Tag Archives: morals
Nigerians More Afraid of Police than Criminals, This is Why
Nigerians are more afraid of the Police than criminals, this is why. What does it say about a society when people fear the police more than the criminals? It means that the society is broken and the level of consciousness within the society needs to be elevated. Unfortunately, that can only be achieved using a completely new way of thinking that only concepts such as the HERU Interface of Black Consciousness can provide.
Police brutality in Nigeria has been a concern among Nigerians for a very long time. The situation has now come to a crisis as anti-police brutality protesting (#ENDSARS) against the country’s special anti-crime unit, better known as SARS, has turned into all out violence. Dozens of protesters have been killed by the police, special forces and the Army and the protesters have returned the favor by burning down numerous police stations, businesses, and government offices.
If you are like me looking in from the outside, you might feel that it’s terrible that the police are killing innocent protesters but how did the situation get so terrible? The truth is that the whole of the society is to blame. The SARS force was created as a result of the senseless violence that permeates Nigerian society. There are several types of feared criminals that people used to dread more than the police.
The first type of criminals that are prevalent in Nigerian society are Ritualists. They kidnap people on a regular basis then dismember their victims and sell their body parts to people who then use the body parts in their own rituals. Who are the customers, you might ask? The customers are everyone from preachers and business people to everyday citizens who couldn’t give a damn about their neighbors. This is a real sickness within the society.
The second most feared criminals are bandits who kidnap business people, politicians, and anyone they suspect of having family wealth. Kidnappers will kill their victims even after receiving their ransom demands so no one ever wants to encounter them. The third type of feared criminals in Nigeria is the robbers. They mostly prey on businesses and Banks but they will rob anyone for their cars, cell phones, and cash.
All three types of criminals usually operate in gangs. SARS was created as a special task force to focus on investigating these criminal gangs while allowing regular police officers to focus on other crimes. Over time, the tactics that SARS used to gather evidence became corrupt. They would detain and torture suspects in order to extract information in their investigations but when the suspects died during the interrogation, their bodies were dumped. When SARS took down gangs, they often extra-judiciously killed all the suspects. Eventually, they began to be perceived as lawless criminals themselves with no accountability to anyone. Women often accused them of rape and men of battery without just cause.
So, how did the Police become just as bad as the criminals? We can’t compare them to American Police because we know that most instances of Police brutality in North America is due to racism. The answer is that they lack morals and accountability but that explanation is still too simple isn’t it? The fact is that the whole of Nigerian society is to blame. They are suffering from a deficiency of conscience.
Before Nigerians condemn me for sounding self-righteous, I also believe that the whole world is suffering from a deficiency of conscience. I’m also from a country with one of the highest murder rates on the planet. We also had a special force we called ACID that became corrupt and called out by Amnesty International. The force was disbanded but crime and violence only continued. Today there are over 1000 murders in Jamaica every year for the past 20 years. This is in a population of only 3 million people, not even the size of some Nigerian cities.
Human cognition only operates in two states; conscience and desire. Conscience is an energy field that connects us to the Great Spirit that is the Universe. The more attention we give it, the more it grows to strengthen our empathy, care, and concern for other people. These are the building blocks of our morals.
Desire on the other hand, is an energy field that grounds our Soul to the Earth. It induces us to seek out the pleasures of life which provides us with a false sense of happiness. Everyone, including preachers override their #conscience in order to enjoy the pleasures of life. That is why you see Preachers buying multi-million-dollar Jets, fancy Cars, luxury Houses, and designer clothes.
#Nigeria now has some of the richest preachers in the world while the vast percentage of the population is poor. It tells everyone in society that money is king therefore they are doing anything to get rich. If a deceiver comes to them and tells them that the best and fastest way to get money is to kill a woman, boil her vagina and breasts and eat them, they will do it. The ritualists then gets rich from selling deception to hundreds of people.
