Tag Archives: Judaism
Western Puppets Forget That Israel Is Their Master
Western Puppets Forget That Israel Is Their Master. Someone please tell them that after 2000 years of being brain fucked by the spiritual system that the Jews created, it’s too late to turn on their master.
As the Israel/Hamas war rages on and Israel has taken the opportunity to murder as many Palestinians as they can, the call to end the war is also getting louder. Western leaders, who’ve given Israel the green light to commit genocide on the Palestinian people, are asking Israel to go back to the negotiating table and pursue a two-state solution to stop the conflict.
All those who thought that Israil would ever agree to a neighboring state for Palestinians are now in shock as Israel has boldly declared that such a situation will never happen. These naïve people don’t know who is the master and who are the puppets.
Most people believe that the existence of God cannot be disproven yet they refuse to hold God to the same standards as everything else. When confronted with logic, religious people will always say that “God works in mysterious ways that humanity is incapable of understanding.”
No, not all people are naïve. For blatant proof that the God of man does not exist, simply observe the evil actions of the people who claim to be his chosen people. Self rightuous Christians came along and declared that it is they and not the Jews who are God’s chosen people because; “they forgive people who murder their family members, they turn the other cheek when attacked, and they leave retribution to God” but when have we ever seen Western super-powers, who are all Christian nations, practice such moral traits? Never!
Christian nations are all puppets to Israel because of one foundational factor; similar to Muslims, they all worship the Jewish God. This fact cannot be disproven because before the Jews invented a mystery God, all Europeans and Arabs worshipped Deities, Idols, and their own Leaders as Gods. Their subsequent adaptation of the Jewish God was actually a form of mental enslavement that transformed them into puppets to the puppet master.
Israel exists, is maintained, and is defended by Western powers because, psychologically, they have no choice but to defend their master. You may hear some of them speaking out against Israel but in reality, they all fear eroding the two thousand year old foundation that their reality rests on.
Is Christianity an African Religion?
Christianity has been a significant religion in Africa for centuries, with millions of Africans identifying as Christians. However, in this age of reclamation, in which Africans are being encouraged by conscience to shed the religious beliefs of our colonizers and return to our own spiritual traditions, the important question of whether Christianity is an African religion, has become a very controversial one.
To us, the question of whether Christianity is an African Religion is not a complex one because we’ve studied history and can separate reality from fiction. Christianity is defined as a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. That means that Christianity couldn’t have existed before Jesus. The next question then should be, when did Jesus Christ live?
Jesus Christ is believed to have lived between 7–2 BC and 26–36 AD in the region of the Middle East known as Israel. This is the 1st intersection of the controversy because many people believe that the Middle East was, is, and will always be a part of Africa. If you believe that the Middle East is a part of Africa then yes, Christianity is an African religion. You don’t have to read this any further because you win a prize for being stupid.
Although Africa and the Middle East both share the same Continental Plate, the Middle East is not and was never considered a part of Africa. In those times Africans were known as Ethiopians and Cushites because of their dark skin. There are passages in the Bible that singles them out as being different from Jews. In those days, Africans were either traders or were brought into the Middle East as slaves.
Before and during the time of Jesus, Israel was under the rulership of the Romans. Jesus travelled around Israel perching his message of redemption to wayward Jews. The general consensus among Jews was that they were suffering because their God had put them in bondage for disobedience. This is a simply psychological concept that exists even till today because of human fears
Could African Traders and slaves have heard Jesuses’ preachings and become followers of his hopeful messages? That is a very strong possibility; however, that still does not make Christianity an African religion. African religions are religions that were created by Africans for Africans, not religions that were created by non-Africans but were adopted by Africans afterwards.
The truth is that in the early years after Jesuses death, he became a martyr for his defiance against the mighty Romans and his messages began to spread exponentially throughout all regions of the Roman Empire. About 60 years later, the Jew Saul who was masquerading as a Roman General made himself the appointed keeper of Jesuses legacy and began to document the life of Jesus in writing.
We know that a lot of Africans are brainwashed and refuse to give up Christianity, Islam, and Judaism because those religions soothe their disconnection from true Spirituality. As long as our people don’t use those religions to kill each other, I don’t see anything wrong with them. Some say the problem is not religion, it’s the people practicing it but that’s a misnomer though.
