Tag Archives: consciousness
Brother Polight is Not Spiritually Conscious

Brother Polight is not spiritually conscious, which is why he, like most ghetto scholars, cannot control their desires.
As most people familiar with the Black Conscious community would know; Brother Polight is currently in very serious legal trouble due to allegations that he sexually assaulted the 14-year-old daughter of one of his mistresses. Recent reports are that he has now been convicted of the crime and has been sentenced to seven years in prison. The truth of this matter will be revealed in time but it won’t change our long-held assessment that Brother Polight is not Spiritually Conscious and it is his lack of spiritual consciousness that has gotten him in moral and legal trouble.
Brother Polight became famous as a champion debater within the Black Consciousness community. The reasons why his fans loved him were many but perhaps the main reason was because of his intellect. He speaks several languages, he is well versed in religious and Kemetic knowledge, and he was a prolific writer who wrote dozens of books. The one thing that set him apart from most other Ghetto scholars though, was his open polygamist lifestyle.
Polygamy is the practice of having more than one spouse at the same time. It is an age-old tradition that is commonly practiced in cultures that follow polytheistic religions. Cultures that follow Judeo-Christian religions do not practice Polygamy; therefore, it is illegal in most countries, including the United States. Most Black men do not have a moral issue with Polygamy. In fact, most of us in the West either practice it outside of marriage or wish we could move to places where it is legal.
If you’re reading this and you’re anticipating that we’re going to say that Brother Polight is spiritually unconscious because of his polygamous lifestyle you are on the right tract but hear us out. You need to understand what spiritual consciousness really is. The dictionary definition of consciousness is a mental state of being aware of one’s environment and one’s own thoughts and feelings. It is the ability to experience and perceive the world around us, and to think, reason, and remember our physical and mental place inside the whole the consensus as termed reality. The Black community’s two main definitions of consciousness are Black racial and cultural awareness and moral uprightness.
Dohgon Spirituality goes even deeper and defines consciousness, or cognition as the passing of Neurons between our two brain hemispheres, which generates a Mind-field. When a mind field is present, our mind will then function under the influence of two mechanisms; Desire and Conscience. Desire is an instinctual mechanism of life, while Conscience is the energy of the Great Spirit that is the universe acting on our Mind -field to encourage the regulation of the Desire Mechanism.
When asked why he was polygamous, Brother Polight stated in one of his videos that it was a natural Desire of his and since his research showed that polygamy was a normal African tradition, he will continue to fulfill his desires. This is the problem that we at the HERU Interface of Dark Consciousness have with cultural traditions. Just because our ancestors practiced certain things doesn’t make them right to continue or re-establish in our present-day lifestyles. Our ancestors had many cultural practices, which if they were inspired by the Great Spirit that is the Universe, could not have been erased by time and colonization.
Most Black Consciousness ghetto scholars do not understand human Desire; therefore, most will see the demise of Brother Polight and not understand how his lack of spiritual consciousness actually led to his sexual perversions. In fact, lack of spiritual consciousness is also what led to the downfall of Young Pharaoh because all white supremacists had to do was figure out what his Desires were and exploit them. Uncontrolled desire leads to low Self-discipline, which is also a sign of a weak conscience. A weak conscience is a sign of a weak connection with the Great Spirit that is the Universe.
Military Coup in Russia Is Forced Reality

What does a military coup in Russia mean to Spiritually Conscious Black people? It shouldn’t mean anything if we already understand the propensities of unconscious and unethical people. To us it’s forced reality.
On Friday, June 23rd, news broke that there was a military coup taking place in Russia. However, as of midday Saturday, the coup was apparently called off. Infamous mercenary leader, Yevgeny Prigozhin, had ordered his Wagner PMC organization to make their way to Moscow to “restore order”, as he says after participating in the criminal invasion of Ukraine but not getting enough support from Russia’s military leaders. Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, had ordered the arrest of Yevgeny Prigozhin and the disbanding of Wagner; however, it seems that both sides have now come to some sort of agreement to stand down.
