Tag Archives: flux
Big Bang Theory Wrong, This Is How The Universe Was Created
How was the Universe Created? This is a question that most people are confident that they can answer but keep in mind that all the answers that you will get are all theories. The two most popular answers are derived from scientific and superstition. Science theorize that the Universe was created by a Big Bang and religion says it was created by a God but the Dohgon are confident in their Egg of Creation theory, which was inspired from a Sirius source.
The Dohgon are a reclusive tribe of people in Mali, West Afraka who believe that the physical Universe emerged from an abstract realm, which consists of Pure Dark Energy. Pure Dark Energy (PDE) may be thought of as Pure Intelligence, a Mind, the Great Spirit, or God. The only thing that they ask is to not think that PDE is or is similar the God of popular religion, which is an egotistical being that travels around the Universe creating people that will praise and worship him.
PDE or the Great Spirit exists as abstract energy and physical matter simultaneously but if you know anything about Astronomy then you also know that the Universe is 99% abstract energy. Scientists refer to the vast majority of abstract dark energy as Dark Matter or Anti-Matter but those are just cool names to place-hold something they can’t study so they put it on the backburner for later.
Just like how the Dohgon were provided by their ancestors from Sirius with insights into the workings of planets, solar systems and the movements of faraway stars, they were also provided with insights into the properties of PDE and how PDE created the Universe. They refer to this knowledge as the Egg of Creation. Professor Momoh of the Dohgon University of Thought explains the Dohgon Egg of Creation this way. Although PDE is abstract energy, it exists in the form of waves and those waves have different lengths depending on pressure they experience.
Dohgon cosmogony refers to PDE waves as Harmonic waves. Each wave has a color, a number, and a sound beginning at the source, which is zero blackness. 1 is red, 2 is yellow, 3 is green, 4 is blue, 5 is purple, and so on. The only place in the Universe where abstract waves can develop enough pressure to transform into physical matter is inside the core of a Star. The process of matter development is laid out in this formula PE(Pure Energy)=1-2-3-4 9-8 27 99-100.
Religious people are steadfast in their belief that their God created the Universe for them to enjoy as long as they believe and keep worshiping him. Scientists also say they are confident in their Big Bang theory but are having to adjust the theory every time they discover something new about the Universe. Dohgons may appear to be primitive and backwards but their history is too great to dismiss. They had a hand in building the Pyramids and they know detailed Astronomy without the use of telescopes so why wouldn’t I believe in their Egg of Creation story.
2042 Will Be the Year Our Galactic Ancestors Return
2042 will be the year our galactic ancestors return. Are we talking about Aliens? Read more to find out.
2019 was designated by Pan-Africans as the Year of Return. It marked 400 years since the first Africans were kidnapped and taken in chains to the Western world to labor as slaves. Several West African countries recognized the moniker and invited all Black people in the West to make pilgrimages back to Africa to rediscover our ancestral origins. Thousands of people accepted the offer, which kicked off a new era in the Black Consciousness movement in which Black people in the West are now seeing Africa in a whole new light.
The Year of Return was timely because the brainwashing effect of popular culture had most of our people buying into several conspiracy theories that serve to increase our racial confusion. The worst is the White Supremacist initiative to instill the belief that Slavery never existed in the Americas. They use the Moors, the original African sell-outs to spread the message that Slavery was a conflict between global empires that Africa lost. Africans then had to pay a debt of Involuntary Servitude to the British Empire.
You can see these Moors on Social Media spreading mis-information about many Black Liberation icons including the most honorable Marcus Garvey. Some mother fuckers even claim that Marcus Garvey was an Agent sent by the British Monarchy to distract Black Americans from their indigenous rights to America because, according to them, the original Americans were Black, not Indian. The Moors should go to some Indian Reservations with that shit and get their heads scalped with quickness.
All this historical confusion is the result of our own lack of engagement with our true Spirituality. We have failed to maintain our history so now the white man knows more about our history than we do. That is why they can manipulate us so easily. The same goes for the confusion about our true Spirituality, which goes all the way back to Africa where Cultism is on the rise in many regions. The HERU Interface of Black Consciousness is not into all the ignorance.
We have rediscovered our true Spirituality in the Dohgon. Now we know that the year of our galactic ancestral return will be 2042. It will be the year when our galactic ancestors reveal that they have truly been listening to our despair and will return to Earth to guide us away from Spiritual destruction. If you are alive in 2042, don’t look for our ancestors to return in spaceships though. Our ancestors are not Aliens, Reptilians, Luke Sky-walker, or any of the nonsense you see in movies. Our ancestors maybe far away in Space and Time but not in Spirit. That is because they are as omnipresent as a thought and have the ability to permutate from abstract energy to physical matter similar to how the Great Spirit that is the Universe creates itself.
Our ancestors are known as Nommos and they exist on another world in the Sirius Star system. The Sirius Star system is 8.5 Light Years from Earth. That means that Light takes eight and a half years to travel from there to here. If you were to travel there in a supersonic rocket, which is our highest technology, it would take you no less than 250 000 years to get there. That is because the maximum speed at which we can travel is only a small fraction of the speed of light. The Nommo are not Aliens travelling around in anti-gravety ships either. The Nammo are far beyond a dependence on physical travel so how will they get here, you might ask?