The only problem is that people who go to ritualists don’t see that it’s their money that is making the ritualists rich. They think that it’s because the ritualist is also eating body parts to gain power. The result is that the whole society, from top to bottom, is now spiraling downward into a whirlpool of depravity. Policing will get weaker and the criminals stronger, then after the population cries out another SARS force will be created. This cycle will continue until we begin to learn about then pursue our true purpose as Human beings on this planet.
Black Consciousness vs Christ Righteousness
Black Consciousness vs Christ Righteousness.
So, Christians want to fight back against Black Consciousness using what they call Christ Righteousness. Well the Heru Interface of Black Consciousness says bring it on! Christ righteousness is a roman invention and since Black people are not Romans, any Black person promoting Christ is not only perpetuating a slave mentality, they’re suffering from it too.
I will say this over and over again; only smart people are able to create their own motivations in life. The Europeans created Christianity, the Arabs created Islam, the Hebrews created Judaism, the Indians created Hinduism, the Asians created Buddhism, and Afrakans created nothing. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
The mere fact that we haven’t created a major religion means that we can still be saved. In the meantime, our laziness to think for ourselves has rendered us dependent on the psychological comforts and motivations of other races.
Does the fact that we haven’t created a major religion mean that we are dumb? No, it simply means that although we are still Spiritual, we just haven’t found our way back to the true creator of the universe yet. Instead, you continue to allow your minds to be controlled by the religious concepts of other races that rely on false representations of the Great Spirit.
We do not believe that rehashing Egyptian mythology is the answer because while it holds much wisdom, it has many faults. Time is not linear or circular, it is spiral therefore we cannot go back to the past, we can only learn from the past to build a better future.
We know that in the absence of real knowledge, religion is humanity’s greatest attempt at a conscientious existence. We see how humanity has compiled the morals they have attained through their conscience and put them into the hands of a neutral 3rd party entity, a god. That is why we do not discount the usefulness of religion. It encourages people to use their conscience to control their desires.
In recognizing the fact that human cognition needs an operating system to provide meaning and purpose, we have created our own belief system we call the Heru Interface. It is not a religion or cult, it is a way of life and an answer to our Spiritual deficiency. Most of all, it recognizes and respects the entities that control reality without worshiping them.
Heru interface and Dohgon Spirituality has heard all the excuses that Black people come up with for maintaining their mental enslavement. Jesus was black, the original Jews were Black, Ethiopia is the true home of Christianity, not Rome. It all fails because we know that Christianity was started by the Romans who adopted Hebrew religious beliefs and combined them with the teachings of Jesus.
Roughly 60 years after Jesus was crucified, the Roman general Saul created the buy-in, or excuse to adopt a faith they couldn’t defeat by claiming to experience a “Divine intervention” while travelling to Damascus. He then used his influential position to coalesce people who were now hailing Jesus as a profit, into a single movement while calling themselves Christians.
It wasn’t until the First Council of Nicaea Nicean in 325 AD, that Christian bishops, religious philosophers, and Royalty came to a consensus on the creation of the first Bible.
Jesus was not Black therefore the “chosen people” of Judaism could not have been Ethiopian. Jesus was a descendant of the same people the Bible states that god was talking to when he asked the question, “can the Ethiopian change his skin?” God was speaking to someone other than Black, scolding them for doing evil when evil was not their true nature.
But now you say, hold up; the book of Jeremiah where this phrase is from was way before Jesus. Fail again. The Romans said that Jesus said, “I came to my own people but they didn’t accept my message, therefore I give permission to all people who believe my message, to enter Heaven”. That also proves that Jesus was a Hebrew, not an Ethiopian.
But anyway, enough bible logic. Let’s get into the real reason why Black people refuse to let go of religious deception. The number one reason is that everyone is born with blank slates or empty Mind. As part of the Life entity, our instinctual desires and fears force us to form bonds with the people around us. If those people are leading us wrong, there’s no way to know unless our conscience is also nurtured and developed to balance or override our desires.
Conscience is also an instinct that first shows up when we notice inequities. Our sibling has a better toy or a more enticing piece of candy, for instance. Inequities are the tools of the life entity. What is Life? Well if you can believe in gods in the clouds, you can believe that Life is a single conscious entity.
