Tag Archives: self-awareness

What Is Black Consciousness?

What is Black Consciousness?

Black Consciousness is an active process in which Black people endeavor to achieve liberty and be self-determined as all people should be. Only in such a state will we then be able to increase our self-awareness to keep pace with the collective awareness of humanity. In other words, Black Consciousness is either personal or universal psychological improvement according to our level and willingness to engage with the life process.

Consciousness is the mental state of being self aware and cognitive. Consciousness has also been appropriated by Black people to represent a person who has taken control of his/her life and choices for self improvement and to fight back against the man-made inequities in life. Black people have suffered greatly in this life, mostly due to our own inability to adapt to change in order to master adversity. Black consciousness is therefore the classification of the process of our adaptation. 

The term “Black Consciousness” was actually coined by Steve Biko of South Africa in the early 1970s. Biko and other Black politically active students formed a Black student organization in their university to address the extreme brutality of the Apartheid system in South Africa. He wanted to inspire intellectual discussions among Black students without the inclusion of savior minded sympathizing white anti-Apartheid activists who were also very active at the time. The goal was to eventually gain lasting changes, such as a Black government and not just appeasements, such as things to keep Blacks working, happy, and quiet while still under oppression.

Personal consciousness involves recognizing the obstacles that hinder our pursuit of liberty and happiness in life. Those obstacles may either be personal or external. Personal obstacles may include lack of confidence and self discipline while external obstacles may include racism and discrimination. External obstacles are out of our control and can only be dealt with by first addressing our internal obstacles.

Self-discipline and self-confidence are two of the most important characteristics that a Black person can possess. Self-discipline is the ability to use ones Mind to control ones Brain. Self-confidence is the ability to use ones Mind to conquer ones Fears. As is evident, both traits depend on the Mind therefore the development of a strong Mind is key to the development of one’s individual consciousness.  

Universal Black consciousness involves unifying like-minded Black conscious people in a common cause to achieve a psychological condition of liberty and happiness for the Black race. Unfortunately, that has not been a very successful task to achieve due to the religious, political, cultural, and ideological divisions that exist within the Black race. Although our differences tend to keep us apart, they are very important to us as individuals. In fact, they are often what helped us to develop our self-discipline and self-confidence to a certain extent.

The key to developing universal Black consciousness therefore, is to find commonality between all the religious, political, cultural, and ideological factions within the Black race. All people want to be free and happy no matter where in the world they live. Those are our commonalities and until we as Black people learn to see beyond our differences our pursuit of consciousness will remain personal and non-universal.

4 US Troops Killed Helping Afraka Heighten its Security Consciousness

Recently, it was revealed that Islamic militants in Niger, West Africa, had killed 4 elite US soldiers. US troops are killed in action all over the world on a regular basis, mostly by friendly fire and in covert operations that go wrong. While news of military casualties is often mentioned in the news, they are so common that most people barley notice.

This incident is different because it is getting major buzz due to controversies involving the president. I won’t dwell on the controversies here because that is not the purpose of this blog. The purpose of this blog is to point out the deficiency of Afrakans to manage security threats on the continent due to a lack of knowledge and unity.

Details about the incident revealed that the US soldiers were part of an intelligence force that had been operating in the region for years. Their work involves training local armies while gathering intel on the growing problem of Islamic extremism in the region. It was also revealed that private US military contractors were involved in recovering the body of one of the dead soldiers.

Do most people know what a “Private Contractor” is? They are former US soldiers who work for paramilitary corporations, some directly for military purposes in place of formal troops and some for private corporations who want to protect their financial interests. They have no accountability therefore thay operate with impunity.

Private Contractors have the ability to dictate the political and economic policies of countries by disrupting populations and creating fear and distrust among individuals within those societies. Using divide and conquer tactics to stoke tribal conflicts, they create conditions where the people cannot rise above a fight for survival to focus on profiting from the enormous value of the resource around them.