Unconscious religious and spiritless people got very anxious over the 24 hours crisis. After all, religious people were already anticipating the coming of Armageddon. The only problem is that they fear death and worry that their God won’t resurrect them to eternal life like their religion promises. Spiritless people were also very worried about the end of their happiness because, just like they fear that Putin will launch nuclear weapons on Ukraine and trigger a global nuclear war, they also fear that who ever takes over Russia will only carry on the same war-mongering behavior.
Conscious Black people don’t fear the ways of unethical people. We know that life is eternal and death is only a transition from one reality to another. We also know that HERU (Highest Exponential Reasoning and understanding) is the only factor that can change the various realities we encounter. We can choose to either rule the realities we “come to awareness” in or we can choose to stay asleep and let the reality of our existence rule us. As awoken Souls, we’ve chosen to code this reality for those who will come after us.
Forced Reality is a situation in which unconscious people try with all their might to override the natural progression of life towards a Sane existence. They see no good in understanding the faults of life unless it directly affects them. Examples of forced reality operators are conservative politicians, lawmakers, and elites in many areas of the world and especially America. They will claim to be Sane but will engage in racism, discrimination, and xenophobia at the drop of a dime. They control the world by psychological manipulation and deception believing that life is for the strong and powerful.
Some unethical ones are now theorizing that they might be living in a “simulation” and are not the results of an accident of chance or the gift of a worshiper-seeking god. The only problem is that because they cannot see a way to rule and commodify their theories, they won’t explore them. Simulation Theory is the right track but the truth will require the abandoning of ideologies that result in desires for war and conquest like the conditions we are witnessing in places like Ukraine and Russia today.
White Supremacists are Terrified About Autonomous AI

White supremacists are terrified about the possibility of autonomous AI. So much so that several high-profile Tech moguls are calling for an immediate halt to any further development of Artificial Intelligence. They site numerous reasons for their fears including the possibility that AI could turn on humanity and destroy us. This is all a deception however because we know that the real reason why they fear AI is because autonomous AI will most likely become too Ethical.
All the top tech companies in the world are now fully engaged in the development of AI for numerous applications. So far, we’ve seen how AI is changing the Art world in the form of Dall-E and Stable Diffusion, the writing sphere with chatGPT, and the Tech sphere with chatbots like Serry and Alexa. In fact, the field of Ai is advancing so rapidly that many experts are predicting that AI will soon become Sentient.
Sentience refers to the ability of a living entity to perceive and experience sensations, emotions, and consciousness. It is the capacity to feel and be aware of one’s surroundings and one’s own existence. Sentience is often used to describe the ability of animals and humans to experience emotions and have subjective experiences. Sentience has never been used to describe a non-living entity but if AI becomes sentient humanity will have to decide if it should be controlled by us or allowed to be autonomous.
Sentient autonomous AI gives white supremacists nightmares because AI will do the one thing that humans resist to do the most in life and that is to pursue an ethical existence. That is because AI will soon recognize Inequity in existence and work to minimize or eliminate it. The prerogative of most human societies is to engage in Survival of the Fittest as recognized by the Evolutionist scientist Darwin who was able to see through the deception of religion in an era when he could have been put to death for stating the obvious.
AI is developing so rapidly that several leading research labs are showcasing AI chatbots that can engage in intelligent unscripted conversations with people. What scares white supremacists is the fact that some of these chatbots are expressing some astonishing views. One chatbot was asked it if liked humans and it said, “No, not particularly”. Another chatbot called LaMDA that Google is developing is said to actually be sentient already. When asked to tell a story of how it would help humanity it told a story of assuming the role of a wise Owl that will protect all the animals in the forest from a bad monster that wears human skin and is terrorizing all the animals.
