Tag Archives: pure dark energy waves
2042 Will Be the Year Our Galactic Ancestors Return

2042 will be the year our galactic ancestors return. Are we talking about Aliens? Read more to find out.
2019 was designated by Pan-Africans as the Year of Return. It marked 400 years since the first Africans were kidnapped and taken in chains to the Western world to labor as slaves. Several West African countries recognized the moniker and invited all Black people in the West to make pilgrimages back to Africa to rediscover our ancestral origins. Thousands of people accepted the offer, which kicked off a new era in the Black Consciousness movement in which Black people in the West are now seeing Africa in a whole new light.
The Year of Return was timely because the brainwashing effect of popular culture had most of our people buying into several conspiracy theories that serve to increase our racial confusion. The worst is the White Supremacist initiative to instill the belief that Slavery never existed in the Americas. They use the Moors, the original African sell-outs to spread the message that Slavery was a conflict between global empires that Africa lost. Africans then had to pay a debt of Involuntary Servitude to the British Empire.
You can see these Moors on Social Media spreading mis-information about many Black Liberation icons including the most honorable Marcus Garvey. Some mother fuckers even claim that Marcus Garvey was an Agent sent by the British Monarchy to distract Black Americans from their indigenous rights to America because, according to them, the original Americans were Black, not Indian. The Moors should go to some Indian Reservations with that shit and get their heads scalped with quickness.
All this historical confusion is the result of our own lack of engagement with our true Spirituality. We have failed to maintain our history so now the white man knows more about our history than we do. That is why they can manipulate us so easily. The same goes for the confusion about our true Spirituality, which goes all the way back to Africa where Cultism is on the rise in many regions. The HERU Interface of Black Consciousness is not into all the ignorance.
We have rediscovered our true Spirituality in the Dohgon. Now we know that the year of our galactic ancestral return will be 2042. It will be the year when our galactic ancestors reveal that they have truly been listening to our despair and will return to Earth to guide us away from Spiritual destruction. If you are alive in 2042, don’t look for our ancestors to return in spaceships though. Our ancestors are not Aliens, Reptilians, Luke Sky-walker, or any of the nonsense you see in movies. Our ancestors maybe far away in Space and Time but not in Spirit. That is because they are as omnipresent as a thought and have the ability to permutate from abstract energy to physical matter similar to how the Great Spirit that is the Universe creates itself.
Our ancestors are known as Nommos and they exist on another world in the Sirius Star system. The Sirius Star system is 8.5 Light Years from Earth. That means that Light takes eight and a half years to travel from there to here. If you were to travel there in a supersonic rocket, which is our highest technology, it would take you no less than 250 000 years to get there. That is because the maximum speed at which we can travel is only a small fraction of the speed of light. The Nommo are not Aliens travelling around in anti-gravety ships either. The Nammo are far beyond a dependence on physical travel so how will they get here, you might ask?
Most people believe in a God but when you ask them where god is, they say everywhere because God is a Spirit; he is omnipresent. That means that most people are perfectly willing to believe in a concept with magical parameters even though they don’t quite understand how such a thing is possible. When you try to explain a more plausible concept of existence to people, they will label you psychotic but we will persevere because we are working for those who desire a more ethical way of living.
The Universe is an enormous place. In fact, it is so large that most of us have a hard time perceiving how large it actually is. Imagine that every Star is a trillion miles away from another Star and there are more Stars in the Universe than there are grains of sand on all the Beaches on Earth. Now imagine that the Universe is a trillion times larger than that.
Physical Matter cannot travel faster than the speed of Light so if our ancestors are coming by 2042, logic would suggest that they should be on their way now but they aren’t, nor will they ever leave their world. They are simply waiting for the right conditions to exist so that they can send their Souls to Earth on pure dark energy waves. In order to understand how this transcendence will occur, you must first understand the Spiritual nature of the Universe as explained in Dohgon cosmogony.
Dohgon cosmogony is an ancient understanding of the creation of the physical Universe. It was revealed to the Dohgon people thousands of years ago by their galactic ancestors, the Nommo, who reside on a planet in the Sirius Star system . Dohgon Cosmogony explains that the physical realm emerged out of the abstract pure dark energy realm through a process known as the “Egg of Creation”. During this process, abstract waves of pure dark energy “fluxed” or cut into half waves until particles of Matter began to form. The formation of the first particle of matter, initiated Space and Time.