Most people believe in a God but when you ask them where god is, they say everywhere because God is a Spirit; he is omnipresent. That means that most people are perfectly willing to believe in a concept with magical parameters even though they don’t quite understand how such a thing is possible. When you try to explain a more plausible concept of existence to people, they will label you psychotic but we will persevere because we are working for those who desire a more ethical way of living.
The Universe is an enormous place. In fact, it is so large that most of us have a hard time perceiving how large it actually is. Imagine that every Star is a trillion miles away from another Star and there are more Stars in the Universe than there are grains of sand on all the Beaches on Earth. Now imagine that the Universe is a trillion times larger than that.
Physical Matter cannot travel faster than the speed of Light so if our ancestors are coming by 2042, logic would suggest that they should be on their way now but they aren’t, nor will they ever leave their world. They are simply waiting for the right conditions to exist so that they can send their Souls to Earth on pure dark energy waves. In order to understand how this transcendence will occur, you must first understand the Spiritual nature of the Universe as explained in Dohgon cosmogony.
Dohgon cosmogony is an ancient understanding of the creation of the physical Universe. It was revealed to the Dohgon people thousands of years ago by their galactic ancestors, the Nommo, who reside on a planet in the Sirius Star system . Dohgon Cosmogony explains that the physical realm emerged out of the abstract pure dark energy realm through a process known as the “Egg of Creation”. During this process, abstract waves of pure dark energy “fluxed” or cut into half waves until particles of Matter began to form. The formation of the first particle of matter, initiated Space and Time.
Fast-forward trillions of years and the intelligence that is the Universe began to create living things by inserting a part of itself inside each individual organism. Each bit of the Great Spirit became a lesser Spirit and that Spirit generates an energy field known as a Soul. The Soul energy of each organism will eventually expire and die but the Spirit is omnipotent just like the Great Spirit.
Every living organism that is conceived is immediately inhabited by a Spirit, which generates a Soul. New or lesser organisms receive a new piece of the Great Spirit while more complex organisms such as animals and humans receive the Souls of mature Spirits that have incarnated in life many times before. The Souls of humans incarnate in family lines. For instance; a great grandfather who died will incarnate inside a great grandson. The only problem is that the knowledge of the grandfather cannot re-emerge in the grandson except in exceptional circumstances such as a life saving intervention.
Pure Dark Energy Waves exist outside of space and time as we know it. They enter the physical realm through a process that only takes place inside the core of Stars. The Nammo have mastered the ability to travel on Pure Dark Energy Waves similar to Light. In this way, they have been able to implant their Souls essences into lifeforms all throughout the Universe. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, their Souls manifested here on Earth as the new Souls of the Dohgon people but over time and through adaptation, the Nammo genetic codes faded into obscurity.
Through a recent revelation, we have learned that in 2042 the Souls of the Nommos will begin to re-incarnate in newborn Dohgon children. It doesn’t matter where the Dohgon people have been scattered as a result of Slavery or voluntary migration. Furthermore, the knowledge of Nommos will be unlocked. Newborn Dohgon children will remember and grow to dispense the knowledge of their former lives on distant worlds. If you’ve ever heard of the Indigo children, they will be similar only much more intelligent.
So why will this begin to happen in the year 2042 and not now? The answer is because 2042 is the year that a grand conjunction between Sirius A, Sirius B, and our Sun will occur. Pure Dark Energy Waves from Sirius will be sent through the Sun to Earth. During this conjunction that happens every 50 years, the combined energy from the Stars will increase significantly. It will be the ideal time for the Nommo to send their Souls to the Dohgon here on Earth.
The Dohgon know that Nommo Spirits will come because during their last conjunction festival they received an important message from their galactic ancestors. The message informed them not to celebrate any more great conjunctions because they are coming.
Afrakan Professor Discovers Formula for Creation
Ever wondered how the universe come into existence? There are two popular answers to that question based on religion and science. The first answer is that the universe was created by a god a few thousand years ago and the second is that pressurized hot gas exloded with a “Big Bang” and over billions of years of chance, the universe evolved into what it is now.
Unfortunately, those explanations lack credibility because no one knows who or what god is and the Big Bang still remains a theory. According to an Afrakan Professor, both stories are wrong because he can explain the true creation of the universe using the Dohgon formula for creation.
About 10 years ago I met an Afrakan who claimed to “know everything”. I was skeptical because I know that opinions of oneself are subjective. However, in learning from him I grew to understand that his opinion of himself was based on the insight of a brilliant mind. The individual I’m referring to is none other than Professor Momoh of the Dohgon University of Thought.
Professor MOmOh is a Mathematician and a Cosmogony and Neurology expert who can explain the workings of the heavens as well as the workings of the chemical process of the human Brain. He descends from the Dohgon (Dogon) people of Mali, West Afraka, a very secretive tribe of people who are proven to possess detailed knowledge of the Stars long before European Astronomers.
Professor MOmOh teaches that the author of creation is abstract Pure Dark Energy Waves (PDEW), which is the net that forms the foundation of the universe. Known characteristics of this net are Electricity, Gravity, and Magnetism. Gravity is too obscure for most people to understand and Electricity is too dangerous for regular folk to experiment with.
Magnetism, on the other hand, is perfect as most people have handled a magnet at some time in their life. For example; when metal filings are sprinkled on a sheet of paper and a Magnet is passed underneath, the metal filings will arrange themselves in circlular patterns. That is because the the metal filings are being manipulated by the abstract energy waves that are produced by the Magnet.