The Heru interface recognizes that the creative force behind the universe is the Great Spirit, which is a Mind. Just like our own Minds, its consistency is abstract Pure Dark Energy Waves. The Great Spirit created Life and through Life it created Humans. Humans first existed in accord with the rest of Life but as Life became more self-aware it began to pursue the goal of universal awareness.
Life enhanced human desires so that humans wouldn’t be contented and it enhanced human fears to ensure its long-term survival. As Life gained control of human emotions our connection to the Great Spirit through our Pineal Glands became diminished. Our Pineal Glands Calcified diminishing its ability to produce Melatonin, our most important hormone.
Melatonin repairs the human body at the cellular level as well as to energize the human conscience. Conscious is an energy field that is the only balancing force for human Desire. Religious people are misguided because in the absence of true Spirituality, you created deities and Idols to quench your desires and alleviate your fears. Eventually you learned to substitute deities with invisible mystery gods but the purpose is the same.
Now please tell us using your best logic that Christ Righteousness isn’t based on desire. You want to live in physical form forever, you are addicted to happiness, and you covet favor for being good. All throughout your Bible it peaks of drinking Wine, being physically perfect and beautiful, as well as acquiring physical riches. Heaven promises no night, streets of Gold, and inexhaustible amounts of Milk, and Honey.
The real reason why Black people persist in religious deception is because in the absence of true Spirituality, it caters to their deepest desires. It traps them into having Faith and maintaining Hope in an illusion that will never come to pass. Christianity is great for perpetuating the pursuits of Life but not the true Spirit of our existence.
ZaZa Ali a Black Consciousness Vampire?
Is ZaZa Ali a Black Consciousness vampire? Her recent exposure for trying to keep nearly $15K in appearance fees from a speaking engagement that she cancelled out on would certainly suggest so. Appearance fee provisions are contractual agreements between event organizers and performers. Patrons therefore need to be very careful to read the fine print before they purchase tickets in advance because Performers are not obligated to return advances unless they break the contract.
In this case the ticket holders were only fortunate enough to get refunds based on their efforts to expose the unethical actions of ZaZa Ali by exposing her as the one who broke the contractual agreement. The determining factor as to whether ZaZa Ali is truly an unethical person and a Black Consciousness vampire has to be based on her overall track record. Unfortunately for her, many people are now exposing her as having a very shady past.
A vampire is a person who stays alive by sucking the blood of other people, however the term vampire has also been adopted to include people who drain other people’s energy, money, and time. A Black Consciousness vampire therefore, is a person who specializes in scamming, hustling, and robbing the Black Conscious community. Many people who rise to prominence in the community may begin with good intentions buy without a moral anchor, they will inevitably transform into Vampires.
Controversy involving ZaZa Ali is not new. Several well-known people in the Black Conscious community have spoken out about her character and history before but without substantive evidence, most of the talk was passed off as jealousy over her rapid influential rise. One of the most damming accusations about her is that she is a convicted felon who has several fraud charges.
No one is saying that people cannot change and from what we see, she has been doing just that. We know that one of the best ways to help one’s self is to help others. Unfortunately, true self-improvement begins with the strengthening of one’s morals through strong self-discipline. According to our understanding of human psychology, morality is a product of one’s Conscience and Conscience encourages Fairness, Equity, and Accountability. These three traits are the foundation of true Black Consciousness.
We encourage ZaZa not to hide behind the allegations of fraud that has inflamed the Black Consciousness community but to come clean. As she can clearly witness, people love to pile on and before you know it, her career will disappear in a puff of smoke like a real Vampire.
Stop Female Genital Mutilation
Female Genital Mutilation on Wikipedia
Stop Female genital mutilation (FGM). It is a painful, barbaric, and unhealthy tradition that cannot and will never stop the impulse of men and women to fulfill their sexual desires in nefarious ways because FGM is based on unconscious religious philosophy.
