Tag Archives: Professor MOmOH
Afrakan Professor Discovers Formula for Creation

Ever wondered how the universe come into existence? There are two popular answers to that question based on religion and science. The first answer is that the universe was created by a god a few thousand years ago and the second is that pressurized hot gas exloded with a “Big Bang” and over billions of years of chance, the universe evolved into what it is now.
Unfortunately, those explanations lack credibility because no one knows who or what god is and the Big Bang still remains a theory. According to an Afrakan Professor, both stories are wrong because he can explain the true creation of the universe using the Dohgon formula for creation.
About 10 years ago I met an Afrakan who claimed to “know everything”. I was skeptical because I know that opinions of oneself are subjective. However, in learning from him I grew to understand that his opinion of himself was based on the insight of a brilliant mind. The individual I’m referring to is none other than Professor Momoh of the Dohgon University of Thought.
Professor MOmOh is a Mathematician and a Cosmogony and Neurology expert who can explain the workings of the heavens as well as the workings of the chemical process of the human Brain. He descends from the Dohgon (Dogon) people of Mali, West Afraka, a very secretive tribe of people who are proven to possess detailed knowledge of the Stars long before European Astronomers.
Professor MOmOh teaches that the author of creation is abstract Pure Dark Energy Waves (PDEW), which is the net that forms the foundation of the universe. Known characteristics of this net are Electricity, Gravity, and Magnetism. Gravity is too obscure for most people to understand and Electricity is too dangerous for regular folk to experiment with.
Magnetism, on the other hand, is perfect as most people have handled a magnet at some time in their life. For example; when metal filings are sprinkled on a sheet of paper and a Magnet is passed underneath, the metal filings will arrange themselves in circlular patterns. That is because the the metal filings are being manipulated by the abstract energy waves that are produced by the Magnet.
We cannot see energy but we know energy exists because of its affect on physical matter. Professor MOmOh says that energy can transform into physical matter through a process and that process is how the universe was created. The billion dollar question is how does abstract PDEWs transform into physical matter?
Professor MOmOh has defined the formula for matter creation as PE(Pure Energy)=1-2-3-4 9-8 27 99-100. This formula is strange but it is based on the fact that PDEWs have different wavelengths. Each number represents a different wavelength; therefore, this formula lays out the process in which PDEWs must go through a permutation process to create particles of matter.
In the process, PDEWs flux or cut into half waves until Quarks combine to form Hadron particles then Atoms. The Big Bang that science theorizes is simply one instance of the process because, contrary to popular belief, the process has never stopped. It is happening inside the core of every Star in the universe right now below the level of Nuclear Fusion.
This is also why the theory that matter cannot be created or destroyed is also wrong. Stars are the entrance to the physical realm and Black Holes are the exits back to the abstract Pure Dark Energy realm. For a deeper understanding of the Formula for Creation, please visit the Dohgon University of Thought.
How to Make the World a Better Place

There is an enormous sense of pessimism in the world today. Countries are at war against each other over land and resources, terrorists are killing innocent people in order to fulfill their warped political and religious ideologies, racist leaders are stoking the flames of racism in order to expand their personal power and influence, and unethical people are destroying nature and the environment for quick profit over a healthy future for the young. The whole situation has become a thousand pound weight on the minds of every conscientious person in the world; many of whom are searching for answers on how to make the world a better place.
The world is messed up because those in power have indoctrinated everyone with their unethical ways of life. Everyone must either adapt or perish at the hands of the unethical. Those corrupt ways of life include; corrupt religions, devilish cults, and unethical humanist beliefs. The world can become a better place but only for those who are willing to think out of the box. We have an ethical solution but it will require a dramatic shift in human thinking. This new way of thinking does not have anything to do with religious belief, cultism, or the exclusivity of secret societies. It is inclusive of all races and genders while being respectful of everyone’s role as members of the human family.
There are those among the human family who believe that human development is travelling along a linear path and that history started with them. When anomalies appear in their theories, they often dismiss those anomalies as fake. Take for instance the anomaly of the Dogon tribe of Mali. The Dogon tribe are known to possess extensive knowledge of the heavens even though they are considered a primitive tribe. Instead of embracing this knowledge, self-righteous historians dismiss Dogon knowledge as cross-contamination from early European explorers.
