Tag Archives: disease

South Sudan Needs Your Help

There is a crisis of epic preportions unfolding in South Sudan. The Afrakan country is being ravaged by war, famine, and disease causing thousands of deaths on a daily basis. The suffering, especially to innocent women and children, is extremely severe but we know that no situation is ever helpless. Each and every one of us can make a difference in saving lives. The time to act is now because South Sudan needs your help.

South Sudan is the world’s newest country. It gained its independence from Sudan less than 10 years ago after many years of civil war. However, shortly after becoming a full-fledged republic, the country itself fell into turmoil over tribal conflicts and political and ideological differences between the ruling tribes.

While it may be understandable that every nation experiences internal strife, what makes the situation in South Sudan worse is the unending Drought affecting the entire region. As people watch their crops, animals, and children die of starvation, fighting between government troops and rebel forces is also driving them into UN refugee camps in the millions.

The UN has been trying to broker a cease-fire between government forces and rebel fighters with little effect. At the same time, numerous Aid agencies are on the ground in several areas providing medical aid to the sick and dieing as well as handing out food and water to the starving.

Many people have never heard of the situation in South Sudan. Those who have, fall into several groups. Some people help by donating to charities, some people turn a blind eye thinking that it’s the job of the UN, and some simply don’t care. Forget about the people who don’t care because we know that a great many people care but either lack the resources to help or don’t know how.

If you care about the lives of your fellow Afrakans then there is a way that everyone that cares can help. This very simple method involves the spreading of information. Ever heard the saying…?

Out of sight, out of mind

This is a True and Wise statement. When some people hear about the situation in South Sudan and feel helpless to do anything they simply put it out of their minds. When information is present on the Mind people have no choice but to think about it. When it’s information that affects the Conscience it generates Empathy and people begin to care.

Your task therefore is to spread information. Spread the word to everyone you know in person and on social media. Get daily updates from news sources or do a search on Google Alerts for “South Sudan”. Post the information on your Twitter and Facebook accounts and encourage your family and friends to spread it too.

In time so much information about South Sudan will be in front of people’s eyes that they will have no choice but to think about it. The information will begin to dig into their conscience creating an involuntary response of wanting to help. In time the fighting factions in South Sudan will notice the world looking at them and become self-conscious about their unethical war.

The UN will notice that citizens in their respective countries are holding their political actions in account. They will send in more peacekeepers and other support resources. Aid organizations will notice that a lot more of their donors are watching their actions and allocate more of their resources to the region.

South Sudan needs your help. Start the information spreading campaign today.

How to Stop the Spread of Ebola

Ebola is a disease that has killed thousands of people throughout countries in West AfRAka. Thousands more people have been infected while millions in the region are now living in fear of contracting the deadly disease. When a situation such as this happens it reveals a deep flaw in the society that many people do not or are too brain washed to recognize, greater awareness is the only way to stop the spread of harmful diseases.

What is Ebola? Ebola is a disease of which there is no known cure. It is a life form which lives off other life forms. We have thousands of foreign life forms living inside us and on our skin that over thousands of years have adapted to us. Some of those life forms help us while some are harmless to us. Ebola is just another life form that was introduced to us that our immune system hasn’t conquered yet. Unfortunately with the state of Spiritual disconnection the human body may never will.

Why is there no cure for Ebola? There is no cure because our awareness is closed to the real solution. Of course there are treatments, such as the one used by the American doctors but it is not been proven over time to be side-effect free. That is the way modern medicine works. They have to perform controlled tests throughout a wide population over a prolonged period of time. Then they either sell the treatment as a Drug or weigh the ethics of withholding the treatment from the infected against your conscience.

So let’s say there are those among humanity who have developed a treatment for Ebola but are not releasing it because they are unethical, racist, or capitalist. Then let them relish in their arrogance because Life is actively working on their conscience. Remember, conscience is a safety net to protect Life against “Human Stuff”. In the mean time there is another way that AfRAkans can stop the spread of Ebola.

How can the spread of Ebola be stopped? Increasing awareness is the key to stopping the spread of Ebola and any other deadly disease. The problem with Human awareness is stagnation due to religious and false belief. Too many people have abandoned knowledge for the comfort of religious belief.  Most AfRAkans now believe that an imaginary god will protect them from the Ebola virus.

If people would only return to using their common sense they would notice how many priests are dying from the disease. Do they think that they have more faith than those who have indoctrinated them with religious belief to assassinate their awareness? Everything in life works logically, action and reaction. Nothing works supernaturally unless it is of the Spirit and the Spirit does not deceive through its methods of communication.

Belief is a comforting tactic developed by the Right Brain that was not supposed to become a dependency in a balanced Brain. The Brain therefore, is currently stuck in an unbalanced state. We have become slaves to desire and alienated from the purpose of Life which is to learn and grow. The Dohgon University of Thought specializes in methods of retaking control of the Mind by reconditioning the Brain. It is the best way to open the Mind to knowledge so your awareness may increase to the point where you are once again guided by the Spirit.