Tag Archives: grand deception

The Black Consciousness Revolution Will Be Televised

black consciousness revolution

The Black Consciousness revolution will be televised and white supremacists will not be able to do a damn thing about it. That is because media will always be a tool to help us gain unity through social organizing. Every conscious minded Black and Afrakan person on Earth will know that they are physical incarnations of omnipotent Spirits whose purpose here on Earth is to wrestle the cognition of the Life entity away from the evil ones and steer it in a more ethical direction in order to make this realm a better place.

I’m sure that most people have heard the popular statement, “the Revolution will not be televised”. It is the title of a song by Gil Scot Heron in which he states that the Black struggle for liberty will not be broadcasted on TV or Newspapers because there will be no commercial benefit in it for them. Furthermore, commercial media is run by oppressors who will not allow people to see, gain sympathy, or become inspired by the initiatives that are taking place during the Black consciousness revolution.

Unfortunately, in the 1980s Gill Scot Heron did not foresee the diversification of the media and how it will be taken out of the control of the elite. Technology took the music industry out of the hands of big corporations and it has taken the telling of history away from racists. In time, the revolution for Black liberty will be televised 24/7 because broadcasting will not need commercial sponsorship.

Humans are social creatures therefore communication will always be our best method of socializing. When one method gets locked another one will emerge until we learn to regain the psychic abilities of our ancestors. Mass communicating through Television is no different from communicating through telekinesis, they both involve using coded waves of energy. When the oppressors banned the revolution from TV and Newspapers, the Internet and Social Media emerged to fill the void. Now their TV stations and Newspapers all all losing money and going bankrupt.

Eventually, they will ban us from Social Media but we will find other mediums to spread our messages to burn the fog of Ideology from Black people’s minds because too many of our people are still sleeping. We know that this world is supernatural, that is why 99% of us believe in Gods, Angels, and Demons. The only problem is that most of us have lost our way and have become mentally enslaved by religions, cults and the survival of the fittest for the sake of happiness prerogative of popular culture.

As a result, many of us are fighting to become better Christians, Muslims, Jews, and Buddhists than those who created those religions. We are also willing to fight to the death to defend the comforts that maintain our happiness as a form of mental slavery. Many of us will become like the white supremacists who attacked the United States Congress on January 6th, 2021 because many of us also believe that our oppression is caused by the grand deceptions of the Elite. Do you see that even their revolution, no matter how stupid and hypocritical it is, is being televised? Wake up to the truth!

The truth is that Life is a single conscious entity that is on a quest to achieve universal awareness. When we tell people this, most still don’t understand what we mean but picture a flock of birds flying in the sky or a school of fish swimming in the Ocean. They twist and turn in all directions in perfect co-ordination but how do they know why or where to turn? The answer is that they are simply following the crowd. If the leader makes a mistake and flies into the engine of an airplane, all of them will die because their independent thought was temporarily compromised.

This flock mentality is a consciousness all on its own and since humans are social creatures, we have also developed a flock or crowd mentality. We use our crowd mentality for comfort, security and survival. This crowd mentality in humans is known as humanism while the flock mentality for all of life is what I refer to as the Life Entity. All life is connected through an invisible but intelligent energy field, from the smallest Amoeba, Plants, Insects, Animals, and Humans.

Black people, we must shed our self-destructive mentality that we developed when Life defaulter our consciousness into survival mode and we sought happiness in all forms of unethical ways. We must learn to harness communication in all its various forms so that we may develop a super consciousness based on fairness, equity, and accountability. Only then will we be able to also harness and steer the consciousness of the behemoth that is Life.

Beware of COVID-19 Conspiracy Pimps

Beware of the conspiracy pimps. They will convince you that “Deep State” boogie men are using a fake crisis called COVID-19 to take away your freedom, reduce global population, ration your food, and install 5G technology that they will then use to track you once they install micro-chips inside you disguised as a Vaccine.