We cannot see energy but we know energy exists because of its affect on physical matter. Professor MOmOh says that energy can transform into physical matter through a process and that process is how the universe was created. The billion dollar question is how does abstract PDEWs transform into physical matter?
Professor MOmOh has defined the formula for matter creation as PE(Pure Energy)=1-2-3-4 9-8 27 99-100. This formula is strange but it is based on the fact that PDEWs have different wavelengths. Each number represents a different wavelength; therefore, this formula lays out the process in which PDEWs must go through a permutation process to create particles of matter.
In the process, PDEWs flux or cut into half waves until Quarks combine to form Hadron particles then Atoms. The Big Bang that science theorizes is simply one instance of the process because, contrary to popular belief, the process has never stopped. It is happening inside the core of every Star in the universe right now below the level of Nuclear Fusion.
This is also why the theory that matter cannot be created or destroyed is also wrong. Stars are the entrance to the physical realm and Black Holes are the exits back to the abstract Pure Dark Energy realm. For a deeper understanding of the Formula for Creation, please visit the Dohgon University of Thought.
The Universe is a Mind
The Universe is a mystery whose true character is becoming more evident every day. Although it is infinitely vast, its consistency is 99% Pure Dark Energy. They say that humans are a micro example of the macro universe but I don’t think so. Humans are seeking knowledge while the universe is the holder of all knowledge. The abstract pure dark energy universe is the Great Spirit that created the physical universe, Life, and humanity. In essence, the universe is a Mind.
Some people believe that energy, no matter the source, cannot possess intelligence because intelligence is a property of a Brain and Mind. I say think again because while our Mind is dependent on our Brain to generate an energy field, the Great Spirit is already an energy field. It is only man who cannot yet understand how that intelligence is being produced. The answer is here within creation.
What is a Mind?
A Mind is an energy field that is generated by the sparking of Neurons between nerve endings in the Corpus Collosum, the area between our two Brain hemispheres in our Brains. A Mind is therefore abstract in nature compared to a Brain which is physical. If the universe is 99% abstract and that abstract portion is Pure Dark Energy, the same energy that generates a Mind in humans, then how can it not posses intelligence?
The Great Spirit created Matter and Life and through Life it created Humans. The process of Matter creation can be understood in a formula defined by Professor MOmOh of the Dohgon University of Thought. In his formula Professor MOmOh explains why there was no god that snapped his fingers to create the universe or Big Bang exploding everything into existence. Pure Dark Energy waves simply fluxed, or cut into half waves until sub-atomic particles formed.
What is Intelligence?
Using our limited perception of reality, Humans define intelligence as the ability of a Mind to use available information to Reason in a complex manner. In organisms with a Brain, information is fed to the Mind from two primary sources; Memory and the Senses. The Senses collect new physical information from the outside world and absorbs it to the Brain. The Brain transforms that physical information into abstract electrical energy and feeds it into the Mind for processing. Memory stores information and provides precedence against new information coming in from the Senses.
Both Memory and the Senses are very important to intelligence. They highlight the difference between simply being aware and being able to Think and Reason. The difference between people who are cognitive verses those who are highly intelligent is the ability of the Mind to access Memory in a timely and extensive manner. Intelligence can be improved, however a small percentage of people are born with Brains that are genetically wired to process information more efficiently than others.
The fact that most people judge intelligence based on whether a living organism has a Brain or not is the main reason people get fooled into thinking that a Brain is needed in order for a Mind to be present. In actuality, Nature shows us examples of intelligence without a Brain all the time. We are just too self-centered to notice. We won`t go into examples here but just do a Google search for “intelligence without a brain” and you will discover a whole new world you didn’t know existed before.
How can we recognize and understand the intelligence of the Great Spirit when we can`t even recognize the intelligence of such things as Plants, Bacteria, Viruses, and Molds? The minute you begin to recognize that the Great Spirit that is the Universe is a Mind, you will begin to see and perceive the world in a new and exciting way.
What Is A Total Solar Eclipse?
On August 21st, 2017, a total Solar Eclipse will occur in selected areas of the United States. Other areas of the country will witness partial eclipses of various degrees. Not surprisingly, this solar phenomenon has many people excited to witness this once in a lifetime event.
While it maybe entertaining for some, a Total Solar Eclipse has special meaning for Dohgons and all AfRAkans. Here is an excerpt from a question and answer session between Mighty Queen and Professor MOmOh regarding the meaning and benefit of the Total Solar Eclipse.
The 2017 Total Solar Eclipse of the U.S.:
The Spiritual Magnetism of Darkness for Peace happens by synchronizing your 2 brain hemispheres
MQ: Mighty Queen 06390
PM: Professor MOmOh
MQ: What is a total, solar eclipse?
PM: A total, solar eclipse brings Darkness to daylight, which humanity must appreciate to fully understand how important its 2 brain hemispheres are needed to acquire peace.
MQ: A total, solar eclipse will be crossing the U.S. on August 21, 2017. The eclipse will make a rare 2,500-mile coast-to-coast journey across the U.S. from Oregon to South Carolina on that day. This will bring total Darkness to various cities along its path. What does this total eclipse indicate about the Spiritual Magnetism of Darkness for Peace?
PM: Darkness always indicates Peace. Anything that happens with Darkness indicates there is an effect of peacefulness that follows it as well. Therefore, the total solar eclipse passing through the U.S. indicates how the U.S., itself, is now ready to exercise a peaceful transition from where peace is now paramount in the minds of many people. This means that the intention of people is peace, instead of war.