Making the world a better place will require the inclusion of historical knowledge from Afraka, the oldest inhabited continent on Earth. Historians often try to fool us but we know that current human history is extrapolated based on theory and belief. Secular society extrapolates history based on science and religion extrapolates history based on ideology. That is why we know that the best way to make the world a better place is by adopting the principles of the HERU Interface.
The HERU Interface is a new operating system for human consciousness. Humanity has always operated according to operating systems. Basic operating systems are known as customs while major operating systems include religion, atheism, and spirituality. All operating systems are designed to provide meaning and a sense of purpose to people’s lives. When these operating systems become corrupted by the instincts of life such as desire and fear, inequities in society will increase. The key to controlling our basic instincts therefore is to increase the strength of our conscience.
HERU is the name of an Egyptian god. Most people associate HERU with the prolific Eye of Heru symbol that they see as representing a state of awareness or consciousness. To us the Eye of Heru is not just a cool looking symbol, it represents the 6 basic human senses which are; sight, smell, touch, taste, hearing, and intuition. Professor Momoh of the Dohgon University of Thought has re-branded the word HERU as an acronym to mean Highest Exponential Reasoning and Understanding. The word HERU is therefore a way of deciphering reality using the full power of one’s Brain and Mind.
Making the world a better place using the HERU Interface will require the adaptation of several basic principles. We should recognize that the Universe itself is an intelligent entity. It is omnipresent and omnipotent which means that it exists infinitely as abstract Pure Dark Energy Waves. It may also be referred to as the Great Spirit. We should recognize that Life is a single conscious entity created by the Great Spirit. It exists as a duality, both abstract and physical. The abstract portion is its intelligence that is growing as it gains knowledge about itself.
We should recognize that humanity, which is merely a minute percentage of the Life entity, is a tool. Humanity’s purpose is to gain knowledge for Life and in return Life provides humans with Happiness. We should recognize that the abstract essence of our being is our Soul. It will die if it is not enriched so that it may transform into Spiritual energy after our physical bodies die. Our Spirit is the only thing that will exist forever because Spiritual energy is a portion of the Great Spirit to begin with.
A Soul’s energy is developed by practicing Fairness, Equity, and Accountability. Therefore, we should be conscientious in everything we do and in our interactions with other people and the rest of Life. We should recognize that Desire is the default driving force within us. It is installed as an instinct by the Life entity. Conscience is the only balance for Desire. Conscience is representative of the Great Spirit acting within us. We can never escape our Desires therefore you should strive to attain balance instead of extreme self-discipline.
When you live primarily to satisfy our Desires we will destroy ourselves in the process. And when we practice extreme self-discipline, we are defeating the prerogatives of Life, which is to learn and grow. We should try with all our might to never covet favor from abstract entities. Not from the Great Spirit, lesser Spirits, the Life entity, or Demons. This was the genesis of religion and cultism. Instead, respect that these entities exist but strive for person growth by gaining knowledge and strengthening our self-discipline and will-power.
We should be self-driven and resilient to achieve our goals in life. We wouldn’t have Desires if Desire wasn’t useful so pursue happiness but in an ethical manner. Respect the rest of Life, better known as Nature. Recognize the prerogatives of everything in nature because everything has a unique purpose. Respect the Seeds and replenish them whenever possible because when we work with nature, nature will work with us.
Never destroy nature like the unethical, self-righteous, power-hungry sociopaths that make up the populations within most of the worlds politically and economically prominent nations. Recognize that all those who practice evil and hate are serving their purpose to Life perfectly. You see, no matter how evil they are in corrupting Life, Life is watching and is learning as it grows similar to how water will always find a path down a hill. Life has faced many existential catastrophes before but it has always found a way to come back.
Just because they don’t know that their freewill is merely a risk that Life is willing to take in order to gain knowledge doesn’t make them the authority over life and death. It simply means that they are perfect tools. If you hate evil and injustice then you are the other aspect of Life that will act to bring about balance.
