Tag Archives: the replacement killers

Black People Will Only Survive With A New Way Of Thinking

Observation: Never discredit Religion. The psychology behind it is very important.

History reveals that religion is greatly responsible for civilizing the most violent race of people in the history of the planet; the Caucasian. How, and what has that got to do with Black people, you might be asking?

Religion acts on the human conscience to build moral fiber and strengthen self discipline to control desire. Remember the phrase; “The lord is my Sheppard. I shall not want”? Early philosophers realized that “want” is the human Achilles heel and it can be controlled through fear while a greater desire is coveted.

Through the Middle Ages religion was perfected by the Kings and Priests of Europe and used to control their populations as well as to conquer and colonize most of the other races on the planet. Today the physical shackles are long gone while the mental shackles are slowly fading away. Black people are still being killed by Europeans in great numbers however, the vast majority of us are being killed by our own Black brothers and sisters. We have become the replacement killers.

It is evident that while religion civilized Europeans to a great extent certain unethical traits still remain. Black people also realized long ago that the love, harmony, and idealism that religion promotes is limited. The faithful are still hanging on but many Black, especially the young are abandoning religion in record numbers. This has proven to be detrimental to the race because there is nothing to control the “wanting” that is a driving force of Life.

Without self discipline a lot of Black youth have become so Desire Dependent that their morals are nonexistent. They have become drug addicts, prostitutes, con artists, and downright killers. For desire Black women sacrifice their bodies with silicone, bleaching creams, and hair extensions. Most inner city streets have become war zones with Black people scared to come out of their homes because of other Black people.

So what is the solution; a new religion? No, the solution is not a new religion. We have tried other religions but while some have helped our self discipline they are flawed because they hold Blacks subservient to their own version of illusionary gods. Black people will only survive with a new way of thinking and percieving the world. This new way of thinking must help us to conquer the desire in us by helping us to control our own minds.

We need to realize that all desires are generated by chemicals our Brain that are produces by sensory stimulation. We love music which is based on Hearing. We desire beauty which is based on Sight. We crave food which is based on Taste and Smell. We lust for sex because it is the epitome of Touch. There is also a sixth sense called intuition which is developed by learning to concentrate (control and unify the senses). At the height of intuition you can actually prognosticate (predict outcomes).

Professor MoMoh, operator of the Dohgon University of Thought teaches how to concentrate to open your 3rd eye. Once you learn how to control your own Mind you will no longer need religion to comfort your disconnection from the Spirit of the universe.