Tag Archives: desire dependant

Searching for a Black Identity

Black Hebrew

Are you a Black person searching for an identity? This is a message to all Spiritual non-religious Black people; if a belief isnt ethical, leave it alone.

A lot of Black people refuse to examine reality in a critical way. As a result, they’ve chosen to live according to unethical ideologies and fragment themselves based on religion, ethnicity, and nationality. If you do not wish to rely on unethical religious and spiritual ideologies to comfort your existence and you value your indigenous African ancestry then don’t subscribe to Unethical religious beliefs; you will end up crucified like Kanye and Kyrie.

There is an increasing number of Black people who are calling themselves Negro Hebrews. The Black Jews or Negro Hebrews, subscribe to the belief that a god created them to be his chosen people. Unfortunately, they also believe that their God has been punishing them over the past 2000 years because of their own disobedience. By the way, this kind of thinking is a common victim mentality crutch that people develop to comfort their status while they search for redemption from their God. All people who’ve created Gods or worship Idols do the same thing.

Similar to the Moors and the Indigenous Black Americans, the Negro Hebrews claim that they are not Africans though they once inhabited parts of Africa in the past when God drove them out of Israel into exile. Then as part of further punishment they ended up as slaves in America. Damn; What an unethical God they must have! There are three primary reasons why a lot of Black people think like the Negro Hebrews. Those reasons are due to ignorance, Desire dependency, and manipulation by Ghosts and Demons.

Recently, we’ve seen the consequences of a couple of prominent people sympathizing with the plight of the Negro Hebrews by attacking the people who control Judaism. Kanye West and Kyre Irving are currently hanging on sacrificial crosses with the Blood of their courage, which is their money, slowly draining out. They will remain crucified on those crosses as examples of what will happen to Black people who don’t know their place. Some people are hailing them as heroes but we know that they are unwise because wisdom is based on a formula.

Dohgon professor Momoh thought us that the formula for Wisdom is Knowledge divided by Understanding. The problem with most people’s Understanding is that although they might gain excessive amounts of knowledge, they cannot gain Wisdom from it because they don’t know how Understanding works. In order to Understand things, you first need to understand how your own Brain and Mind works. Specifically; how your Hormones (Brain) control your Behavior (Mind) but before we can understand our Brain and Mind we first need to understand the source of our cration.

Dohgon Spirituality teaches that the true creator of Life is the Great Spirit that is the Abstract Pure Dark Energy of the universe. It not a God because it does not create things to gain praise and obedience from its creations. The Great Spirit simply creates lifeforms so that it can experience physical existence. The best way for the Great Spirit to experience existence is to occupy its creations. The Spiritual energy that occupies some living things, such as animals and humans, creates a Soul within them.

Souls develop into individual abstract entities that take on a variety of different personas. If a Soul is developed with good ethical energy, it may join the energy of the Great Spirit and reincarnate into physical reality limitless times or it may attach itself to other people to help develop that person’s Soul. If a Soul develops with bad unethical energy, it may die along with its physical host or it may also live on by attaching its energy to another living person. In essence, that bad Soul will help to corrupt another living person.

People’s minds function in two states, which are Desire and Conscience. Conscience is the force of the Great Spirit acting on the Human Soul. Desire is the force of Life acting on the Human Soul. These two forces are supposed to be balanced and that state of balance is known as unconditional Love. Ghosts and Demons cannot directly affect Human Conscience but they can affect Human Desire. Therefore, the way they corrupt Human Conscience is by encouraging Human Desire. Enhancing Human Desire tips the Mind into Desire Dependency.

Desire Dependency corrupts Human Conscience allowing Ideology and Inequity to override Truth, Ethics, and Morality. People will then struggle to treat each other using Fairness, Equity, and Accountability. Some people might say, “well Religion does all those things”. No, they don’t. Religion only encourages those things among the people of a particular religion. People outside of the religion are either shunned or initiated into an indoctrination regime.

We are not afraid of being crucified but we will never do it to sacrifice our Souls to Ghosts, Demons, or unethical Gods. We know that Ghosts and Demons cannot destroy our Souls because our Spirits exist above the level of those entities. We also know that our mission in this life is an Ethical one. It is to rebalance existence by encouraging enough Black people to use their Conscience as much as they can.  In the mean-time, Black people can avoid being crucified like the Negro Hebrew by abandoning the belief in unethical Gods. When we think ethically and pay respect to your African ancestors, we will attract good Souls who will repel the Soul-destroying energy of Ghosts and Demons.