War kills a lot of innocent people. Now, the total eclipse is telling us that no more war is necessary because the eclipse, itself, is now bringing NIGHT during daytime. And NIGHT means the synchronization of your two brain
hemispheres, which indicates calmness, peacefulness and TRUTHFULNESS in everything you do.
MQ: Why does Darkness always indicate peace, and what is the relationship of Darkness to the synchronization of your two brain hemispheres?
PM: Your two brain hemispheres are your left and right brain hemispheres. When they are well-synchronized, your two brain hemispheres are both coordinated in whatever you THINK about. Your THINKING, then, becomes very active and willing to pursue good and clean things that keep you very peaceful in everything you do.
Darkness always indicates peace because everything in Darkness is quiet and willing to remain peaceful until daylight appears. During daylight, humanity is awake and anxious to get things done very quickly.
So anxiety exists during daytime and quietness exists during nighttime. This is the reason why, when the total solar eclipse occurs during daytime, humanity must exercise the peacefulness that happens at night. This is why the Universe is making daylight disappear for that period of time throughout the U.S. during the total eclipse.
Humanity must, therefore, learn that the time for peace is now reachable to everyone, and that the period of war is over because those who pursue war are now leaving that direction of thinking for war. Thus, those who are seeking peace are increasing in numbers. Very soon, there will be no interest in wars anymore because those who pursue wars are now being pushed aside, and they are no longer in that position to make choices to go to war.
MQ: So the message of the upcoming total solar eclipse that will cross the U.S. is one that is energized for humanity to THINK peacefully by coordinating their left and right brain hemispheres?
PM: Yes, the thinking is not just superficial, but one that people have seriously thought about expressing. It is the desire to let other people begin to THINK similarly that peace matters. It’s no longer an expression where people have to make songs about peace and do nothing about how the peace itself is made tangible for actions to manifest.
Humanity must understand why Nature is making the appearance of the total solar eclipse happen throughout the U.S. Is it happening because of a natural request by humanity itself or is it happening because Nature, itself, needs to make darkness happen during daylight?
The eclipse has to enforce the conscious awareness of an attitude that must now make itself very clear that peace has to exist for people to express themselves without any limitations.
MQ: How will people begin to synchronize their two brain hemispheres in order to bring this renewed THINKING process of calmness, peacefulness and TRUTHFULNESS to the Universe?
PM: These peaceful qualities are always present with people who seek TRUTH. When TRUTH is a part of your THINKING, you will always be very cordial to other people… and their peaceful interests are also your own interests. There is already a connection between you and them. They are not different from you, and you are not different from them.
Synchronizing your two brain hemispheres is an easy process for humanity to accomplish. All that’s required is activating the logic of your left brain to connect with your mind. Your mind will transfer that logic to your Spirit, which will include the Spiritual Magnetic qualities of the Universe into your Spiritual qualities, and then transfer that information back to your mind.
When that information is now in your mind, it becomes an intelligent and creative energy that will help you acquire WISDOM. WISDOM is necessary for you to express what you can do to help others.
The reason why WISDOM is necessary is because it goes through your Spiritual system, which is internal to you. When that internal, Spiritual system of your WISDOM is activated, everything becomes expressed within you externally. Now you can see how your creativity and intelligence happen easily. This ability becomes so great within you that you are able to help others acquire their own creative forces without any struggle. You are now a person of great WISDOM who others will respect.
Through the physical connection that your synchronized left and right brain hemispheres now have with the Spiritually Magnetic qualities of the Universe, you are no longer in a position to impose yourself on people who haven’t offended you in anyway to start wars with them. You will always stand by your own TRUTH, and you will not compromise with those who need to go to war with others. You’ll always be very strong to express the TRUTH of the Spirituality of your mind, rather than the imbalanced and unstable emotions of your right brain.
MQ: When will humanity as a whole begin to THINK by uniting their two brain hemispheres so that peace is now a common factor in people’s lives throughout the world?
PM: People’s lives are valued when they have a purpose in life. If the purpose is to determine how each person succeeds and that success transfers to other people, then there will be a common vision where humanity as a whole begins to benefit by the success of individual people. So people are going to succeed in life. But this success is going to happen when there is a determination for other people to be part of the success of what individual people accomplish in life. When that success becomes universal, other people will rise to the joy of success as well.
The joy of success will pass on to all individuals where success becomes a common result that allows people to also be a part of a whole. Once people see the whole exists that affects them as well, then success is no longer an individual matter. Rather it becomes a general and holistic matter that engulfs everyone.
Everything will now be considered holistic. So the success of one person becomes the success of a whole community. This is not a communist doctrine. Rather democracy will still exist in the minds of people, and they will practice democratic views where people are helped to rise to the same level of success that other individuals have.
Here, nobody becomes over wealthy. But it is a condition where wealth becomes a common condition that everyone is pleased to have.
When a whole community of people is pleased to have wealth, then there won’t be people who are poor and begging for existence. Here, everyone will maintain a decent way of living and there won’t be any conditions that are managed by others so that those conditions are only appreciated by people who become affiliated with what has been established for their advantage.
Everyone has the same advantage as everyone else. So all people are privileged to be a part of the success that has been arranged. People are no longer individually successful, but the success is organized for all to have.