Searching for a Black Identity
Are you a Black person searching for an identity? This is a message to all Spiritual non-religious Black people; if a belief isnt ethical, leave it alone.
A lot of Black people refuse to examine reality in a critical way. As a result, they’ve chosen to live according to unethical ideologies and fragment themselves based on religion, ethnicity, and nationality. If you do not wish to rely on unethical religious and spiritual ideologies to comfort your existence and you value your indigenous African ancestry then don’t subscribe to Unethical religious beliefs; you will end up crucified like Kanye and Kyrie.
There is an increasing number of Black people who are calling themselves Negro Hebrews. The Black Jews or Negro Hebrews, subscribe to the belief that a god created them to be his chosen people. Unfortunately, they also believe that their God has been punishing them over the past 2000 years because of their own disobedience. By the way, this kind of thinking is a common victim mentality crutch that people develop to comfort their status while they search for redemption from their God. All people who’ve created Gods or worship Idols do the same thing.
Similar to the Moors and the Indigenous Black Americans, the Negro Hebrews claim that they are not Africans though they once inhabited parts of Africa in the past when God drove them out of Israel into exile. Then as part of further punishment they ended up as slaves in America. Damn; What an unethical God they must have! There are three primary reasons why a lot of Black people think like the Negro Hebrews. Those reasons are due to ignorance, Desire dependency, and manipulation by Ghosts and Demons.
Recently, we’ve seen the consequences of a couple of prominent people sympathizing with the plight of the Negro Hebrews by attacking the people who control Judaism. Kanye West and Kyre Irving are currently hanging on sacrificial crosses with the Blood of their courage, which is their money, slowly draining out. They will remain crucified on those crosses as examples of what will happen to Black people who don’t know their place. Some people are hailing them as heroes but we know that they are unwise because wisdom is based on a formula.
Dohgon professor Momoh thought us that the formula for Wisdom is Knowledge divided by Understanding. The problem with most people’s Understanding is that although they might gain excessive amounts of knowledge, they cannot gain Wisdom from it because they don’t know how Understanding works. In order to Understand things, you first need to understand how your own Brain and Mind works. Specifically; how your Hormones (Brain) control your Behavior (Mind) but before we can understand our Brain and Mind we first need to understand the source of our cration.
Dohgon Spirituality teaches that the true creator of Life is the Great Spirit that is the Abstract Pure Dark Energy of the universe. It not a God because it does not create things to gain praise and obedience from its creations. The Great Spirit simply creates lifeforms so that it can experience physical existence. The best way for the Great Spirit to experience existence is to occupy its creations. The Spiritual energy that occupies some living things, such as animals and humans, creates a Soul within them.
Souls develop into individual abstract entities that take on a variety of different personas. If a Soul is developed with good ethical energy, it may join the energy of the Great Spirit and reincarnate into physical reality limitless times or it may attach itself to other people to help develop that person’s Soul. If a Soul develops with bad unethical energy, it may die along with its physical host or it may also live on by attaching its energy to another living person. In essence, that bad Soul will help to corrupt another living person.
People’s minds function in two states, which are Desire and Conscience. Conscience is the force of the Great Spirit acting on the Human Soul. Desire is the force of Life acting on the Human Soul. These two forces are supposed to be balanced and that state of balance is known as unconditional Love. Ghosts and Demons cannot directly affect Human Conscience but they can affect Human Desire. Therefore, the way they corrupt Human Conscience is by encouraging Human Desire. Enhancing Human Desire tips the Mind into Desire Dependency.
Desire Dependency corrupts Human Conscience allowing Ideology and Inequity to override Truth, Ethics, and Morality. People will then struggle to treat each other using Fairness, Equity, and Accountability. Some people might say, “well Religion does all those things”. No, they don’t. Religion only encourages those things among the people of a particular religion. People outside of the religion are either shunned or initiated into an indoctrination regime.