Finding Real Love

black love

There is no question that Love is the deepest and strongest human emotion. It’s a feeling that brings joy and happiness into the harsh reality of Life. Love can be of self, for someone else, or for something in the world around us. Love comes in many forms, sometimes shallow and sometimes deep but there is only one way to know when Love is real.

Real Love exists beyond beauty, class, intelligence, physical appearance, or sensory influence. When real love exists it doesn’t matter how someone looks. It doesn’t matter what someone can or cannot do for you or how much money they have. It doesn’t matter how smart or dumb they are. Real love cannot be conjured up or influenced to exist by the use of drugs.

In order to understand what real love is you first need to understand what Emotions are. Emotions are instinctual feelings that cannot be thought or learned therefore everyone experiences them, whether rich or poor, young or old, White or Black. Human consciousness has one basic driver; desire. Desire is our default condition while another force; Conscience, controls the dept and intensity of desire.

Conscience is an internal force that is developed through the external influence of the Spiritual essence of the universe. Conscience is the source of our morals, which expands to regulate our actions through self-discipline. Therefore, for Love to be truly real it needs to be controlled by one’s conscience. In other words, real Love is Conscious Desire.

Emotions are an aspect of human nature that needs to be controlled. If you cannot control your emotions then you cannot function around others, much less, in society. The most difficult emotion to control is Love but if you’re asking why Love would need to be controlled it’s because Love is also the most confusing emotion.

Love is the measure of your emotional Desire towards someone or something. Desire is also affection, fondness, infatuation, adulation, lust and many more. All emotions are different in weight because conscience influences desire in different level. Some people will say they love themselves but will engage in self-destructive activities such as taking drugs or altering their appearance to try to love themselves even more.

Some people will profess to love another person but then try to control that person physically or mentally. Then when they realize they cannot control that person they resort to harm and abuse. Others will claim to love someone but they really only love the beauty of that person so when the beauty fades away, so does the love. They don’t know that beauty is a mechanism.

Loving the superficial nature of self or someone else are destructive forms of love based purely on unconscious desire. At the height of conscious desire is Real Love and Conscientious Love is unconditional. It means that the Love emotion that is being generated is under the full control of your conscience and if your conscience is strong, your Love will be pure and true.

If you are seeking Real Love, whether of yourself or in others, remember that emotions are instinctual therefore they cannot change, only controlled. Listen to and use your conscience in your daily life. Think Spiritually and beware of religion, humanism, and other forms of ideology based lifestyles. Develop relationships with conscientious people. Only conscience can harness the reckless effects of Desire.

What’s Wrong With Malia Obama?

A lot of concerned Obama supporters are asking “what’s wrong with Malia” after the 18 year old daughter of the president was filmed at a concert twerking, pulling up her skirt, and gyrating herself provocatively. The popular answer is she just a teenager having fun. The real answer is she’s experiencing the byproduct effects of Humanism.

Humanism is the pursuit of happiness often in the absence of conscious thought. Humanism tells people that they have the Human Right to do whatever makes them happy in life simply because we believe that humans are the highest form of life there is, aside from our imaginary gods of coarse.. The problem is that most people don’t know that that is a very dangerous predicament to allow yourself to be in because the real master of life has its own agenda.

The real master behind life is Life itself. Life is a single conscious entity of which humans are only a small part. The prerogative of Human consciousness is to live a happy contented life. The prerogative of Life is to survive and thrive at all costs therefore it’s built a fear of death instinct into all living things. Life uses mechanisms, it feeds on itself, and without conscious thought humans are nothing more than its tools.

Happiness is a mental state that is facilitated by chemicals in the brain; namely Glutamate, Dopamine, Epinephrine, and Serotonin. The more you quench your desires its to stronger your desires become. Soon you will become addicted to feeling good and a slave to your desires. You will do everything you can to maintain a happiness state. We call it being Desire Dependent but don’t worry; it’s your Human Right.

“Uh? How is Malia becoming a tool?” you might ask. Well riddle me this; why do many teenage girls start wearing skimpy shorts at puberty? And I am going to accept your answer as they are just expressing their sexuality, which is their Human Right. Wrong! It is Hormone surges in their Brain that is forcing them to express their sexuality. Why? What do you think?

So the reason why I blame Humanism again is because Humanism teaches children to explore and express their feelings. Now think of instances where they may have hormone imbalances that confuse their sexuality. All of a sudden we get upset because we don’t like being embarrassed by our children’s choices when you told them to be happy.

How to handle Teenagers who are experiencing hyper-sexual behaviors that are brought on by hormone surges. Hyper-sexual behavior in Teens is very hard to manage because of peer pressure. Their surging hormone levels affect their decision-making skills leaving them over emotional and susceptible to peer pressure. In such a state teenagers will follow and do things that go against the morals we try to instill in them.

