Tag Archives: dark universe

The Dohgon Mission and Purpose

The Dohgon Mission and Purpose      0


The Dohgon People:

Magnetic, Spiritual Communicators

The Goodness of the Dohgon is connected to the Goodness of Life as a Whole


IMHOTEP Readers! (WISDOM and Healing Powers to You!)


We present IMHOTEP, one of the world’s all-time greatest multi-geniuses, as well as the ANKHcestral Bottles above that were created by GoddessMotherofSupaQueenOrisha. Through a coordination of The Dohgon University of Thought with GoddessMother, we gladly present these creations that we know you will also appreciate.

The Dohgon Mission and Purpose      1

There is a rich history behind the Dohgon AfRAkan people of Mali, West AfRAka. The Dohgon have been one of the very special people in AfRAka who have maintained the original Spirituality (science) and MA’AThematics that existed during the period of the AfRAkan Era. This era was dominated by the development of the combination of scientific and Spiritual intelligence from which art, architecture, medical science, astRAnomy, fuel-less magnetic transportation, higher MA’AThematics, lANKHuage, Tellum-communication, TEKHnology, WISDOM, the concept of Amen-ta… and much more… emerged. The AfRAkan Era existed far beyond the period that has been described as B.C.

dohgon mission and purpose

The Dohgon University of Thought will introduce the aspect of the larger universe, which we call the macro-universe or the DARK or BLACK Universe. A sample of the DARKNESS is what you see when there is nightfall. The Dark Universe is the Spiritual Universe out of which the physical or cosmologic universe emerged. Astrophysicists have concluded that the larger universe, which the Dohgon also call the Cosmogonic Universe, occupies 96% of the entire universe. This universe they (the astrophysicists) call ‘dark matter’.

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dohgon mission and purpose

Cosmogony, as the Dohgon present it, means the universe that evolves with Blackness Through their Spiritual Intelligence, the Dohgon were able to present what they called “The Dohgon Egg of Creation,” which is more precisely described as The Dohgon Egg of the Appearance of The Physical Universe. You will learn more about this as well.

dohgon mission and purpose

The Dohgon Mission and Purpose      3

The remaining 4% of the universe is the micro-universe, which consists of the stars and the planets. This universe is known as the cosmologic universe. It is the universe of light and darkness. And it is that which Genesis 1:3, in the Bible, describes as God declaring, “Let there be light: and there was light.”

The question is, From where was God declaring this command? God was declaring this command from within the realm of Pure Darkness or the Universe of Spirituality.

In effect the Bible is merely describing what you will learn from this site as the appearance (or creation) of the physical universe from Blackness via The Dohgon Egg. This is the pre-Genesis existence of the Dark or Cosmogonic Universe from which light appeared.

Light, thus, appeared from total Blackness. This Blackness is what true or Pure Energy is, and to which “God” animates Spiritual Energy to appear. Blackness, therefore, is where all Spirits dwell.

“God” is the animating energy that creates Spirits in Blackness in the Spiritual (or Cosmogonic) Universe. Therefore, no one that’s physical can see Spirits. The only time you can “see” Spirits is when you physically die and return to where you originated (if you were Good), which was as a Spiritual being in the Spiritual Universe. Then your Spirit, not your physical eyes, can Spiritually “see” what exists in the Spiritual World.

God, along with Spirits, are always Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient. This means that these existences will always be present as they express themselves with the power to be present forever.

It’s also essential to emphasize that only Good… and never evil… exists in the forever-cyclic-and-expanding Black or Spiritual Universe. Blackness, thus, is where you are directly connected to a Spirit from which you emerged as a physical being. Just like you emerged from the Blackness of your MTHR’s womb, so shall you — if you are Good on earth — return to the Blackness of the Spiritual Universe when you die.

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If, however, you’ve become an evil and corrupt person, it is not because of your Spirit. Rather, it is because of your soul (or physical being). In other words, you have created more importance upon your physical being than your Spirit, which is connected to God. You have become too interested in your physical being, particularly the emotions of your right brain, than the logic and TRUTH of your left brain.

When your two brain hemispheres do not agree on the logic and TRUTH of your left brain, your ability to overcome any difficulties that your right brain imposes on your soul will be difficult to resolve. Therefore, your responsibility to ensure that your right brain never overrides the TRUTHFULNESS of your left brain fails. The consequences of that failure will definitely stop you from advancing towards Goodness and Spirituality.

However, when you depend on your Spirit, everything that you do is Good and Godly. This means that your Spiritual magnetism is guiding you with an abundance of intelligence and creativity. Your intelligence will always expand because your two brain hemispheres are united and well synchronized. This gives you the strength to be very confident of yourself and to know that what you have done in the past is following you to what you will accomplish now, in the present, as well as in the future.