Female genital mutilation is a traditional practice within many Muslim influenced cultures where the genitals of young girls are cut off to limit vaginal use. Such mutilations can range from the cutting off of the clitoris to the removal of the entire external genitalia. Once healed, this non-medical procedure dramatically reduces the vaginal opening leaving only a small opening for urinating. FGM is not only barbaric, it is an extremely painful practice that often results in death or life-long pain, discomfort, and infections for girls who undergo it.
Female genital mutilation has been outlawed by the world health organization for many decades however, it is still being practiced by many cultures in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. The main reason for the persistence of FGM is that it is being used as a tool to reduce or eliminate Sexual Desire in women and girls. FGM developed in ancient times as religious philosophers across many faiths searched for ways to control human nature. But while some faiths stopped at shackling women in Chastity Belts, others went on to altering the genitals believing it would thwart a woman’s obvious susceptibility to being used by the Devil.
The superstitious belief that gods and devils manipulate human nature is the same reason why some faiths still demand that women cover themselves in public. They believe that if any part of a woman is seen by any man other than their husbands, unwanted desire would rise in the man (temptation) therefore all such temptations must be eliminated from society. If this is so, why are there still tribes of people in some regions of Africa, Asia, and South America walking around naked and there is no problem with sexual perversion?
Blinded by religious philosophy many cultures still believe that sexual promiscuity, such as adultery and prostitution is the result of women not being able to control their sexual desires. Husbands therefore, fear leaving their homes for extended periods of time because their wives will seek to fulfill their sexual desires with other men. Having circumcised wives makes men feel better knowing that their wives will not fall victim to this tool of the devil. There is also the added bonus of knowing that most other men will have little desire to seduce a circumcised woman.
Corrupt sexual desire is a problem that many societies worldwide have been struggling to manage ever since humans began to develop social morality. What people overlook or don’t know is that sexual desire is a natural instinct in humans. To control sexual desire by physical means betrays true understanding of human behavior. That is unless we persist in our power-loving tendencies to control others by force. The real truth is is that Sexual Desire can be controlled by nonphysical means and is the responsibility of both genders, not just women.
FGM is pervasive in many African cultures because it is ingrained in our traditions. Cultural tradition is a coalescing force that gives individuals within a society a sense of belonging. Humans are social creatures, meaning we generally hate to exist in isolation from other humans. We find comfort in family and friends and socialize with others who share common ways of life and spiritual beliefs. We learn by mimicking and gain acceptance through adaptation. Once adaptations are practiced over several generations, they become ingrained in the psychology of people and become traditions.
It is no wonder therefore, that FGM is most often executed by women; the same women who once kicked and screamed when it was being done to them. Women have become so brain washed by the tradition that they see FGM as a rite of passage that signals a young girl’s worthiness for marriage at only 9 and 10 years old. In essence, women in such societies have become no more than property of the men, like goats and donkeys. They see nothing wrong with it because they are thought that a woman’s place is to serve a man.
Stopping female genital mutilation is not an easy task. It requires changing cultural beliefs, which unfortunately are also interwoven with religious ideology. A better solution is to increase the awareness of people through education. Eventually people will learn that sexual desire is a natural human instinct that can be controlled by their minds. The key to developing a strong mind is to develop strong conscience and self-discipline by improving our connection to the Spiritual force of the universe.
Most religions are good self-discipline builders that can help people blow themselves up in crowds or encourage ideas of racial superiority that lead to racism and genocide but they are weak conscience builders because they rely on corrupt ideology to thrive. That is why you see pastors sexual abusing children and taking advantage of their followers financially and sexually. That is why you see men seeking to marry children or animals to have sex with. They don’t know how to use their conscience to build and regulate their morals so they make excuses saying a devil is responsible for temptation.
Unconscious people have traditionally attempted to control their sexual desires by putting the responsibility of sexual weakness on women. They have thwarted the development of female sexuality within their societies by mutilating the genitals of young girls. Black consciousness calls on all cultures that still practice female genital mutilation to listen to your conscience and the cries of every young girl that you “Cut” to stop this unconscious, unnatural, and unnecessary tradition because sexual desire can be controlled by developing strong consciences.
