Tag Archives: time bubbles

Black Flat Earthers Are Disappointing

Black Flat Earthers are disappointing to observe on social media.

Of course there are more important things going on in the world besides debates about whether the Earth is Flat or Spherical. There is systemic police brutality and contaminated drinking water killing people in predominantly Black communities throughout America. There is also a new and deadly Zika Virus that is causing extreme panic throughout Central and South America as well as the Caribbean. However, there is something about the Flat Earth debate that exposes a deep problem with Black consciousness or the lack thereof.

From time to time we have noticed our people trying to push the belief that the Earth is a flat disk but the recent public rant by the rapper B.o.B has revealed that many Black people are willing to accept this “5000 year old false belief” as stated by astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. The funny thing is; most people don’t really know that Europeans “discovered” the Americas by mistake after hundreds of years of being bound to their shores by religious Flat Earth fears.

It is a fact that before Christopher Columbus got lost on his way to India all European sailors were scared to travel too far west in the ocean for fear of falling off the edge of a flat Earth. They were told by AfRAkans that the world was round but they didn’t believe. Eventually they learned that if they kept sailing west they would end up right back where they started. So is it god that tricks our minds through some sort of elaborate illusion to keep boats and planes safe? It may as well be because just like gods, Flat Earth is a fantasy.

Dohgon Cosmogony explains the Earth as being a sphere. It is spherical because it is trapped in the Ether of space, which consists of multidirectional waves of Pure Dark Energy. If you were to collapse a single wave you get a circle but a circle cannot exist in a 3 dimensional space. You couldn’t see it. It would exist outside of Space and Time. For Space/Time to exist multiple waves must collapse in a singularity, creating a Sphere or Bubble. Particles of Matter are Time Bubbles.

Dohgon Cosmogony also explains that the creation of the universe took place through a permutation process in which Pure Dark Energy Waves flux (cut into half waves) until particles form. The Earth is a macro example of a micro process that is initiated by Electro-Magnetic energy (Pure Dark Energy Waves), the Ether of the Universe. The Earth was not created by a fairytale god playing in a fantasy to create loyal free-will followers.

We are disappointed with the level of understanding of reality that most Black people today have and maintain as a form of comfort. We are also disappointed that our people seem to hate the white man so much that we are willing to believe he is responsible for maintaining a cloak of deception that is holding us back from progressing in life. If anything is holding us back it is an illusion of a paradise after death that is a reward for our “faithful” complacency in life.

Life demands that we should gain knowledge and not be complacent. When we are complacent we are overtaken by other organisms such as Ebola and Zika viruses that are more aggressive in their plight for survival. It is not just viruses and diseases that overtake the complacent; it is people too as is evident by slavery, discrimination, and economic exploitation. After-all; it is not people who believe in ancient myths but people who can perceive a spherical planet that are the leaders in science, medicine, and technology.



How To Survive The Decline Of The Piscean Interface

racial insanity

The operating system of human consciousness is severely corrupted and is guiding humanity on a course to its destruction.

When we think of operating systems we might think of computers and the programs that make them function such as Windows and Mac. These operating systems take the electronic Binary Code switching that the computers hardware does and converts it into a language that we can understand and easily manipulate.

Operating systems can become corrupted however and when they do we all know that a computer will not do what it was made to do. Human consciousness had an operating system centered on accountability until about 3000 years ago when that system became corrupted by the Pisces Interface.

The Piscean Interface is a system that forces humans to instead of being accountable to LIfe, exhibit selfishness and a desire to dominate and abuse Life because of a disconnection from it. This altered state of consciousness came about as a result of a cosmic cycle change that caused severe changes in the environment of the planet.

Furthermore, those environmental changes affected human consciousness by altering hormones in the brain that control the nervous system. Some humans lost the ability to concentrate so their consciousness began to operate by fear and coping mechanisms that made the Soul and Spirit appear as one and Time linear instead of being a Bubble.

Without Understanding there can be no True Knowledge and without Understanding there can be no Wisdom. That is how the Pisces Interface produced a condition that has led to the worshiping of unseen forces as gods. Human consciousness was altered into relying on hope, beliefs and faith in order to cope with the disconnection from the energies of the Universe that once powered human awareness.

The combination of Hope, Belief, and Faith produced religious systems that comfort humanity’s disconnection from nature. Today, instead of being accountable to nature most believe that they were given dominion over nature by the imaginary gods they created. They expend endless resources on their quest to find god particles and other planets in space to escape the damage they cause to the Earth.

The Piscean Interface drives the minds of its hosts as they continue to destroy the planet. Those whose minds are not severely affected but who suffer wisdom amnesia are at the will of the arrogant and racially insane. Racial insanity makes some believe that their race is superior to others. Wisdom amnesia makes some races believe that getting accepted into the culture of the racially insane is an achievement.

Today most AfRAkans are dependent in mind, believing that the others dictate their freedom. They celebrate the anniversary of independence from colonialism and slavery and believe that it is a great achievement. They celebrate being the first to be accepted in sports such as Golf, Tennis, and Baseball. They celebrate being the first to graduate from certain universities; become a medical doctor, Lawyer, or the CEO of a company. It is because most AfRakans have lost their awareness and now also operate by the Piscean Interface.

Fortunately there are some AfRAkans who know that the age of Pisces is ending and is being replaced by the Age of Aquarius. As Galactic Time approaches the “x” axis the turbulence will increasingly become evident in the insanity of humanity. We, the Dohgon know that human consciousness will shift back to Sanity and most who are not equipped for the changes will perish.

The shift back to sanity involves conditioning the mind to concentrate and for the soul to be accountable to Life. Everyone has an opportunity to learn how to survive the decline of the Piscean Interface. Visit the Dohgon University of Thought for more info.