The responsibility of making the world a better place is not the responsibility of political leaders or people with money, power, and influence in society. Making the world a better place is the responsibility of individuals but we must change from the inside first. We must develop the power of our conscience by practicing fairness, equity and accountability in everyday life. Soon we will not hesitate to confront inequity in others and injustice in society.
In time there will be great change in human behavior that is not based on the reward mechanisms of Life but the goodwill generated by the Great Spirit acting on all of our consciences.
Why Are People So Stressed?

Why are people so stressed?
We get stressed because we are very poor managers of our own thoughts. We allow our minds to wonder and dwell on meaningless or irrelevant things. The result is poor mental management skills. We are not saying that we have to stay engaged 24/7. What we are saying is that we need to know how to keep our minds fit in order to reduce stress. Our bodies react on the DNA level to everything we do. Therefore, stress is the result of hormonal abnormalities caused by us. When we allow our focus and concentration levels to diminish the result is lack of patience. Lack of patience produces anxiety and stress. Here are some of the reasons why we lack good mental management skills and how you can address them:
0. Poor CONCENTRATION; This is the major cause of mental mismanagement because we lack the continuous flow of ideas that make our thoughts complete. Think of this as a Muslim who has been on a fast all day. He breaks fast, yet he has not enough to eat in one sitting. He eats a little of something, then a few minutes later, his wife gets him a little of another something to eat, and so on. This person may need about 10 or more of these little bits of servings to satisfy his hunger. Under these circumstances, you know this Muslim will be edgy and discontent.
So, how do we CONCENTRATE? First, we have to know the neurotransmitter that makes us concentrate. Melatonin is that neurotransmitter. Melatonin has to be the Muslim’s wife. If you lack a good supply of this neurotransmitter, you will never Concentrate effectively because your serotonin production will consistently trigger one memory to override the present memory in use. Then another memory will get excited and overpower the one that overrode the first one. This is why your friends call you a scatter brain. How do you increase your Melatonin production? Dohgon Wonder Wheels and Dohgon COUNT are how!
1.Lack of PATIENCE “Haste makes waste!” Remember, whenever you do things in haste, you are not just wasting resources, you are also wasting your own efforts. A wasted effort manifests when we suffer from ERROR Catastrophes. These errors occur at the DNA level, meaning that our neural systems are not allowing enough Melatonin to be transmitted through cellular cytoplasm. This makes us anxious, and with anxiety comes stress. Also, with anxiety comes poor neural communications, and this affects us externally with what we hear, touch, smell, taste and see. A stressful person can never make a good manager. Those who force their way into leadership positions, are the ones who terrorize others into submission.
2. Poor FOCUS If your focus is poor, you will become a bad planner because you cannot even define what you are planning. If your planning is haphazard, how can you develop procedures and processes to execute the plan? When you start to see your failings open widely in front of you, you’d become so stressed as you scold yourself in HINDSIGHT about your illogical thinking conditions.
So, how do you improve your focus? You can improve your focus by becoming acCOUNTable to what you do. To be acCOUNTable is to COUNT each step or each hand movement you do. AcCOUNTability is how you overcome hindsight and bad focus.
For more insights on how to manage stress please visit The Dohgon University of Thought. We are a school dedicated to private research and consulting. Our specialty is the science of effective mental concentration management. Professor MOmOH Knows Everything!
Abstract Entities Manipulate Humanity

The HERU Interface recognizes a variety of abstract entities that have direct as well as indirect influence on the daily lives of humans. Humans created some entities while Life and the Great Spirit of the universe itself created others. Aside from the Great Spirit, abstract entities have a potential to affect humans in adverse ways. Anyone can gain greater control of their life and choices by increasing their mental strength and awareness of abstract entities.
The Great Spirit of the universe is the Pure Dark Energy Waves that science recognizes as the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum. PDEW is abstract energy that cannot exist in the physical realm but it acts to regulate it through the forces it induces on physical matter. PDEW created Matter and Life and through Life it created Humans. The process of Matter creation can be understood in a formula created by Professor MOmOh of the Dohgon University of Thought.
