Tag Archives: I shall not want

The Problem With Religion

Much respect to Religion for serving as a useful interface to manage the flaws of human nature. For two thousand years, religion has been able to harnesses the unethical nature of Europeans so that in their quest for world domination they didn’t drive Africans into complete extinction. Although some of us know different, the general consensus for their perceived empathy was the fear of retribution from their imaginary god.

Today most religions are in deep trouble. Christianity is faltering as it loses credibility and membership in Europe and Western countries. Its leaders are sending multitudes of missionaries into Africa to keep it afloat. Islam is in trouble due to the prevalence of its followers to engage in extremist and terrorist activities. A friend suggested that religion itself is not the problem; the problem is that people cannot follow the guidelines of their religions. I say no! The problem with religion is right there in the guidelines.

The problem with religion is that people do not understand their own Brain therefore they will never conquer the flaws of human nature. Ask most Christians what this line means and they wont get it right.

The Lord is my Sheppard, I shall not Want.

The key word in this line is “Want”. Want is a product of Desire and Desire is a base instinct of human nature. The main preoccupation of religion is to conquer the Wants and Desires of Life to focus on God. It is why religious people Fast and Pray in obedience to develop their self-discipline. This is all great stuff so what is the problem them? The problem is God/Allah/. Why? The presence of an illusionary overseer automatically creates (Want) all over again because everyone will covet it’s favor.

People Desire the paradise of heaven where they can chum it up with god. Some people even want him to give them a harem of virgins as reward for their faithfulness to him (very sad). People never really conquer their Wants and Desires; they just replace the object. They compete and overlook Goodwill toward others in order to be the most righteous, the most loyal, and the most faithful in the eyes of their god. In some religions the faithful will even kill others who do not agree with their beliefs and perceive it as a good thing.

Any Religion that teaches that people will gain favor for being faithful to another person or a god is useless in truly controlling human nature. Life is a better alternative. It created you, it feeds and sustains you, and it makes you happy in return for helping it to survive and thrive on its journey toward universal awareness. Life is neither jealous or praise hungry, it just requires understanding and respect.



Black Is Not Beautiful

beautiful black women

Black is not beautiful. Beauty is a mechanism which is a tool that the Life Entity uses through Desire to encourage its creations to reproduce. Most people fail to understand this so they allow their psyche to be driven by their senses, which results in self-hate and self-destructiveness. People hung up on beauty can be classified as being Desire Dependent. Afrakans must conquer this mechanism, our psychological stability depends on it.

A mechanism is an intentional process in which an action is performed in order to produce a desired outcome. Mechanisms can exist in all aspects of reality. They can be mechanical, physical, chemical, or abstract. Beauty is an abstract mechanism, which means that beauty is subjective and whatever the characteristics that determine beauty are in relation to race and culture, they all provide the same purpose to Life. Therefore, beauty is a tool that works best when people are unconscious and desire dependent.

We know that beauty is a mechanism because we recognize that Life is a single conscious entity. It is the collective awareness of every living organism on Earth and it is in full pursuit of universal awareness. Humans function in reality using our senses. Our senses react to stimuli from the outside world and feed the information to our Brain for processing. Some stimulations trigger the release of Dopamine in our brain to produce a sensation of pleasure. Memories of strong stimulation from such things as beauty, music, drugs, sex, and even food build up in our memory banks. If we cannot experience these things over and over again, we use our memories to satisfy our desires in times of Want.

The main reason why people cannot see that beauty is a mechanism is because they either operate using religion or popular culture. Religious people do not recognize beauty as a mechanism because they view beauty as a gift from their god. Secular society cannot recognize the mechanism because people are trained to believe that “life is what it is”. They believe that people have to learn to accept their looks and develop their own psychological crutches. At the same time, they are also trained by pop culture to celebrate and admire others who win the “beauty lottery” at birth or through the good genes.

A very popular saying insists that “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder” but is it? All races are susceptible to desire fulfillment based on beauty. However, some physical characteristics that one race may consider attractive may not be considered attractive in another race. Beauty can also be cross-racial and cross-cultural. As races naturally interact with each other, race mixing will occur; sometimes out of curiosity but mostly because of desire manipulation. If left unchecked the physical characteristics that determine one race from another will eventually become indistinguishable. Some people may say that is a good thing for race relations but is it?

