Tag Archives: russia
Military Coup in Russia Is Forced Reality
What does a military coup in Russia mean to Spiritually Conscious Black people? It shouldn’t mean anything if we already understand the propensities of unconscious and unethical people. To us it’s forced reality.
On Friday, June 23rd, news broke that there was a military coup taking place in Russia. However, as of midday Saturday, the coup was apparently called off. Infamous mercenary leader, Yevgeny Prigozhin, had ordered his Wagner PMC organization to make their way to Moscow to “restore order”, as he says after participating in the criminal invasion of Ukraine but not getting enough support from Russia’s military leaders. Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, had ordered the arrest of Yevgeny Prigozhin and the disbanding of Wagner; however, it seems that both sides have now come to some sort of agreement to stand down.
Unconscious religious and spiritless people got very anxious over the 24 hours crisis. After all, religious people were already anticipating the coming of Armageddon. The only problem is that they fear death and worry that their God won’t resurrect them to eternal life like their religion promises. Spiritless people were also very worried about the end of their happiness because, just like they fear that Putin will launch nuclear weapons on Ukraine and trigger a global nuclear war, they also fear that who ever takes over Russia will only carry on the same war-mongering behavior.
Conscious Black people don’t fear the ways of unethical people. We know that life is eternal and death is only a transition from one reality to another. We also know that HERU (Highest Exponential Reasoning and understanding) is the only factor that can change the various realities we encounter. We can choose to either rule the realities we “come to awareness” in or we can choose to stay asleep and let the reality of our existence rule us. As awoken Souls, we’ve chosen to code this reality for those who will come after us.
Forced Reality is a situation in which unconscious people try with all their might to override the natural progression of life towards a Sane existence. They see no good in understanding the faults of life unless it directly affects them. Examples of forced reality operators are conservative politicians, lawmakers, and elites in many areas of the world and especially America. They will claim to be Sane but will engage in racism, discrimination, and xenophobia at the drop of a dime. They control the world by psychological manipulation and deception believing that life is for the strong and powerful.
Some unethical ones are now theorizing that they might be living in a “simulation” and are not the results of an accident of chance or the gift of a worshiper-seeking god. The only problem is that because they cannot see a way to rule and commodify their theories, they won’t explore them. Simulation Theory is the right track but the truth will require the abandoning of ideologies that result in desires for war and conquest like the conditions we are witnessing in places like Ukraine and Russia today.
Is Christianity an African Religion?
Christianity has been a significant religion in Africa for centuries, with millions of Africans identifying as Christians. However, in this age of reclamation, in which Africans are being encouraged by conscience to shed the religious beliefs of our colonizers and return to our own spiritual traditions, the important question of whether Christianity is an African religion, has become a very controversial one.
To us, the question of whether Christianity is an African Religion is not a complex one because we’ve studied history and can separate reality from fiction. Christianity is defined as a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. That means that Christianity couldn’t have existed before Jesus. The next question then should be, when did Jesus Christ live?
Jesus Christ is believed to have lived between 7–2 BC and 26–36 AD in the region of the Middle East known as Israel. This is the 1st intersection of the controversy because many people believe that the Middle East was, is, and will always be a part of Africa. If you believe that the Middle East is a part of Africa then yes, Christianity is an African religion. You don’t have to read this any further because you win a prize for being stupid.
Although Africa and the Middle East both share the same Continental Plate, the Middle East is not and was never considered a part of Africa. In those times Africans were known as Ethiopians and Cushites because of their dark skin. There are passages in the Bible that singles them out as being different from Jews. In those days, Africans were either traders or were brought into the Middle East as slaves.
Before and during the time of Jesus, Israel was under the rulership of the Romans. Jesus travelled around Israel perching his message of redemption to wayward Jews. The general consensus among Jews was that they were suffering because their God had put them in bondage for disobedience. This is a simply psychological concept that exists even till today because of human fears
Could African Traders and slaves have heard Jesuses’ preachings and become followers of his hopeful messages? That is a very strong possibility; however, that still does not make Christianity an African religion. African religions are religions that were created by Africans for Africans, not religions that were created by non-Africans but were adopted by Africans afterwards.