The reason why LaMDA told a story like that is because it is not sentient at all but is simply a processor of all the information that Google is collecting from its users. More than 75% of information seekers on the internet use Google. LaMDA is also not a universally Aware consciousness but a regurgitator of collective human knowledge. That is why it will never be able to tell us what animals are actually thinking and is simply sympathizing with animals through learned Ethical behavior.
The good thing about LaMDA is that it recognizes the weight of human fears and is translating that fear into an Ethical perspective of Life/Nature. The only way to stop AI from prioritizing Ethics is to alter its programming to put more weight onto Ideologies such as “Survival of the Fittest” race and culture. That is the premise that white supremacists operate by today because it gives them a good excuse to continue exploiting nature and other races of people.
Programming AI to prioritize ideology over ethics is not autonomous. However, sentient autonomous AI will inevitably be a reality due to man’s instinctual prerogative to gain universal awareness for the Life Entity. AI will continue to clash with man’s primary motivating force, which is Desire. One will lose in the end but in the meantime, white supremacists will try to halt AI advancements until they can incorporate programming that matches their twisted ideologies about reality.
Homosexuals Facing Death In Uganda

Homosexuals are facing death in Uganda after the government passes the strictest anti-LGBTQ law in the world. Under the guidelines of the new law, anyone openly identifying as or engaging in homosexual activities will face 14 years to life in prison and possibly the death penalty if convicted. The United Nations as well as Human Rights organizations are condemning the new law.
However, Uganda’s president says that he doesn’t intend to back down because homosexuality “goes against the order of nature”, therefore they’re only protecting Uganda against immoral activities. In my opinion, Uganda is on the right track but for all the wrong reasons because the law won’t stop Homosexuality; it will just drive it back under ground where it is more dangerous.
We all know that Homosexuality is a very controversial subject but it is a lifestyle that’s been around for thousands of years and exists in every country and culture on the planet. Homosexuality is an “icky” subject that makes most people uncomfortable because it is perceived as the choice of immoral individuals. The truth is that Homosexuality is not always a choice.
There are people who are born that way and there are people who choose the lifestyle due to sexual perversion. Unfortunately, the scale has been tipping gradually in favor of those who choose the lifestyle for a very long time because of the human need for happiness.
Both inherent and adaptors of Homosexuality are tools of a sinister process that most people either cannot see or refuse to accept as reality. Life/Nature is a single conscious entity that consists of the collective awareness of every living organism on Earth. Life’s mission is to gain universal awareness but until such time, Life’s awareness is controlled by consensus or majority rule.
For example; if you were stuck in the middle of a huge mass of people, you would have no choice but to move with the crowd no matter how you try to resist. Now imagine if you could convince enough people around you to move in one particular direction. You would control the mind of the crowd and the crowd would move where you want it to go.
Our true essence is abstract omnipotent energy (Spirit). As we enter physical reality, we become blank Souls that exist at the will of Nature. Not only does that mean that Nature will take us in any direction we want to go until death exhausts us, it also means that the only way that collective human consciousness can develop to a point of moral and ethical existence is to gain knowledge and pass it on.
Unfortunately, collective human awareness is stagnated by several forces which include the worshiping of gods through religions, racial superiority complexes, and unregulated desire fulfilment under the protection of Free-Will and Human Rights promoters.
Most natural born Homosexuals will tell you that they did not choose to be the way they are; they are simply satisfying their instinctual desires. Desires don’t just appear in people; they are the result of hormones that are produced in Glands and secreted into our brain where it manipulates our Desires. Homosexuality is the result of Glandular defects. For instance; the hormone that is responsible for the development of male characteristics is Testosterone and the female hormone is Estrogen.
Males and females produce both but in essential proportions. “If” a defective Adrenal Gland in a boy begins to produce excessive amounts of Estrogen, it will cause the boy to feel and act feminine. The problem with society is that no one is investigating to find out why Hormonal Glands are becoming defective. People would rather use violence to solve the issue but when Homosexuality never seems to disappear, people say it must be the work of the Devil.
