Tag Archives: imdb
Ugandan Judge Julia Sebuntinde Votes for the Devil

Ugandan Judge Julia Sebuntinde Votes for the Devil
Ugandan judge, Julia Sebuntinde was the lone decenter in the South African case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to recognize Israel’s war on Palestine as a genocide. It is more proof that Africans are still being bought and sold by vampires.
Recently, in a bold attempt to stop the indiscriminate killing of Palestinian civilians by Israel in Gaza, South Africa brought a genocide case against Israel. However, instead of Western nations capitulating to their conscience, they’ve doubled down on their self-righteous ideals of how the world should be run by labelling South Africa’s case mis-informed and naïve.
On Friday January 26th, the ICJ came down with preliminary ruling. They determined that the case for genocide was inconclusive based on a lack of consensus by the 17 judges that comprise the court. On further analysis, it was revealed that the only two dissenting judges were Israel and Uganda. While Israel’s opposition is completely understood, most people are scratching their heads as to why Uganda would vote with Israel.
The knee-jerk reaction would be to curse Julia Sebuntinde as a fool who doesn’t deserve a law degree if she cannot recognize genocide when she sees it, given the overwhelming evidence that she was presented with but there is something way more sinister at play here. When we say that Africans are still being bought and sold by vampires, we mean it both literally and figuratively. Some Africans are still willing to sell themselves to help colonizers maintain their image and status in the world.
Like vampires who must drink blood to maintain their health, unethical manipulators of world economics and politics know where to find easy prey. They find easy prey among those who are prone to corruption, which means that Julia Sebuntinde was not making her own decisions regarding the case against Israel. Her decisions are being made by two corrupting forces. One is corrupt Ugandan politicians, the same politicians who tell their country’s representatives at the UN how to vote.
The second corrupting force is religion, more specifically Christianity. Sorry to say it but Black and African people have failed Spiritually in this life. We fail to develop our own ethical based religion so we depend on the unethical religions of others. We witness genocide and dismiss it as the will of our God because, either the perpetrators are on our side or the enemy has a different religion. Any God that does not value all life is a devil God and I stick both fingers up to him and say I’d rather go to hell than reside forever alongside a being who uses evil to achieve good.
Africans, its time to stop baring your necks to blood suckers so that you can get a pocket full of money and blessings from a Devil God in return. You may think that you are doing the right thing because you worship the same God that they do but recognize that when you fight against your own conscience, you are working for the Devil, no matter how “decent and civilized” they believe they are. Be courageous and start doing the right thing. It’s the only way this evil world will change.
Miami Police Treat 10 Foot Tall Aliens the Same as Black People

Miami police treat 10-foot-tall Aliens the same as Black people; They shoot first and ask questions later.
There used to be only one unalienable truth about what would happen if Aliens announced their presence to humanity. That one truth has been backed up and agreed on by 99% of scientists, historians, and psychologists on the planet. Unless Aliens are way more ethical than humans, humans would eventually end up being either colonized or enslaved by them. This observation is based on human history that shows that whenever a more advanced culture encounters a less advanced culture, the more advanced culture will usually take over, either by force or influence.
Well, it would seem that another unalienable truth has now been discovered. Aliens will not get the benefit of the doubt when venturing into any white man’s territory unless they check in first. If not, they will get shot and scapegoated as invading criminals. Apparently, this is almost what happened to a group of 10-foot-tall Aliens who thought shit was sweet and showed up to do some intergalactic shopping at a Miami, Florida mall the other day.
The incident at the Miami mall has gone viral on social media but only a few reputable news networks have reported on it, sighting dissenting accounts by Miami police. According to police reports, at least two dozen officers showed up at the mall after responding to reports of a disturbance in which dozens of youths were engaging in a fight. The fighting resulted in a riot, in which stores were looted and scores of regular shoppers had to flee the mall.
