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Beware of Incel White Supremacists

Black people, beware of Incel white supremacists; they are the new tools to keep us locked in survival mode. Recently, another one of these bastards killed three innocent Black people in Florida before taking the cowards way out by killing himself. Recognize that most, if not all racially motivated killings of Black people in America over the past decade was done by Incel white supremacists.
What is an Incel and how do they become white supremacists?
The term incel is an acronym for involuntary celibate. Celibate means being single relationship-wise and involuntary means against ones’ will. According to psychologists, Incels are predominantly young heterosexual white males who feel they are unable to attract romantic partners because of their looks or social status. These problems are compounded ten-fold in recent times by their addiction to video gaming culture.
Incels spend their whole teenage years playing video games then when they reach into their twenties, reality kicks in and they begin to get frustrated with life. They realize that they cannot continue to play video games all their lives because their parents and siblings are starting to label them as losers. They begin to search for companionship but because they never socialized with the opposite sex, they don’t know how to engage in friendly conversations with females that would eventually develop into romance.
When rejection from the opposite sex turns into frustration, incels begin to search for things to blame. Hate is a form of happiness, so what most incels do at this point is comfort themselves with the thought that the problem is not them; the problem is the opposite sex and the rise of feminism and homosexuality. They begin to view females as morally corrupt creatures who only go for attractive guys, guys with money, or Black guys.
Some Incels have resorted to killing women to take out their frustrations but with the rise of white supremacist propaganda in the social media age, Incels have honed-in on a new scapegoat for their social dysfunctions. One of the main talking points of white supremacy is that the white race is under attack and the civilization that they created for themselves will soon be destroyed and taken over by inferiors such as Negros, Jews, Asians, South Asians, and Arabs.
Due to white supremacist propaganda, Incels also believe that one of the primary reasons why they cannot find love is because of Black people and our overwhelming influence on social culture. Remember when the mark of true white beauty was thin straight noses, invisible lips, pale white skin and slender figures? Well now most white girls want full lips, dark skin and big butts and are going to sun tan parlors, filling their pores with collogen and silicone to achieve these qualities.
Every time another one of these young Incel white supremacists go on a murder rampage, it generates fear within Black communities. Understand that fear traps the mind in survival mode. Two things happen in survival mode; one, we resort to comforting beliefs such as religion and two, in comfort mode our creativity goes dormant. Creativity mode is essential for collective racial upliftment because as more of us express our creativity, it inspires others among us to become the best that we can be.
We all know the truth that guns don’t kill people, its people who kill people. Therefore, it should be blatantly obvious that Incels need mental health support but don’t count of conservative politicians to step in because it’s their game plan the use the fear that their Incel offsprings generates to keep Black people in survival mode.