Tag Archives: desire dependency

6 Common Misconceptions About Black Consciousness

black consciousness

I’m seeing many people on social media who, after exhibiting some level of participation in various discussions on the problems facing Black people, get frustrated and lash out against Black Consciousness. They begin to classify all “so-called conscious” people under the same category as if all Black Conscious people are the same. All it does is expose their own level of consciousness to reveal that they never started becoming conscious from the inside first.

First of all, Black Consciousness is not an organization or something to join. Black Consciousness is all about self-improvement by acquiring knowledge about all things including yourself, your history and the way the world works. By increasing your knowledge, you will be able to understand and work to conquer the problems that hinder your personal happiness and the happiness of the people you have a bond with, which are your fellow Black people. All Black people who are seeking to raise their level of consciousness should understand what Black Consciousness is not by addressing these common misconceptions about the movement.

Misconception 1. Black Consciousness was started by Ghetto Scholars on Social Media.

No, Black Consciousness is not a “Johnny come lately” concept started by Ghetto Scholars. The modern incarnation of Black Consciousness is only a continuation of a movement that began post-slavery with people like Frederick Douglas, Booker T Washington, Marcus Garvey, WEB Du Bois and many others. In the mid to late 19th century there was Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Farrakhan, Steve Biko, Kwame Nkrumah, Nelson Mandela and many lesser known scholars who served to inspire the current generation of people a lot of us look to for leadership.

The term Black Consciousness was actually coined by Steve Biko of South Africa in the early 1970s. Biko and other politically active students formed a Black student organization in their university to address the extreme brutality of Apartheid. Through his writings Steve Biko proved that the Pen is mightier than the Sword and that conscious thought is more powerful than violent confrontation. Biko was a very intelligent man who used his pen to metaphorically stab at the conscience of white South Africans. Unfortunately, in 1977 he was killed by the wicked Apartheid security forces. Although Apartheid ended in South Africa Biko is still a Martyr of inspiration for South Africans.

Personally, I first became familiar with the term “Consciousness” from Reggae music in my native country of Jamaica and later in the Hip-hop music of the 1980s. In Reggae music there are numerous sub-genres, one of which still has a very powerful influence on Reggae music and that is Conscious Reggae. The conscious genre includes Bob Marley in the 1960s, all the way up to Chronixx today. Conscious Reggae is all about addressing corruption in society by providing inspiration through the music. In Hip-Hop Conscious Rap music addressed common injustices such as hunger, poverty and police brutality. The message of Consciousness has always been there throughout our history of oppression, its up to us as individuals to take heed.

Misconception 2. Black Consciousness is non-religious.

Consciousness occurs when energy passing between nerves cells in the Brain generates a Mind field. Black Consciousness occurs when a Black person begins to rationalize about his or her condition and embarks on a mission to change it for the better. One of the most successful vehicles for self improvement is religion. I call religion a paradox tool because you cannot use it to help you if you know the truth about it and it helps you best when it induces you into having blind faith.

The key benefit of religion is self-discipline therefore, to maintain blind faith in the promise of eternal life after death is the ultimate exercise in self discipline. You begin to believe that even the evil things that are happening to you are simply tests of your faith so you persevere in your illusions. At some point however, you begin to see that its either too much to bear or its actually the Devil that’s oppressing you so you begin to fight back. Such were the cases of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King.

Isn’t it ironic that the two biggest examples of Black people fighting back against the unjust system of America were religion based? Both men used the self discipline that they gained from religion, one Islam, the other a Christian, to build such huge followings that they even emboldened other Black people to stand up and fight back against oppression. All religions are based on illusions but as was evident, they build self discipline which is a key characteristic required in Black Consciousness. Religious consciousness begins when Black religious leaders begin to use their influence to address social problems.

Misconception 3. Black Consciousness is militant and violent.

Some of us have the misconception that Black consciousness is about overthrowing “the system” by violent means. There’s nothing wrong with that if that’s the way you feel but be prepared to go all out. Violent revolutions have historically been the best way to bring about change in a corrupt society. You will need thousands of like minded people who are willing to die for the cause but don’t get frustrated when a majority of Black people will not join you.

It has little to do with being scared. Our problems are; we do not trust one another and we fear the consequences of acting due to a lack of knowledge and organization. The best solution to our dis-unity and confusion is a strong leader or a strong Spiritual inspiration. Unfortunately, there are no real Black leaders within the Black Conscious community and Black people are too Spiritually fragmented to fight for the ideals of a single god. Farrakhan came close but as is evident, his influence is on the decline.