Fast-forward trillions of years and the intelligence that is the Universe began to create living things by inserting a part of itself inside each individual organism. Each bit of the Great Spirit became a lesser Spirit and that Spirit generates an energy field known as a Soul. The Soul energy of each organism will eventually expire and die but the Spirit is omnipotent just like the Great Spirit.
Every living organism that is conceived is immediately inhabited by a Spirit, which generates a Soul. New or lesser organisms receive a new piece of the Great Spirit while more complex organisms such as animals and humans receive the Souls of mature Spirits that have incarnated in life many times before. The Souls of humans incarnate in family lines. For instance; a great grandfather who died will incarnate inside a great grandson. The only problem is that the knowledge of the grandfather cannot re-emerge in the grandson except in exceptional circumstances such as a life saving intervention.
Pure Dark Energy Waves exist outside of space and time as we know it. They enter the physical realm through a process that only takes place inside the core of Stars. The Nammo have mastered the ability to travel on Pure Dark Energy Waves similar to Light. In this way, they have been able to implant their Souls essences into lifeforms all throughout the Universe. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, their Souls manifested here on Earth as the new Souls of the Dohgon people but over time and through adaptation, the Nammo genetic codes faded into obscurity.
Through a recent revelation, we have learned that in 2042 the Souls of the Nommos will begin to re-incarnate in newborn Dohgon children. It doesn’t matter where the Dohgon people have been scattered as a result of Slavery or voluntary migration. Furthermore, the knowledge of Nommos will be unlocked. Newborn Dohgon children will remember and grow to dispense the knowledge of their former lives on distant worlds. If you’ve ever heard of the Indigo children, they will be similar only much more intelligent.
So why will this begin to happen in the year 2042 and not now? The answer is because 2042 is the year that a grand conjunction between Sirius A, Sirius B, and our Sun will occur. Pure Dark Energy Waves from Sirius will be sent through the Sun to Earth. During this conjunction that happens every 50 years, the combined energy from the Stars will increase significantly. It will be the ideal time for the Nommo to send their Souls to the Dohgon here on Earth.
The Dohgon know that Nommo Spirits will come because during their last conjunction festival they received an important message from their galactic ancestors. The message informed them not to celebrate any more great conjunctions because they are coming.
The Sun Is Both Heaven And Hell

Why unethical Souls are fuel for the Sun
Most people who have had near-death experiences often explain seeing a distant but enticing light. They also explain that the light pulls at them as if it were inviting them home to a comforting place. Dohgon Spirituality explains that light as the Sun and everyone who dies will have to face it. Some Souls will go through it, some Souls will get trapped on its surface, and some Souls will refuse to go toward the Light and remain on Earth. That is because the Sun is both Heaven and Hell.
All religions describe two fictional places called Heaven and Hell. God lives in Heaven which is described as a paradise. On the Day of Judgment he will choose only his most faithful to enter. Hell is described as the home of the Devil. It is an extremely hot and tormenting place where all bad people will be imprisoned for eternity. Since Dohgons don’t believe in Gods, Devils or ideas that shift our focus away from our responsibility to Life we suspect that what religion is really describing is the Sun (RA).
In Dohgon Spirituality RA plays a very important role. It represents both the physical and Spiritual aspects of the reality we exist in because it is the only gate between both realms. Dohgon Cosmogony explains the Sun as having a Carbon core. Particles of Matter are created in the core through a Permutation process and are pushed to the Sun’s surface. They then attach to energy waves and are distributed into the Universe. Light is a particle that rides on Pure Dark Energy Waves until the waves lose velocity and they fall off.
All energy exists in three states; Spirit, Soul, and Physical. Spirit is a high energy state that needs no medium to move from A to B. It can exist in two places simultaneously. Soul is lower energy state that needs Matter to travel, like Light, Wind, and Vapor. Physical is a very low energy state. It needs one thing to physically manipulate another thing to facilitate movement.
