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Homosexuals Giant Kill Kevin Hart

In the wake of yet another high-profile dust up involving Hollywood and the Gay community it is important to reiterate the fact that no one will ever win a fight against the Gay community. That is because Homosexuality is a Human Right that supersedes logic, religion, and ideology. Homosexuals love this new tool and they especially love to use it to take down high-profile celebrities. We call the process, giant killing.
The latest celebrity to get giant killed is top-earning comedian Kevin Hart. He recently decided to back out of hosting the upcoming Oscars over backlash from the gay community involving old homophobic tweets. Kevin Hart initially issued an apology to the LBGT community for the old tweets that they found to use against him but he later refused a request from the Oscars committee to apologize publicly.
Like most situations of this type, many people including other Hollywood celebrities are coming to Kevin Hart’s defense while an equal amount are not. Some people are even associating it to the racism and discrimination that exists within the entertainment industry. Fact is, giant killing is not a new tool. The Black community uses it to address racism and women who have experienced sexual abuse have recently used it in the “Metoo” movement.
The first thing about homosexuality that people should understand is that being gay is not a choice. Choice only enters the equation where the culture of homosexuality is concerned. Homosexuality is a lifestyle that involves the practicing of same sex love, affection, and sex. That is why there are heterosexual men and women who will engage in same sex love and sex based on their acquired perversions.
A Gay person is born and grows to become attracted to other same sex individuals based on their Hormones. Hormones are chemicals in the brain and body that drive cells to perform specific tasks. Hormones are produced by glands that can either over-produce or under-produce therefore hormonal deficiency is not the problem as some doctors theorize. The problem is glandular therefore you cannot make a gay person straight with hormone therapy.
Heterosexuals are mainly the ones producing gay offspring. The question is, how? We believe that the most common causes are chemicals in our foods (Bisphenol A, for example) and trauma such as rape, incest, and war. Non-gay people who engage in homosexuality are encouraged by sexual addiction, sexual frustration, domineering, and even the need for affection itself because as homosexuality becomes more acceptable in society many people who can’t find love are turning to same sex for affection.
Gays and Homosexuality have traditionally been ostracized and even outlawed from many societies worldwide. They have since found refuge and a voice however, under Human Rights laws. The founding of the international Human Rights Code is based on Liberal Democratic principles. Next to Democracy itself the Human Rights Code is humanity’s highest attempt at civility. Unfortunately, without a general willingness to understand ourselves biologically, humanity’s sole alternative is to defend our various incarnations. Gays are now using the shield of Human Rights to push for a 3rd gender classification.
We sympathize with Kevin Hart but we know that sympathy is no match against Human Rights. The alternative is not to go backwards by confronting homosexuality with hate and violence. On the other hand, Homosexuals need to stop using Human Rights as a bashing stick to beat down people who aren’t a threat to them. We know that the only reason they’re attacking Kevin Hart is because he is a high profile celebrity. In this case, giant killing Kevin Hart gets no sympathy because we suspect that if gays had approached Kevin in a different way, he probably would have worked with them to bring awareness to their cause.