Some people believe that energy, no mater the source, cannot possess intelligence because intelligence is a property of a Brain and Mind. I say think again because while the Mind is dependent on the Brain to generate an energy field, the Great Spirit is already an energy field. It is only man who cannot yet understand how that intelligence is being produced. The answer is in its creation.
Life is a single conscious entity, which consists of a micro and macrocosm of Carbon based creatures that can recreate themselves sexual and a-sexually. Life begins at a level where molecules of Matter form Nucleic Acid Compounds that string together to form DNA. DNA is therefore the basic building block of Life.
Although the Great Spirit communicates with Life, Life lacks Universal Awareness. Therefore, Life is on a quest for awareness using every tool at its disposal. Human Nature is being manipulated by Life by way of our Brain hormones. Those of us who acknowledge the Great Spirit are inspired by it to be Conscious of Mind.
Those who succumb to the mechanisms of Life remain Unconscious. They are employed as tools, ignorant of purpose while driven by Desire and Curiosity. Life forces them to engage in Risk and pursue Pleasure for a reward of Dopamine. Fortunately, all humans are equipped by the Great Spirit with a Conscience as a safety-net to protect Life.
Spirits are abstract energy beings that are a product of Life. Spirits are the Soul energy of living things that have died and transcended Life after death to join the energy of the Great Spirit. Spirits are good beings who though they can go anywhere in the universe due to their omnipotence, visit Earth on a regular basis.
Spirits are all around us trying their best to guide us but the bridge between the physical and the abstract world is too complex to pass through. Only the Great Spirit can achieve it as stated in the Dohgon formula for creation on (how something abstract becomes real).
Another bridge exists between the abstract and the physical world. It is located in the Brain and is called the Pineal Gland. Energy from the abstract realm enters our Minds in total darkness to create Melatonin, our body’s most important hormone. Spirits also enter our Minds through the Pineal Gland to manipulate our Brain and create messages to deliver to us through our Dreams. If you cannot interpret your dreams there are people who can do it for you.
The guidance of Spirits is what strengthens our conscience to build morals for us to live by. Morals encourage us to interact with the rest of Life using Fairness, Equity, and Accountability. Thousands of years ago when evil did not exist in the world humans lived in accord with nature and each other. Life changed however and humans began to notice inequities in life. Those inequities are what compromised the development of mature Spirits disabling them from transcending to the universe so they are bound to Earth as Ghosts.
Ghosts are entities that are also a product of Life. They are the Souls of people who have died but their Souls are too weak to transcend into Spiritual form so now they are trapped in the gray zone between Soul and Spirit. Ghosts are usually people who were evil, wicked, mean, and selfish in life. They may also be people who died tragically and are afraid to move on. Some have enough energy to do so but instead they decide to use that energy to claim ownership (haunt) the place they died.
Ghosts are bitter Souls who also have the ability to use their energy to possess the living. They easily attach to people who practice evil to grow the Devil energy within that person. The best way to avoid Ghosts is to do good things in life. Doing good things generates good energy, which is magnetic so it attracts other good people toward you. Avoid doing things for a reward. That is Desire driven and non-Spiritual. Make no conditions for doing good things as the Great Spirit is not beholden to Life or humanity, it simply exists.
Gods are abstract entities created by man. The Great Spirit of the universe created Humans with a Conscience, which is an energy field that encourages goodwill, morality, and empathy within man. Man existed in a state of oneness with Life until he developed a (Fear for the Unknown). Man then created deities for comfort and to give meaning and purpose to his life. Soon man discovered that his deities could also provide courage to alleviate his fears.
Man began to pray to his deities for good fortune but even worse; he believed that by making sacrifices to his deities he could gain a reward. Man’s deities became more and more extravagant until man himself demanded praise from the people under his control. Deities and human gods always died however, breaking the influential energy they hold. It wasn’t until the Jews created a mystery god, bringing the physical into the abstract realm, that the power of the man-made god excelled.
The Devil is an abstract entity created by man. There are many evil entities (Demons) but the collective evil energy humanity creates is the entity that is referred to as the Devil. The Devil represents all the bad and undesirable aspects of existence. Although the Devil is abstract its energy can become an influential force by way of the energy we feed it. In essence, evil energy is a contagious disease because doing evil to others also generates evil in them, especially when they have substituted true Spirituality with a god. So just like doing good to others produces goodwill among men, doing evil also produces an overall evil society.
