Tag Archives: gun control
Who Will Stop The Senseless Killing?

Who will stop the senseless killing of innocent men, women, and children in society? Certainly not Trump because although he has a habit of talking tough he doesn’t really have a clue where to begin. Recently, a crazed gunman walked into a church and killed 26 innocent men, women, and children. When asked about the event Trump said, “this was a mental health problem at the highest level, not a guns situation”.
I’ll give Trump points for being right but does he know that he cannot legislate (goodwill)? And even if he did legislate health before profit, does he know that he would cease being a conservative and instantly transform into a socialist. Its like when he declared that he will stop the drug overdose epidemic while at the same time he is trying his best to kill healthcare for people who cannot afford it.
Someone please tell Trump that people will not begin to shake in their boots and wise up when he spesks because tough talk cannot solve psychological problems. The only thing that will solve the epidemic of mental health problems in society is a willingness by businesses to put health before profit. Furthermore, legislate them to cut down on the amount of harmful chemicals that is being used in our food, drugs, and personal products.
Psychologists will also have to pitch in but unfortunately most of them have already become enslaved by the same process that they are attempting to manage. That is why they cling to century’s old psychological theories rather than Science. There is no incentive to help people unless money is involved because they crave the same Dopamine release by acquiring excessive wealth instead of indulging in direct Dopamine release by taking drugs. Mental health never appears on most peoples self-help list unless they have the money to invest.
The thing that makes America great is the promise of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. It is a system in which ambition and hard work is rewarded therefore people strive to live a prosperous life. The draw back is that everything becomes a commodity, including life itself and unless there is financial incentive to solve a profitless problem, no one will care.
Until people begin to understand the frailties of their Brain and Body and work to protect both, Trump needs to set a better example as a leader by calming his rhetoric of hate and division that is a fuel for fear and unrest in society. In such a volatile environment, Conscience is easily suppressed in favor of more irrational emotions that are generated by Ideology rather than reality. Eventually people will understand that they can’t solve their problems by killing others.