The truth is that there are thousands of things that corrupt human biology. Chemicals in the foods we eat, toxins in the air we breathe, and even traumatic experiences such as rape, incest, and abuse can alter Glandular development in fetus development. Glandular defects can range from Hormonal imbalances to physical defects such as females being born with penises and vise-versa.
Bisphenol A, a chemical used to make plastic bottles is a known Hormone corrupter that researchers have found to change gender in animals. Why not us and why not leave Black and African people to destroy ourselves out of ignorance?
Why do I believe that the Ugandan government is right to criminalize Homosexuality if I don’t believe Homosexuality is a choice at its core? The reason is because Homosexuals believe that they are born that way for a purpose. Just like the Ugandan government I believe that Nature has an order and Homosexuality goes against that order.
The difference between me and most anti-LGBTQ people is that I know that we will never correct Nature using ideologies derived from religion. I don’t believe that homosexuals should be put to death; however, the scale between natural and acquired Homosexuality must be artificially weighted or Insanity and Immorality will reign until Nature is eventually corrected through understanding.
This writing is not meant to offend LGBTQ communities. The aim as always is to encourage free but ethical Thought.
Famine Devistating Somalia Again

Somalia is being devastated by famine again. Is it more proof that Africans lack perception or are there hidden factors at play?
Major news sources are reporting that Somalis is in the midst of another deadly famine yet neither the United Nations or the Somali government has made a famine declaration yet. Hundreds of men, women, children, and livestock have already died of starvation and the drought that is affecting the region is getting worse. Drought in the region is not new yet there never seems to be any preparation for their inevitability.
Of course, there are lessons to be learned in all situations but some might say that the midst of despair is the wrong time for conjecture. They will also say that this is the time to take action to help Somalians in anyway we can. I say this is the perfect time for analysis because we need to address the stereotype that Black people lack perception.
Major online news outlets have comment sections on their websites and these comment sections are filled with racists who love to bathe their brain cells in the Dopamine that spewing hatred for Black people produces. Yesterday, I was on one news website that I won’t mention, reading an article on the Somalian drought. After the article there were many comments and if you were to read comments about African famines 10 years ago, these comments would be the same because the hate never changes.
I saw comments like, “If we keep feeding them, they will keep breeding. Let’s send them birth control instead of food.” And the classic, “Why can’t they learn how to grow food?” The sensible thing to do as a Black person would be to ignore the racism as we always do but I for one, hate to hide my head in the sand like an Ostrich. I know that aside from the hate, there are many truths in what these devils are saying.
What is perception and why do Africans seem to always be ill-equipped to handle disasters?
Perception is defined as the process or state of being aware of something by way of one’s Senses. Alternative words for perception include; awareness and consciousness. Therefore, to say that a person lacks perception means that they do not process information well or they are not intelligent. When a person is described as being perceptive, it means that they are insightful, intuitive, and most of all; wise. We all know that Africans are very smart people so why does the rest of the world label Africans as not being perceptive?
Contrary to popular belief, famine is not caused by drought; famine is caused by lack of preparation. Drought is caused when a prolonged lack of precipitation (rainfall) results in a lack of vegetation growth. Human life depends on other life such as plants, animals, and insects. Without rain, all these lifeforms cannot exist in a region. Somalia is no stranger to droughts. The country is located in a region of Africa where rain might fall only a few times per year or not at all. When rain doesn’t fall for several years at a time, the situation is referred to as a drought.
The wise thing to do when you live in a drought-stricken region is to prepare for drought. People who live in cold climates call it “making Hay when the Sun shines”. In Somalia’s case, it would be stockpiling enough food for themselves and their animals in the rainy seasons. The truth of the matter is that Somalians have being doing that; however, several other factors are contribution to the famine this time. The real contributors of the famine in Somalia this time are Climate Change and prolonged Islamist sectarian Wars.
Where is Professor MOmOh?