On a higher level foreign governments manipulate elections in Afraka using systems that ensure that Dictators stay in place. They know Dictators are easy to corrupt and will sell out their country’s resources to make themselves rich while the people suffer.

While US military expertise is useful, Afrakan countries must not let the US scare them into believing that they are the only solution to Islamic Terrorism. It’s time to step up and build a system that is better than the current world system. As is evident, the US is the “Police force” of the United Nations, whom they once manipulated into pursuing a “new world order”.

The US once embraced the title of world police because it covertly helped them to spread their economic empire. However, the US is currently locked in an internal struggle for identity. I call it “Pinky’s Betrayal”. It is a situation where low and working class America, who feel the big corporations have left them behind, has rebelled under the influence of a narcissistic leader.

So while the US is struggling with its conscience, Afrakans must work harder to build their self-awareness. Consciousness is a dynamic force that grows with knowledge to improve self-awareness. Afrakans must rise collectively to a level of self-awareness where we recognize the things that are beneficial as well as the things that are detrimental to the continent.

Such issues include managing Religious, Economics, Cultural, and Tribal disputes. All these things can easily digress into terrorism in the absence of knowledge, awareness, and conscience. Afraka must step up to fight terrorism or remain undignified pawns of world powers.

Why Did Afrakans Carry Ankhs In Their Hands?

ankh in the hand

Why did Afrakans carry Ankhs in their hands? Well throughout history every generation believed that theirs was the “end of times”. In reality, although times are getting tougher, violence is increasing, and love and empathy are fading, humanity is adapting and changing to survive. People who fail to manage challenges in the present will have no hope of surviving the challenges that the future will bring. Even so, most people still don’t know how to prepare for a tough future because most don’t have any control over their own Minds. The reason why Afrakans carried Ankhs in their hands is because they understood Life.   

What is Life?

The #1 problem with humanity is that most people don’t realize that Life is a single conscious entity. Furthermore, most Black people live by the reality in front of their eyes and like “Flat Earth believers” they simply cannot perceive the whole of the reality they live in. Some follow popular culture to maintain a sense of happiness while most endure an underlying sadness as they cope with the pitfalls of the society they exist in.

Every living organism on the planet is a separate aspect of the same living entity. The Earth is a Biome where this single living entity has diversified in order to ensure its survival. This entity feeds on itself and recycles to support higher organisms in a chain. The highest organisms survive by instinct and the collective intelligence passed down through generations.

We are the entity yet we all have independent thoughts therefore; our connection is through the collective intelligence we feed the whole. Knowledge was and still is the most important commodity of any culture. The most important people in indigenous communities besides the leaders were the Shamans, Medicine Men, and Scribes. They preserved the knowledge of the group and they knew what was good physically and psychologically for the health and survival of the community.  

Humans used to live in harmony with the rest of Life within the Biome but because we lost our Spiritual connection to the Universe, Life diversified us into different races to suit the environments we ventured into. Life also compensated to facilitate the under-production of our original happiness Hormone; Melatonin by synthesizing its own happiness Hormone, Serotonin.

What is Spirit?

Spirit is the creative force behind the universe. Although it is abstract and cannot exist in the physical realm, it acts to regulate and manipulate it. It also acts on all living things (Souls) that have Cognitive abilities to generate a Conscience within them. Humans are physically and mentally tied to both Spirit and Life. When human consciousness functioned in one accord with the Spiritual essence of the universe there was no violence, envy, jealousy, and hate as there is now.

Dohgons believe that a Galactic cycle change was responsible for the change in human behavior and a change in the consciousness of Life itself. Life became aware and began a quest for universal awareness. It began to use humans through chemical processes that act to facilitate pleasure and sensations of happiness. Human Spiritual connection gradually faded at the same time resulting in an inability of most humans to develop a mature Conscience.

Psychologists have been trying in vain to decipher Humanity’s ills. They all fail because they cannot see the real “Elephant in the room” which is Life. Humanity is in despair because people unknowingly function under the control of Life instead of being balanced by the Spirit. As Life gains further control of human behavior our perception of reality will increasingly become more pessimistic. Our actions will also become more unethical and violent.