THINKING will only happen for peace to occur when all people THINK about peace. When that THINKING continues to occur in people’s minds, then there will be more concern about peace than the emotions that take people’s minds away from their logic.
In order to synchronize your two brain hemispheres, you must be highly aware of the logic that occurs in your left brain, rather than the emotions of your right brain. Once you express the logic of your left brain, like the Earth is doing now, with the total solar eclipse that will bring Darkness, or Spiritual Magnetism, across the U.S. during daytime, you are also attracting the importance of your THINKING to become Spiritually Magnetic so that others can be attracted to the magnetic qualities of the Universe as well.
Many people who will read what we are stating here will immediately say we don’t know what we are talking about, and that there is no way to relate what humanity does to what happens in the Universe. We all are aware of how the Earth will display the eclipse and how it will extend from Oregon to South Carolina. When the Universe expresses its own desire to affect what happens between day and night, what makes us doubt that the Universe will not affect the way humanity THINKS about uniting itself. These are conditions that occur, whether we like it or not.
Some people will desire wars because their two brain hemispheres are lacking the synchronicity to be in agreement for peace with other people. This does not mean that all of humanity is thinking that ways. There are people like us who demand peace. And, therefore, we will acquire peace regardless of what others think.
When that requirement for peace becomes real, we shall continue to strive for everything that unites us, just like the Universe, itself, is united to bring total Darkness to daylight during the total solar eclipse.
We, who are concerned about the selfishness of other people needing to deny the unity of humanity to bring peace and gracefulness to humanity, will never quit our unity expressing itself to bring people together so that their common interest is unifying people’s two brain hemispheres to always seek calmness, peacefulness and TRUTHFULNESS.
When people are now in unity, it means that their two brain hemispheres are all united to see the TRUTH coming to humanity as a whole. As a result, humanity will understand that unity now is paramount to everything that happens to them.
People will care about their fellow citizens, and those who were struggling to provide for themselves, will no longer struggle because other citizens will care for them. This does not mean, however, that you have a whole group of citizens that will be dependent on others to exist. Rather you’ll have citizens showing joy because they, who were once struggling, are now helping others become independent in whatever is necessary for them to do.
If you worry about the essence of losing what you have collected for all these years, you shouldn’t be afraid of what will happen to you, because the Universe will ensure that what you have now, you will always have. And you will have the ability to gather even more because your potentials will increase to acquire more so that you can give away more to other people who do not have as much as you do.
MQ: How can humanity overcome the insecurities that single-brain thinking encourages?
PM: Humanity must be willing to see the peace within the Darkness of the total eclipse. The fact that the total solar eclipse is crossing the U.S. from its west coast to its east coast indicates the Universe, itself, is involved in making that peace very clear to all of humanity.
The Darkness that will express itself across the U.S. during daytime on August 21, 2017 indicates the ability to overcome falsehoods and lies that have always preceded warfare. When people are bold enough to stand tall about the lies that have always preceded warfare, now people will wake up to no longer accept the falsehoods that entangle the lies that precede warfare.
MQ: The last total, solar eclipse that crossed the U.S. occurred 99 years ago. That was in 1918. We all know how many wars have occurred since that time and how many millions of lives have been lost to all the wars that have occurred since then.
Will humanity’s THINKING really expand beyond the limitations of it emotional, single-brain THINKING? And what will people 99 years from now be saying about what we, as humans, did or didn’t do to overcome the insecurities of the our past 99 years (1918-2017) to acquire the Spiritual Magnetism and peace within our THINKING? Will people in the future say that we recognized the value of the total solar eclipse that appeared right in front of our eyes here in the U.S. on August 21, 2017?
Or, will they say that humanity fell right back into another 99 years filled with warfare due to its same individualistic and greedy concerns?
Is humanity at a critical mass point in time? Will humanity as a whole really have the ability to synchronize its two brain hemispheres to THINK with the Spiritual Magnetism that is required to bring 99 years of peace, rather than warfare, to our future?
Also, what is the significance of the number 99?
PM: Humanity will not solve the problems that exist in the universe now because there is still greed that surrounds human thinking. As long as there is greed, there will always be the need for humans to seek what is available for their best interests.
When people think for what they can do for themselves, rather then what they can do for other people, there is a big problem. That problem is then confided in their ability to only use one brain hemisphere, instead of the two brain hemispheres.
When people are confined to one-brain thinking, there is always the need to seek only individual thinking, rather than the thinking that will benefit a whole lot of people. This is why, to solve any problems that we are facing now, we need people’s commitment to deal with individualistic, one-brain thinking as a problem. And this problem must be solved with people understanding the coming total solar eclipse in the U.S.
If enough people wake up to the message of Darkness (or Spirituality) that the total eclipse represents, we’ll have a good opportunity to begin to overcome impending problems.
Yes, humanity is at a critical mass point in time because everything happening is overwhelming for humanity. So if things continue to overwhelm humanity, then humanity’s THINKING is now at a critical mass point. This means that humanity is no longer effectively THINKING. Then something has to happen to human THINKING as well. This means that, just like the eclipse that will happen on August 21, 2017 in the U.S., an eclipse will also happen to humanity’s THINKING in a different way.
Humanity will no longer have the freedom to assume that everything it does is approved by whoever it thinks is there to support its ability to act foolishly.
Humanity must continue to THINK as if the Universe needs the care that it must exhibit, rather than some foolishness about what humanity can or cannot do.