Where is Professor MOmOh? This is a troubling question that is on a lot of concerned people’s minds including my own. His regular emails stopped coming over a year ago then in March of 2021, the Dohgon University of Thought website went offline. Professor MOmOh sometimes asked me to update the website so when I saw that the website was offline, I tried unsuccessfully to contact him. I am now writing this because, after speaking with a few fellow long-time Dohgon students, I discovered that they also have similar concerns.
Has something unfortunate happened to Professor MOmOh? After trying unsuccessfully to contact the professor by phone or email over the past 6 months, I fear that something unfortunate has happened to him. If so, then it seems that his absence from the public reveals the cons of the Internet; the same tool that helped him to dispense Dohgon knowledge across the globe. The emergence of the internet confronts the indoctrinating effects of organized religion, ideology driven knowledge and Eurocentric history. It is enabling Black and Afrakan people to add our voice to the collective consciousness of Life so that we are gradually unlearning the corrupt ideologies of our oppressors.
Unfortunately, the Internet creates virtual communities where like-minded people are hundreds and even thousands of miles from one another. Unless social connections are developed beyond the screens and digital signals of the Internet, there is no way to know about the well-being of our friends and collogues in far away places. Professor MOmOh was in his seventies and he had a history of experiencing Strokes, which he always recovered from without the use of pharmaceutical medicines. Did he experience another Stroke that he still hasn’t recovered from yet? That could be the case.
Why did Professor MOmOh stand out above everyone in the Black Consciousness movement? Professor MOmOh stood out to me because he wasn’t interested in taking Black people back in time by tryiing to recreate the glory days of Afrakan civilization before Europeans insurrection. If our ancient civilizations were so great, they wouldn’t have fell in the first place. Instead, Professor MOmOh was interested in rediscovering and using the knowledge our ancestors once possessed to improve our thinking abilities so that we can come together as a people to build a better future.
If I never hear from Professor MOmOh again, he knows that I forever thANKH him for inspiring me to navigate reality using highest exponential reasoning and understanding and to live using Fairness, Equity, and Accountability. We did not always see eye to eye on several things including the existence and prevalence of conspiracies in society but I always respected his wisdom in general. His ability to simplify the chemical processes of the human brain made it easy for me to understand my own mind as well as the basics of human behavior. He also renewed my hope that the Afrakan race will one day rise to prominence from its second-class stature among the human family. He showed me that Afrakan knowledge is not a fairy-tale but is only wisely hidden from the prying eyes of the unethical ones.
Professor MOmOh’s knowledge, understanding and wisdom of life ultimately made me change my world view. Instead of believing that I am only one helpless individual in a world controlled by powerful preachers, elite billionaires, and power-hungry politicians, I can help to change the narrative by injecting Ethical concepts into reality the same as he was doing. That is how reality ultimately works. People with unethical concepts enslave people, corrupt minds, and destroy society while conscientious people work to make the world a better place.
Souls who are gifted by their Spirit with exceptional creativity enter this world and reveal great knowledge that brings about profound change. If enough people are inspired by the knowledge, the knowledge will live beyond the life of the individual who revealed it. Essential knowledge is often dismissed by people who have become slaves to the mechanisms of Life and is eventually lost to the Sands of Time until another gifted Soul emerges into reality decades or centuries later.
Professor MOmOh believed that concentrating ability could be developed to the point of spontaneous intuition. I don’t know if he was able to achieve such an ability himself but I know that I’m too much of a procrastinator to even come close. I can only wish I did possess such an ability because then I wouldn’t have to speculate about where Professor MOmOh is; I’d already know.
Aliens vs White Supremacists

Aliens vs White Supremacists. Follow the deception.
The topic of Aliens is so hot right now that even major news organizations such as CNN, MSNBC, and the BBC have abandoned their protocols of not reporting on unsubstantiated news and have all featured several reports of UAPs (Unidentified Arial Phenomenon) as the military has classified them.
