Tag Archives: Hamas Israel War Astrology
Children of an Unethical God

The Hamas attack on Israeli is just the latest in a series of False Flag Operations orchestrated by Israel. It is a game being played by the children of an unethical God. That is why we refuse to allow our sympathies to be hijacked by either side.
A False flag operation is a covert operation that are designed to deceive the public into believing that they were conducted by other entities. False flag operations are not limited to military operations but can also be used in political, economic, and cyber warfare. The term “false flag” has its origins in naval warfare, where the use of a flag other than the belligerent’s true battle flag before (or while) engaging the enemy has long been accepted as a permissible ruse de guerre.
In order to fully understand why they play the game; you should be fully aware of the Israeli/Arab conflict in the Middle East that began over two thousand years ago. If you don’t then just read your Bible. The modern iteration of the conflict flared up after WW2 in 1948 when the United Nations gave Israel back to the Jewish people, some of whom were still living there but most of whom were scattered throughout Europe, the USSR, and America.
Before 1948 the land referred to as Israel was under the control of the Palestinians as a result of several failed iterations of European colonialism. After the Jews were given political control of Israel, they began to summon Jews from all over the world to come in and populate the land so they could gain numerical advantage but in doing so, they had to evict the Palestinians out of many areas.
The Palestinians resisted with riots and killings of Jews and the Jews responded with brute force with the help of Allies in America. Several wars took place over the following 25 years leading to the Palestinians being segregated into two separate areas; the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Conflicts, wars, and terrorist attacks continued until the 1990s when the Palestinians saw the fall of South African apartheid and realized that a different tactic to gain independence exists.
They began using foreign social and political pressure to embarrass Israel and force them to come to a compromise when in secret, their goal is to regain complete control of Israel, which they also consider as their Holyland. The tactic has been working on and off for decades but the Israelis found a tactic of their own. Their tactic is to allow Arab militants to build their arms, allow them to attack, them move in with brute force to kill as many Arabs as possible.
This type of Falso Flag operation that Israel uses is recognized by every military strategist in the world. The only people who don’t see through it are the desire dependent sheep who also depend on the power of their military forces to comfort and maintain their pursuit of happiness in the world. Talking heads and propagandists also get on news networks and promote the fear that such attacks produce in a desire dependent person’s mind instead of the real truth. The other sinister reason why they do it is because they fear Islam and its brainwashing power.
Simply listen to any news network and every so-called expert they invite on are saying the same thing. They say they can’t believe that Israel’s security and secret services has dropped the ball and has allowed the Arabs to organize such a large and successful attack. Come on you propagandists. Tell the people how Israel has been in internal political struggles for the past few years and look bad in the eyes of the US government who are trying to get Israel to make peace with the Palestinians.
Tell the people how, if that happens, the world will turn a blind eye to the Arab mission to destroy Israel. Unfortunately, the general public can’t see the big picture so religious zealots will continue to use fear and violence to manipulate their sympathies. People cannot see that there is no God and the image of a benevolent God that was brainwashed into their heads is only being animated by strings of ideology.
The other narrative being pushed by Israel is the “Civilized People” narrative. If you don’t know what that means, it is a beacon or Bat-Signal to white supremacy. It is a belief that the white race introduced civilization into a barbaric world and if white people don’t defend the ideologies, such as an all-powerful mystery God, that forms the foundation of civilization, it will soon crumble into chaos. That is why you will see people like the MSNBC morning hosts pushing a slaughterhouse analogy in their defense of Israel’s barbaric bombing of Gaza.
The slaughterhouse analogy is a belief that since animals have to be eaten as food, killing them in a slaughterhouse is more civilized than hunting and killing them in the wild. Similarly, if a war has to be fought, it shouldn’t include women and children. They soon got slapped in the face by the Israelis themselves because when an Israeli general was asked why they were dropping bombs in civilian areas, killing women and children, he said that “war is war.” Not very civilized at all right? Like playing with inanimate dolls, they all talk for and do the action of their unethical God themselves.