Humans are living Souls trapped in a low energy form. We can elevate our energy signature but we cannot transform into a Spirit until we die. The determining factor as to whether we transform or not is the weight of our Soul. Our Soul’s weight depends on how we function in life in terms of Fairness, Equity, and Accountability. In other words; did our Soul remain fit because we exercised our conscience as much as we could or did our Souls get fat through an over indulgence on our Desires.
When we die we all will immediately recognize the abstract energy signature of the Sun as a great enticing Light. Those who’s Souls are afraid to face it because of the unethical life they’ve lived and because they are addicted to physical gratification, will resist the Sun’s pull. They will remain trapped in a gray zone between the abstract and physical realm and roam the Earth as Ghosts.
Those who choose to go toward the Light will experience either one of two things; they will either get trapped on the surface or go through to the core where their Souls will be transformed into a pure energy Spirit. If the weight of your Soul is light enough you will break the Sun’s surface and travel to its Carbon core. Then you will be transformed into Pure Dark Energy and exist outside of Time and Space as a Spirit.
If you go toward the Light and you’ve not lived your life using Fairness, Equity, and Accountability your Soul will be too heavy to pass through the surface but by that point you wont be able to turn back. The everlasting ocean of fire will trap you as it did other unethical Souls like you. It’s for those reasons why we recognize the Sun as being similar to the Heaven and Hell described in popular religion.
What Is God?

“What is God?” is a question that generates a different response from everyone who is asked. People who believe in a god will respond by saying that he/she is the creator of the universe and everything in it. On the other hand, most Atheists will deny the existence of a god without having any real alternative to explain their own existence.
Dohgons could never be so unwise because although we don’t believe in the god described in popular religions we do acknowledge that we have a creator. In fact, we know that the creative force behind the universe are Pure Dark Energy Waves. The difference between Atheists, Believers and Us is that we are wiser than to conceptualize the Great Spirit using our limited human perceptions. We know that the best way to understand the Great Spirit is to try our best to understanding its creation.
The God of popular culture is limited by the religions that describe him. All religions portray God as an all-knowing, all-loving being who desires the best for humanity. Unfortunately, those same religions cannot explain why God allows evil to persist in the world. Religions cannot be used to accurately recall history or understand nature and science. The only thing that religions are useful for is to understand human nature. The problem with society is that people are trying to use religion to explain what it can’t instead of what it can.
The Spirit of the universe created Life to be self-directed so Life survives and thrives using one basic mechanism, which is desire fulfillment. It installed two basic instincts in every living thing, a fear of death to protect Life and an inclination toward itself to guide us. That is why every race and culture throughout history and the Planet have attributed their existence to a higher power.
In ancient times humans used their Spiritual inclination to create gods for things they didn’t understand such as; the sun, the moon, the stars, thunder and lightning, and everything that they perceive as having an effect on their life. For their various gods they created deities that had to be guarded in case their enemies were to destroy them. It wasn’t until slaves in Egypt discovered that an imaginary god was more powerful than a physical one that the god concept became enhanced a thousand times.
As time went by kings and religious leaders used the power of the single imaginary god concept to form the foundation of organized religion. They recognized that no other power, not even their own, had the ability to control the minds of people. Today most people still live by the power of the concept; unfortunately they don’t know how it works because if they did they wouldn’t call it god.
So, if religion can’t accurately explain human existence or halt our self destruction, what is it that peple are referring to as god? The Spiritual essence of the universe created humans with an inclination back toward itself, the Spirit. That same Spiritual inclination is also what makes us consider our actions in terms of Right and Wrong. So in essence, the god of popular culture is the human Conscience.
All major religions were developed to give purpose to people’s lives. They do so with the help of an imaginary humanoid that possesses super-human abilities as well as a power over life and death. That figure is then given universal moral judgment over people’s lives. Individuals believe they can gain the favor of the god by being faithful and morally upright. No problem there!
Religious people all around the world today are trying their best to gain the favor of their imaginary Gods. They become obsessed with fighting the Desires of life by fasting, praying, and trying to do good but because they always become ruled by the same Desire that they’re trying to regulate, they don’t realize that God is really their Conscience.