When you overthrow the System what will you replace it with? All systems are not Black and White. You may find inspiration in hating the White man but consider that there are many other corrupt systems in the world. Even in predominantly Black countries there is hate for authority which means that what you are really fighting for is personal Liberty. Just know that without a strong Conscience, personal Liberty will eventually lead to personal corruption and the corruption of others within the same society as your personal liberties collide with the liberties of others.

Misconception 4. Everyone who claims to be conscious is really conscious.

There are some people who use the concept of Black Consciousness for profit or fame. Beware of these people; they are not conscious, they are opportunists. A Conscious person is able to use his or her Mind to override the desires of his or her Brain. Read about Desire Dependency for a detailed explanation of this character trait. Truly conscious people are not hung up on Desire manipulating things such as Beauty, Sex, Drugs, Money, Fame, and Power.

Misconception 5. Black Consciousness speaks for all Black people.

Conscious individuals and organizations do not speak for all Black conscious people like the term Black Community does not indicate racial solidarity. To each his own so if you do not like the message that someone who professes to be Conscious is dispensing then move on. One of the ultimate goals of consciousness movement is to inspire every individual to become a leader in their own right. That way the movement doesn’t die with the death of a leader.

Misconception 6. Black Consciousness is Leftist, Socialist, and Communist.

There is a common misconception among many Black people that to be conscious means that you have to become a Socialist or a Communist. Furthermore, you have to give up your pursuit of wealth, higher education, family values, and the sanctity of Life itself to focus on the needs of the Black community. The problem with Socialism and Communism is that they are incompatible with the flaws of human nature therefore, they must be legislated or imposed on a society by a dictator in order to work.

Common sense dictates that you cannot force goodwill; it has to be Altruistic. Altruism is the concept of practicing kindness in all your interactions with others. Helping others has to come from your own Conscience and not someone forcing you to do it. The difference between Altruism and Socialism is that Altruism is a conscience builder that also extends to protect all aspects of Life, not just humanity. With Altruism a rich man will find it easier to help and support those in need out of the goodness of his heart.

Black People With Blonde Hair

nuclear radiation

Most people say ignorance is bliss yet I am convinced that ignorance is death. They say what you don’t know won’t hurt you therefore you must take bad situations and make the best of them. Unfortunately most people never recognize bad situations to begin with; they just continue to live and die by the mechanisms of Life in blissful ignorance.

For years pictures of children with dark skin and long blond hair have been passed around social media. When the unknowing see these pictures they say; “you see, Black is beautiful because Black people can have blond hair too”. They never take the time to research and understand how such an anomaly is possible.

The first thing they should understand is that most of the children in those pictures are from the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific. Don’t believe me? Take any one of those pictures and do a Google image search. The second thing they must understand is that before the 1960s there was no such traits as Black people with blond hair in the Solomon Islands.

So what happened in the Solomon Islands that created Black people with blond hair? The answer is Nuclear Radiation. How did Nuclear Radiation affect some Black people way out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean? The culprit of this unspeakable evil is France.

France is one of only 9 Nuclear Armed nations in the world. In their endeavor to join that evil club and perfect their weapons of war they carried out numerous Nuclear tests in the South Pacific between 1966 and 1996. The result was widespread contamination of the ocean, wildlife, vegetation, and the Polynesian people. In some areas the people’s skin turned pale white for months due to the excessive levels of radiation that they were subjected to.

If you have the faintest understanding about Nuclear Radiation you will know that radiation has a direct effect on DNA. Unlike drinking or taking drugs while pregnant may cause birth defects, such defects are non generational. On the other hand, Radiation causes permanent DNA defects that may never correct through natural reproduction.

No one knows how many people died as a direct effect of the French nuclear tests in French Polynesia since no one official records were kept. We can only see the results in the health of the people and how their genetic traits have dramatically changed compared to other people in the South Pacific.

For decades the world turned a blind eye to Frances nuclear activities that messed up the South Pacific. That’s because other nuclear nations were doing similar evils of their own so they couldn’t be hypocritical. The locals did their best to fight back until foreign environmentalists joined their cause.