We are not afraid of being crucified but we will never do it to sacrifice our Souls to Ghosts, Demons, or unethical Gods. We know that Ghosts and Demons cannot destroy our Souls because our Spirits exist above the level of those entities. We also know that our mission in this life is an Ethical one. It is to rebalance existence by encouraging enough Black people to use their Conscience as much as they can. In the mean-time, Black people can avoid being crucified like the Negro Hebrew by abandoning the belief in unethical Gods. When we think ethically and pay respect to your African ancestors, we will attract good Souls who will repel the Soul-destroying energy of Ghosts and Demons.
How to Fight the Rise of Pandemics Such As COVID-19
Covid-19 Virus is now a Pandemic estimated to kill tens of thousands of people worldwide. The World Health Organization seems to have only made this designation after the United States began to take the epidemic seriously. Even so, thousands of people in numerous countries around the world are testing positive for the virus while the global death toll has now risen to over 5000 people.
Now that politicians in the United States, the so-called leading country of medicine, are coming to their senses about the seriousness of the virus, they have begun shutting down all community celebrations, public schools, sports games, music events, and other social gatherings to thwart the spread of the virus. All Black people need to know how to fight the rise of global health pandemics such as Covid-19, the survival of the Black Race in the new millennium depends on it.
This information is not meant to cause panic and hysteria as the HERU Interface of Black Consciousness strives to always be responsible to the collective awareness of humanity. Our main goal is to raise the awareness of Black people so that we will begin to dictate our own reality instead of being the supporting cast of other races as well as becoming victims of preventable diseases.
A Pandemic is described as an deadly contagious health crisis that has spread to numerous countries and continents of the world. COVID-19 is a new type of Corona Virus, similar to the Flu but many times deadlier. It was first recognized by doctors in Wuhan, China roughly 6 months ago and since then it has been spreading fractaly across the globe. The reasons for its rapid spread can be attributed to three things.
- Global complacency due to the fact that viral epidemics occur frequently in many regions of the world therefore countries outside of China were taking a wait and see approach. For instance, China has been plagued by several deadly Flu epidemics in the past few years, fortunately they were able to manage them on their own.
- China is 1st world country that people from many nations travel in and out of frequently. For instance; when Ebola was killing thousands of Africans, it wasn’t considered a pandemic because the disease was isolated, mostly due to the fact that a lot of foreigners were not travelling in and out of the region and bringing it to their own countries.
- Conservative political leaders, who now control many of the world’s most powerful nations, are suppressing science because science clashes with their populist beliefs that are built on idealism. Those beliefs include; religious self-righteousness, racial superiority, and economic supremacy. They believe that their god will protect them from the virus. They believe that they are the smartest race who can take on and overcome all military and medical threats. But they believe that science operates contrary to their core beliefs, especially environmental concerns that are an hindrance to business.
COVID-19 has no cure. Vaccines are being developed but any effective treatment may still be at least a year away from approved clinical use. In the mean time, anyone affected with COVID-19 will just have to suffer through the symptoms, which are similar to a very nasty Flu. Most people who become infected by COVID-19 do eventually recover unless they have existing medical conditions that have already weakened their immune system. That is why 90% of COVID-19 deaths occur among the elderly.
Do not fall for the misconception that Black people cannot contract the COVID-19 virus. If you pay attention to the news you will see that COVID-19 is now present in many African, Caribbean, and South American countries. The reason why there is a low infection rate among Black people is because we weren’t living in or near the epicenter in Wuhan, China. Our infection rate will increase as we interact with other races but be conscientious and do not engage in the racism of white supremacists against Asians.
Do not fall for religious conspiracies that suggest that COVID-19 is a biblical plague as they did the Black Plague and other epidemics throughout history. All diseases can be explained and most are due to human ignorance. The Black plague that killed 50 to 60 millions people in the 13th century was mainly due to poor hygiene practices. People back then were not aware of bacteria so they often did not bathe for months. When they did bathe, they did so in public pools of unclean water where bacteria from cuts and open sores were unknowingly transferred between people.
Bacteria lives in symbiosis with us; many are essential to us and many are dangerous however, they were not discovered until the end of the 18th century. Before that doctors often operate on people using dead bodies for reference. They would use the same instruments and dirty hands to cut and explore dead bodies as they worked on living patients while trying to find the source of illnesses. Serious sicknesses were also thought to be the result of demons hiding inside people so they would cut and drain large amounts a patient’s blood to rid the demon. So, you see, relying on religious myths rather than medical science is quite senseless.