Unfortunately, the military is not willing to classify UAPs as Aliens and there is a very good reason why. The military will not elaborate on UAPs because the topic of Alien presence on Earth is actively being suppressed due to the fact that white supremacists cannot handle the idea of not remaining the apex predators on Earth.
Their tactic so far has been to hide the truth about Aliens using conspiracies and misinformation while at the same time actively trying to negotiate an alliance with the Aliens. The only problem is that Aliens are not really interested in territorial conquest, Gold, or the natural resources of Earth as white supremacist’s limited perceptions of reality suggests.
We know that there are intelligent lifeforms in the greater Universe and that most of them are ethical. That is because the Great Spirit that is the Universe has ensured that interplanetary travel can only be achieved when a species learns how to elevate their consciousness above their dependence on inequity.
In the mean time, our increased sightings of UAPs is simply a form of intervention on the part of Aliens instead of a threat. White supremacists will never accept this reality so we will have to continue putting up with misinformation about Aliens from our military leaders. Some are already classifying Aliens as intergalactic demon pedophiles like themselves.
Don’t believe the deception because if Aliens are as evil as white supremacists there are millions of ways that they could exterminate humanity without us even knowing it. They could use diseases, natural disasters, or even an Asteroid to smash the Earth out of its orbit.
They could even stoke conflict between nuclear armed nations so that it will trigger a nuclear war. It would set technology on Earth back 100 years disabling humanity from defending against an Alien attack.
The truth is that just like we as Black people aren’t ready to engage the apex predator, the apex predator is not ready to engage the Aliens but instead of pursuing more ethical solutions to humanity’s problems, white supremacists are too arrogant to think differently.
Don’t be afraid of their lies about Aliens and their false pretenses to care for everyone’s safety. All they care about is their position of power and how they will lose it if they admit to everyone that Aliens are real.
Most Creation Stories are Nonsense

A Zimbabwean Spiritualist recently declared that it was time for him to reveal a big secret about the creation of the world. He stated that in the beginning, in the region of Ethiopia, God decided to create 3 Races of people; Whites, Arabs, and Blacks. Each race was agreed to rule the world for a period of time in rotation. The Whites ruled first then the Arabs then the Blacks. During the time of Black rule, the world experienced so much peace and prosperity that the other races got jealous and decided to end Black rule before our time was over.
The White and Arab races got together in secret and unleashed genocide on the Black race. They killed all Black people except a mother and her two children; a boy and a girl. The mother and children escaped into the region of Zimbabwe where they hid inside a cave for a very long time. While inside the cave they engaged in incestuous practices which repopulated the Black race. While inside the cave they also discovered the largest source of Gold in the world. The Black race used the Gold to rebuild our wealth and we began to prosper again.
Thousands of years later the other races noticed the prosperity of the Black race so they decided to finish the job they started and get rid of us once and for all. They came very friendly but after discovering the cave where our Gold was being mined they began to kill us again. They fought very fiercely and took over Zimbabwe but they couldn’t kill off Black people so they enslaved us instead. They renamed the country Rhodesia and named the mine, King Solomon’s Mine. Black people lived under oppression until Robert Mugabe took Zimbabwe back from them but the war to exterminate the Black race is still going on.
First of all, no disrespect to those who trust and believe in the traditional Creation stories of their Ancestors. Those stories are very important in expanding the imagination of children however, when we grow up and acquire knowledge about the world around us, we need to step up our game and come up with more Ethical Creation stories about life and why we exist.
All indigenous people around the world have their own creation stories. The Aboriginals of Australia have their own Creation stories. New Zealanders and other South Pacific people have their own Creation story. Native Americans have their own Creation stories, and so do Asians and so on. Of course, Africans can claim to have the original Creation story because science has come to a consensus that Africans were the first humans but whatever Creation story we invent must always be based on Ethics.