So, while that saga is over and we forget, don’t know, or don’t care, history will preserve it as a learning example for those of us who are proud of our AfRAkan ancestry. We know that it’s because of Desire Dependency why most ignorant people, including some of those same Islanders have shunned their AfRAkan origins.

Ignorance is not a trend. We are Dohgon and in our understanding of Ankh/Life we never start from step 1 by admiring the unnatural beauty created by evil; we always start from ground 0 which is AfRAkan blackness.

Black Is Not Beautiful

beautiful black women

Black is not beautiful. Beauty is a mechanism which is a tool that the Life Entity uses through Desire to encourage its creations to reproduce. Most people fail to understand this so they allow their psyche to be driven by their senses, which results in self-hate and self-destructiveness. People hung up on beauty can be classified as being Desire Dependent. Afrakans must conquer this mechanism, our psychological stability depends on it.

A mechanism is an intentional process in which an action is performed in order to produce a desired outcome. Mechanisms can exist in all aspects of reality. They can be mechanical, physical, chemical, or abstract. Beauty is an abstract mechanism, which means that beauty is subjective and whatever the characteristics that determine beauty are in relation to race and culture, they all provide the same purpose to Life. Therefore, beauty is a tool that works best when people are unconscious and desire dependent.

We know that beauty is a mechanism because we recognize that Life is a single conscious entity. It is the collective awareness of every living organism on Earth and it is in full pursuit of universal awareness. Humans function in reality using our senses. Our senses react to stimuli from the outside world and feed the information to our Brain for processing. Some stimulations trigger the release of Dopamine in our brain to produce a sensation of pleasure. Memories of strong stimulation from such things as beauty, music, drugs, sex, and even food build up in our memory banks. If we cannot experience these things over and over again, we use our memories to satisfy our desires in times of Want.

The main reason why people cannot see that beauty is a mechanism is because they either operate using religion or popular culture. Religious people do not recognize beauty as a mechanism because they view beauty as a gift from their god. Secular society cannot recognize the mechanism because people are trained to believe that “life is what it is”. They believe that people have to learn to accept their looks and develop their own psychological crutches. At the same time, they are also trained by pop culture to celebrate and admire others who win the “beauty lottery” at birth or through the good genes.

A very popular saying insists that “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder” but is it? All races are susceptible to desire fulfillment based on beauty. However, some physical characteristics that one race may consider attractive may not be considered attractive in another race. Beauty can also be cross-racial and cross-cultural. As races naturally interact with each other, race mixing will occur; sometimes out of curiosity but mostly because of desire manipulation. If left unchecked the physical characteristics that determine one race from another will eventually become indistinguishable. Some people may say that is a good thing for race relations but is it?

In a perfect world race mixing based on desire and beauty wouldn’t be a problem but this is an imperfect world we live in. People are actively engaging in racial prejudice and racial genocide every minute of the day in every country on the face of the Earth. If AfRAkan people are not conscious about preserving our racial identity we will definitely go extinct as a race. Colonization has already been responsible for the widespread rape and unwanted siring of mixed breed Black people all throughout the Americas and the Afrakan continent. 

Furthermore, through multiculturalism, the unconscious among us are engaging in cultural and racial genocide. Their life is theirs to live of course. On one hand they are right but, in many cases, they are only seeking to breed with the dominant race because they think it will produce “better” offspring able to compete in the dominant race’s unethical culture. Some others are even attempting to diminish their blackness by bleaching their skin, installing weaves and wigs to hide their natural hair, or getting surgeries to diminish their noses, lips, and high cheek bones. They become like the oppressor, self-absorbed and vain believing that they are better than others.  

All this focus on unnatural beauty has created a condition we call Desire Dependency in Black people. Desire dependency is a condition that creates numerous psychological problems for us because the ideals of beauty are Eurocentric. Without a strong conscience Black people who live by religion and secular culture have become susceptible to desire and because others control popular culture and the tools to manipulate it, such as money and information, they also have power over your emotions. Beauty as a mechanism is not an existential problem for the Life entity therefore Black people are left to manage our psychological problems ourselves.

Fortunately, there are still Black Conscious AfRAkans who, though they might not recognize the intricate workings of Life, value their racial identity. They use mind over matter to rebuke the desire manipulations of popular culture. They maintain pride in their dark skin, their kinky hair, and their unique physical features. They are unknowingly fighting back against the mechanisms of Life but their actions are key to the overall Black Consciousness movement.