A virus is not a Bacteria but we became aware of them in similar ways. Unlike Bacteria, Viruses serve no benefit to us so our only option is to protect ourselves against them entering our body and doing harm. Understand that no religious belief can protect you from getting infected by COVID-19. Just pay attention to the leaders of all the major world religions. The Vatican, which is the center of Christianity has shut down all public services and the Pope and all the priests have gone into isolation. Mecca, which is the central hub of Islam has shut down. Jerusalem, which is the central hub of Judaism has also shut down and like Mecca and Rome, all religious pilgrimages have been banned. If the leaders of all these religions do not have enough FAITH to persevere through the threat of COVID-19 why do you believe that you can?
What should Black people learn about the COVID-19 and other Pandemics?
Black people should learn that COVID-19 is just one virus in a series of deadly illness that will infect and kill millions of humans in this new millennium. Some viruses will be naturally contracted from nature and some will be man-made as the unethical nature of some humans compel them to attack each other in devilish ways. The difference between natural and man-made epidemics will be vague due to our low level of awareness.
The best way to gain a deeper understanding of viral threats to your health is to become knowledgeable about life. Avoid conspiracies that comforts your fears but do nothing to protect you. For instance; if you believe that COVID-19 is a man-made biological weapon made by either the US or China, it may comfort you to know that and you might even try to tell other people that but your belief still wont protect you from contracting the virus.
If this might make life appear helpless and futile to you, get proactive. There is a way that you can fight the rise of global pandemics such as COVID-19 and that is to attack the Conscience of people in power. Conscience is a safety-net that is designed by the Great Spirit that is the Universe to protect and balance the unethical propensities of human Desire. Attack the conscience of your political leaders so that they will begin to abandon their racial, religious, and economic superiority ideals and begin using Science for ethical purposes such as protecting and improving human health.
Beware of Egyptian Mythology
Beware of Egyptian Mythology. It could be just as dangerous to Black people’s Spiritual development as religion is.
Most Black people who are embracing Afrakan Spirituality, Black Consciousness, and Afrocentricity are turning to Egyptian mythology as a core belief system. In one sense they are correct because Egyptian mythology is the origin of the three major world religions, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. In another sense, it could be a deception that will lead to further psychological corruption.
The problem with embracing Egyptian mythology wholeheartedly is that Egyptian mythology has numerous flaws and just like all major world religions, it should not be taken literally. The culture and achievements of ancient Egyptian society remains one of the most advanced and influential cultures to ever exist on Earth.
The legacy of Egypt reveals that the ancient Egyptians were able to gain a level of understanding of reality that most societies today have yet to be able to achieve. There is evidence that they used Electricity, developed advanced architecture, as well as advanced medicine and medical techniques.
They also had intricate knowledge of the Stars, Planets, and Moons as well as the seasons of the Earth. Unfortunately, they became preoccupies with trying to achieve immortality in the physical instead of being satisfied with Spiritual transcendence. This led to the corrupting of their Spiritual belief systems.
This major flaw ultimately led to the downfall of Egyptian society as Pharaohs spent their whole lives preparing for their deaths. They also demanded that all their servants should follow them into the afterlife. Even those servants who didn’t want to die were put to death upon the passing of a Pharaoh.
Egyptian mythology is a powerful alternative to religion however, Black and Afrakan people wishing to use Egyptian mythology as a Spiritual belief system must not get trapped into trying to re-live the past. Instead, we must learn to extract Wisdom from past knowledge and use that Wisdom to build a better future for the Afrakan race.
This is the prerogative of the HERU Interface. We know that although our ancient brothers and sisters in KMT were able to develop amazing architecture and achieve extensive knowledge of Life and reality, they ultimately ended up on the wrong path, which also lead to their ultimate demise. They could not recognize or accept the duality of existence, the physical and the abstract and how the two can co-exist but can never become one and the same thing.
The Abstract essence of the universe is Pure Dark Energy. These energies are what science recognizes (in-part) as the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum. They cannot exist in the physical but they act to manipulate physical matter through the forces they generate within and around Matter.
