Tag Archives: covid-19 vaccine

Grand Deception Conspiracy vs the Covid-19 Vaccine

Several Covid-19 vaccines have been approved for use since January but while millions of doses have been administered so far, there is a huge anti-vax resistance building around the world. The vast majority of anti-vaxers believe in a Grand Deception conspiracy that states that Covid-19 is a government hoax designed to take people’s freedoms away.     

No Grand Deception conspiracy won’t stop me from protecting my health by taking the Covid-19 vaccine. In fact, I recently received my first shot of the Pfizer vaccine. It took me so long because I’m a very busy person. But when the government said “social distance” to avoid sharing Air with strangers; I followed the advice. When they said “wear a face mask” to dampen the expelling of particulates into the Air; I wore a face mask. I followed all the recommendations that Doctors suggested because I value my health and the health of my family.

Some people might think of me as a sheep that follows the commands of my master without question but the truth is that I live by common sense and not hysteria. Ever since my teenage years I loved being informed. My TV and radio are always on the news and most of my time on the Internet is spent browsing information. I’m totally aware that a lot of people love information the same as I do but most of them do for a different reason.

A lot of people who seek to stay informed believe there is a Grand Deception at work in the world. They believe that this so-called “Grand Deception” is being carried out by some secret society to hide “the Truth” in order to maintain control over people who don’t know “the Truth” whatever that truth might be. They refer to the deceivers as the Illuminati.

I used to believe in this Grand Deception until I read the Bible for myself instead of listening to preachers. It was then that I realized that the Bible was simply a glorified history book that provided many truthful insights into human behavior. I then correlated what I learned from the Bible with all the general information that I’d absorbed from society throughout the years. Finally, I used my new outlook on life to analyze general human behavior and realized that the only conspiracy going on was an attempt by some to make everyone believe there actually is a Grand Deception going on.

The Grand Deception conspiracy is why most Black people refuse to believe that Covid-19 is real and won’t take the vaccine. Unlike white anti-vaxers, Black people are experiencing a double jeopardy in these perilous times because we actually have precedence for our vaccine fears. Our fears stem from 400 years of slavery, racism, and discrimination at the hands of white people; the same people who are trying to convince us that the vaccine is safe.

There is one glaring problem with the Grand Deception Conspiracy though and that problem is the fact that white racists are fighting harder against getting vaccinated than everyone else. How is this possible if the goal of white racists is to trick Black people into taking the vaccine so it can kill us off? Right-Wing politicians, white militia cult groups, and white supremacists all over social media are all fighting like hell to avoid taking the Covid-19 vaccine.  

The truth about the Grand Deception conspiracy theory is that while there are several major deceptions at play within humanity right now, none of them are what most people think they are. In fact, those deceptions are all designed to deceive humanity for humanity’s own good. We humans are very dangerous and destructive creatures who not only have the unique ability to commit suicide, we also have the ability to kill other people out of animosity. 

The #1 deception at play in the world is religion. Like all things that humans adapt to, religion was developed by chance and stuck because it helps to reverse numerous human psychological problems. Several of those psychological problems include; fear, anxiety, sadness, hopelessness, and lack of courage or cowardice. Religion would be the greatest thing since sliced bread if it didn’t have one very bad flaw. It relies on faith and faith overrides knowledge and common sense in most people.

Humanity depends on both knowledge and faith to survive but what happens when they clash? If conspiracies are based on the manipulating of faith while the Covid-19 vaccine is based on knowledge, how do we as Black people make the right decision whether to take the vaccine or not? The only thing that we can do is to make an informed decision by examining reality and using common sense.

The truth of reality is that White Conservatives and white Liberals hate vaccines and consider them to be tools of an elite Grand Deception Conspiracy yet the elite are both Conservative and Liberal whites. Black people are an afterthought in a Conservative vs Liberal game. Therefore, we must use our common sense to determine how to ensure our survival while they fight for control of the direction of humanity.

I chose to take the vaccine because I recognize that Knowledge is a prerogative of the Life force while Conspiracies depend on ignorance and misinformation.


How to Fight the Rise of Pandemics Such As COVID-19

Covid-19 Virus is now a Pandemic estimated to kill tens of thousands of people worldwide. The World Health Organization seems to have only made this designation after the United States began to take the epidemic seriously. Even so, thousands of people in numerous countries around the world are testing positive for the virus while the global death toll has now risen to over 5000 people.

Now that politicians in the United States, the so-called leading country of medicine, are coming to their senses about the seriousness of the virus, they have begun shutting down all community celebrations, public schools, sports games, music events, and other social gatherings to thwart the spread of the virus. All Black people need to know how to fight the rise of global health pandemics such as Covid-19, the survival of the Black Race in the new millennium depends on it.

This information is not meant to cause panic and hysteria as the HERU Interface of Black Consciousness strives to always be responsible to the collective awareness of humanity. Our main goal is to raise the awareness of Black people so that we will begin to dictate our own reality instead of being the supporting cast of other races as well as becoming victims of preventable diseases.