The Devil (evil energy) is also responsible for man’s ignorance of the Great Spirit. The Devil is not a very powerful entity since it is man made however, evil energy traps the human mind into relying on ideology and the mechanisms of Life; namely Desire rather than Truth. In such a condition the mind twists life into a (pursuit of Happiness) whereby we live to quench our Desires for sex, money, beauty, heaven, and ultimately a paradise in death next to our imaginary gods.
Abstract Entities are energy beings that cannot be communicated with or affected by physical interaction. The only way to increase or decrease the influence that Abstract Entities have on one’s Soul is through mental strength. The Dohgon University of thought is a school of mental concentration management that teaches how to improve your Concentration in order to communicate with the Great Spirit, how to manage the mechanisms of Life, and how to avoid being trapped by the Desire driven energies of gods and devils.
New Book – The 2 Sides of You… and the 1 Face of The Great Thinker
The Dohgon University has released a new book entitled, The 2 Sides of You… and the 1 Face of The Great Thinker.
Authored by Professor MOmOh and Mighty Queen, this new book concentrates on the Senses and their relationship with Conscious thinking as opposed to Emotionally reacting to the world. In this new book Professor MOmOh guides the reader through several examples of why its important to maintain Conscious Thought at all times as one navigates the world on a daily basis. Ultimately, this book is an introduction to how anyone can become a better Thinker.
We all know that the world is suffering due to a lack of Understanding and Wisdom of reality. Most people are trying their best to understand the world so they can live a joyous and fulfilling life. Unfortunately, there are those who actively suppress knowledge because they want to maintain control over people’s lives. They will never teach you how your Brain and Mind works so that you can think properly to gain Wisdom.
In this new book Professor MOmOh and Mighty Queen cover the basics of how to think creatively by maintaining Left Brain Consciousness over Right Brain Emotions. A rational, creative, and intelligent Mind depends on a healthy Brain. A healthy Brain sends information back and forth between your two Brain Hemispheres in an efficient manner. Left and Right Brain communication is what creates the Mind.
Most peoples Brains are functioning off balance to favor their Right Brain Emotional selves. They have become sensitive, irrational, overly emotional, angry, depressed, and self-destructive. This new book, “The 2 Sides of You… and the 1 Face of The Great Thinker” will help the reader to begin to learn how to use their Left rational Brain so that their whole Brain will come back to balance.
This new book is easy to read and strait forward. It is ideal for all ages but is especially suited for children and teens. This new book contains vital information that your child will never find in any school. Get this book today so that your child can begin to learn the importance of creative thinking. We are confident that once you and your child begin to learn how to control your own Mind to become a better thinker you will also become a more creative, confident, and motivated person.
Zero Point Logic
How my conscience was redirected by an AfRAkan Professor
Why do people exploit each other, kill each other, and even hate themselves? These are questions that used to plague my conscience for a very long time even though they were explained away by science and popular culture as mere processes of human evolution.
About a decade ago I embarked on a personal journey to try to gain a more Spiritual understand of the reality that I exist in. I was always a conscientious person who hated all the inequities I noticed in life so one of the first things I turned to to get a deeper understanding of reality was religion.
Society preaches that religion is the foundation of our morals and unless we are obedient to god humanity will always suffer. What I saw was a multitude of religions and people fighting over which one is the “true religion” while the majority of humanity still suffers. That was not Spirituality at all.
I explored many world beliefs from religion to mysticism and found all the concepts that people rely on for strength, guidance, and comfort to be alike in one way; they all dealt with the Mind. We created good and evil, god and the devil so we have the power to affect reality to become better people. The real question was “how” because religion was not doing it.
I continued to search for answers until I discovered Professor MOmOh, owner/operator of the Dohgon University of Thought. Although he resides in the USA Professor MOmOh is a direct descendant of the Dogon tribe of Mali, West AfRaka. He is mathematician, neurologist, and cosmogony expert who has used his understanding of the human Brain and Mind to develop tools to improve thinking, comprehension, and concentrating skills.