Beware of the Sex Dolls
Beware of the Sex Dolls; they are unconscious tools of the mechanisms of Life.
Weak minded men all over the world are going crazy over the release of a new breed of ultra-realistic sex dolls. They see the use of these sex dolls as a harmless way of satisfying their desires while relieving sexual stress. What they don’t know is that by giving in to their desires in such an unnatural way, they are compromising the strength of their minds to become tools of the mechanisms of Life.
Sex Dolls are not a new phenomenon. They have been around in various forms for decades. New manufacturing technology has now enabled the creation of sex dolls that are more life-like in look and feel. Some sex dolls even go beyond life-like to exaggerate the sexual attractiveness of the female body such as bigger Breasts and Butts. The goal of these new sex dolls is to increase and transform a person’s sexual desires into sexual addiction.
Aside from their repulsive nature, sex dolls appear to be no more than a harmless preoccupation of unethical men and women. However, if you understand Life like we do then you will know that Life will take you in any direction you want to go until death exhausts you. That is because Life is a single conscious entity which consists of the collective awareness of all the lifeforms on Earth. It uses mechanisms, primarily Desire, to drive the consciousness of its various incarnations in its ultimate goal of achieving Universal Awareness.
That means that we are all Tools but there is a Balance. We exist as a duality, abstract and physical so while our physical selves are bound to Life, we are also guided by the abstract essence of the universe; the Great Spirit. That is why without the Spiritual guidance of our Conscience, our consciousness will always become corrupted by our Desires. In essence, people who will fulfill their sexual desires using sex dolls lack conscience and are Spiritually weak. They do not possess enough will-power to seek intimacy through the development of real human relationships. It is also indicative of the break down of society on a whole. An over-dependency on Desire has corrupted people to the point of selfishness.
The main corrupting forces in society are Ideology in the form of religion and Humanism in the form of Human Rights. That is why there are religious people marrying or raping children. Propelled by the pursuit of personal happiness, most people in society today say they no longer have time for relationships. Some people don’t want a relationship for fear of getting hurt emotionally. Some people cannot see beyond the desires of physical beauty so they reject undesirable people though they may possess rich inner beauty. Then there are the youth who mostly lack the morals and self-discipline to control one iota of their hormone-soaked brains. These are the people going crazy over the new sex dolls.
The female Spirit cannot exist in sex dolls. In other words, sex dolls cannot become possessed by abstract entities such as Life energy and Demons. What we do is project our Desires into sex dolls. Our Minds will then create the conditions to facilitate personal happiness or if we are fearful our minds will fool us into believing that a sex doll is responsible for our obsession toward it. The Mind is a very powerful tool that is designed to protect us through fear and flight response or help our happiness through desire and imagination creation.
If you hate the idea of sex dolls, I feel sorry for you because their prevalence and popularity is only going to increase. The desire for sex is only rivaled by the desire for Money, therefore opportunity seekers will always seek to exploit the weaknesses in human nature. Now they are even bold enough to introduce child sex dolls on the market. These are for Pedophiles, domineering men, and the sexually perverted who like to travel to places in Asia where child sex is loosely regulated due to the weak civil conscience of those societies. Now they can enjoy the pleasures of raping their child sex dolls in the comfort of their own homes.
The only way to resist the mechanisms of Life is to build your moral fortitude through your conscience as directed by the Great Spirit of the universe. Men, do not compare sex dolls to the sex toys of women. The difference is that sex can and is being used worldwide as a form of exploitation. Women have rarely been known to rape men but men have routinely use rape and sexual abuse to exploit women. Sex dolls are not an alternative and are only serving to alienate the sexes. Respect women by developing conscientious desires in the form of Love.
Abstract Entities Manipulate Humanity
The HERU Interface recognizes a variety of abstract entities that have direct as well as indirect influence on the daily lives of humans. Humans created some entities while Life and the Great Spirit of the universe itself created others. Aside from the Great Spirit, abstract entities have a potential to affect humans in adverse ways. Anyone can gain greater control of their life and choices by increasing their mental strength and awareness of abstract entities.
