Tag Archives: police brutality
Nigerians More Afraid of Police than Criminals, This is Why
Nigerians are more afraid of the Police than criminals, this is why. What does it say about a society when people fear the police more than the criminals? It means that the society is broken and the level of consciousness within the society needs to be elevated. Unfortunately, that can only be achieved using a completely new way of thinking that only concepts such as the HERU Interface of Black Consciousness can provide.
Police brutality in Nigeria has been a concern among Nigerians for a very long time. The situation has now come to a crisis as anti-police brutality protesting (#ENDSARS) against the country’s special anti-crime unit, better known as SARS, has turned into all out violence. Dozens of protesters have been killed by the police, special forces and the Army and the protesters have returned the favor by burning down numerous police stations, businesses, and government offices.
If you are like me looking in from the outside, you might feel that it’s terrible that the police are killing innocent protesters but how did the situation get so terrible? The truth is that the whole of the society is to blame. The SARS force was created as a result of the senseless violence that permeates Nigerian society. There are several types of feared criminals that people used to dread more than the police.
The first type of criminals that are prevalent in Nigerian society are Ritualists. They kidnap people on a regular basis then dismember their victims and sell their body parts to people who then use the body parts in their own rituals. Who are the customers, you might ask? The customers are everyone from preachers and business people to everyday citizens who couldn’t give a damn about their neighbors. This is a real sickness within the society.
The second most feared criminals are bandits who kidnap business people, politicians, and anyone they suspect of having family wealth. Kidnappers will kill their victims even after receiving their ransom demands so no one ever wants to encounter them. The third type of feared criminals in Nigeria is the robbers. They mostly prey on businesses and Banks but they will rob anyone for their cars, cell phones, and cash.
All three types of criminals usually operate in gangs. SARS was created as a special task force to focus on investigating these criminal gangs while allowing regular police officers to focus on other crimes. Over time, the tactics that SARS used to gather evidence became corrupt. They would detain and torture suspects in order to extract information in their investigations but when the suspects died during the interrogation, their bodies were dumped. When SARS took down gangs, they often extra-judiciously killed all the suspects. Eventually, they began to be perceived as lawless criminals themselves with no accountability to anyone. Women often accused them of rape and men of battery without just cause.
So, how did the Police become just as bad as the criminals? We can’t compare them to American Police because we know that most instances of Police brutality in North America is due to racism. The answer is that they lack morals and accountability but that explanation is still too simple isn’t it? The fact is that the whole of Nigerian society is to blame. They are suffering from a deficiency of conscience.
Before Nigerians condemn me for sounding self-righteous, I also believe that the whole world is suffering from a deficiency of conscience. I’m also from a country with one of the highest murder rates on the planet. We also had a special force we called ACID that became corrupt and called out by Amnesty International. The force was disbanded but crime and violence only continued. Today there are over 1000 murders in Jamaica every year for the past 20 years. This is in a population of only 3 million people, not even the size of some Nigerian cities.
Human cognition only operates in two states; conscience and desire. Conscience is an energy field that connects us to the Great Spirit that is the Universe. The more attention we give it, the more it grows to strengthen our empathy, care, and concern for other people. These are the building blocks of our morals.
Desire on the other hand, is an energy field that grounds our Soul to the Earth. It induces us to seek out the pleasures of life which provides us with a false sense of happiness. Everyone, including preachers override their #conscience in order to enjoy the pleasures of life. That is why you see Preachers buying multi-million-dollar Jets, fancy Cars, luxury Houses, and designer clothes.
#Nigeria now has some of the richest preachers in the world while the vast percentage of the population is poor. It tells everyone in society that money is king therefore they are doing anything to get rich. If a deceiver comes to them and tells them that the best and fastest way to get money is to kill a woman, boil her vagina and breasts and eat them, they will do it. The ritualists then gets rich from selling deception to hundreds of people.
The only problem is that people who go to ritualists don’t see that it’s their money that is making the ritualists rich. They think that it’s because the ritualist is also eating body parts to gain power. The result is that the whole society, from top to bottom, is now spiraling downward into a whirlpool of depravity. Policing will get weaker and the criminals stronger, then after the population cries out another SARS force will be created. This cycle will continue until we begin to learn about then pursue our true purpose as Human beings on this planet.
Why Black Lives Matter
Why “Black Lives Matter” and not “All Lives Matter”? All lives can only matter when all people are treated equal.
“Black Lives Matter” is the motto of a new era in America’s ongoing Civil Rights struggle. It is a phrase that is being chanted by thousands of people who are taking part in rallies and marches in towns and cities all across the country because they are fed up with systemic racism and police brutality. But while “Black Lives Matter” maybe categorized as a mere slogan in the media it means more than that to Black people for one major reason; Black Americans recognize that they are being denied access to the “American Dream”.