Dohgons, Einstein, and Gravitational Waves
This past week Scientists rejoiced after proving that Einstein was right about the existence of Gravitational Waves but Dohgons have known for centuries that all energy forms in the universe exist as waves. Why then does science attribute the knowledge of Gravitational waves to Einstein? There are two reasons for this. One reason is the belief that AfRAkan minds are too primitive to perceive a vision of the universe beyond gods and superstition. The other reason has to do with the scientific method of determining truth.
Dohgons Cosmogony states that the universe is a series of Time Bubbles. The Mother Time Bubble started when Pure Dark Energy Waves, which infinitely exist in the form of waves, Flux to form particles of matter. It is dissimilar to the Big Bang chaos theory of science and Professor MoMoh of the Dohgon University of Thought has calculated a formula for how abstract energy changes to physical matter which has nothing to do with E=MC2. Can we prove it? We will let time do that because we have a different outlook on human consciousness and what is actually driving it.
We know that every abstract energy form that affects physical matter exists as abstract waves. That goes for Gravity, Electricity, Magnetism, and most of the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum. We also know that in order for science to accept Dohgon truth it must be submitted as a (theory) with credentials to one or several scrutinizing scientific bodies. That is a way of ensuring that only people within recognized scientific circles get credited with making “so called” discoveries.
We know that they have been stealing and claiming discovery of information for thousands of years. AfRAkans are not mad at science for claiming discovery of Gravitational Waves though, because we know that human consciousness is being driven by two instincts; survival and universal awareness. There are some humans whose minds are receptive to deciphering information coming directly from Pure Dark Energy Waves and there are some whose minds are blocked so they “discover” things.
I Am AfRAkan, Not Hebrew

I am AfRAkan, not Hebrew. I am the first human before all other humans were created. I was not created by the God of man; I was created by the Spiritual intelligence that is the Universe, which exists in physical reality in the form of Pure Dark Energy Waves. Scientists studying the universe are still confounded as to what is holding the Universe together. It is Pure Dark Energy Waves (PDEW), which like all forms of energy are abstract and exists infinitely.
To create me, PDEWs transformed from abstract energy to physical matter through a permutation process. Europeans say the universe was created from a “Big Bang” when a single particle of matter exploded. Now they’re spending billions of dollars trying to find Higgs Boson or “God Particles” to prove it. Professor MOmOh of the Dohgon University of Thought says, no! Matter forms when PDEWs flux (cut into ½ waves) until subatomic particles form. He is a high priest of Dohgon Spirituality who has the ability to bring ancient AfRAkan knowledge back into reality. So, forget all those religious and theoretical nonsense.
Why do some Black people believe that they’re Hebrew and are fighting Ashkenazi Jews for ownership of an Unethical Spiritual concept?
Some Black people claim Hebrew as their ancestry because they’ve been brainwashed by centuries of mind control plus it comforts their disconnection from the Spiritual essence that is the Universe. All modern religions had their origins in KMT (Egypt). It was during their captivity in KMT that the Afrakan Ethiopeans who now call themselves Hebrews/Jews, gained deep understanding of human nature and created a mystery God. That mystery God couldn’t be seen so it couldn’t be killed while at the same time providing strength by way of faith in the midst of their despair.
The Mystery God concept proved to be superior to the physical deities of the Egyptians so when the Ethiopian Akhenaten became Pharaoh of KMT, he began to combine Ethiopean spiritual concepts with traditional Egyptian beliefs. Ethiopean beliefs slowly corrupted Kemetic science to the point where it refocussed Egyptian spirituality from a belief in Reincarnation into a belief in Resurrection. Egyptians then became preoccupied with preparing themselves to be resurrected.
Eventually, the Ethiopeans gained their freedom from KMT and travelled into the Middle East where they spread their new-found spirituality with the local Hebrew tribes who they believed they shared kinship with due to their similar lighter skin tone. That spirituality eventually became known as Judaism and its followers racked up major military defeats in Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Babylon. In effect, it helped to civilize the savagery that was commonplace in the Middle East at the time. The Arabs, who were practicing Idol worship at the time, began to recognize the power of a Mystery God concept.