The COVID-19 pandemic is revealing the high level of ignorance that exists within humanity. One of those ignorance’s is the failure to recognize the dysfunctions of world governments in dealing with crisis’s in general. But instead of focusing on the obvious, most people would rather drift off into relying on conspiracies that make it hard for them to accept the reality that there are no such things as a Deep State or Grand Deception at work in World Affairs.

The most popular conspiracy that conspiracy Pimps of all races and cultures around the world are pushing is the belief that COVID-19 is a coordinated operation being orchestrated by a powerful secret society cabal or “Deep State” to take away our freedoms, reduce world populations, install 5G surveillance systems, and gain control the world’s food resources.

These beliefs are not new; they have existed for decades. In fact, it was only 25 years ago that fear of a “New World Order” was driving white supremacists into the forests of America to set up survivalist camps and prepare for a dooms-day war against the government. Remember Timothy McVeigh? He was the white supremacist who blew up the government building in Oklahoma City killing 168 people and injured over 680 others.

Before him there was also David Koresh who led his followers into a war against the government resulting in his death along with about 30 of his followers. The notorious Jim Jones was another conspiracy nut who took his followers, many of whom were Black, out of the United States into the jungles of South America where he convinced hundreds of them to commit suicide in order to attain true freedom from government oversight.

It would seem that most people have forgotten the dangers of following conspiracy Pimps. It doesn’t take much more than a mass shooting, a natural disaster, or a mass casualty accident to set conspiracy theorists to work spreading mis-information and propaganda across the country and world. They know that Fear and Ignorance are the primary fuels for the fire of anarchy. Today’s conspiracy theorists are 10 times more influential than those of the past that relied on word of mouth to create pockets of “Deep State” believers. They have the power of the Internet and Social media.

Social media is driven by the human instinct to bond socially. It is why most of the richest and most influential companies in the world today make their money facilitating communication and social interaction. Social media is where anyone with a fear of government can redirect that fear into the creation of a conspiracy theory, compile evidence to support their theory, and spread that theory to other people who also fear the unseen eyes of authority.

Social media is also where anyone with a drive to make money can do so by developing a following of like-minded people who will believe and support whatever they have to say, not knowing that what is being said is often strictly for the purpose of making money. I refer to these people as Conspiracy Pimps because they are willfully compromising their conscience for fame and fortune.

The HERU Interface of Black Consciousness does not believe that a Grand Deception is being orchestrated by any so-called “Deep State”. World governments are in co-operation on certain matters, mostly involving security and finance but they are too dysfunctional to carry out an operation of the magnitude involving COVID-19. Take America for example; where the president was so busy fighting “Liberal Ideology” that he completely botched the COVID-19 response. His friend in Britain was no better because he has ended up in hospital after contracting the Virus.

We believe that the aggregation of information is the most powerful thing in the world. The most important questions are therefore; who is controlling that information and what are they doing with it? Our belief is that they are using collected Intelligence for self-preservation and not direct national or global engineering. There are too many other intelligence players in the game and since they all don’t trust each other, the best thing to do is drag-out the game and co-operate above board to pacify the minds of their citizens.

Realize that COVID-19 will not change the world much more than it is now. People have gone into quarantine therefore there is no one to produce Food. Politicians are trying their best to protect their reputations so they are instituting measures to protect their voters. Businesses are scared of going out of business or suffering major financial loss so they are laying off staff. Some, who are unethical like the Conspiracy Pimps are taking the opportunity to profit off the crisis in whatever way they can.

As for the Conspiracy Pimps, the magnetic forces of money and fame will compel them to continue to spread fear and mis-information across the globe. Some of them are too psychologically twisted to recognize the wrongs they are doing but we hope that the Conscience of those who do will force them to change their ways. Until such time, people like myself who know the game will continue to ignore them.

Beware Of Conspiracy Theorists

Beware of conspiracy theorists; they are pied pipers of ignorance.