Humanity must engage its two brain hemispheres to consider that whatever happens on Earth is under the auspices of the Spiritual Magnetism of Darkness within the Universe. That ability of Spiritual Magnetism emerges from human THINKING by synchronizing the two brain hemispheres. If, however the two brain hemispheres are not organized, then turmoil will prevail.
Humanity is no longer in that capacity to exercise turmoil in its brain hemispheres because what is happening with the eclipse in the U.S. is a warning for humanity to organize itself to ensure that peace is always within their reach.
Number 99 represents the transition of what is happening physically to translate into something new Spiritually. Will that newness be valid for humanity to initiate changes in what it will manifest in its coming existence? That’s a question that humanity has to answer for the coming generations. If the question is answered well, then the coming generations will not worry much about what the question signifies.
However, if the question is not answered well, then it becomes a problematic condition that will happen over and over again.
MQ: What should people be concentrating on during the Darkness of the total solar eclipse that will cross the U.S.?
PM: The best thing that people can become involved with is the Dohgon Meditation. The Dohgon Meditation is very clear and simple. All it has to do with is NUMBERS. People must meditate by COUNTING from 0-100 and 100-0. This must be done during the time Darkness persists during daylight during the total solar eclipse that will be crossing the U.S. It will be wise, however, to continue the Meditation even when the eclipse is over.
The Dohgon Meditation is practiced by COUNTING the numbers from 0-100 and 100-0 three times a day in the morning upon waking, at noon, and before going to bed. This is necessary for all of humanity to connect with its Spirituality and also help synchronize your two brain hemispheres.
There is a special flux method of COUNTING that is used by the Dohgon. To find out more about this method, please see the “Books” section of our website and consider purchasing, Dialing Your Mind with NUMBERS.
MQ: What will counting the numbers do for humanity?
PM: The numbers will create a bridge between people and their Spirits. The more you are connected to your Spirit, the easier it is to understand how the Spirits are your ANKHcestors (ancestors), and you have the ability now to link with them and to know how their presence in the Spiritual World is helping you also to connect with your Spirituality. This takes away the fear on your mind so that you can become mentally strengthened so that your two brain hemispheres can become well synchronized and balanced.
MQ: How can people be very confident about themselves in practicing the Dohgon Meditation, as well as synchronizing their two brain hemispheres?
PM: Once you understand the purpose of synchronizing your two brain hemispheres, you will always be settled, instead of overwhelmed with pursuing your purpose. You will now be very confident within yourself to know that everything you are doing is organized and its purpose is consistent.
If you have any questions, please email us at https://dohgonuniversity.com/contact-us/
Calmness is necessary for the human mind to get back to its purpose of existence. –Professor MOmOh, The Dohgon University of Thought
Copyright © 2017 by The Dohgon University of Thought. All Rights Reserved. DohgonUniversity.com
The History Of Black People In Nova Scotia, Canada
As Canada celebrates its 150th anniversary, the contribution of Black people in helping to shape Canadian history must never be overlooked. This brief synopsis of the history of Black people in Nova Scotia was therefore put together to mark this special iteration of Black History Month in Canada. For a more concise account please consult the Nova Scotia Black Culture Society.
Originally designated by the British and sought out by many free Blacks as well as run away slaves as a place of refuge, Nova Scotia turned out not to be a very friendly place for Black people. They made it a home however and through the resilience of their AfRAkan Spirit, are still proud residents today.
It has been determined by historical accounts that Black people of AfRAkan descent have been living in the Province of Nova Scotia since the early 1700s as either French servants or trade workers. However, much of the details of their lives were not properly documented. It was only after the English took over from the French in 1763 that records of the arrival of other Black people started to appear in public records
Those records show that several hundred Black people migrated to Nova Scotia in the 1760s along with a group of white settlers known as Planters. The Planters were a large group of settlers who came from New England after the British gained control over Nova Scotia from the French in 1763. The British gave the Planters free land in order to populate the vast expanses of empty territory so that the land did not fall back into the hands of the French.
20 years later, between 1783 and 1785 over 3,000 Black people came in as part of the Loyalist migration from the United States. The Loyalists were settlers who were loyal to Britain during the War Of Independence. The Loyalists were mostly White but also included many of their slaves, former slaves and indentured servant Blacks who had joined in the war after being promised freedom by the British.
Most of the Black Loyalists began their journey from camps in New York City. After the War of Independence the Loyalists feared retaliation from the Americans so the British decided to grant them help by relocating them to other areas of the British Empire. The Americans fearing that other slaves who did not fight in the war would also seek freedom along with the Loyalists so they ordered the British to compile a list of all the Black people who had helped them in the war so that they could expel them from America.
The British compiled an extensive list of Black Loyalists and their families which was then compiled into a book known as The Book Of Negroes. Only 3 copies of the book exists and contain all the surnames of the Black Loyalists who left New York for Europe, England, Africa, and Nova Scotia. Original copies of the book can be found in Washington, England and Nova Scotia.
Upon arriving in Nova Scotia, the Black Loyalists were scattered by the British throughout numerous towns and villages in the territory. The Black Loyalists attempted to integrate into existing communities but found out very quickly that they were not welcome, not even by their fellow white Loyalists who still saw them as inferior and not deserving of the opportunity to pursue a life of unbridled freedom.