While learning from him about how my own mind works and how to improve its abilities I also began to learn how to use “zero point logic” to understand everything in reality. Professor MOmOh thought me that zero is the most important number because it is the source, the blackness, the Spirit of the universe.
Logic. If blackness is the source then Black people were the first humans. If blackness is the source then it must be the bank of all knowledge. Religion teaches that a god created everything. Science theorizes that reality expands and contracts with a Big Bang occurring when it reaches its most contracted point. There is no concept that says that everything started from nothing.
So, to answer the questions; why do people exploit others, kill each other, and even hate themselves, I use Zero Point Logic to come to the conclusion that most people are Desire Dependent because they cannot control their own minds. My current quest is how to help correct that mental condition.
Why The Suicide Mission To Mars?

By now most people have heard about the one-way mission to the planet Mars that is currently deep in its execution stage. The mission, planned by a private European space agency, aims to put a small team of explorers on Mars by the year 2025 with subsequent additional missions in intervals of 5 to 6 years. The most shocking aspect of the mission is that the participants/explorers will not return. They will travel to Mars, set up a colony, do and be a part of numerous experiments, and of course die there.
One would probable think that with such a gloomy way to end one’s life there would be no one willing to go on the suicide mission but thousands of people have signed up. So, why the suicide mission to Mars? The short answer is that human space exploration is inevitable. Life is on a mission and it operates through humans using two main mechanisms, curiosity and risk. The funny thing is, humans involuntarily carry out those directives with an illusion of choice. It has been this way for thousands of years ever since humanity transitioned from an Animistic state of being due to unaccountable behavior and began to lose connection to the Spirit of the universe.
Animism is a condition where Life is content and functions in accord with Nature. Professor MoMoh explains that at a certain time in AfRAkan history we began to produce genetically different humans because of unaccountable behavior. Then we drove those humans out of AfRAka because we could not accept their differences. When humans are faced with adversity we become discontented and irrational. Prolonged conditions of fear produces further unaccountable behavior and a self preservation mind state.
The Planet is now entering the Age of Aquarius and Life on Earth is at risk but Life is the most resilient force in the universe. Life will always find a way to survive which is why it manipulates aspects of itself to seek happiness through Curiosity and Risk. Humans will inadvertently assist Life through an illusion of choice. In that way, the suicide mission to Mars will not be a mission to find a way to move Life to Mars. The process will facilitate new technology that will enable Life to survive and thrive off planet. Enjoy the ride.
Eyeball Tattoos
Next to Life, vision is our most important gift. It would seem that this belief is missing from the minds a lot of Black youth because once again some of these foolish youth have taken up the new trend of tattooing their Eyeballs. It’s obvious that they have total disregard for the health of their Eyes. It is also further evidence that they are ruled by vanity and hold no value for their lives in general.
Life seeks directions of growth like Tree roots bore through the soil in search of nourishment for the Tree. If there is no nourishment to be found in a particular area of soil the Tree will halt the growth of that Root and send its energy in another direction, leaving that Root to die. A Ghetto is not classified as a dead Root unless the people in it have no regard for their lives.
Vanity grows in the absence of real ambition. Ambition is individually generated but is fostered, nourished, and reinforced by family, culture, as well as tradition. If we understand that then the youth alone cannot be blamed. They are merely left to their own device by the broken cultures in which they exist. Because of this they fall victim to all the Vanity (self satisfying things) that is captured by their senses.
Wisdom is Knowledge divided by Understanding. We are in the information age and the youth are bombarded by endless information in which they could use to improve their lives but without the ability to properly understand the information no Wisdom is ever gained. Professor MOmOH of the Dohgon University of Thought is on a mission to rescue the minds of Black youth and teach them how to use their minds as our ANKHchestors once did in building the Pyramids.
Black people, it’s time to leave the foolish vanities of Tattooing your Eyeballs alone and come home to the Dohgon.
Do You Know Why You Are Failing In College?