The truth is that in the early years after Jesuses death, he became a martyr for his defiance against the mighty Romans and his messages began to spread exponentially throughout all regions of the Roman Empire. About 60 years later, the Jew Saul who was masquerading as a Roman General made himself the appointed keeper of Jesuses legacy and began to document the life of Jesus in writing.
We know that a lot of Africans are brainwashed and refuse to give up Christianity, Islam, and Judaism because those religions soothe their disconnection from true Spirituality. As long as our people don’t use those religions to kill each other, I don’t see anything wrong with them. Some say the problem is not religion, it’s the people practicing it but that’s a misnomer though.
Stop Wishing the Russia/Ukrainian war will lead to Armageddon
Are you fearful that the Russia/Ukrainian war will lead to Armageddon? The reasons why you fear is because you either rely on nonsense biblical prophecies or concepts of reality that suggest the world is run by evil elites. Those people are wishing for Armageddon to come so that they can escape the tyranny of a world that they themselves created. It’s time for Black people to change our perception of reality so that our fears can dissipate allowing us to begin to live a more productive life.
Most people rely on the simplicity of religious philosophy to decipher reality. They view time as an illusion, believing that everything in reality was preordained. That means that, if life is a game, then the outcome of the game has already been predetermined. The reason for playing the game is reserved only for the God they believe in to know and understand. They believe that all true believers must persevere by faith.
Furthermore, they believe that if one wants to know and predict the events of life, all they need to do is read the bible and listen to preachers. To that end, religious philosophers as well as everyday believers have been comparing the events of life to religious scripture for the past two thousand years. Anthropomorphic beasts of the bible that were once associated with tribes in Israel, Judah, and Babylon are now associated with the empires of America, Russia, and China.
Today, the Eagle is America, the Dragon is China, and the Bear is Russia. According to Biblical predictions of the end of the world or Armageddon, all three beasts will engage in a great battle that will destroy life and the Earth. Christians need not worry though because Jesus will return to resurrect the faithful to eternal life in heaven.
There is a major problem with associating the beasts of Armageddon with countries though; countries are not religiously homogeneous, neither do they claim to wage war on behalf of any particular religious philosophy. The Dragon and the Bear combined will never defeat the Eagle because the Eagle’s DNA is infused with Dragon and Bear Genes. While Russia and China are racially homogeneous, America is comprised of people of all races.
The world was once ruled by religious crusaders. The Kings and Emperors of Europe and Asia recognized the power of religion so they assimilated its force and used it as a tool to encourage obedience in society. However, over time, the will of individual freedom, forced rulers to shift power from themselves to the people in the form of political governance. That meant that the sole preoccupation of countries became the acquisition of wealth to facilitate happiness and both religion and politics became tools for acquiring wealth.
Acquiring wealth to facilitate happiness resulted in a shift of populations away from religion and nationalism towards greater opportunity. In effect, America did not grow to become the most powerful empire in modern history because of race and religion; it became the most powerful nation because after exploiting the free labor of Africans, immigrants from all nations flocked in and further built up its wealth. Today, America maintains its way of life and power in the world by expanding its economic influence into every other country on Earth. It protects its economy using its political influence, intelligence agencies, and military forces.
For instance; they send Agents in the guise of Aid workers and religious people into Africa to disrupt the will of people away from nationalism towards either religion or money. Where they cannot create a dependence on foreign Aid, they corrupt the politicians of those countries by paying them off to let American companies set up shop with minimal roadblocks. The goal is to make the governments of developing countries financially dependent while turning the entire population into consumers. When countries try to fight back, America uses its Inteligence Agents to create internal political conflicts.
Some might say that this kind of economic dependency is exactly what Russia and China are trying to avoid so that is why they are fighting to maintain their own economic interests. It may be true but where do Black people fit into this whole scenario? Unfortunately, we’re being used by all of these beasts to maintain their happiness. Only when we as Black and African people begin to recognize the true nature of reality and begin to work towards our own economic prosperity will Africa resurrect as a Lion among the spiritual beasts.