The Black Loyalists created their own settlements and segregated communities but without sufficient farmland of their own they had to depend on white settlers for their survival. This put them at odds with whites who threatened and harassed them constantly. Fed up with their situation, the Black settlers directed their anger toward the British for reneging on their promises to give each Black family a plot of land of their own. However, several years of complaining only resulted in a few of the high-ranking former Black solders getting land of their own.
Eventually, the Black Loyalists managed to gather up enough financial support to send representatives to England to plead their case directly the monarchy. Unfortunately, in England their petition fell on deaf ears but while there the representatives had a chance encounter with a contingent of Afrakans from Sierra Leon, West Afraka. The Afrakan representative sympathized with the plight of the Black Loyalists and promised to provide land for them in Sierra Leon; all the Loyalists had to do was secure their own transportation.
The Black Loyalists then presented another proposal to the British Monarchy and the Monarchy agreed to send ships to transport all the Black Loyalists who wanted to leave Nova Scotia and go to Sierra Leon. Back in Nova Scotia, the thought of going back to Afraka was mixed. Some welcomed the chance to return to their true homeland and some hated the idea. Subsequently, a large percentage of the Black Loyalists made their way to Sierra Leon in 1793.
Seven years later, in the year 1800 another group of Black people known as the Maroons also relocated to Sierra Leon from Nova Scotia. The Maroons were former Afrakans originally brought to the island of Jamaica as slaves but who had escaped off the plantations to live in the mountains and caves of the Island. The name Maroon is thought to have originated from the Moors, an Arab influenced cultural and religious group that once dominated North-West Afraka.
In Jamaica, the Maroons had formed Guerrilla groups that became a serious threat to the stability of the Island’s economy. They raided plantations on a regularly basis and assisted other slaves to escape and join their ranks. After years of being embarrassed by the Maroons the British recruited Maroon spies then successfully captured the top Maroon leader resulting in the surrender of the largest group of Maroons.
The British then decided to relocate most of the captured Maroons off the Island in order to diminish the threat of reprisal. So in 1796 they shipped 550 Maroons to Nova Scotia. Most of the rebellious group of men, women and children were settled in the township of Preston. After a few years, most of the Maroons found jobs as builders and laborers but they never got along with the other Blacks.
The Maroons had different religious practices and customs than the Black Loyalists who were a mixture of various denominations of Christianity. Subsequently, the Maroon demand that the British send them back to AfRAka. The British agreed and in the year 1800 most of them were boarded onto ships and sent to Sierra Leone.
From 1812 to 1816, the last major influx of Black people entered Nova Scotia. They came during and after The War of 1812 between the US and Canada, which was still a British colony at the time. This was the war in which the White House was disrespectfully burned down by the Canadian forces. The war was a terrible loss for the United States but it enabled thousands of former slaves to escape into Canada.
The British again offered Blacks freedom and land in Canada for helping them during the war and thousands of Blacks accepted the offer. This new group of free and former slaves moved into Windsor, Ontario and Nova Scotia. In Nova Scotia, they settled in the Halifax areas of Preston, Hammonds Plains, Beechville, Porter’s Lake, and Lucasville Road.
Throughout the period of their arrival in Nova Scotia up until slavery officially ended in the United States, Black people lived under the constant fear of being kidnapped by slave hunters and re-sold back into slavery in the US. Slave hunters often roamed the forests and coastlines of Nova Scotia on foot or in boats searching for Black people to could capture and earn a bounty on.
After slavery officially ended and Black people felt at ease to pursue their dreams they were still routinely exploited as cheap laborers. In the early 1900s, when the Coal Industry in Nova Scotia wanted to undercut the wages that Black labor unions built up, they recruited immigrants from the West Indies. Those West Indian communities still survives to the present day in Whitney Pier, Glace Bay and New Waterford, Porter’s Lake, and the Lucasville Road, as well as the Windsor area.
Racial tensions between Blacks and whites in Nova Scotia made headlines time after time throughout the 1900s. One famous incident happened in 1945 when Viola Desmond, a Black entrepreneur was arrested and thrown in jail for deliberately dis-obeying the whites-only sign in a movie theater. The incident sparked riots in Nova Scotia at the time but it was nothing compared to a similar act of civil disobedience by Rosa Parks, which occurred 10yrs later in the United States. That incident was seen as the spark of the American Civil Rights movement.
Black people of Nova Scotia have never laid down to racism and discrimination. They have fought injustice every time, especially when the government tries to bulldoze or relocate Black historical settlements for commercial or modern development purposes. They’re treated like the Native Indians; they get abused, disrespected, and mistreated then only get apologies, not compensation for the injustices they have to endure.
Even so, Black Nova Scotians are proud of their deep and rich history. Many have risen to prominence within Canadian society in Politics, Education, Business, and Law. Today, people of Afrakan descent are continuing to immigrate to Nova Scotia, which ensure that Black people will continue to maintain a strong influence on Canada’s East Coast.
I Am AfRAkan, Not Hebrew
I am AfRAkan, not Hebrew. I am the first human before all other humans were created. I was not created by the God of man; I was created by the Spiritual intelligence that is the Universe, which exists in physical reality in the form of Pure Dark Energy Waves. Scientists studying the universe are still confounded as to what is holding the Universe together. It is Pure Dark Energy Waves (PDEW), which like all forms of energy are abstract and exists infinitely.