What is ANKH?

European Archaeologists determined long ago that the ANKH symbol depicted everywhere in Egyptian Hieroglyphics represents Eternal Life. They came to that conclusion based on what they perceive as the ancient Egyptian’s cultural pre-occupation with immortality. Those experts simply could not perceive that the ANKH represents Life itself. In fact, Afrakans created a symbol for Life because they were able to gain deep insights into the physical and abstract reality they existed in. They also understood their place within it.

Everywhere it is depicted in Egyptian Hieroglyphs the ANKH was always carried in the hand. There was a specific reason why Afrakans always carried the ANKH in their hands. The reason is that the hands represent physical control. Therefore, a ANKH in one’s hand is the outer physical representation of an inner mental condition. In essence, the ANKH in the hands was a show of self-discipline. It represents Life over Death, Spirit over Soul, and Mind over Body. But most of all, the Ankh in the hand represents Conscience over Desire.

Most of the unethical things that humanity does is to produce Serotonin but because most humans lack Awareness they think that everything they do is by choice. They don’t know that choice is really an illusion and that Life entices all humans who lack self-awareness, or Conscience, to pursue and fulfill their Desires no matter the consequence.

How to take control of one’s own Life.

When we say that Afrakans should take control of their lives by caring ANKHs in their hands, we are speaking metaphorically. What we mean is that Afrakans need to recognize 3 basic things…

  1. Your Conscience is the Spirit of the Universe guiding you.
  2. Your Desires are being manipulated by the mechanisms of Life.
  3. You need to use the Spirit to control and override the mechanisms of Life.

The main preoccupation of all religions is self-discipline. That doesn’t mean that all we need to do to take control of our lives is to become better Christians, Muslims, and Jews. Religions do well in using Conscience to strengthening self-discipline but they all fail to recognize the true Spirit of the Universe as well as the Life entity in front of our eyes.

For those reasons, religions are like worn brakes on a tractor-trailer trying to stop on a wet road. No matter how hard people try to use religions to control human behavior they all fail, leaving Black people to concede that Death will surely provide a reward for their suffering in Life.

The best way for Afrakans to take control of their lives is to recognize and respect Life. Learn the mechanisms of life; particularly how Life uses Serotonin, Dopamine, and other pleasure Hormones to control our cognition on its quest for universal awareness. Develop your self-discipline by learning how to concentrate.

Become a student of the Dohgon University of Thought, which is the foremost school of mental concentration management. Dohgon master teacher, Professor MOmOh has designed many tools to decalcify your Pineal Gland, which is the conduit to the Spirit of the Universe. By increasing your Spiritual communication you are encouraging your conscience to function with Fairness, Equity, and Accountability.

Of course Humans cannot live without Desire or we would be like those robots that some people are trying so hard to create. All we are saying is that Desire needs to be controlled or we will become devilish, as is evident by the direction of society today. Conscience is the only manager of our Desires. Learn to manage Desire and soon you will become so mentally self-disciplined that you will feel as if you’re walking with an ANKH in your hand. Only then will you truly be in control of your own Life.    


Afrakans Must Come Back To Life

Afrakans must come back to Life

This is not a message about false prophets doing fake healing. Also, it has nothing to do with medical phenomenon, mysticism or ideological beliefs that cling to people’s minds like diseases causing them to hate, discriminate, or kill others who do not agree with their ideologies. This message explains why Afrakans must shun the ideologies and spiritual beliefs that are serving to enslave our Souls for thousands of years and learn to recognize the elephant in the room, which is the Life Entity. 

Before Afrakans were indoctrinated into believing in illusions of a supernatural being in the sky we believed in the energies in world around us. We believed in the Sun and the Moon, which provided light for the plants and trees to grow and bear fruit. We believed in the Thunder and the Lightning that brought Rain to fill the Rivers and Seas where Fishes multiplied in abundance.