A Pandemic is described as an deadly contagious health crisis that has spread to numerous countries and continents of the world. COVID-19 is a new type of Corona Virus, similar to the Flu but many times deadlier. It was first recognized by doctors in Wuhan, China roughly 6 months ago and since then it has been spreading fractaly across the globe. The reasons for its rapid spread can be attributed to three things.

  • Global complacency due to the fact that viral epidemics occur frequently in many regions of the world therefore countries outside of China were taking a wait and see approach. For instance, China has been plagued by several deadly Flu epidemics in the past few years, fortunately they were able to manage them on their own.
  • China is 1st world country that people from many nations travel in and out of frequently. For instance; when Ebola was killing thousands of Africans, it wasn’t considered a pandemic because the disease was isolated, mostly due to the fact that a lot of foreigners were not travelling in and out of the region and bringing it to their own countries.
  • Conservative political leaders, who now control many of the world’s most powerful nations, are suppressing science because science clashes with their populist beliefs that are built on idealism. Those beliefs include; religious self-righteousness, racial superiority, and economic supremacy. They believe that their god will protect them from the virus. They believe that they are the smartest race who can take on and overcome all military and medical threats. But they believe that science operates contrary to their core beliefs, especially environmental concerns that are an hindrance to business.

COVID-19 has no cure. Vaccines are being developed but any effective treatment may still be at least a year away from approved clinical use. In the mean time, anyone affected with COVID-19 will just have to suffer through the symptoms, which are similar to a very nasty Flu. Most people who become infected by COVID-19 do eventually recover unless they have existing medical conditions that have already weakened their immune system. That is why 90% of COVID-19 deaths occur among the elderly.

Do not fall for the misconception that Black people cannot contract the COVID-19 virus. If you pay attention to the news you will see that COVID-19 is now present in many African, Caribbean, and South American countries. The reason why there is a low infection rate among Black people is because we weren’t living in or near the epicenter in Wuhan, China. Our infection rate will increase as we interact with other races but be conscientious and do not engage in the racism of white supremacists against Asians. 

Do not fall for religious conspiracies that suggest that COVID-19 is a biblical plague as they did the Black Plague and other epidemics throughout history. All diseases can be explained and most are due to human ignorance. The Black plague that killed 50 to 60 millions people in the 13th century was mainly due to poor hygiene practices. People back then were not aware of bacteria so they often did not bathe for months. When they did bathe, they did so in public pools of unclean water where bacteria from cuts and open sores were unknowingly transferred between people.

Bacteria lives in symbiosis with us; many are essential to us and many are dangerous however, they were not discovered until the end of the 18th century. Before that doctors often operate on people using dead bodies for reference. They would use the same instruments and dirty hands to cut and explore dead bodies as they worked on living patients while trying to find the source of illnesses. Serious sicknesses were also thought to be the result of demons hiding inside people so they would cut and drain large amounts a patient’s blood to rid the demon. So, you see, relying on religious myths rather than medical science is quite senseless.

A virus is not a Bacteria but we became aware of them in similar ways. Unlike Bacteria, Viruses serve no benefit to us so our only option is to protect ourselves against them entering our body and doing harm. Understand that no religious belief can protect you from getting infected by COVID-19. Just pay attention to the leaders of all the major world religions. The Vatican, which is the center of Christianity has shut down all public services and the Pope and all the priests have gone into isolation. Mecca, which is the central hub of Islam has shut down. Jerusalem, which is the central hub of Judaism has also shut down and like Mecca and Rome, all religious pilgrimages have been banned. If the leaders of all these religions do not have enough FAITH to persevere through the threat of COVID-19 why do you believe that you can?

What should Black people learn about the COVID-19 and other Pandemics?

Black people should learn that COVID-19 is just one virus in a series of deadly illness that will infect and kill millions of humans in this new millennium. Some viruses will be naturally contracted from nature and some will be man-made as the unethical nature of some humans compel them to attack each other in devilish ways. The difference between natural and man-made epidemics will be vague due to our low level of awareness.

The best way to gain a deeper understanding of viral threats to your health is to become knowledgeable about life. Avoid conspiracies that comforts your fears but do nothing to protect you. For instance; if you believe that COVID-19 is a man-made biological weapon made by either the US or China, it may comfort you to know that and you might even try to tell other people that but your belief still wont protect you from contracting the virus.

If this might make life appear helpless and futile to you, get proactive. There is a way that you can fight the rise of global pandemics such as COVID-19 and that is to attack the Conscience of people in power. Conscience is a safety-net that is designed by the Great Spirit that is the Universe to protect and balance the unethical propensities of human Desire. Attack the conscience of your political leaders so that they will begin to abandon their racial, religious, and economic superiority ideals and begin using Science for ethical purposes such as protecting and improving human health.