However, several different people who were present at the mall, say that the stampede out of the mall actually happened when at least three 10-foot-tall Aliens appeared in the mall and were walking around while fading in and out of physical existence as they walked. These people also report that the police were firing their guns at the Aliens who eventually disappeared completely from the scene.
Ethical questions: If the reports of Aliens at the Miami mall are true; why would Aliens show up at a busy mall full of hundreds of people? Were they demonstrating the reaction of human Ants to their species back home? Were they naïve to the reaction of humans, who mostly do not believe in Aliens and base their opinions about Aliens on religious ideologies about Aliens being demons who work for the devil? Or, were the Aliens looking for help in the wrong place similar to the narrative of numerous Hollywood movies? How ethical are Aliens who would rather drop in at a shopping mall instead of visiting the many war zones around the world and scaring warmongers into living ethically? Not very ethical, I would say.
When I think about the similarity of the Las Vegas 10-foot-tall Alien crash incident that happened last year, I’m tempted to believe that these Alien encounters could be escapees looking for sanctuary but not finding it here among ignorant humans. Remember the movie, The Brother from Another Planet in which an Alien arrives on Earth in an attempt to escape from bounty hunters on his own world. At the extreme, which I do not believe our leaders or intelligence agencies are capable of operating at, is the possibility that these 10-foot-tall aliens are rogue Aliens who appear on Earth in defiance of our gatekeepers.
These accounts of 10-foot-tall Aliens strolling around a Miami mall may only be a hoax but there are too many unanswered questions to come to that conclusion. For instance; why would two dozen police cars turn up to break up a fight among teens at a mall and who were they firing at when no one was shot? On the flip side; why were there no pictures or videos taken of the Aliens by the hundreds of people who were there? Ther are only vague news and security camera videos.
One thing is certain though, police love to treat all Black people like criminals so popping a few naïve Aliens is well within their nature.
Oppenheimer Movie Celebrates the Use of Evil to Achieve Good

“Oppenheimer” is the title of a new Hollywood movie about the man who created the nuclear bomb. Like all similar biographical movies, it will attempt to give a psycho-analysis of a person who created something evil in hopes that people will overlook the evil and develop an appreciation for the good that resulted from that evil. Don’t be fooled because the only thing the movie will teach is that the unethical ones have never and will never change since creating the Devil of their religions because they foolishly believe that evil can be used as a tool to achieve good.
J Robert Oppenheimer was an American theoretical physicist and professor of physics at the University of California, Berkeley. He is often called the “father of the atomic bomb” for his role in the Manhattan Project, the World War II project that developed the first nuclear weapons. His evil invention was then used to vaporize 2 million people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. Following WW2, Oppenheimer was said to have a change of heart about the evil he created and worked to oppose further nuclear weapons developments in the world up until his death in the 1970s.
The general consensus among the majority of Americans up until this day is that the dropping of the nuclear bombs on Japan was a “necessary evil” that served multiple purposes. It marked the end of World War II and the beginning of a new era of peace and stability in the world. The bombings also led to the development of the United Nations and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which have helped to prevent the use of nuclear weapons in the decades since. Additionally, the bombings helped to bring about a new era of international cooperation and understanding, as well as the development of nuclear energy as a source of power.
Evil can never create good, just like fear can never bring about comfort. Unfortunately, humans have always defaulted to the unethical side of our nature; some quicker and more extreme than others. I call sanity resistors the unethical ones because they employ all their brain power on developing tools for killing then when their conscience somehow overrides their unethical ideologies about life, they seek atonement. I have no plans to see the Oppenheimer movie but I have no doubt about what the theme of the movie will be. First it will justify the necessary evil of creating and using the atomic bomb then it will hail Oppenheimer as a noble and caring man.