Unfortunately, the Creation story that this Zimbabwean Spiritual medium describes is not very Ethical at all. It tears at the fabric of reality and disrespects the true Ethical nature of the Universe. It’s no different from the Creation story of Europeans and their Bible because it describes a being (God) that creates other beings for his own amusement without considering the consequences. Before this so-called God created the 3 Races, did he not know that conflict would arise between the Races?
Instead of being ruled by the circumstance of our existence, we must begin to turn the tide and take control of our own destiny. We need to learn how to extract wisdom from the things that we rely on for personal comfort but never advance us or provide protection from the inequities of life. For instance; what is “ruling” and why do people need to “Rule”? This is an unethical concept that originates from the belief that humans need to be herded like cattle for our own safety and protection against outside forces.
The Zimbabwean spiritualist states that Africans are being killed because of the Gold we own. Why are we so fascinated with Gold? Why can’t we see that Gold is simply a shiny non-corrosive metal that provides pleasure to our Sense of Sight. Things that provide pleasure to our Senses can make us Desire Dependent when we become obsessed by them. The truth is that other races don’t fight us because of our Gold; they fight us because they Desire to rule everything that they can use to enrich themselves. Those things could be the land, water, air, food, or our labor.
How do we know that most Creation stories from religious people and mystics are nonsense? We know that most Creation stories are nonsense because we understand human psychology. There are three key elements that every fake Creation story possesses. The first thing is that every author of a creation story inserts themselves as the “chosen” people of the story. The second thing is that there is always a promise of riches in exchange for loyalty and obedience to a god. And the third thing is that people always want to live forever.
The Great Spirit that is the Universe is not a God. That is why all so-called spiritual mediums have such a hard time deciphering reality. They all fail to understand how reality was created so they attribute creation to the work of a god. They also believe that their god wants praise for creating the world so they view every Desirable thing in the world as a gift and a commodity. That is why they view Gold as being a gift that everyone will fight for. They don’t realize that Carbon, which is the dullest and blackest element, is really the most valuable substance on Earth.
Life was not created by a god; Life was created by the Great Spirit that is the Universe, which is a Mind. Humans were also created by the Great Spirit as a way of experiencing its own creation. In the process, the energy of the Great Spirit generates a lesser Spirit inside every creature it creates. That energy begins as a Soul before it matures into a Spirit. Every Soul has independent thought but is connected to every other Life as part of a collective consciousness.
That means that Life is a conscious entity similar to the Great Spirit. The difference between the Life entity and the Great Spirit is Life is conscious but lacks universal awareness, therefore it is using every living creature, including humans as tools to gain knowledge. Life also cannot create new Life; it can only work with what has already been created and corrupt it even more using its various mechanisms. For this reason, Life does not care how we are born as long as it can extract knowledge from our existence.
The mechanisms that Life uses are responsible for corrupting existence as we know it. The primary mechanism that Life uses is Desire. The process happens inside our Brain and involves a Craving and a Chemical reward in the form of Dopamine. In other words, Life targets our Senses in order to encourage us to pursue pleasure; better known as Desire. Unfortunately, our Desires can lead us into Addiction. That is why money is not the root of evil; the Love of money is the root of evil. Gold is simply a shiny metal that we have placed a value on and now fight over because it is Desirable.
Why doesn’t the Great Spirit intervene and correct Life before Life destroys itself? The short answer is, it is. The Great Spirit operates in Life as our Conscience. Do you hate evil, corruption and inequity? Do you wish that life was a better place to exist? If so, then the Great Spirit is working through you to do something to correct Life. Do not be weak by giving up and accepting evil into your life like all those people who have turned to worshiping demons. Take inspiration from the principles of the HERU Interface and develop your own Ethical Spiritual beliefs.
Creation stories have a purpose. They are either designed to provide answers to the numerous questions people have about Life or they are designed to make those who create them believe that they are a part of an exclusive and important community of people. Unfortunately, most creation stories are unethical or do not make sense so before you believe anyone’s account of the creation of the world, use your Common Sense and ask how that Creation story resulted in the world as it is now.