The American Dream is a slogan which encapsulates the larger and well known “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” slogan of the country’s founders. It means that all Americans have the inalienable right to live free and pursue their dreams whatever they may be. Unfortunately, some people do not feel that those rights should be afforded to everyone in America. First, they tried to classify Black people as not fully human and when that failed, they made sure to limit Black progress socially, economically and psychologically.
Racists are countering the movement by pushing the narrative of “All Lives Matter”. They also say that the Black Lives Matter movement does not make sense because Black people are the #1 killers of each other. Crime, poverty, and self hate are rampant in Black communities and its nobody’s fault but Black people themselves. Other races have come to America and achieved the American Dream so why can’t Black people?
That maybe true but how many other races have suffered two hundred years of brutal slavery in which Black people had their will to be free broken like animals, stripped of their culture, then indoctrinated with white culture? Then after being freed, were made to suffer another one hundred and fifty years of systemic racism, discrimination, and physical brutality? None, so f-off with that!
Black peoples personal problems have nothing to do with their lack of inclusion into the “American Dream”. Comparing the two is like saying Black people don’t deserve anything because they don’t know how to act. Well who made white people the guardians of happiness? Black people earned the right to the American Dream above all others with their Blood, Sweat, and Tears. Black Lives Matter is therefore a declaration by Black people that they deserve to engage in a Pursuit of Happiness without being brutalized by the Police.
A good example of discrepancies in Police brutality is to compare America with a country such as here in Jamaica, which is roughly 90% Black. Police brutality in Jamaica is worse than that of America’s yet we are dealing with Black cops and a Black population. This suggests that police brutality in America has little to do with law enforcement or all races of people in America would suffer the same percentage of police brutality, not just Blacks. Instead, police brutality is the result of systemic racism that corrupts the minds of Police officers, Lawyers, and Judges to engage in denying Black people equal opportunity to pursue their dreams.
Yes, “All Lives Matter” but before you dismiss this uproar as just another episode in the saga of Black dissatisfaction at failing to keep up with the rest of American society, take a deeper look. Black people are waking up and realizing that their fight has always been to try to fit into a system that wasn’t created by them but continues to exploit them to stay prosperous. If white America continues to deny Black Americans unhindered participation into the American Dream, Black people will just keep on trying to tear America down from the inside out.
Racists Are Hoping That The Police Brutality Protests Will Soon Go Away
Anti-Police brutality protests that were sparked by the Police killing of George Floyd are now into their 2nd month with no end in sight. The White House has been fenced off from protesters and the president is actively criticizing State Governors and city Mayors over their perceived inability to squash the protests. Like many other racists who hate the idea of America becoming a land of opportunity for all races, not just whites, he hopes that the ongoing Police brutality protests will soon go away so that America can go back to its unethical norms.
America is witnessing a level of social unrest that has not been witnessed since the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s but not only are the demonstrations bigger and more wide spread, they are more racially diverse as well. In many cities nationwide, white protesters are outnumbering Blacks two or three to one. The situation has generated a new type of “Elephant in the room” that some Black people are frightened to acknowledge. Some are even skeptical of the sincerity and motives of white protesters but all in all, they welcome the support.
Contrary to popular belief, America is still a very racially divided nation. Black Americans have been fighting an uphill battle for racial respect and inclusion into American society since the abolition of slavery over 150 years ago. In that time, Black people have suffered some of the worst forms of barbarism ever inflicted on humans. White racists who did not agree with Blacks being free, used every excuse they could find to murder Black men, women, and children. Black people had to segregate and form their own communities for the safety of their families.
When regular whites couldn’t reach us in our communities, they used the Police to “over-see” us. This created a culture of impunity within most Police forces when it came to dealing with Black people. They continued to murder Black people at will knowing that their system of governance, which includes Judges, Lawyers, and Politicians, would turn a blind eye to the actions of their Police officers. This culture of brutality even infected Black cops who use their authority to take out their own frustrations and psychological problems on their own people.
Back to the protests and the sincerity of its white participants. We are under no illusion about the characteristics of human nature. Most of these white people have not become anti-racists overnight. We know that being a racist or not is not as simple as turning a switch on or off. We also know that the only true enemy of racist ideology is sanity however, sanity is not a universal psychological human endeavor. Sanity requires constant work and reinforcement due to the inequities of life. Insightful Black leaders should think of organizing annual anti-racism marches all throughout America if they want to see lasting change.
The levels of participation by whites and other races in national and global anti-Police brutality protests is mainly due to “heard mentality” but it will ultimately serve to erode the ideologies that encourage racism. Other marginalized racial and social groups are also joining in the protests as a way of giving voice to their own causes but it will also help them to understand that white supremacy can be defeated.
Racists who are steadfast in their beliefs of eternal white supremacy, hate what they are witnessing. They know that the protests have the ability to infect even their own sympathies so they are going on the offensive. They are gathering with like-minded friends to share and reinforce hate ideology. They are going onto News outlets and Social Media to agitate and spread hate rhetoric. Most of all, they are eagerly waiting for their ideological leader in the White House to take further action using his friends in influential government and Law Enforcement places.