So, what was the alternative to ending the war if it wasn’t a show of brute force, you might ask and don’t it always seem that people like myself always come up with petty grievances after the fact instead of being glad to be alive? There was no alternative at that point of the conflict that unethical people like Oppenheimer created but my argument is not about the obvious, which is that some humans are extremely territorial and possessive. My argument is that most territorial and possessive people belong to a similar race of people.
World history reveals that, aside from the Mongols of East Asia, no race of people on the planet crave conquest more than Caucasians. They translate evil into good like buying Carbon credits by saying conflict, hardship, and unnecessary crisis fuels human development. I would say that you can have this hell that you’ve created but I know better. I know that the harder you make it, it’s the greater the challenge for ethical people to make this world a better place but we’re up for the challenge.
Military Coup in Russia Is Forced Reality

What does a military coup in Russia mean to Spiritually Conscious Black people? It shouldn’t mean anything if we already understand the propensities of unconscious and unethical people. To us it’s forced reality.
On Friday, June 23rd, news broke that there was a military coup taking place in Russia. However, as of midday Saturday, the coup was apparently called off. Infamous mercenary leader, Yevgeny Prigozhin, had ordered his Wagner PMC organization to make their way to Moscow to “restore order”, as he says after participating in the criminal invasion of Ukraine but not getting enough support from Russia’s military leaders. Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, had ordered the arrest of Yevgeny Prigozhin and the disbanding of Wagner; however, it seems that both sides have now come to some sort of agreement to stand down.
Unconscious religious and spiritless people got very anxious over the 24 hours crisis. After all, religious people were already anticipating the coming of Armageddon. The only problem is that they fear death and worry that their God won’t resurrect them to eternal life like their religion promises. Spiritless people were also very worried about the end of their happiness because, just like they fear that Putin will launch nuclear weapons on Ukraine and trigger a global nuclear war, they also fear that who ever takes over Russia will only carry on the same war-mongering behavior.
Conscious Black people don’t fear the ways of unethical people. We know that life is eternal and death is only a transition from one reality to another. We also know that HERU (Highest Exponential Reasoning and understanding) is the only factor that can change the various realities we encounter. We can choose to either rule the realities we “come to awareness” in or we can choose to stay asleep and let the reality of our existence rule us. As awoken Souls, we’ve chosen to code this reality for those who will come after us.
Forced Reality is a situation in which unconscious people try with all their might to override the natural progression of life towards a Sane existence. They see no good in understanding the faults of life unless it directly affects them. Examples of forced reality operators are conservative politicians, lawmakers, and elites in many areas of the world and especially America. They will claim to be Sane but will engage in racism, discrimination, and xenophobia at the drop of a dime. They control the world by psychological manipulation and deception believing that life is for the strong and powerful.
Some unethical ones are now theorizing that they might be living in a “simulation” and are not the results of an accident of chance or the gift of a worshiper-seeking god. The only problem is that because they cannot see a way to rule and commodify their theories, they won’t explore them. Simulation Theory is the right track but the truth will require the abandoning of ideologies that result in desires for war and conquest like the conditions we are witnessing in places like Ukraine and Russia today.
Is Christianity an African Religion?

Christianity has been a significant religion in Africa for centuries, with millions of Africans identifying as Christians. However, in this age of reclamation, in which Africans are being encouraged by conscience to shed the religious beliefs of our colonizers and return to our own spiritual traditions, the important question of whether Christianity is an African religion, has become a very controversial one.
To us, the question of whether Christianity is an African Religion is not a complex one because we’ve studied history and can separate reality from fiction. Christianity is defined as a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. That means that Christianity couldn’t have existed before Jesus. The next question then should be, when did Jesus Christ live?
Jesus Christ is believed to have lived between 7–2 BC and 26–36 AD in the region of the Middle East known as Israel. This is the 1st intersection of the controversy because many people believe that the Middle East was, is, and will always be a part of Africa. If you believe that the Middle East is a part of Africa then yes, Christianity is an African religion. You don’t have to read this any further because you win a prize for being stupid.