Black women and man; We are not insects who are easily attracted to colorful plants. We have advanced cognitive abilities which we need to use if we truly desire to escape the mechanisms of Life and the manipulations of popular culture. We must make a conscious effort to love ourselves; it’s the only way to return our youth to valuing the qualities of the Afrakan race and it is one of the ways of ultimately preserving our longevity.

Black is not beautiful; Black is powerful, electric, magnetic, capable, compelling, dominant, dynamic, energetic, impressive, influential, potent, robust, and mighty.

Desire Dependency and its Detrimental Effects in Black Communities

desire dependency

Desire dependency is a condition in which the thoughts and actions of a person are dictated by their Senses and not their Mind. While some desire dependent people may still be able use their mind in some capacity they cannot consciously override the hormones that their Senses induce as a reaction to stimuli. In essence they become addicted to feeling good; some by using drugs and others by engaging in behaviors they know are bad but that will satisfy their need to feel good.

Life is a conscious entity that uses mechanisms to achieve its goals. Like Life, Humans were created by the Spirit of the Universe to exist in a state of balance with joy and contentment. The mental facilitator of such a condition is Melatonin. However, as Life endures hardships it relies on another facilitator called Serotonin. Both are hormones or neuro-transmitters that trigger the production and release of Dopamine in the brain which makes humans either experience the sensation of “joy” and/or “Happiness”.

Humans have the ability to consciously regulate or override the release of Dopamine in our Brains. We can do so by weighing the consequences of our actions (conscience) as we experience them. Love is one measure of desire that helps us determine if we desire one thing more than another. Desire dependency occurs when humans become slaves to feeling happy. In other words; desire dependency is an addiction.

All humans function with a certain level of dependency and use different reward mechanisms to achieve happiness. Some humans use money and power to feel happy and some feel happy helping others. Black people who kill and destroy society are desire dependent addicts. They are desire dependent because they put their own happiness over the emotions of other people and the preservation of Life itself. It is a dilemma for Life but, Life works on a slow wavelength genetically. It is slow to recognize problems and also slow to correct them but since humans are a part of life we can actively correct problems.

The only problem with humanity correcting the problems it faces is that humanity does not recognize that Life is a conscious entity (a god). Humanity functions independent of Life by ideology because they lack awareness of Life as an entity. They think that humanity is everything so they create systems to support their beliefs such as religion and superstition.  When these humans kill by way of war, greed, exploitation, and ignorance they excuse it as “self preservation”.

How did Black people get so desire dependent that it drives us to engage in self destructive behaviors? The reasons are several but the basic reasons have to do with religion, culture, and education. Religion is used as a tool to keep people in line by guilt and morality. Culture functions best when it induces people to pursue happiness and uses education to support sub-systems that feed ideologies around religion and culture.

Black people who are successful within these systems are usually super religious or deeply embedded professions that prop up the main culture. They compromise their racial identity to fit in or create new classifications for themselves because they want to be seen as other (New Black, Dark White). All these things are due to desire dependency but they never consider that life could be different because they are too busy trying to fit in.

The Black people who are seen as low-lifes in society are the drug dealing murderers, the drug addicts, the self destructive welfare mothers, and the non-child support paying fathers who have 6 children with 6 different women. These are the people who have become tools to the mechanisms of Life without knowing it. Drugs take the place of internal hormones by artificially releasing Dopamine into the brain. Drug dealers feed on addicts by supplying their need to feel good and will murder men women and children as they compete to make money to also feel good in society.

Men who have multiple children are also tools to a sinister mechanism in Life. Sex also releases Dopamine so men who are addicted to sex perform a natural function for the reward of feeling manlier about themselves. They fool unsuspecting women who are looking for comfort (also to feel good) into having sex. These men often form relationships with women for one thing (sex) but after the women get too serious or get pregnant they leave. Some women will even try to use pregnancy as a tool to trap men in relationships but it often doesn’t work. They end up depressed and lonely then try to improve their appearance by way of skin bleaching, hair weaving, and surgery to attract someone else.

It’s a wicked system of unknowingly helping Life to learn and grow while satisfying ones desires. The only way to break out of desire dependency is to recognize the mechanisms in Life and use them to our advantage. We may come to the realization that Life doesn’t really care about us since its using so many mechanisms against us but that’s not true. We are Life so what Life does is instinctual until we become conscious enough to take control. Recognize that the ultimate reward for helping Life will be to exist forever in Spirit form.