If, however, you depend solely on your soul, everything that you do becomes earthly and limited, which opens the door to wickedness and evil. That evil is displayed by your greed, deception, exploitation, lies and treachery.

There is, however,   always peace, calmness, integrity, creativity, intelligence, TRUTH and WISDOM with Blackness. Blackness is always connected to Spiritual magnetism. That gives Blackness a very active strength to continue to expand, even when it is restricted by evil forces. Blackness will always expand due to its strength of Darkness. That strength contains the WISDOM that navigate beyond all difficulties. And because Blackness is always cyclic, continuous and ever-expanding, it will always exist, just as Spirit was, is and always will be.

When, eventually, the universe of light, or the cosmologic universe, expires, and the Sun no longer exists, Blackness or Darkness will, again, prevail. Therefore, you must always regard Blackness as the foundation from which light appears. Thus, the respect that you have for Blackness or Spirituality will always propel you to advance in the Goodness that exists within Black.

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If you are not advancing in Goodness, then you’ve been misled and lied to. This means that your mind is weak and it’s not connecting to your Spirit. You’ll, then, have a great difficulty associating yourself with your origin of Blackness. That association must always exist for the continuity of the Goodness within your origin of Blackness to be expressed in your life. Once that association is well understood, you’ll synchronize yourself with your origin of Blackness… and the Goodness within you will prevail.

Therefore, you must always be aware to never associate Blackness or Darkness with evil. Rather, Blackness must be connected with the Good in whatever transpires between light and Darkness. Thus, always make sure that when Good expresses itself in light, it always sustains itself wherever it is expressed, instead of the wickedness that easily exerts itself with light.

For instance, light will begin to show signs of Darkness appearing by showing yellow light and then red light at dusk. Then Darkness appears, at which time people are now preparing to go to bed. And when people are in bed asleep, they will not be evil. Nature, therefore, has presented the manner in which Darkness occurs by causing light to pull away from Darkness.

Similarly, for Darkness to fade away at dawn, first red light, then yellow light, appears.

These color changes have to occur for white light to finally appear, at which time Blackness or Darkness has completely gone. This tells us that evil will occur because light makes it easier for the extra work that is required by the perpetrator to commit evil. The same thing happens at night when artificial light is required for evil to occur.

Why you will always benefit from the Good of Darkness

A lot of Good will occur in Darkness because your mind is very relaxed and willing to coordinate your two brain hemispheres. When your two brain hemispheres are well coordinated with a good night’s rest, your ability to be emotional will slowly go away. Darkness, therefore, is very efficient in driving away the emotions that affect your behavior to do evil things during the presence of light.

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We must, therefore, understand Darkness and the Goodness it brings. Once we maintain clarity for Darkness, then we shall no longer associate Darkness or Blackness with evil. Instead, we shall have much more understanding about how Darkness or Blackness form the basis of every Good work that has ever manifested, either Spiritually or physically. And the Good will continue to appear because there is no limit to Goodness once people decide to acquaint themselves with Goodness, rather than the evil that invades their thinking.

There are many things that occur when people isolate themselves from crowds, for instance. People who have a lot of creativity tend to always be alone and gather everything that occurs within them Spiritually to present them when they have the ability to do so without any interruptions. Those interruptions often occur with people who want to share their experiences personally with them. But a creative person always needs to be alone. This makes it possible for the creativity to emerge and expand.

In other words, the mind does not need external interferences. What happens with the mind is that it interacts with the Spiritual components that are within you. When these Spiritual communications are going on with your mind, you will need a lot of privacy within yourself to allow the creativity or Good to emerge within you.

The reason why you don’t need interruptions is because your mind is busy communicating with your Spirit. When this communication is going on, you must isolate yourself from others who have no idea about Spiritual communication. Once in awhile you can tell people like those — who run their mouths without stopping to gather what is within them — that you are busy strengthening yourself through your internal powers. These powers need to be fortified in order that they can gather more strength to give you the Spiritual strength that you always need.

When people don’t agree with you, then you have to isolate them and walk away. Do what you have to do Spiritually, and come back again to interact with the people whom you have always interacted. And if you are given the chance to express your creativity, then you can do so. If, however, you are not at all given the chance to express your creativity, then walk away to a location where you have the freedom to conveniently express your creativity.

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People who do not abide by the Good that you have to present to them are evil and always want to see you become as unsuccessful as they are. All you have to do is observe them and move away. You don’t need anyone to relay messages to you about them because you will see them in their actions as they express them to you.

