Tag Archives: pure dark energy
White Supremacy Will Never End

White Supremacy will never end until humanity adopts a more ethical ideology of reality than those offered by Religion and Science. White Supremacy is the product of the two generally accepted existential belief systems in use today, which are Religion and Science.
Religion is defined as a set of Spiritual beliefs that a group of people have concerning their origins and the origins of creation. Before the white man accepted Christianity as his core belief, he was a Pagan, meaning he held many religious beliefs including the belief that kings and leaders were gods themselves. However, upon taking control of the Jewish religion and creating the New Testament of Jesus Christ, they completely inserted themselves into the Jewish creation story.
They then claimed that since Jesus came to his own, the Jews, and the Jews did not accept his message; Jesus then gave permission to anyone who believed in God through Him, to get to Heaven. They moved their Spiritual headquarters to Rome and declared that they were now the chosen people of the Jewish God. This brand of psychological White Supremacy is so powerful that even Black people today worship a white Jesus and live subservient to white Christians.
Science is defined as knowledge in all its various forms. The acquisition of knowledge therefore has to undergo a process of approval because reality is Subjective. In other words, 1+1 only equals 2 in theory and not absolute physical proportion. Science theorizes that humanity originated in Afraka making the original humans Black. This is not necessarily a plus for Black people because Science also accepts the theoretical concept of Evolution as its core belief.
The theory of Evolution teaches that Life originated by the chance of Nature over Time. In this process, Life evolved from complex molecules in Clay mud then evolved into single cell organisms in the Ocean millions of years ago. Over time, these organisms evolved into amphibious creatures that crawled out of the ocean and developed Lungs to breathe Air on land. Some creatures also developed Legs, feathers, and wings and began to fly while some stayed grounded on land and developed into animals. In short, Evolution states that humans developed from Monkeys.
White Supremacists believe that they are different from other races of people because during the process of their evolution, they were fortunate to mix with Neanderthals while others didn’t. This Neanderthal mix is what gives them their superior genetic and intellectual character. The theory of Evolution is flawed in many ways but since it supports their unethical beliefs of racial superiority, white Supremacists are happy to use it to corrupt the development of humanity.
Religious and Scientific theories of racial superiority are both being used by the white man to maintain psychological control over humanity. Logic would suggest that based on his domineering nature, the white man should have wiped out all the other races of people long ago in order to eliminate competition and to solidify his position as God’s chosen people. However, there is one thing that everyone is missing and that is the power of the human Conscience, which was installed in us by the Great Spirit that is the Universe and not an egotistical god or the chance of Evolution.
Conscience defies the religious belief by whites that they are the chosen people of a god when they are as ignorant of their true origin as everyone else. They are still susceptible to the same pitfalls of life that everyone else is and they still suffer disease and death like everyone else. Conscience defies the scientific belief by whites that they are a genetic and intellectually superior race based on Evolution because the more they dig into the history of ancient races, it’s the more they are discovering that our ancestors had technology that eludes their understanding. They also studied human DNA and discovered that African DNA is more complex than theirs.
The solution for us is to abandon the religious and scientific theories that support White Supremacist beliefs. It will render those beliefs ineffective to everyone except them. Many races are doing so now by returning to their traditional Spiritual beliefs. Some are using their religious beliefs to engage in their own quest for racial superiority but we must not follow their examples because Black Supremacy would be just as insane and unjust as white supremacy, Arab supremacy, Asian supremacy or any other racial supremacy quest.
Black people must adopt a Spiritual belief system that gives precedence to human conscience instead of human desire. A belief system that is based on an ethical creation story and not one that is based on the self-serving desires of a worshiper seeking God. A belief system that values the whole of life and not just humanity. The only Spiritual belief system that can and will defeat white supremacy and the propensity of all races to engage in racial superiority ideology is the HERU Interface.
Afrakan Professor Discovers Formula for Creation

Ever wondered how the universe come into existence? There are two popular answers to that question based on religion and science. The first answer is that the universe was created by a god a few thousand years ago and the second is that pressurized hot gas exloded with a “Big Bang” and over billions of years of chance, the universe evolved into what it is now.
Unfortunately, those explanations lack credibility because no one knows who or what god is and the Big Bang still remains a theory. According to an Afrakan Professor, both stories are wrong because he can explain the true creation of the universe using the Dohgon formula for creation.
About 10 years ago I met an Afrakan who claimed to “know everything”. I was skeptical because I know that opinions of oneself are subjective. However, in learning from him I grew to understand that his opinion of himself was based on the insight of a brilliant mind. The individual I’m referring to is none other than Professor Momoh of the Dohgon University of Thought.
Professor MOmOh is a Mathematician and a Cosmogony and Neurology expert who can explain the workings of the heavens as well as the workings of the chemical process of the human Brain. He descends from the Dohgon (Dogon) people of Mali, West Afraka, a very secretive tribe of people who are proven to possess detailed knowledge of the Stars long before European Astronomers.
Professor MOmOh teaches that the author of creation is abstract Pure Dark Energy Waves (PDEW), which is the net that forms the foundation of the universe. Known characteristics of this net are Electricity, Gravity, and Magnetism. Gravity is too obscure for most people to understand and Electricity is too dangerous for regular folk to experiment with.
Magnetism, on the other hand, is perfect as most people have handled a magnet at some time in their life. For example; when metal filings are sprinkled on a sheet of paper and a Magnet is passed underneath, the metal filings will arrange themselves in circlular patterns. That is because the the metal filings are being manipulated by the abstract energy waves that are produced by the Magnet.
We cannot see energy but we know energy exists because of its affect on physical matter. Professor MOmOh says that energy can transform into physical matter through a process and that process is how the universe was created. The billion dollar question is how does abstract PDEWs transform into physical matter?
Professor MOmOh has defined the formula for matter creation as PE(Pure Energy)=1-2-3-4 9-8 27 99-100. This formula is strange but it is based on the fact that PDEWs have different wavelengths. Each number represents a different wavelength; therefore, this formula lays out the process in which PDEWs must go through a permutation process to create particles of matter.
In the process, PDEWs flux or cut into half waves until Quarks combine to form Hadron particles then Atoms. The Big Bang that science theorizes is simply one instance of the process because, contrary to popular belief, the process has never stopped. It is happening inside the core of every Star in the universe right now below the level of Nuclear Fusion.
This is also why the theory that matter cannot be created or destroyed is also wrong. Stars are the entrance to the physical realm and Black Holes are the exits back to the abstract Pure Dark Energy realm. For a deeper understanding of the Formula for Creation, please visit the Dohgon University of Thought.
The Universe is a Mind