The Dohgon do not subscribe to that slogan because we know there is a better way to address AfRAkan education. We presents 11 Ways To Correct The Deception:
0. PROCRASTINATION. “Time and Tide wait for no one!” … but you believe Time and Tide will wait for you because you doubt yourself, so you support the wasted mind theory. This theory makes you wait then lose FORESIGHT. Get out of the FEAR. Become pro-ACTIVE and acCOUNTable. Learn to COUNT again with Dohgon COUNTS, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,8.
1. DISTRACTIONS. Disorganized thinking is the main cause of distractions because you believed in the wasted mind theory. Now you are forgetful as well as absent-minded. The easiest way to solve this problem is to constantly recharge your Neural Capacitance to be competitive once again. Our Dohgonite “Challenge-Me Numbers Game” will resolve you and your best friend’s qualms as you play this game just as you’d play a chess game. Recharge your mind with Efficiency (no errors) and SPEED. It’s how to forever cure your Procrastination and Distractions disease. Then, notice your Cs turn to A grades.
2. LACK OF MOTIVATION. The wasted mind theory creates the fear to clearly define your purpose. A purposeless person has no motivation. Become a Dohgonite to learn how.
3. SCATTERED FOCUS. The wasted mind theory generates the epinephrine factor. This hormone increases heart rate, constricts blood vessels and dilates air ducts. Immediately, anxiety explodes with the fear that something is about to go wrong. The search for that something scatters focus, resulting in:
4. BAD CONCENTRATION. To cure this, you must CHANGE your thinking. Our very Powerful Wonder Wheels Games will help you discover that “Your Mind is Your Greatest Resource!” Play our Cycle of Focus Game Wheel to determine the ratio of your memory capacity to time. You’ll be amazed to learn how much your memories and grades improve as your game time improves.
5. ELIMINATE THE FEAR OF SUCCESS. Adopt this Dohgon WISDOM: “Your Mind is Your Greatest Resource!” Now, discover your own individual Numbers Resource with our DNI Test. This test is designed to measure the communications that happen at your DNA level.
6. BOOST YOUR CONFIDENCE. “Your Mind is Your Greatest Resource!” This is the thinking that will put you at the top. Start with our FFINDDing Yourself Study to FIND your own Power Numbers.
7. WIPE OUT SELF-DOUBT. Go take your next test, and learn it’s not studying hard that makes the grade, but wiping out the doubts. The reason? You are now studying with Understanding. Get our Dohgon Diagnostic Meditation Clock, and see how quickly you succeed.
9. INSECURITY BECOMES SECURITY. Discover the Power of The EYE, I mean The Powerful Right EYE of HERU. Get our HOW TO READ YOUR MIND BOOK.
8. CONFUSION TO PROFUSION. Confusion is a result of immaturity. Profusion is a result of Understanding. Confusion makes you greedy. Profusion makes you give freely. Get our Memory-Mind Matrix book to free your MIND!
10. INSTABILITY TO STABILITY. No more Lack of Confidence! No more Self-Doubt! No more Insecurity and Confusion! Why, because “Your Mind is Your Greatest Resource!” Come get your Dohgon NUMBERS and Books.
The Dohgon University of Thought is a school dedicated to private research and consulting. Our specialty is the science of effective mental concentration management. Professor MOmOH KNOWS EVERYTHING!
Afrakan Or African, Which One Are You?

Afrakan or African, which one are you?
Academia has chosen the term Negroid to classify the AfRAkan race however, several other unofficial names are being used including; Black, Nubian, and African. All these terms refer to the indigenous inhabitants of the continent known as Africa and their direct descendants. Although physically diverse, the indigenous people of Africa are racially connected by way of key genetic characteristics.
So, when someone uses the word African to refer to a Nigerian, a South African, or a Kenyan they are referring to the race rather than that person’s nationality or tribe. When someone uses the terms Negro, Black, or Nubian to refer to an Afro-American, a Afro-West Indian, a Afro-Latino, or a Afro-English person they are referring to the race and not the nationality of that person.
Do you know what the word Africa means? Did we give ourselves that definition? One of the most valuable things that a person can possess next to a good education is a strong personal identity. One has to be very careful therefore to ensure that you are the one that defines your own identity instead of someone else defining it for you.
