Tag Archives: intelligence

The Universe is a Mind

mind universe

The Universe is a mystery whose true character is becoming more evident every day.  Although it is infinitely vast, its consistency is 99% Pure Dark Energy. They say that humans are a micro example of the macro universe but I don’t think so. Humans are seeking knowledge while the universe is the holder of all knowledge. The abstract pure dark energy universe is the Great Spirit that created the physical universe, Life, and humanity. In essence, the universe is a Mind.

Some people believe that energy, no matter the source, cannot possess intelligence because intelligence is a property of a Brain and Mind. I say think again because while our Mind is dependent on our Brain to generate an energy field, the Great Spirit is already an energy field. It is only man who cannot yet understand how that intelligence is being produced. The answer is here within creation.

What is a Mind?

A Mind is an energy field that is generated by the sparking of Neurons between nerve endings in the Corpus Collosum, the area between our two Brain hemispheres in our Brains. A Mind is therefore abstract in nature compared to a Brain which is physical. If the universe is 99% abstract and that abstract portion is Pure Dark Energy, the same energy that generates a Mind in humans, then how can it not posses intelligence?

The Great Spirit created Matter and Life and through Life it created Humans. The process of Matter creation can be understood in a formula defined by Professor MOmOh of the Dohgon University of Thought. In his formula Professor MOmOh explains why there was no god that snapped his fingers to create the universe or Big Bang exploding everything into existence. Pure Dark Energy waves simply fluxed, or cut into half waves until sub-atomic particles formed.

What is Intelligence?

Using our limited perception of reality, Humans define intelligence as the ability of a Mind to use available information to Reason in a complex manner. In organisms with a Brain, information is fed to the Mind from two primary sources; Memory and the Senses.  The Senses collect new physical information from the outside world and absorbs it to the Brain. The Brain transforms that physical information into abstract electrical energy and feeds it into the Mind for processing. Memory stores information and provides precedence against new information coming in from the Senses.

Both Memory and the Senses are very important to intelligence. They highlight the difference between simply being aware and being able to Think and Reason. The difference between people who are cognitive verses those who are highly intelligent is the ability of the Mind to access Memory in a timely and extensive manner. Intelligence can be improved, however a small percentage of people are born with Brains that are genetically wired to process information more efficiently than others. 

The fact that most people judge intelligence based on whether a living organism has a Brain or not is the main reason people get fooled into thinking that a Brain is needed in order for a Mind to be present. In actuality, Nature shows us examples of intelligence without a Brain all the time. We are just too self-centered to notice. We won`t go into examples here but just do a Google search for “intelligence without a brain” and you will discover a whole new world you didn’t know existed before.

How can we recognize and understand the intelligence of the Great Spirit when we can`t even recognize the intelligence of such things as Plants, Bacteria, Viruses, and Molds? The minute you begin to recognize that the Great Spirit that is the Universe is a Mind, you will begin to see and perceive the world in a new and exciting way.

New Book – The 2 Sides of You… and the 1 Face of The Great Thinker

New Book - The 2 Sides of You

The Dohgon University has released a new book entitled, The 2 Sides of You… and the 1 Face of The Great Thinker.

Authored by Professor MOmOh and Mighty Queen, this new book concentrates on the Senses and their relationship with Conscious thinking as opposed to Emotionally reacting to the world. In this new book Professor MOmOh guides the reader through several examples of why its important to maintain Conscious Thought at all times as one navigates the world on a daily basis. Ultimately, this book is an introduction to how anyone can become a better Thinker.

We all know that the world is suffering due to a lack of Understanding and Wisdom of reality. Most people are trying their best to understand the world so they can live a joyous and fulfilling life. Unfortunately, there are those who actively suppress knowledge because they want to maintain control over people’s lives. They will never teach you how your Brain and Mind works so that you can think properly to gain Wisdom.

In this new book Professor MOmOh and Mighty Queen cover the basics of how to think creatively by maintaining Left Brain Consciousness over Right Brain Emotions. A rational, creative, and intelligent Mind depends on a healthy Brain. A healthy Brain sends information back and forth between your two Brain Hemispheres in an efficient manner. Left and Right Brain communication is what creates the Mind.

Most peoples Brains are functioning off balance to favor their Right Brain Emotional selves. They have become sensitive, irrational, overly emotional, angry, depressed, and self-destructive. This new book, “The 2 Sides of You… and the 1 Face of The Great Thinker” will help the reader to begin to learn how to use their Left rational Brain so that their whole Brain will come back to balance.

This new book is easy to read and strait forward. It is ideal for all ages but is especially suited for children and teens. This new book contains vital information that your child will never find in any school. Get this book today so that your child can begin to learn the importance of creative thinking. We are confident that once you and your child begin to learn how to control your own Mind to become a better thinker you will also become a more creative, confident, and motivated person.