In a perfect world race mixing based on desire and beauty wouldn’t be a problem but this is an imperfect world we live in. People are actively engaging in racial prejudice and racial genocide every minute of the day in every country on the face of the Earth. If AfRAkan people are not conscious about preserving our racial identity we will definitely go extinct as a race. Colonization has already been responsible for the widespread rape and unwanted siring of mixed breed Black people all throughout the Americas and the Afrakan continent. 

Furthermore, through multiculturalism, the unconscious among us are engaging in cultural and racial genocide. Their life is theirs to live of course. On one hand they are right but, in many cases, they are only seeking to breed with the dominant race because they think it will produce “better” offspring able to compete in the dominant race’s unethical culture. Some others are even attempting to diminish their blackness by bleaching their skin, installing weaves and wigs to hide their natural hair, or getting surgeries to diminish their noses, lips, and high cheek bones. They become like the oppressor, self-absorbed and vain believing that they are better than others.  

All this focus on unnatural beauty has created a condition we call Desire Dependency in Black people. Desire dependency is a condition that creates numerous psychological problems for us because the ideals of beauty are Eurocentric. Without a strong conscience Black people who live by religion and secular culture have become susceptible to desire and because others control popular culture and the tools to manipulate it, such as money and information, they also have power over your emotions. Beauty as a mechanism is not an existential problem for the Life entity therefore Black people are left to manage our psychological problems ourselves.

Fortunately, there are still Black Conscious AfRAkans who, though they might not recognize the intricate workings of Life, value their racial identity. They use mind over matter to rebuke the desire manipulations of popular culture. They maintain pride in their dark skin, their kinky hair, and their unique physical features. They are unknowingly fighting back against the mechanisms of Life but their actions are key to the overall Black Consciousness movement.

Black women and man; We are not insects who are easily attracted to colorful plants. We have advanced cognitive abilities which we need to use if we truly desire to escape the mechanisms of Life and the manipulations of popular culture. We must make a conscious effort to love ourselves; it’s the only way to return our youth to valuing the qualities of the Afrakan race and it is one of the ways of ultimately preserving our longevity.

Black is not beautiful; Black is powerful, electric, magnetic, capable, compelling, dominant, dynamic, energetic, impressive, influential, potent, robust, and mighty.

Black People Will Only Survive With A New Way Of Thinking

Observation: Never discredit Religion. The psychology behind it is very important.

History reveals that religion is greatly responsible for civilizing the most violent race of people in the history of the planet; the Caucasian. How, and what has that got to do with Black people, you might be asking?

Religion acts on the human conscience to build moral fiber and strengthen self discipline to control desire. Remember the phrase; “The lord is my Sheppard. I shall not want”? Early philosophers realized that “want” is the human Achilles heel and it can be controlled through fear while a greater desire is coveted.

Through the Middle Ages religion was perfected by the Kings and Priests of Europe and used to control their populations as well as to conquer and colonize most of the other races on the planet. Today the physical shackles are long gone while the mental shackles are slowly fading away. Black people are still being killed by Europeans in great numbers however, the vast majority of us are being killed by our own Black brothers and sisters. We have become the replacement killers.

It is evident that while religion civilized Europeans to a great extent certain unethical traits still remain. Black people also realized long ago that the love, harmony, and idealism that religion promotes is limited. The faithful are still hanging on but many Black, especially the young are abandoning religion in record numbers. This has proven to be detrimental to the race because there is nothing to control the “wanting” that is a driving force of Life.

Without self discipline a lot of Black youth have become so Desire Dependent that their morals are nonexistent. They have become drug addicts, prostitutes, con artists, and downright killers. For desire Black women sacrifice their bodies with silicone, bleaching creams, and hair extensions. Most inner city streets have become war zones with Black people scared to come out of their homes because of other Black people.

So what is the solution; a new religion? No, the solution is not a new religion. We have tried other religions but while some have helped our self discipline they are flawed because they hold Blacks subservient to their own version of illusionary gods. Black people will only survive with a new way of thinking and percieving the world. This new way of thinking must help us to conquer the desire in us by helping us to control our own minds.

We need to realize that all desires are generated by chemicals our Brain that are produces by sensory stimulation. We love music which is based on Hearing. We desire beauty which is based on Sight. We crave food which is based on Taste and Smell. We lust for sex because it is the epitome of Touch. There is also a sixth sense called intuition which is developed by learning to concentrate (control and unify the senses). At the height of intuition you can actually prognosticate (predict outcomes).

Professor MoMoh, operator of the Dohgon University of Thought teaches how to concentrate to open your 3rd eye. Once you learn how to control your own Mind you will no longer need religion to comfort your disconnection from the Spirit of the universe.