As the Age of Aquarius unfolds the awareness of humanity will increase in Fractal magnitude. Awareness is a dynamic condition that expands with the acquisition of knowledge. As is evident, knowledge that once took decades to acquire is now achievable in years, months, and days. New advances in technology are the drivers that are helping to increase humanity’s collective awareness. Unfortunately, these same technologies are also tools for subversion.

The subverters are conspiracy theorists and their adversary is government. Furthermore, conspiracy theorists believe that secret society elements are using the government, law enforcement, and intelligence agencies to control people through mass manipulation. Conspiracy theorists believe that its their duty to correct lies about Space exploration, Aliens, Flat Earth, Global Warming, Terrorism, Mass Shootings, and even Slavery.

Although conspiracy theorists have existed for decades, they came to prominence after September 11th, 2001 (911). It was then that regular people, through the help of Social Media, began to consider the alternative messages conspirators were spreading. Most people have a natural skepticism of government so when they heard that terrorism was being planned and executed by secret government organizations whose aim is to eliminate the individual freedom of everyone in the world they began to believe it.

After 911 many alternative news sources, aside from mainstream news networks, began to question the timeline, the personal accounts, and the footage of the event that were being fed to the public. So much misinformation flooded society that to this day many people are still not convinced of what really happened on 911. Of course that only serves to keep skeptecism of government alive and well.

By the time the next mass killing occurred in the United States a decade after 911 the term “False Flag” was being used by conspiracy nuts to spread misinformation on social media. They quickly began to spread the lie that absolutely no children died in Sandy Hook Elementary school massacre. The NRA, the most powerful gun rights advocacy organization in America, caught on to the power of the False Flag movement and used it as an opportunity to blame Liberals for creating deceptions for the purpose of restricting gun rights.

Fast forward to 2017 and every time there is a mass shooting or an act of terrorism, in America or Europe, False Flag conspirators are to first ones on social media searching for clues and spreading misinformation. They represent both Right and Left wing ideologies and some have even started attacking survivors of mass shootings, calling them liars and paid actors. Beware of these False Flag dummies that have nothing better to do than further victimize crime victims.

Another group of conspiracy theorist to beware of are the Flat Earth advocators. These are the growing number of people, mostly religious and occultists, who believe that the Earth is a flat disk. They describe the (so called) North Pole as being the center of the world, while Antarctica is the surrounding edge. North, South, East, and West are all point on the edge of Antarctica. The Sun, Stars, and Planets are all rotating above us outside of our invisible protective dome.

For 500 years it has been accepted in academic circles that the Earth is a sphere. Humanity came to that conclusion after observing the Stars and Planets and realizing that the every celestial body was rotating on its axis (an unseen center point). Even the Dohgon people of Mali, West Afraka (our spiritual ancestors) have ancient charts that describe this Galactic rotation. So why do people still believe the Earth is a flat disk?

The reason why people are clinging to Flat Earth conspiracies is because of this same fear of government. Imaging what a grand deception it must be to fool people for 500 years into believing that the Earth is a sphere. Why would the government be doing it? Conspiracy theorists have an answer for that too. They believe that the government is hiding evidence of humanity’s true origin and existence, in essence, robbing them of their true ability and potential.

Dohgons do not subscribe to conspiracies. We believe that the Earth is a sphere and the Galaxy exists similar to the description provided by astrology and cosmogony. Our Ancient ancestors, who have been observing the heavens for a millennia, have left knowledge for us to follow and learn. By observing the patterns in nature we have been able to decipher how abstract energy waves created tangible reality.

Therefore, we don’t believe in gods and we don’t waste our time focusing on finding Aliens. We do know that Desire, which is the base driver of human consciousness, has become corrupt. Therefore money and power hungry individuals are actively trying to manipulate governments to their gain. As far as a Grand Deception, we don’t believe it. Humanity is a part of Life and Life is a conscious entity that is learning as it progresses on a quest toward universal awareness.