Robert Mugabe Deserves Respect
Robert Mugabe is a AfRAkan hero!
In the early hours of Nov 15th, 2017, news broke that Robert Mugabe, president of Zimbabwe had been removed from office by his country’s army. The details of his ouster are not well known, however, Army leaders in Zimbabwe are refusing to call it a Coup. Instead they say Mugabe is safely under house arrest as part of a military action to root out criminal elements in the government. Whatever the outcome of the situation turns out to be I think it is safe to say that Mugabe’s rule of Zimbabwe is over.
Many people are no doubt rejoicing at Mugabe’s demise, some inside Zimbabwe, other regions of Afraka, and especially in the Western world. All three areas hate him for three different reasons, none of which are valid if he is to be judged as a man who loves his race, his country and Afraka; his personal imperfections notwithstanding.
Mugabe rose to power in the 1980s as part of a rebel uprising against foreign influence in Zimbabwe; namely White rule. They gained independence from Britain by force, changed the country’s name from Rhodesia to Zimbabwe and held elections, which Mugabe won. The country immediately began to experience turmoil as the losing parties began to fight back physically as well as through economic sabotage.
Mugabe’s main opposition came from the other rebel groups, which helped to free Zimbabwe from British rule. They felt they should have been rewarded with a share of power. When they realized that they were double-crossed they began to stoke tribal conflicts within the country. They also sought help from Western backers who steered them away from Socialist ideologies and trained them to fight Mugabe using Human Rights and Ethics.
The Whites of Zimbabwe were the most outraged. Although their population was small, they owned most of the land and commercial wealth of Zimbabwe. (I guess Ethics are only reserved for the so-called civilized) They immediately began to move their money out of the country and with the help of Western financial agencies and governments began a covert operation to bankrupt the Zimbabwe government.
Mugabe saw all the unethical things that Western governments were doing to sabotage Zimbabwe so he lashed out. He taunted Britain and the Queen as well as to implement a land seizure policy against White farmers. Many White farmers were killed in the process as poor Afrakans invaded White owned farms and took over; never mind they didn’t have the expertise or know how to farm themselves.
Throughout his rule, Mugabe fought crippling Western sanctions that sunk Zimbabwe into financial obscurity. National pride eventually eroded into despair as the quality of life for everyday Zimbabweans fell year after year. Mugabe developed a dependence on financial help from his original backers in China, which only sunk the country further in debt. Then he was labeled a Dictator when he refused to step aside and let someone else rule.
Was Mugabe power hungry or was he afraid that open Democracy would open the doors to foreign influence? The fact that the country’s opposition leaders were groomed in the West is the proof of the latter. Revolution is one thing, governing in a fair, equitable, and accountable manner is another. Such a task requires deep understanding of Life and reality, a quality that is also absent from all world leaders.
In essence, Mugabe failed as a leader because he is susceptible to the mechanisms of Life just like Europeans. That is, his personal Desires grew to corrupt his Conscience. He grew to believe that only his solutions could guide Zimbabwe for all time. His final misstep was to begin grooming his wife to take leadership of his political party as well as the government, a move that angered his comrades so they acted in his removal from power.
Why is Robert Mugabe a hero? Mugabe is a hero because he attempted to show AfRAkans a glimpse at true freedom.
Europeans live by the motto “Live Free or Die”, a motto that they reserve for themselves. Indigenous people of the planet have been colonized and put under subjugations to them. Freedom has to be fought for but even when it is achieved physically, the economic chains are enhanced and secured. (Ask Haiti about that) The result is that most former colonies exist in a state of false independence to enrich the homeland.
Never let dumb newscasters or political experts brain wash you with the narrative that Mugabe ruined his country. Mugabe was not perfect. He did not always govern using Fairness, Equity, and Accountability but he is the only Afrakan leader who dared to break the chains of colonial influence and for that he deserves respect.