Hundreds of years on, a rich Arab merchant by the name of Mohammed became exiled in Israel and while there he studied the mystery God concept and created the Islamic Faith. Back in Afraka, the decline of KMT was slow and painful for Egyptians. An overwhelming influx of foreigners of Greek, Roman, Arab, Hebrew, and other European origins resulted in widespread corruption. Some wise AfRAkans left, including those who wished to preserve the original knowledge of the land and people. Some of that knowledge is hidden in Ethiopia and Sudan while some of it went as far away as Southern AfRAka and Mali, West AfRAka where the Dohgon people now reside.
Christianity originated in Israel 2000 years ago after the Romans conquered much of the Middle East. Although they defeated them physically, many Romans marveled at the resilience of the Hebrews who refused to bow to the Caesar of Rome as their god. Instead they gained strength from their Jewish faith and the teachings of Jesus, who encouraged them to hold steadfastly to faith in their Mystery God who saved them many times before and would deliver them out of bondage again. Jesus was eventually betrayed by his fellow Jews and crucified by the Romans.
Roughly 50 years after Jesus was crucified by the Romans, Saul, a Hebrew who had betrayed his people and rose to the rank of General in the Roman army, declared that he had experienced a divine intervention while on the road to Damascus, Syria. In his divine intervention, Saul claimed that the God of the Jews struck him off his horse with a bolt of Light and instructed him to heed to the teachings of Jesus. In reality, Saul’s conversion to becoming a follower of Jesus may have been a covert mission to infultrate the new Jesus-centered religion that was growing exponentially. No one knows for sure but soon he became Jesuses’ 13th disciple, dispensing wisdom of Jesus “the Christ” to all who would listen.
Followers of Jesuses message became known as Christians and Saul gave up his military armor for religious robes, changed his name to Paul and embarked on a mission to gather all information about Jesus that he could find. He investigated and pieced together accounts from Jesuses former disciples and followers. He also befriended Christian preschers and wrote letters (Epistles) of encouragement to Christian ministers across the roman empire. Soon, Saul became the self-appointed keeper of Jesuses’ legacy. He compiled the teachings and accounts of Jesus into a book and called it the New Testament of Jesus Christ. He declared that all Non-Jews and Romans could now gain access to Heaven in the name of Jesus.
The Black Hebrews of today are the descendants of those original Ethiopeans who helped to corrupt KMT with beliefs in resurrection and desires for eternal life. They were the same AfRAkans who introduced the Hebrews to the Mystery God concept but since they cannot change their skin (meaning their skin is too dark) they will never be accepted as one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. They are discovering that it was their ancestral philosophers who created Judaism in the first place but like their ancestors, what they fail to understand is the psychology behind the Mystery God concept and how it traps the Mind into Desire Dependency.
Now most Black Hebrews/Jews say that they don’t want anything to do with the “dirty AfRAkans”. That is because they covet the same thing that Ashkenazi Jews, Christians, and Arabs covet and that is the favor of their unethical God. They clamber to go to Israel believing that a miracle will happen when they arrive but when they get there they aren’t getting the same welcome as European Jews. Instead, they get beaten, killed, deported, or forced into military service to defend a homeland that despises them.
Their internal Organs are untimely harvested to keep European Jews alive and their women are secretly put on contraceptives to limit their population. The only thing Black Hebrews can do is comfort their ignorance of reality with the belief that they are “the real Jews”. As for me, I am a descendant of original AfRAkans and I would rather believe in an Ethical Spiritual belief system. One that respects all Life and strives for balance instead of coveting the favor of unethical Gods. I believe in the HERU Interface.
Afrakan Or African, Which One Are You?

Afrakan or African, which one are you?
Academia has chosen the term Negroid to classify the AfRAkan race however, several other unofficial names are being used including; Black, Nubian, and African. All these terms refer to the indigenous inhabitants of the continent known as Africa and their direct descendants. Although physically diverse, the indigenous people of Africa are racially connected by way of key genetic characteristics.
So, when someone uses the word African to refer to a Nigerian, a South African, or a Kenyan they are referring to the race rather than that person’s nationality or tribe. When someone uses the terms Negro, Black, or Nubian to refer to an Afro-American, a Afro-West Indian, a Afro-Latino, or a Afro-English person they are referring to the race and not the nationality of that person.
Do you know what the word Africa means? Did we give ourselves that definition? One of the most valuable things that a person can possess next to a good education is a strong personal identity. One has to be very careful therefore to ensure that you are the one that defines your own identity instead of someone else defining it for you.