The Physical essence of the universe is much more familiar to us because it is what reacts with most of our Senses. In other words, physical reality is tangible Matter. Humans exist as a duality; we are both Abstract and Physical. Our Mind is our Abstract quality while our Brain and Body are our Physical quality.
Our physical bodies will ultimately die, at which point we will lose the ability to interact with the physical world. We will no longer be able to see, hear, taste, touch, or smell but for some reason our ancestors in KMT as well as religious people today somehow believe that our physical bodies will resurrect in some kind of heaven. The HERU Interface says no; our physical bodies will not regenerate after death.
The HERU Interface has both historical as well as futuristic connotations. It is historical in that it pays homage to an Afrakan concept that goes back thousands of years. And it has futuristic connotations in that it recognized that although belief systems may not be real, they can still be useful tools.
Knowledge however gained, will always have subjective implication. Some people will accept it and some will reject it because they are unwilling to change. We know that belief systems are important to instilling structure within a society. When those belief systems don’t make sense or are not beneficial to the health of a society, we must be willing to change them.
Egyptian mythology is a great alternative belief system but due to its obvious flaws, we must beware of taking its traditions literally.
Black Consciousness vs Christ Righteousness
Black Consciousness vs Christ Righteousness.
So, Christians want to fight back against Black Consciousness using what they call Christ Righteousness. Well the Heru Interface of Black Consciousness says bring it on! Christ righteousness is a roman invention and since Black people are not Romans, any Black person promoting Christ is not only perpetuating a slave mentality, they’re suffering from it too.
I will say this over and over again; only smart people are able to create their own motivations in life. The Europeans created Christianity, the Arabs created Islam, the Hebrews created Judaism, the Indians created Hinduism, the Asians created Buddhism, and Afrakans created nothing. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
The mere fact that we haven’t created a major religion means that we can still be saved. In the meantime, our laziness to think for ourselves has rendered us dependent on the psychological comforts and motivations of other races.
Does the fact that we haven’t created a major religion mean that we are dumb? No, it simply means that although we are still Spiritual, we just haven’t found our way back to the true creator of the universe yet. Instead, you continue to allow your minds to be controlled by the religious concepts of other races that rely on false representations of the Great Spirit.
We do not believe that rehashing Egyptian mythology is the answer because while it holds much wisdom, it has many faults. Time is not linear or circular, it is spiral therefore we cannot go back to the past, we can only learn from the past to build a better future.
We know that in the absence of real knowledge, religion is humanity’s greatest attempt at a conscientious existence. We see how humanity has compiled the morals they have attained through their conscience and put them into the hands of a neutral 3rd party entity, a god. That is why we do not discount the usefulness of religion. It encourages people to use their conscience to control their desires.
In recognizing the fact that human cognition needs an operating system to provide meaning and purpose, we have created our own belief system we call the Heru Interface. It is not a religion or cult, it is a way of life and an answer to our Spiritual deficiency. Most of all, it recognizes and respects the entities that control reality without worshiping them.
Heru interface and Dohgon Spirituality has heard all the excuses that Black people come up with for maintaining their mental enslavement. Jesus was black, the original Jews were Black, Ethiopia is the true home of Christianity, not Rome. It all fails because we know that Christianity was started by the Romans who adopted Hebrew religious beliefs and combined them with the teachings of Jesus.
Roughly 60 years after Jesus was crucified, the Roman general Saul created the buy-in, or excuse to adopt a faith they couldn’t defeat by claiming to experience a “Divine intervention” while travelling to Damascus. He then used his influential position to coalesce people who were now hailing Jesus as a profit, into a single movement while calling themselves Christians.
It wasn’t until the First Council of Nicaea Nicean in 325 AD, that Christian bishops, religious philosophers, and Royalty came to a consensus on the creation of the first Bible.
Jesus was not Black therefore the “chosen people” of Judaism could not have been Ethiopian. Jesus was a descendant of the same people the Bible states that god was talking to when he asked the question, “can the Ethiopian change his skin?” God was speaking to someone other than Black, scolding them for doing evil when evil was not their true nature.
But now you say, hold up; the book of Jeremiah where this phrase is from was way before Jesus. Fail again. The Romans said that Jesus said, “I came to my own people but they didn’t accept my message, therefore I give permission to all people who believe my message, to enter Heaven”. That also proves that Jesus was a Hebrew, not an Ethiopian.
