Tag Archives: finding real love

Finding Real Love

black love

There is no question that Love is the deepest and strongest human emotion. It’s a feeling that brings joy and happiness into the harsh reality of Life. Love can be of self, for someone else, or for something in the world around us. Love comes in many forms, sometimes shallow and sometimes deep but there is only one way to know when Love is real.

Real Love exists beyond beauty, class, intelligence, physical appearance, or sensory influence. When real love exists it doesn’t matter how someone looks. It doesn’t matter what someone can or cannot do for you or how much money they have. It doesn’t matter how smart or dumb they are. Real love cannot be conjured up or influenced to exist by the use of drugs.

In order to understand what real love is you first need to understand what Emotions are. Emotions are instinctual feelings that cannot be thought or learned therefore everyone experiences them, whether rich or poor, young or old, White or Black. Human consciousness has one basic driver; desire. Desire is our default condition while another force; Conscience, controls the dept and intensity of desire.

Conscience is an internal force that is developed through the external influence of the Spiritual essence of the universe. Conscience is the source of our morals, which expands to regulate our actions through self-discipline. Therefore, for Love to be truly real it needs to be controlled by one’s conscience. In other words, real Love is Conscious Desire.

Emotions are an aspect of human nature that needs to be controlled. If you cannot control your emotions then you cannot function around others, much less, in society. The most difficult emotion to control is Love but if you’re asking why Love would need to be controlled it’s because Love is also the most confusing emotion.

Love is the measure of your emotional Desire towards someone or something. Desire is also affection, fondness, infatuation, adulation, lust and many more. All emotions are different in weight because conscience influences desire in different level. Some people will say they love themselves but will engage in self-destructive activities such as taking drugs or altering their appearance to try to love themselves even more.

Some people will profess to love another person but then try to control that person physically or mentally. Then when they realize they cannot control that person they resort to harm and abuse. Others will claim to love someone but they really only love the beauty of that person so when the beauty fades away, so does the love. They don’t know that beauty is a mechanism.

Loving the superficial nature of self or someone else are destructive forms of love based purely on unconscious desire. At the height of conscious desire is Real Love and Conscientious Love is unconditional. It means that the Love emotion that is being generated is under the full control of your conscience and if your conscience is strong, your Love will be pure and true.

If you are seeking Real Love, whether of yourself or in others, remember that emotions are instinctual therefore they cannot change, only controlled. Listen to and use your conscience in your daily life. Think Spiritually and beware of religion, humanism, and other forms of ideology based lifestyles. Develop relationships with conscientious people. Only conscience can harness the reckless effects of Desire.