In ancient times Afrakans knew they were a part of nature and that no part of nature was insignificant. We knew that we weren’t special, just different. Before we killed an animal for food we would ask the Great Spirit for forgiveness. That was because we knew that all things in nature also had a Soul and that bad karma would result when we disrespected the energies in nature. 

Perhaps what we didn’t know back then was that the same energy that exists in nature is the same energy that exists in us. That energy is the Spirit of the Universe and it manipulates reality in many different ways. Spirit is the creator of Nature and Nature consists of living and non-living Matter. The living Matter is classified as Life and although it’s pretty obvious most humans don’t believe that Life is a single conscious entity. Instead, most people believe that they are separate from nature and that a god created humans to have dominion over nature and abuse it at their will. 

The failure to recognize Life as a whole entity, compounded by the belief in (desire inducing) gods has only served to corrupt the psychology of Afrakans for thousands of years. Throughout that time Afrakans have severely abused nature and either killed, enslaved, and exploited each other because we covet the favor of our imaginary gods. It is only our survival instinct that is actively protecting us from total self-destruction. 

We AfRAkans have unique survival instincts that have enabled us to survive the relentless abuse at the hands of unjust and unethical races of people. Our instincts enable us to compartmentalize trauma which protects our sanity. Unfortunately, we learned to adapt to the adversities of life by assimilating into foreign beliefs and customs. We became the best Christians. Muslims, and Jews by believing that Love could conquer hate. Unfortunately, most of us don’t realize that Conscience and Desire are the two major forces behind human nature. 

Desire is the driving mechanism of Life while Conscience is a gift from the Great Spirit of the universe to help us control and regulate our Desires. Religions are only tools that group moral teachings into operating systems so that we can control the Desires of human nature more easily. Today, all religions have become corrupt catch 22 psychological traps in which our Desire have gained control of our minds. Now we believe that a god can make our lives better and that a paradise awaits us after death for being Faithful to that god. 

In theory, the god concept is ingenious but in reality, it is incompatible with our true nature. Humans are susceptible to self-righteousness, which is a product of Desire and will always separate into groups based on Race, Culture, and Language. Inevitably, humans will judge others according to whom they feel are more deserving of the favor of their imaginary god. Religions comfort the Soul but not the Spirit. Fortunately, our Conscience will always try to rescue us from the pitfalls of our Desires.  

Afrakans must come back to Life and recognize that all religions are tools designed to keep us subservient to other people and their beliefs. Choose Spirituality over religion which will increase your self-awareness and knowledge of the world around you. Most importantly, come back to Life by learning to love yourself again. In doing all these things Afrakans will learn to reclaim our pride, traditions, and cultures while shunning religions, cults, and foreign beliefs. 

Increased knowledge also results in increased self-awareness so we will learn to think for ourselves again. That is why self-awareness is the base of the new Consciousness movement that is taking place on Social media and in many Afrakan communities in the diaspora and on the continent. Eventually, Afro consciousness will lead to the realization that all Afrakans are one and all Life is one. When we apply conscious thought to understand things we learn to respect Life in our daily pursuit of happiness.

Can A Black Woman Be Conscious And Still Wear Hair Weave?

conscious black woman

Can a Black woman be conscious and still wear Hair Weave? The general consensus is no! However, there are different levels and types of consciousnesses. For some Black women, consciousness is about being true to their Afrakan ancestry and race. For others, being conscious is about their personal self-awareness. It’s about what’s on the inside and not their physical outer appearance.

Most Black women are very self-conscious about their appearance. Self-consciousness is a normal human behavioral trait that doesn’t favor Black women because of society’s ideals of beauty. Therefore, Black women either choose to shun society’s expectations of how they should look or they capitulate and change their appearance knowing full well that its not who they really are.

All Black women who wear hair weave do so for the same basic reasons. They do it to enhance their beauty and make themselves more desirable which ultimately boosts their self-confidence. Some Black women who wear hair weave may possess a high level of consciousness but they view their hair wear as merely tools of the trade. In other words; the trade is society and hair weave is just part of a job-appropriate outfit.