Dohgons have defined our identity as AfRAkan and while the term may appear similar it is unlike the words African or Afrikaan in that it has a meaning that is defined by us and not European colonizers. AfRAka means First-Sun-Soul.
Af means first, as in the first humans on the planet. Many so called historians would like to white-wash history but they know that once they do their foundation will be pulled out from beneath their feet. Therefore the only direction that they can take is to rely on false concepts that tell them that they are at the forefront of an evolutionary process or that a god created them to take dominion over everyone.
Whichever direction they take they know that the AfRAkan is the only genetically complete human being, the first of whom was Mother Tang followed shortly after by Father Tang. Both emerged through a permutation process out of Pure Dark Energy Waves about one million years ago on the banks of Lake Tanganyika. Every other race is a mutation from the original. The colonizers have since renamed Tanganyika, as Tanzania.
RA means Sun and while AfRAkans are the people of the Sun we do not worship the Sun. We are simply acknowledging the Sun as a life sustaining source of energy. Although the Sun emits very dangerous radiation the Melanin that enriches our skin is a protective agent that allows us to tolerate the Suns’ harsh effects while at the same time benefit from its unseen energies.
Stars are the first physical entities to manifest in the physical Universe. When a Star is able to sustain Life on a planet it births through the process of its creation we call it a Sun. That Sun also acts as a conduit to the Pure Dark Energy Waves of the abstract unseen universe through its Carbon core.
Ka means Soul. A Soul is an energy field that is generated by a living organism. People, animals, plants, and even Water can generate a Soul since Water is one step below Life. A Soul develops over time to be good or bad according to the internal energy it germinates. Bad energy creates a demonic Soul while good energy attracts the Spiritual energy of the universe. And since Spirit cannot be bad or become corrupted it acts to enrich a good Soul to one day transform into Spiritual energy.
AfRAkans are the foremost of all Souls because we have a functioning energy receptor in our brain which can be calibrated to harness the full power of Pure Dark Energy Waves (Spirit). That receptor is called the Pineal Gland and once it is functioning correctly you as a Soul will have a better chance of transforming into a Spirit.
Spirit is the omnipotent abstract energy of the universe. It cannot be created, destroyed, or corrupted by physical matter. As your Soul begins to function under the influence of Spiritual energy you well have no choice but to function with fairness, equity, and accountability. That is because Pure Dark Energy Waves carry in them all the Truths of the universe.
With the loss of a Spiritual connection to the universe most humans have become devilish in our mentality. AfRAkans can and a lot have become mentally devilish while some races cannot help being devilish due to their physiology. The calcification of their Pineal Glands has resulted in severe unaccountable and devilish behavior that has corrupted all humanity.
In their attempt mimic the greatness of AfRAkans that they encountered in Egypt (KMT) the spiritless people created religions but those religions only led to more devilish behavior that has resulted in the deaths of over 100 million people through 2 world wars and countless more conflicts. The colonization of AfRAka resulted in the corruption of most AfRAkans. The result is that most Black and AfRAkan people today suffer from Desire Dependency.
Desire Dependency is a mental state in which Black people function under the control of Life instead of being guided by the Spirit. In this state people live to fulfill their Wants and Desires, specifically “Uncontrolled Happiness”. They want money, fame, sexual pleasure, and most of all to go to a paradise they call Heaven to live with the gods others indoctrinated them to believe in.
They attempt to control their Desires for Happiness by focusing on their gods but no matter how much Faith they develop they don’t know that their Desires still rule because now they Desire heaven. Sadly, most of their false beliefs are now falling apart. It’s evident in the way people are becoming disillusioned and are turning to suicide and mass murder.
AfRAkans, it’s time to wake up. Don’t be the last to go down with the sinking ship like good slaves. The Dohgon are on a mission to return the AfRAkan mind to a state of fairness, equity, and accountability. Professor MOmOH has the tools that are designed to get your Pineal Gland de-calcified and working properly.
You may be AfRAkan or a descendant of AfRAkans but once you rediscover your true origin you too will develop a Conscious desire to redefine your identity. We believe that at that time you will also want to identify yourself as an AfRAkan.