Although Africa and the Middle East both share the same Continental Plate, the Middle East is not and was never considered a part of Africa. In those times Africans were known as Ethiopians and Cushites because of their dark skin. There are passages in the Bible that singles them out as being different from Jews. In those days, Africans were either traders or were brought into the Middle East as slaves.
Before and during the time of Jesus, Israel was under the rulership of the Romans. Jesus travelled around Israel perching his message of redemption to wayward Jews. The general consensus among Jews was that they were suffering because their God had put them in bondage for disobedience. This is a simply psychological concept that exists even till today because of human fears
Could African Traders and slaves have heard Jesuses’ preachings and become followers of his hopeful messages? That is a very strong possibility; however, that still does not make Christianity an African religion. African religions are religions that were created by Africans for Africans, not religions that were created by non-Africans but were adopted by Africans afterwards.
The truth is that in the early years after Jesuses death, he became a martyr for his defiance against the mighty Romans and his messages began to spread exponentially throughout all regions of the Roman Empire. About 60 years later, the Jew Saul who was masquerading as a Roman General made himself the appointed keeper of Jesuses legacy and began to document the life of Jesus in writing.
We know that a lot of Africans are brainwashed and refuse to give up Christianity, Islam, and Judaism because those religions soothe their disconnection from true Spirituality. As long as our people don’t use those religions to kill each other, I don’t see anything wrong with them. Some say the problem is not religion, it’s the people practicing it but that’s a misnomer though.
Black Diasporans Moving to Africa: Advantages and Disadvantages

In recent years, there has been a growing trend of Black Diasporans moving to Africa. From celebrities to everyday people seeking a new life, many of us are choosing to relocate to the continent we or our ancestors once called home. While there are certainly advantages to making such a move, there are also some potential disadvantages to consider.
- Reconnecting with Ancestral Roots
For many Black Diasporans, moving to Africa is a way to reconnect with our ancestral roots. Whether we have a direct connection to a particular country or simply feel drawn to the continent as a whole, there is a sense of pride and belonging that comes with being in a place where our ancestors once lived.
- Greater Economic Opportunities
Many African countries are experiencing rapid economic growth, with industries ranging from technology to agriculture on the rise. For those of us looking to start a business or pursue a career in a growing field, moving to Africa can offer greater economic opportunities than we might find elsewhere.
- Cultural Immersion
Living in Africa can provide a unique opportunity to immerse ourselves in its rich and diverse cultural landscapes. From traditional music and dance to local cuisine and festivals, there is always something new to discover and explore.
- Lower Cost of Living
In many African countries, the cost of living is significantly lower than in the US or Europe. This can make it easier for Black Diasporans to establish a comfortable life for themselves and our families, even on a modest income.
- Culture Shock
Moving to a new country can be a challenge, and adjusting to a new culture can be even more difficult. For those of us who have never been to Africa before, the differences in language, customs, and ways of life can be overwhelming.
- Limited Infrastructure
While many African countries are experiencing rapid growth and development, there are still areas where infrastructure is lacking. This can make it difficult to access basic services like healthcare and education, as well as to conduct business or travel.
- Political Instability
Some African countries have a history of political instability and conflict, which can be a concern for those considering a move. While many countries are relatively safe and stable, it is important to do thorough research and understand the risks before making a decision.
- Racism and Prejudice
While Black Diasporans may feel a sense of belonging in Africa due to our shared ancestry, we are not immune to racism, prejudice, and xenophobia. In some cases, we may even face discrimination from locals who view us as outsiders.
In conclusion, moving to Africa can offer a range of advantages for Black Diasporans, from reconnecting with ancestral roots to greater economic opportunities and cultural immersion. However, it is important to consider the potential disadvantages as well, such as culture shock, limited infrastructure, political instability, and racism. By doing thorough research and carefully weighing the pros and cons, Black Diasporans can make an informed decision about whether moving to Africa is the right choice for us.