But anyway, enough bible logic. Let’s get into the real reason why Black people refuse to let go of religious deception. The number one reason is that everyone is born with blank slates or empty Mind. As part of the Life entity, our instinctual desires and fears force us to form bonds with the people around us. If those people are leading us wrong, there’s no way to know unless our conscience is also nurtured and developed to balance or override our desires.
Conscience is also an instinct that first shows up when we notice inequities. Our sibling has a better toy or a more enticing piece of candy, for instance. Inequities are the tools of the life entity. What is Life? Well if you can believe in gods in the clouds, you can believe that Life is a single conscious entity.
The Heru interface recognizes that the creative force behind the universe is the Great Spirit, which is a Mind. Just like our own Minds, its consistency is abstract Pure Dark Energy Waves. The Great Spirit created Life and through Life it created Humans. Humans first existed in accord with the rest of Life but as Life became more self-aware it began to pursue the goal of universal awareness.
Life enhanced human desires so that humans wouldn’t be contented and it enhanced human fears to ensure its long-term survival. As Life gained control of human emotions our connection to the Great Spirit through our Pineal Glands became diminished. Our Pineal Glands Calcified diminishing its ability to produce Melatonin, our most important hormone.
Melatonin repairs the human body at the cellular level as well as to energize the human conscience. Conscious is an energy field that is the only balancing force for human Desire. Religious people are misguided because in the absence of true Spirituality, you created deities and Idols to quench your desires and alleviate your fears. Eventually you learned to substitute deities with invisible mystery gods but the purpose is the same.
Now please tell us using your best logic that Christ Righteousness isn’t based on desire. You want to live in physical form forever, you are addicted to happiness, and you covet favor for being good. All throughout your Bible it peaks of drinking Wine, being physically perfect and beautiful, as well as acquiring physical riches. Heaven promises no night, streets of Gold, and inexhaustible amounts of Milk, and Honey.
The real reason why Black people persist in religious deception is because in the absence of true Spirituality, it caters to their deepest desires. It traps them into having Faith and maintaining Hope in an illusion that will never come to pass. Christianity is great for perpetuating the pursuits of Life but not the true Spirit of our existence.
I Am AfRAkan, Not Hebrew
I am AfRAkan, not Hebrew. I am the first human before all other humans were created. I was not created by the God of man; I was created by the Spiritual intelligence that is the Universe, which exists in physical reality in the form of Pure Dark Energy Waves. Scientists studying the universe are still confounded as to what is holding the Universe together. It is Pure Dark Energy Waves (PDEW), which like all forms of energy are abstract and exists infinitely.
To create me, PDEWs transformed from abstract energy to physical matter through a permutation process. Europeans say the universe was created from a “Big Bang” when a single particle of matter exploded. Now they’re spending billions of dollars trying to find Higgs Boson or “God Particles” to prove it. Professor MOmOh of the Dohgon University of Thought says, no! Matter forms when PDEWs flux (cut into ½ waves) until subatomic particles form. He is a high priest of Dohgon Spirituality who has the ability to bring ancient AfRAkan knowledge back into reality. So, forget all those religious and theoretical nonsense.
Why do some Black people believe that they’re Hebrew and are fighting Ashkenazi Jews for ownership of an Unethical Spiritual concept?
Some Black people claim Hebrew as their ancestry because they’ve been brainwashed by centuries of mind control plus it comforts their disconnection from the Spiritual essence that is the Universe. All modern religions had their origins in KMT (Egypt). It was during their captivity in KMT that the Afrakan Ethiopeans who now call themselves Hebrews/Jews, gained deep understanding of human nature and created a mystery God. That mystery God couldn’t be seen so it couldn’t be killed while at the same time providing strength by way of faith in the midst of their despair.
The Mystery God concept proved to be superior to the physical deities of the Egyptians so when the Ethiopian Akhenaten became Pharaoh of KMT, he began to combine Ethiopean spiritual concepts with traditional Egyptian beliefs. Ethiopean beliefs slowly corrupted Kemetic science to the point where it refocussed Egyptian spirituality from a belief in Reincarnation into a belief in Resurrection. Egyptians then became preoccupied with preparing themselves to be resurrected.