The only way to change a teen’s behavior is to target their Conscience; unfortunately most parents do it wrong. Most parents use shame or guilt to try to change behavior. A more effective method would be to teach them the truth about how their emotions actually work.

If you don’t know how your emotions work you can begin by recognizing that Life is a single entity in the process of developing self-awareness. It uses hormones to power reward mechanisms that drive our will to survive and thrive as a species. Without Conscience we couldn’t develop the self-awareness to know right from wrong.

I am Life, you are Life, and everything living in symbiosis in this biosphere we call Earth is Life. Become a student of Life by becoming self-aware and in time you will be able to understand and assist your teenager with Hormone surges such as those we see in Malia Obama

Like Seedless Fruits

seedless fruit

Are black and Afrakan people becoming like seedless fruits? From the way we are disregarding our own health, nature, and the health of the Planet itself, it sure would seem so.

Fruits are a great source of vitamins and minerals for the Body and Brain. Fruits are often considered pleasure or snack foods because while they don’t necessarily satisfy a hungry belly, they can tide you over until the next meal. Many people even believe that fruits are gifts from god because of their sweetness and their ability to provide pleasure to the senses. The only parts of fruits that people do not like are the seeds so for over 300 years humans have set about eliminating seeds from fruits.

Did you know that like the creation story of the Bible, (Adam, Eve, and the Apple) fruits also played a large role in the creation of the theory of Evolution that secular schools teach? In 18th century Europe the grafting of plants to modify or create new verities lead to a new way of perceiving nature. People like Darwin and others began to notice the mechanisms that produced the traits or characteristics of plants and subsequently, animals. Charles Darwin then wrote his book on the theory of Evolution of plants, animals, and humans. Scientific tampering has also resulted in the rampant genetic modification of fruits to reproduce without seeds so that they can commodify Life and profit off of it. It is no wonder so many species of birds and insects are disappearing on a daily basis.

Plants produce fruits with seeds in order for their seeds to recreate new plants that prolong the existence of the species. If there is a process then there must be an author, some call it god; we call it Life. The prerogative of every living thing in nature is to multiply and flourish while humanity has an added mandate of pursuing universal awareness. Fruits propagate, in part, by appealing to the senses of insects, animals, and humans. They are colorful which appeals to the eyes while their sweetness appeals to our taste and smell. In essence, the appeal of a fruit is only a mechanism in the process of the fruit’s Life cycle.

Of course, fruits can fall from a tree and germinate where it lands but seed dispersal and fertilization are a far more effective process. Fruits protect their seeds with an antacid coating so once eaten a seed has a high probability of passing through the belly of an animal or bird, coming out fertilized with nitrates and ready to grow. Some birds are even pre-disposed to desiring seeds and since they don’t have teeth and cannot digest the seeds the seeds end up passing right through them intact. So why do Birds desire seeds? The answer is Life, the entity, is acting on their consciousness to help contribute to the survival of the whole of itself.

Humans, on the other hand have a different purpose. Life does not manipulate Humans to be seed distributors the same way as birds however; our awareness should inform us that we have a duty to respect the mechanisms in nature. The tree of Life has already produced seedless fruits that are serving their purpose perfectly. Do you know your purpose as an AfRAkan; the Tree of Life’s first fruits? When we truly become conscious individuals, we will recognize that we should help plants achieve their task by not destroying the plants seeds out of ignorance or out of a lust for money.  

When we persist with unconscious behaviors by displaying a lack of respect for nature it also reveals our lack of awareness of the mechanisms in Life. Our existence is only to feed other people’s desires and our own. We do not feed Life’s prerogative of achieving universal awareness, therefore Life has no respect for us. It allows other organisms to overrun us causing disease and death because it knows that we have become like those seedless fruits that we desire so much.

Famous natural healer Dr. Sebi teaches that if we truly value our health, we should never eat fruits that have no seeds. If a fruit does not have a seed then it is not a natural organism and is harmful to our health because of its altered genetic composition. Furthermore, we should focus on eating the plant itself and the fruit it produces but not the seed. Most importantly, do not destroy seeds or throw them in the garbage. If you don’t want to re-plant a seed then throw it out into nature where it has a better chance of germinating by itself.

Never buy genetically modified seeds that are manufactured by corporations. Although they claim that most seed modifications are done to help humanity, they patent the seeds, which clearly mean that its all done for profit. Understand that every plant has its own consciousness, which contributes to the collective consciousness of Life. Respect plants by helping them to reproduce their seeds and in turn they will help us physically and subconsciously.