The Universe is a mystery whose true character is becoming more evident every day. Although it is infinitely vast, its consistency is 99% Pure Dark Energy. They say that humans are a micro example of the macro universe but I don’t think so. Humans are seeking knowledge while the universe is the holder of all knowledge. The abstract pure dark energy universe is the Great Spirit that created the physical universe, Life, and humanity. In essence, the universe is a Mind.
Some people believe that energy, no matter the source, cannot possess intelligence because intelligence is a property of a Brain and Mind. I say think again because while our Mind is dependent on our Brain to generate an energy field, the Great Spirit is already an energy field. It is only man who cannot yet understand how that intelligence is being produced. The answer is here within creation.
What is a Mind?
A Mind is an energy field that is generated by the sparking of Neurons between nerve endings in the Corpus Collosum, the area between our two Brain hemispheres in our Brains. A Mind is therefore abstract in nature compared to a Brain which is physical. If the universe is 99% abstract and that abstract portion is Pure Dark Energy, the same energy that generates a Mind in humans, then how can it not posses intelligence?
The Great Spirit created Matter and Life and through Life it created Humans. The process of Matter creation can be understood in a formula defined by Professor MOmOh of the Dohgon University of Thought. In his formula Professor MOmOh explains why there was no god that snapped his fingers to create the universe or Big Bang exploding everything into existence. Pure Dark Energy waves simply fluxed, or cut into half waves until sub-atomic particles formed.
What is Intelligence?
Using our limited perception of reality, Humans define intelligence as the ability of a Mind to use available information to Reason in a complex manner. In organisms with a Brain, information is fed to the Mind from two primary sources; Memory and the Senses. The Senses collect new physical information from the outside world and absorbs it to the Brain. The Brain transforms that physical information into abstract electrical energy and feeds it into the Mind for processing. Memory stores information and provides precedence against new information coming in from the Senses.
Both Memory and the Senses are very important to intelligence. They highlight the difference between simply being aware and being able to Think and Reason. The difference between people who are cognitive verses those who are highly intelligent is the ability of the Mind to access Memory in a timely and extensive manner. Intelligence can be improved, however a small percentage of people are born with Brains that are genetically wired to process information more efficiently than others.
The fact that most people judge intelligence based on whether a living organism has a Brain or not is the main reason people get fooled into thinking that a Brain is needed in order for a Mind to be present. In actuality, Nature shows us examples of intelligence without a Brain all the time. We are just too self-centered to notice. We won`t go into examples here but just do a Google search for “intelligence without a brain” and you will discover a whole new world you didn’t know existed before.
How can we recognize and understand the intelligence of the Great Spirit when we can`t even recognize the intelligence of such things as Plants, Bacteria, Viruses, and Molds? The minute you begin to recognize that the Great Spirit that is the Universe is a Mind, you will begin to see and perceive the world in a new and exciting way.
Most People Are Afraid Of Death

Most Black people are afraid of Death because they are actively being conditioned to fear the consequences of death. Religion teaches that death will be a judgment where if they are determined to be unworthy of God’s grace they will be dammed to hell. If they are good enough to be among the chosen few then they will live in paradise forever where they will have everything that they ever desired in life.
Dohgons believe that Death will be a rebirth, or transcendence as birth is for the Soul into the Spirit. Like butterflies goes through a rebirth without actually dyeing, in the same sense Death is just a transition from one energy type to another. In Death my Spirit will resonate with the intangible Pure Energy Waves that flow infinitely throughout the Universe.
In simple terms it is a reversal of the process that I was created by. The physical universe was created by Pure Energy. To create the physical universe Pure Energy went through a permutation process. That permutation process resulted in the creation of sub-atomic particles of Matter. The creation of the first sub-atomic particle initiated Time and Time created space as it multiplies.
Every Star is a particle generator and astonishingly every Brain is also a particle generator, quantum physics. They say that 80% of the light in the universe is missing. That is because they keep searching for light and nothing else. The universe is not empty space as some would have you believe. It is Pure Dark Energy that fills it up as Time infinitely multiplies.