Eventually, the Ethiopeans gained their freedom from KMT and travelled into the Middle East where they spread their new-found spirituality with the local Hebrew tribes who they believed they shared kinship with due to their similar lighter skin tone. That spirituality eventually became known as Judaism and its followers racked up major military defeats in Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Babylon. In effect, it helped to civilize the savagery that was commonplace in the Middle East at the time. The Arabs, who were practicing Idol worship at the time, began to recognize the power of a Mystery God concept.
Hundreds of years on, a rich Arab merchant by the name of Mohammed became exiled in Israel and while there he studied the mystery God concept and created the Islamic Faith. Back in Afraka, the decline of KMT was slow and painful for Egyptians. An overwhelming influx of foreigners of Greek, Roman, Arab, Hebrew, and other European origins resulted in widespread corruption. Some wise AfRAkans left, including those who wished to preserve the original knowledge of the land and people. Some of that knowledge is hidden in Ethiopia and Sudan while some of it went as far away as Southern AfRAka and Mali, West AfRAka where the Dohgon people now reside.
Christianity originated in Israel 2000 years ago after the Romans conquered much of the Middle East. Although they defeated them physically, many Romans marveled at the resilience of the Hebrews who refused to bow to the Caesar of Rome as their god. Instead they gained strength from their Jewish faith and the teachings of Jesus, who encouraged them to hold steadfastly to faith in their Mystery God who saved them many times before and would deliver them out of bondage again. Jesus was eventually betrayed by his fellow Jews and crucified by the Romans.
Roughly 50 years after Jesus was crucified by the Romans, Saul, a Hebrew who had betrayed his people and rose to the rank of General in the Roman army, declared that he had experienced a divine intervention while on the road to Damascus, Syria. In his divine intervention, Saul claimed that the God of the Jews struck him off his horse with a bolt of Light and instructed him to heed to the teachings of Jesus. In reality, Saul’s conversion to becoming a follower of Jesus may have been a covert mission to infultrate the new Jesus-centered religion that was growing exponentially. No one knows for sure but soon he became Jesuses’ 13th disciple, dispensing wisdom of Jesus “the Christ” to all who would listen.
Followers of Jesuses message became known as Christians and Saul gave up his military armor for religious robes, changed his name to Paul and embarked on a mission to gather all information about Jesus that he could find. He investigated and pieced together accounts from Jesuses former disciples and followers. He also befriended Christian preschers and wrote letters (Epistles) of encouragement to Christian ministers across the roman empire. Soon, Saul became the self-appointed keeper of Jesuses’ legacy. He compiled the teachings and accounts of Jesus into a book and called it the New Testament of Jesus Christ. He declared that all Non-Jews and Romans could now gain access to Heaven in the name of Jesus.
The Black Hebrews of today are the descendants of those original Ethiopeans who helped to corrupt KMT with beliefs in resurrection and desires for eternal life. They were the same AfRAkans who introduced the Hebrews to the Mystery God concept but since they cannot change their skin (meaning their skin is too dark) they will never be accepted as one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. They are discovering that it was their ancestral philosophers who created Judaism in the first place but like their ancestors, what they fail to understand is the psychology behind the Mystery God concept and how it traps the Mind into Desire Dependency.
Now most Black Hebrews/Jews say that they don’t want anything to do with the “dirty AfRAkans”. That is because they covet the same thing that Ashkenazi Jews, Christians, and Arabs covet and that is the favor of their unethical God. They clamber to go to Israel believing that a miracle will happen when they arrive but when they get there they aren’t getting the same welcome as European Jews. Instead, they get beaten, killed, deported, or forced into military service to defend a homeland that despises them.
Their internal Organs are untimely harvested to keep European Jews alive and their women are secretly put on contraceptives to limit their population. The only thing Black Hebrews can do is comfort their ignorance of reality with the belief that they are “the real Jews”. As for me, I am a descendant of original AfRAkans and I would rather believe in an Ethical Spiritual belief system. One that respects all Life and strives for balance instead of coveting the favor of unethical Gods. I believe in the HERU Interface.