The Great Spirit of the universe is the Pure Dark Energy Waves that science recognizes as the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum. PDEW is abstract energy that cannot exist in the physical realm but it acts to regulate it through the forces it induces on physical matter. PDEW created Matter and Life and through Life it created Humans. The process of Matter creation can be understood in a formula created by Professor MOmOh of the Dohgon University of Thought.
Some people believe that energy, no mater the source, cannot possess intelligence because intelligence is a property of a Brain and Mind. I say think again because while the Mind is dependent on the Brain to generate an energy field, the Great Spirit is already an energy field. It is only man who cannot yet understand how that intelligence is being produced. The answer is in its creation.
Life is a single conscious entity, which consists of a micro and macrocosm of Carbon based creatures that can recreate themselves sexual and a-sexually. Life begins at a level where molecules of Matter form Nucleic Acid Compounds that string together to form DNA. DNA is therefore the basic building block of Life.
Although the Great Spirit communicates with Life, Life lacks Universal Awareness. Therefore, Life is on a quest for awareness using every tool at its disposal. Human Nature is being manipulated by Life by way of our Brain hormones. Those of us who acknowledge the Great Spirit are inspired by it to be Conscious of Mind.
Those who succumb to the mechanisms of Life remain Unconscious. They are employed as tools, ignorant of purpose while driven by Desire and Curiosity. Life forces them to engage in Risk and pursue Pleasure for a reward of Dopamine. Fortunately, all humans are equipped by the Great Spirit with a Conscience as a safety-net to protect Life.
Spirits are abstract energy beings that are a product of Life. Spirits are the Soul energy of living things that have died and transcended Life after death to join the energy of the Great Spirit. Spirits are good beings who though they can go anywhere in the universe due to their omnipotence, visit Earth on a regular basis.
Spirits are all around us trying their best to guide us but the bridge between the physical and the abstract world is too complex to pass through. Only the Great Spirit can achieve it as stated in the Dohgon formula for creation on (how something abstract becomes real).
Another bridge exists between the abstract and the physical world. It is located in the Brain and is called the Pineal Gland. Energy from the abstract realm enters our Minds in total darkness to create Melatonin, our body’s most important hormone. Spirits also enter our Minds through the Pineal Gland to manipulate our Brain and create messages to deliver to us through our Dreams. If you cannot interpret your dreams there are people who can do it for you.
The guidance of Spirits is what strengthens our conscience to build morals for us to live by. Morals encourage us to interact with the rest of Life using Fairness, Equity, and Accountability. Thousands of years ago when evil did not exist in the world humans lived in accord with nature and each other. Life changed however and humans began to notice inequities in life. Those inequities are what compromised the development of mature Spirits disabling them from transcending to the universe so they are bound to Earth as Ghosts.
Ghosts are entities that are also a product of Life. They are the Souls of people who have died but their Souls are too weak to transcend into Spiritual form so now they are trapped in the gray zone between Soul and Spirit. Ghosts are usually people who were evil, wicked, mean, and selfish in life. They may also be people who died tragically and are afraid to move on. Some have enough energy to do so but instead they decide to use that energy to claim ownership (haunt) the place they died.
Ghosts are bitter Souls who also have the ability to use their energy to possess the living. They easily attach to people who practice evil to grow the Devil energy within that person. The best way to avoid Ghosts is to do good things in life. Doing good things generates good energy, which is magnetic so it attracts other good people toward you. Avoid doing things for a reward. That is Desire driven and non-Spiritual. Make no conditions for doing good things as the Great Spirit is not beholden to Life or humanity, it simply exists.
Gods are abstract entities created by man. The Great Spirit of the universe created Humans with a Conscience, which is an energy field that encourages goodwill, morality, and empathy within man. Man existed in a state of oneness with Life until he developed a (Fear for the Unknown). Man then created deities for comfort and to give meaning and purpose to his life. Soon man discovered that his deities could also provide courage to alleviate his fears.