Dohgons have defined our identity as AfRAkan and while the term may appear similar it is unlike the words African or Afrikaan in that it has a meaning that is defined by us and not European colonizers. AfRAka means First-Sun-Soul.
Af means first, as in the first humans on the planet. Many so called historians would like to white-wash history but they know that once they do their foundation will be pulled out from beneath their feet. Therefore the only direction that they can take is to rely on false concepts that tell them that they are at the forefront of an evolutionary process or that a god created them to take dominion over everyone.
Whichever direction they take they know that the AfRAkan is the only genetically complete human being, the first of whom was Mother Tang followed shortly after by Father Tang. Both emerged through a permutation process out of Pure Dark Energy Waves about one million years ago on the banks of Lake Tanganyika. Every other race is a mutation from the original. The colonizers have since renamed Tanganyika, as Tanzania.
RA means Sun and while AfRAkans are the people of the Sun we do not worship the Sun. We are simply acknowledging the Sun as a life sustaining source of energy. Although the Sun emits very dangerous radiation the Melanin that enriches our skin is a protective agent that allows us to tolerate the Suns’ harsh effects while at the same time benefit from its unseen energies.
Stars are the first physical entities to manifest in the physical Universe. When a Star is able to sustain Life on a planet it births through the process of its creation we call it a Sun. That Sun also acts as a conduit to the Pure Dark Energy Waves of the abstract unseen universe through its Carbon core.
Ka means Soul. A Soul is an energy field that is generated by a living organism. People, animals, plants, and even Water can generate a Soul since Water is one step below Life. A Soul develops over time to be good or bad according to the internal energy it germinates. Bad energy creates a demonic Soul while good energy attracts the Spiritual energy of the universe. And since Spirit cannot be bad or become corrupted it acts to enrich a good Soul to one day transform into Spiritual energy.
AfRAkans are the foremost of all Souls because we have a functioning energy receptor in our brain which can be calibrated to harness the full power of Pure Dark Energy Waves (Spirit). That receptor is called the Pineal Gland and once it is functioning correctly you as a Soul will have a better chance of transforming into a Spirit.
Spirit is the omnipotent abstract energy of the universe. It cannot be created, destroyed, or corrupted by physical matter. As your Soul begins to function under the influence of Spiritual energy you well have no choice but to function with fairness, equity, and accountability. That is because Pure Dark Energy Waves carry in them all the Truths of the universe.
With the loss of a Spiritual connection to the universe most humans have become devilish in our mentality. AfRAkans can and a lot have become mentally devilish while some races cannot help being devilish due to their physiology. The calcification of their Pineal Glands has resulted in severe unaccountable and devilish behavior that has corrupted all humanity.
In their attempt mimic the greatness of AfRAkans that they encountered in Egypt (KMT) the spiritless people created religions but those religions only led to more devilish behavior that has resulted in the deaths of over 100 million people through 2 world wars and countless more conflicts. The colonization of AfRAka resulted in the corruption of most AfRAkans. The result is that most Black and AfRAkan people today suffer from Desire Dependency.
Desire Dependency is a mental state in which Black people function under the control of Life instead of being guided by the Spirit. In this state people live to fulfill their Wants and Desires, specifically “Uncontrolled Happiness”. They want money, fame, sexual pleasure, and most of all to go to a paradise they call Heaven to live with the gods others indoctrinated them to believe in.
They attempt to control their Desires for Happiness by focusing on their gods but no matter how much Faith they develop they don’t know that their Desires still rule because now they Desire heaven. Sadly, most of their false beliefs are now falling apart. It’s evident in the way people are becoming disillusioned and are turning to suicide and mass murder.
AfRAkans, it’s time to wake up. Don’t be the last to go down with the sinking ship like good slaves. The Dohgon are on a mission to return the AfRAkan mind to a state of fairness, equity, and accountability. Professor MOmOH has the tools that are designed to get your Pineal Gland de-calcified and working properly.
You may be AfRAkan or a descendant of AfRAkans but once you rediscover your true origin you too will develop a Conscious desire to redefine your identity. We believe that at that time you will also want to identify yourself as an AfRAkan.