Tag Archives: ground 0

Black People With Blonde Hair

nuclear radiation

Most people say ignorance is bliss yet I am convinced that ignorance is death. They say what you don’t know won’t hurt you therefore you must take bad situations and make the best of them. Unfortunately most people never recognize bad situations to begin with; they just continue to live and die by the mechanisms of Life in blissful ignorance.

For years pictures of children with dark skin and long blond hair have been passed around social media. When the unknowing see these pictures they say; “you see, Black is beautiful because Black people can have blond hair too”. They never take the time to research and understand how such an anomaly is possible.

The first thing they should understand is that most of the children in those pictures are from the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific. Don’t believe me? Take any one of those pictures and do a Google image search. The second thing they must understand is that before the 1960s there was no such traits as Black people with blond hair in the Solomon Islands.

So what happened in the Solomon Islands that created Black people with blond hair? The answer is Nuclear Radiation. How did Nuclear Radiation affect some Black people way out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean? The culprit of this unspeakable evil is France.

France is one of only 9 Nuclear Armed nations in the world. In their endeavor to join that evil club and perfect their weapons of war they carried out numerous Nuclear tests in the South Pacific between 1966 and 1996. The result was widespread contamination of the ocean, wildlife, vegetation, and the Polynesian people. In some areas the people’s skin turned pale white for months due to the excessive levels of radiation that they were subjected to.

If you have the faintest understanding about Nuclear Radiation you will know that radiation has a direct effect on DNA. Unlike drinking or taking drugs while pregnant may cause birth defects, such defects are non generational. On the other hand, Radiation causes permanent DNA defects that may never correct through natural reproduction.

No one knows how many people died as a direct effect of the French nuclear tests in French Polynesia since no one official records were kept. We can only see the results in the health of the people and how their genetic traits have dramatically changed compared to other people in the South Pacific.

For decades the world turned a blind eye to Frances nuclear activities that messed up the South Pacific. That’s because other nuclear nations were doing similar evils of their own so they couldn’t be hypocritical. The locals did their best to fight back until foreign environmentalists joined their cause.

So, while that saga is over and we forget, don’t know, or don’t care, history will preserve it as a learning example for those of us who are proud of our AfRAkan ancestry. We know that it’s because of Desire Dependency why most ignorant people, including some of those same Islanders have shunned their AfRAkan origins.

Ignorance is not a trend. We are Dohgon and in our understanding of Ankh/Life we never start from step 1 by admiring the unnatural beauty created by evil; we always start from ground 0 which is AfRAkan blackness.