To create me, PDEWs transformed from abstract energy to physical matter through a permutation process. Europeans say the universe was created from a “Big Bang” when a single particle of matter exploded. Now they’re spending billions of dollars trying to find Higgs Boson or “God Particles” to prove it. Professor MOmOh of the Dohgon University of Thought says, no! Matter forms when PDEWs flux (cut into ½ waves) until subatomic particles form. He is a high priest of Dohgon Spirituality who has the ability to bring ancient AfRAkan knowledge back into reality. So, forget all those religious and theoretical nonsense.
Why do some Black people believe that they’re Hebrew and are fighting Ashkenazi Jews for ownership of an Unethical Spiritual concept?
Some Black people claim Hebrew as their ancestry because they’ve been brainwashed by centuries of mind control plus it comforts their disconnection from the Spiritual essence that is the Universe. All modern religions had their origins in KMT (Egypt). It was during their captivity in KMT that the Afrakan Ethiopeans who now call themselves Hebrews/Jews, gained deep understanding of human nature and created a mystery God. That mystery God couldn’t be seen so it couldn’t be killed while at the same time providing strength by way of faith in the midst of their despair.
The Mystery God concept proved to be superior to the physical deities of the Egyptians so when the Ethiopian Akhenaten became Pharaoh of KMT, he began to combine Ethiopean spiritual concepts with traditional Egyptian beliefs. Ethiopean beliefs slowly corrupted Kemetic science to the point where it refocussed Egyptian spirituality from a belief in Reincarnation into a belief in Resurrection. Egyptians then became preoccupied with preparing themselves to be resurrected.
Eventually, the Ethiopeans gained their freedom from KMT and travelled into the Middle East where they spread their new-found spirituality with the local Hebrew tribes who they believed they shared kinship with due to their similar lighter skin tone. That spirituality eventually became known as Judaism and its followers racked up major military defeats in Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Babylon. In effect, it helped to civilize the savagery that was commonplace in the Middle East at the time. The Arabs, who were practicing Idol worship at the time, began to recognize the power of a Mystery God concept.
Hundreds of years on, a rich Arab merchant by the name of Mohammed became exiled in Israel and while there he studied the mystery God concept and created the Islamic Faith. Back in Afraka, the decline of KMT was slow and painful for Egyptians. An overwhelming influx of foreigners of Greek, Roman, Arab, Hebrew, and other European origins resulted in widespread corruption. Some wise AfRAkans left, including those who wished to preserve the original knowledge of the land and people. Some of that knowledge is hidden in Ethiopia and Sudan while some of it went as far away as Southern AfRAka and Mali, West AfRAka where the Dohgon people now reside.
Christianity originated in Israel 2000 years ago after the Romans conquered much of the Middle East. Although they defeated them physically, many Romans marveled at the resilience of the Hebrews who refused to bow to the Caesar of Rome as their god. Instead they gained strength from their Jewish faith and the teachings of Jesus, who encouraged them to hold steadfastly to faith in their Mystery God who saved them many times before and would deliver them out of bondage again. Jesus was eventually betrayed by his fellow Jews and crucified by the Romans.
Roughly 50 years after Jesus was crucified by the Romans, Saul, a Hebrew who had betrayed his people and rose to the rank of General in the Roman army, declared that he had experienced a divine intervention while on the road to Damascus, Syria. In his divine intervention, Saul claimed that the God of the Jews struck him off his horse with a bolt of Light and instructed him to heed to the teachings of Jesus. In reality, Saul’s conversion to becoming a follower of Jesus may have been a covert mission to infultrate the new Jesus-centered religion that was growing exponentially. No one knows for sure but soon he became Jesuses’ 13th disciple, dispensing wisdom of Jesus “the Christ” to all who would listen.
Followers of Jesuses message became known as Christians and Saul gave up his military armor for religious robes, changed his name to Paul and embarked on a mission to gather all information about Jesus that he could find. He investigated and pieced together accounts from Jesuses former disciples and followers. He also befriended Christian preschers and wrote letters (Epistles) of encouragement to Christian ministers across the roman empire. Soon, Saul became the self-appointed keeper of Jesuses’ legacy. He compiled the teachings and accounts of Jesus into a book and called it the New Testament of Jesus Christ. He declared that all Non-Jews and Romans could now gain access to Heaven in the name of Jesus.
The Black Hebrews of today are the descendants of those original Ethiopeans who helped to corrupt KMT with beliefs in resurrection and desires for eternal life. They were the same AfRAkans who introduced the Hebrews to the Mystery God concept but since they cannot change their skin (meaning their skin is too dark) they will never be accepted as one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. They are discovering that it was their ancestral philosophers who created Judaism in the first place but like their ancestors, what they fail to understand is the psychology behind the Mystery God concept and how it traps the Mind into Desire Dependency.
Now most Black Hebrews/Jews say that they don’t want anything to do with the “dirty AfRAkans”. That is because they covet the same thing that Ashkenazi Jews, Christians, and Arabs covet and that is the favor of their unethical God. They clamber to go to Israel believing that a miracle will happen when they arrive but when they get there they aren’t getting the same welcome as European Jews. Instead, they get beaten, killed, deported, or forced into military service to defend a homeland that despises them.
Their internal Organs are untimely harvested to keep European Jews alive and their women are secretly put on contraceptives to limit their population. The only thing Black Hebrews can do is comfort their ignorance of reality with the belief that they are “the real Jews”. As for me, I am a descendant of original AfRAkans and I would rather believe in an Ethical Spiritual belief system. One that respects all Life and strives for balance instead of coveting the favor of unethical Gods. I believe in the HERU Interface.