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How Do We Fit Into This Precious Miraculous Life?

How do we fit into this precious miraculous Life? This is a question that is asked daily by people in search of clarity and meaning.

“Search”, because no thought is ever brought into reality without a purpose. “We”, meaning Humans because although we are a part of Life and have a certain level of self awareness our vision is not quite clear so we think ourselves unspecial and not a good “fit” for the reality we live.

How do we live? We live day-in and day-out preoccupied with finding Happiness. And until we die we persevere by faith (mostly the blind faith of religion or wishful thinking) hoping for a better tomorrow but each tomorrow we say the next day will be “the day” when Life makes us Happy by revealing the answers to all questions we ask.

What is Life? Life is an entity whose only mission is to survive. Life learns as it goes and so far it has learned that in order to survive it cannot be stagnant in an environment that is as harsh as the world it exists in. Life survives therefore by self preservation and through the acquisition of knowledge.

“We” Humans are the sharpest tools in Life’s kitchen. But while we are fully entrusted with acquiring knowledge for Life, we are not trusted with its preservation. Life protects itself from Human Free-Will by an installed safety-net called Conscience.

We are the most self aware of Life creations. We are driven by chemicals in our Brain that control our emotions. Emotional stability is to be content and contentment requires a certain level of happiness. Have you ever heard the term “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”? That term relates to the mission of Life itself.

A pursuit begins at a point of wanting which is perfect for the tools that Life equipped us with for its pursuit of knowledge and our pursuit of happiness. Life’s tools are Curiosity and Risk while ours are Want and Desire for Happiness.

Some might say that Life is lost because of the condition of Humanity but I don’t believe it is. I have seen a video of a Snake trying to eat its own tail. Without enough awareness we are like that snake. We never become aware that we are consuming our own tail because limited self awareness makes us act without forethought.

If you are seeking answers to the many questions you ask about your precious miraculous Life why don’t you ask Professor MOmOh, the man who knows everything.