Evil, therefore, has to be separated from Good. So people have to know that there is no reason to not separate evil from what Good humanity does. Therefore, evil must always be presented so that it is never needed wherever Good people exist.

The Dohgon and Transformative Events

You’ve probably read many documents about the Dohgon and have learned many things that have given you a twisted version about these special, AfRAkan people. Some so-called experts confuse you with the Nommo concept and the association with an extra-terrestrial belief of how the Dohgon came to be a part of this planet. In addition, others will confuse you that the Dohgon are ritualistic. The Dohgon certainly perform ceremonies. These ceremonies are not, however, “rituals,” meaning they are not the rites for religiosity.

The Dohgon describe their ceremonies as transformational events. The Dohgon take things that occur to them Spiritually — or in the Darkness of their minds — and communicate those things to the High Priest of their community. The High Priest, with his immense understanding and WISDOM, which he has developed over the years, will transform abstract ideas and thoughts into concrete actions that can be easily understood by others.

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For example, the Sigi Ceremony, which the Dohgon perform every 60 years, is a translation of all the Spiritual potentials that they had learned within the past 60 years. The Dohgon translate all their Spiritual potentials as a foresight for coming events. For instance, the Dohgon performed the last Sigi Ceremony in 1992. They said it would be the last because of an imminent, cataclysmic event that would take place within the next 60 years.

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Dohgon Mission and Purpose

The Dohgon Mission and Purpose

Elevate yourself to the highest high

There are many things to declare in The Dohgon Mission and Purpose. However, in conclusion to them all, your understanding of the missing part of your being is the statement that upholds the TRUTH in which you must prepare for the coming events. You are now in a domain in which your missing part will be discovered and clearly identified to give you the power to master your own existence.

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You cannot deny that you have been lied to, deceived, manipulated, confused, exploited and betrayed. These things, as a matter of fact, are still happening in your life. The reason why those things are being enforced upon you is to take away your own inner powers and strengths to control you.

The Dohgon will elevate you with a greater understanding so that you can always connect with the Blackness… or Spirit… within you.

Always THINK of the Dark or Black, Spiritual Universe (the Cosmogonic Universe) as a system to strengthen you. You are very composed because of the Blackness or Spirituality within you. Maintain that Blackness within your mind to stay mentally strong and stable… and you will always persevere to accomplish the Goodness that you can spread to others as well.

You have the strength to exert your own powers over whatever comes to you because the Universe works in your favor.

The Dohgon will maintain the purpose they have always had for many thousands of years to understand more about the Spirit, the mind and the universe. The Dohgon will continue to establish learning centers, like they have always done, as in the facilities for learning, which they built in KMT (Egypt), and later in Timbuktu, Mali.

We can see now that the Dohgon have influenced learning throughout AfRAka and the world. Many people around the world have benefited from these learning experiences. As a result, WISDOM has grown where no one really knows how the potentials for people to expand their minds can ever stop. Instead, WISDOM continues to grow and expand… and it will keep expanding forever.

The Dohgon encourages people of all ages to know that the intelligence that the Dohgon have is part of your own intelligence as well. We, therefore, encourage you to investigate what we offer on our website so that you can begin to engage yourself with how to open your mind to be as intelligent and creative as you are supposed to be.

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There is always a reason for Good things to happen. Never give up or surrender your Goodness. –Professor MOmOh

NARMER (Think with a Unified Brain and Mind!),

Professor MOmOh & Mighty Queen 06390, Founders

The Dohgon University of Thought

The Dohgon Mission and Purpose      12


Our readers ask…


I do have a few questions which I feel will elevate me a bit like a plant up in the air. What is the Sigi Ceremony?

The Sigi Ceremony is very important for the Dohgon. The reason why it is an important ceremony is because the Dohgon remember the elders and what they did to remember the WISDOM that they had before.

The Dohgon WISDOM has existed for many thousands of years. So the generations that follow will participate in the ceremony in order that the good things that the ANKHcestors did will always be remembered.

Why did it occur each 60 years before 1992?

It occurred every 60 years because of the rotation of Sirius A and Sirius B. Within that period of time, Sirius A becomes brighter and Sirius B, the denser star, continues to be the DARK Star.

Will it ever return?

It will return because Sirius A and Sirius B are still rotating.

Should we have an interest related to the Sigi Ceremony significance?

Yes, we should have an interest because Sirius A and Sirius B are still rotating in order to cause the Magnetic and electrical effect on humans on the planet Earth. For instance, humans are now going through the end of the Pisces Era, which is approaching the Aquarius Era. When the Aquarius Era arrives, what we now see as evil will be washed away because the Aquarius Era is an era of water and cleanliness.

Goodness will prevail, and the evil things that occur now will all be washed away.

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