This is all proof that in order to create real change in the world, marches, demonstrations, and protests must not stop. We need to keep our knees on the necks of these racists.
Black Consciousness vs Black Liberation
Black Consciousness vs Black Liberation; what is the difference and which one is best for Black people? We believe that both are important and go hand in hand but without Black Consciousness Black Liberation is a completely useless endeavor. Here is why.
The vast majority of Black people who are waking up, abandoning religion and the system of popular culture are seeking Black liberation. Like the constitutional motto of the United States declares, Black people want “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. Unfortunately, they realized long ago that that motto was not meant for them because while other races eat from the table of opportunity, they have to fight for the scraps that fall off.
Our struggle therefore has to go one step further. We have to unify socially, politically, and economically if we are ever going to be able to get a seat at the table of equal opportunity. In the past, our leaders have tried to unify us using many tactics. They have tried to get us informed and educated by creating black colleges, newspapers, magazines, radio and TV stations. They have tried to unify us with religion and social organizations. They have tried to empower us by creating Black owned businesses for us to build wealth in our communities.
Our leaders have also tried to increase our political power by encouraging us to vote and get involved in the political process. We can’t say none of that has worked, however we still find ourselves struggling to be respected as human beings. We believe that our failures are based on our general level of consciousness as to reality and how the world works. In other words, we will never achieve Black Liberation until we focus on how to become truly conscious Black people.
Black consciousness is an active process by which Black people are using their conscience as a motivator to gain mental strength. Mental strength involves increasing one’s self-discipline and self-motivational abilities. With the strengthening of those qualities a black person can then go about improving their personal health and the health of their communities by gaining knowledge of self, their history, and how the world works.
Without knowledge of self and self-discipline, Black Liberation is just a wishful mental and physical pursuit in which Black people are trying to gain freedom from government oversight so that we can expedite our own destruction. We may hate the government and police but we all know that if they didn’t exist all hell would break loose. Racism is still a big factor because without true racial unity, they will continue to do what they want to us without consequence. They don’t respect us because from the way we kill each other, they know we don’t respect ourselves.
Our young men want to be liberated to smoke weed and get high all day as well as impregnate as many women as they want without taking care of their children. Our young women want to be liberated to destroy their skin with bleaching creams, butt implants, and hair chemicals because it will be nobody’s business but their own. Their primary source of making money will be in catering to the various desires of their peers such as selling drugs, prostitution, and partying. As long as we don’t understand that our two primary mental states are Desire and Conscience we will continue to degenerate as a race.
Take the example of predominantly Black societies in many areas of the world. Common people are in constant disputes against authority. To us, authority always seems to represent oppression and while colonialism has played a huge role, colonialism is fading while crime, violence, and corruption is on the rise. It is disappointing to witness because building productive societies will always require some level of oversight. The only way that Black societies will be able to successfully function in this new age is to raise the level of consciousness of the people within the society.
The HERU Interface’s participation in the struggle for Black Liberation is through Black Consciousness and Consciousness is about self-improvement. We are not coons are self-haters who blame ourselves wholeheartedly for our own condition. We also make no apologies for the white man’s continued racism, discrimination, and oppression of Black people worldwide. We are proud Black Afrakan people who will continue to fight for liberation by targeting the consciences of all races including our own.
Korryn Gaines Not Just Another Angry Black Woman
Isn’t it funny how Black women who stand up for their rights by confronting injustice in society are always labeled in the media as “angry Black women”? They are never attributed human qualities such as; stressed, depressed, or suicidal. No, those qualities are reserved for the privileged races. So, like rabid dogs the only solution for an angry Black woman is to be put down. Can any MF dispute the fact that Korryn Gaines was put down like a rabid dog?
The police saw Korryn Gaines as a loudmouth, trouble-making threat who took pride in exercising her rights while embarrassing them so they stoked her fire in order to extinguish it. Apparently it worked so well that even a lot of Black people are against her. The police know the current social environment between Black people and them is a volatile one but they know how to handle threats and kill even when people are watching as they yell “stop resisting” or “drop the weapon”.
The point is, society may not understand but Black women have a lot to be angry about. They spend a lot of time preoccupied with their looks because society considers them the least attractive. They sacrifice fun to get educated because education is not reserved for oppressors alone. They also sacrifice their lives to raise children who they hope someday will grow to live a better life than they do. All these things create and build stress within Black women. They suffer from some of society’s deadliest illnesses often because they sacrifice their health to either look good, compete in the workplace, or provide for their families.
They say Korryn had mental issues. Does anyone know if she was diagnosed and if so was she getting treatment? I hate when people overlook mental illness because it isn’t Cancer, Diabetes, or a broken leg. Korryn Gaines may have had her issues but there is no excuse for her death. Society needs to stop labeling Black women as “angry” so they can be dismissed as having no worth. It starts with us as Black people to value our strong Black women.