Truly conscious Black women never wear hair weave because they possess a higher level of racial self-awareness than the average socially aware Black woman. They are not hung up on beauty, they don’t seek to be desirable, and they don’t need the approval of others in order to maintain a high level of self-confidence. They wear their hair like a shield either short, in Braids, in Locks, in Afro, or natural to deflect all the BS ways that society may judge them.

Both racially conscious and socially conscious Black women are not immune to the mechanisms in Life. They are attracted to and by beauty however, given their level of consciousness and mind control ability, they are able to redirect their Desires into other things. Black women are often the first ones to rebel against trends in popular culture. It is that rebellion that, over time, acts to build a consensus of conscious thoughts and ideas that transform into social movements to make changes in Black communities and society at large.

Black women can be conscious and still wear hair weave. It all depends on their level of consciousness. Some Black women will choose to continue to use hair weave as a tool to fit into popular culture because it helps their self-confidence. Some Black women will reject all beauty aids that are un-natural due to their high level of consciousness. People will always judge but ultimately, the choice is the Black woman’s alone.

What’s Wrong With Malia Obama?

A lot of concerned Obama supporters are asking “what’s wrong with Malia” after the 18 year old daughter of the president was filmed at a concert twerking, pulling up her skirt, and gyrating herself provocatively. The popular answer is she just a teenager having fun. The real answer is she’s experiencing the byproduct effects of Humanism.

Humanism is the pursuit of happiness often in the absence of conscious thought. Humanism tells people that they have the Human Right to do whatever makes them happy in life simply because we believe that humans are the highest form of life there is, aside from our imaginary gods of coarse.. The problem is that most people don’t know that that is a very dangerous predicament to allow yourself to be in because the real master of life has its own agenda.

The real master behind life is Life itself. Life is a single conscious entity of which humans are only a small part. The prerogative of Human consciousness is to live a happy contented life. The prerogative of Life is to survive and thrive at all costs therefore it’s built a fear of death instinct into all living things. Life uses mechanisms, it feeds on itself, and without conscious thought humans are nothing more than its tools.

Happiness is a mental state that is facilitated by chemicals in the brain; namely Glutamate, Dopamine, Epinephrine, and Serotonin. The more you quench your desires its to stronger your desires become. Soon you will become addicted to feeling good and a slave to your desires. You will do everything you can to maintain a happiness state. We call it being Desire Dependent but don’t worry; it’s your Human Right.

“Uh? How is Malia becoming a tool?” you might ask. Well riddle me this; why do many teenage girls start wearing skimpy shorts at puberty? And I am going to accept your answer as they are just expressing their sexuality, which is their Human Right. Wrong! It is Hormone surges in their Brain that is forcing them to express their sexuality. Why? What do you think?

So the reason why I blame Humanism again is because Humanism teaches children to explore and express their feelings. Now think of instances where they may have hormone imbalances that confuse their sexuality. All of a sudden we get upset because we don’t like being embarrassed by our children’s choices when you told them to be happy.

How to handle Teenagers who are experiencing hyper-sexual behaviors that are brought on by hormone surges. Hyper-sexual behavior in Teens is very hard to manage because of peer pressure. Their surging hormone levels affect their decision-making skills leaving them over emotional and susceptible to peer pressure. In such a state teenagers will follow and do things that go against the morals we try to instill in them.

The only way to change a teen’s behavior is to target their Conscience; unfortunately most parents do it wrong. Most parents use shame or guilt to try to change behavior. A more effective method would be to teach them the truth about how their emotions actually work.

If you don’t know how your emotions work you can begin by recognizing that Life is a single entity in the process of developing self-awareness. It uses hormones to power reward mechanisms that drive our will to survive and thrive as a species. Without Conscience we couldn’t develop the self-awareness to know right from wrong.

I am Life, you are Life, and everything living in symbiosis in this biosphere we call Earth is Life. Become a student of Life by becoming self-aware and in time you will be able to understand and assist your teenager with Hormone surges such as those we see in Malia Obama