Man began to pray to his deities for good fortune but even worse; he believed that by making sacrifices to his deities he could gain a reward. Man’s deities became more and more extravagant until man himself demanded praise from the people under his control. Deities and human gods always died however, breaking the influential energy they hold. It wasn’t until the Jews created a mystery god, bringing the physical into the abstract realm, that the power of the man-made god excelled.
The Devil is an abstract entity created by man. There are many evil entities (Demons) but the collective evil energy humanity creates is the entity that is referred to as the Devil. The Devil represents all the bad and undesirable aspects of existence. Although the Devil is abstract its energy can become an influential force by way of the energy we feed it. In essence, evil energy is a contagious disease because doing evil to others also generates evil in them, especially when they have substituted true Spirituality with a god. So just like doing good to others produces goodwill among men, doing evil also produces an overall evil society.
The Devil (evil energy) is also responsible for man’s ignorance of the Great Spirit. The Devil is not a very powerful entity since it is man made however, evil energy traps the human mind into relying on ideology and the mechanisms of Life; namely Desire rather than Truth. In such a condition the mind twists life into a (pursuit of Happiness) whereby we live to quench our Desires for sex, money, beauty, heaven, and ultimately a paradise in death next to our imaginary gods.
Abstract Entities are energy beings that cannot be communicated with or affected by physical interaction. The only way to increase or decrease the influence that Abstract Entities have on one’s Soul is through mental strength. The Dohgon University of thought is a school of mental concentration management that teaches how to improve your Concentration in order to communicate with the Great Spirit, how to manage the mechanisms of Life, and how to avoid being trapped by the Desire driven energies of gods and devils.
Finding Real Love
There is no question that Love is the deepest and strongest human emotion. It’s a feeling that brings joy and happiness into the harsh reality of Life. Love can be of self, for someone else, or for something in the world around us. Love comes in many forms, sometimes shallow and sometimes deep but there is only one way to know when Love is real.
Real Love exists beyond beauty, class, intelligence, physical appearance, or sensory influence. When real love exists it doesn’t matter how someone looks. It doesn’t matter what someone can or cannot do for you or how much money they have. It doesn’t matter how smart or dumb they are. Real love cannot be conjured up or influenced to exist by the use of drugs.
In order to understand what real love is you first need to understand what Emotions are. Emotions are instinctual feelings that cannot be thought or learned therefore everyone experiences them, whether rich or poor, young or old, White or Black. Human consciousness has one basic driver; desire. Desire is our default condition while another force; Conscience, controls the dept and intensity of desire.
Conscience is an internal force that is developed through the external influence of the Spiritual essence of the universe. Conscience is the source of our morals, which expands to regulate our actions through self-discipline. Therefore, for Love to be truly real it needs to be controlled by one’s conscience. In other words, real Love is Conscious Desire.
Emotions are an aspect of human nature that needs to be controlled. If you cannot control your emotions then you cannot function around others, much less, in society. The most difficult emotion to control is Love but if you’re asking why Love would need to be controlled it’s because Love is also the most confusing emotion.
Love is the measure of your emotional Desire towards someone or something. Desire is also affection, fondness, infatuation, adulation, lust and many more. All emotions are different in weight because conscience influences desire in different level. Some people will say they love themselves but will engage in self-destructive activities such as taking drugs or altering their appearance to try to love themselves even more.
Some people will profess to love another person but then try to control that person physically or mentally. Then when they realize they cannot control that person they resort to harm and abuse. Others will claim to love someone but they really only love the beauty of that person so when the beauty fades away, so does the love. They don’t know that beauty is a mechanism.
Loving the superficial nature of self or someone else are destructive forms of love based purely on unconscious desire. At the height of conscious desire is Real Love and Conscientious Love is unconditional. It means that the Love emotion that is being generated is under the full control of your conscience and if your conscience is strong, your Love will be pure and true.
If you are seeking Real Love, whether of yourself or in others, remember that emotions are instinctual therefore they cannot change, only controlled. Listen to and use your conscience in your daily life. Think Spiritually and beware of religion, humanism, and other forms of ideology based lifestyles. Develop relationships with conscientious people. Only conscience can harness the reckless effects of Desire.