black men and women, take pride in your black skin; go ahead and declare that “Black is Beautiful”.