Tag Archives: conscious

Abstract Entities Manipulate Humanity

abstract entities

The HERU Interface recognizes a variety of abstract entities that have direct as well as indirect influence on the daily lives of humans. Humans created some entities while Life and the Great Spirit of the universe itself created others. Aside from the Great Spirit, abstract entities have a potential to affect humans in adverse ways. Anyone can gain greater control of their life and choices by increasing their mental strength and awareness of abstract entities.

The Great Spirit of the universe is the Pure Dark Energy Waves that science recognizes as the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum. PDEW is abstract energy that cannot exist in the physical realm but it acts to regulate it through the forces it induces on physical matter. PDEW created Matter and Life and through Life it created Humans. The process of Matter creation can be understood in a formula created by Professor MOmOh of the Dohgon University of Thought.

Some people believe that energy, no mater the source, cannot possess intelligence because intelligence is a property of a Brain and Mind. I say think again because while the Mind is dependent on the Brain to generate an energy field, the Great Spirit is already an energy field. It is only man who cannot yet understand how that intelligence is being produced. The answer is in its creation.  

Life is a single conscious entity, which consists of a micro and macrocosm of Carbon based creatures that can recreate themselves sexual and a-sexually. Life begins at a level where molecules of Matter form Nucleic Acid Compounds that string together to form DNA. DNA is therefore the basic building block of Life.

Although the Great Spirit communicates with Life, Life lacks Universal Awareness. Therefore, Life is on a quest for awareness using every tool at its disposal. Human Nature is being manipulated by Life by way of our Brain hormones. Those of us who acknowledge the Great Spirit are inspired by it to be Conscious of Mind.

Those who succumb to the mechanisms of Life remain Unconscious. They are employed as tools, ignorant of purpose while driven by Desire and Curiosity. Life forces them to engage in Risk and pursue Pleasure for a reward of Dopamine. Fortunately, all humans are equipped by the Great Spirit with a Conscience as a safety-net to protect Life.

Spirits are abstract energy beings that are a product of Life. Spirits are the Soul energy of living things that have died and transcended Life after death to join the energy of the Great Spirit. Spirits are good beings who though they can go anywhere in the universe due to their omnipotence, visit Earth on a regular basis.

Spirits are all around us trying their best to guide us but the bridge between the physical and the abstract world is too complex to pass through. Only the Great Spirit can achieve it as stated in the Dohgon formula for creation on (how something abstract becomes real).  

Another bridge exists between the abstract and the physical world. It is located in the Brain and is called the Pineal Gland. Energy from the abstract realm enters our Minds in total darkness to create Melatonin, our body’s most important hormone. Spirits also enter our Minds through the Pineal Gland to manipulate our Brain and create messages to deliver to us through our Dreams. If you cannot interpret your dreams there are people who can do it for you.

The guidance of Spirits is what strengthens our conscience to build morals for us to live by. Morals encourage us to interact with the rest of Life using Fairness, Equity, and Accountability. Thousands of years ago when evil did not exist in the world humans lived in accord with nature and each other. Life changed however and humans began to notice inequities in life. Those inequities are what compromised the development of mature Spirits disabling them from transcending to the universe so they are bound to Earth as Ghosts.

Ghosts are entities that are also a product of Life. They are the Souls of people who have died but their Souls are too weak to transcend into Spiritual form so now they are trapped in the gray zone between Soul and Spirit. Ghosts are usually people who were evil, wicked, mean, and selfish in life. They may also be people who died tragically and are afraid to move on. Some have enough energy to do so but instead they decide to use that energy to claim ownership (haunt) the place they died.

Ghosts are bitter Souls who also have the ability to use their energy to possess the living. They easily attach to people who practice evil to grow the Devil energy within that person. The best way to avoid Ghosts is to do good things in life. Doing good things generates good energy, which is magnetic so it attracts other good people toward you. Avoid doing things for a reward. That is Desire driven and non-Spiritual. Make no conditions for doing good things as the Great Spirit is not beholden to Life or humanity, it simply exists.

Gods are abstract entities created by man. The Great Spirit of the universe created Humans with a Conscience, which is an energy field that encourages goodwill, morality, and empathy within man. Man existed in a state of oneness with Life until he developed a (Fear for the Unknown). Man then created deities for comfort and to give meaning and purpose to his life. Soon man discovered that his deities could also provide courage to alleviate his fears.

Man began to pray to his deities for good fortune but even worse; he believed that by making sacrifices to his deities he could gain a reward. Man’s deities became more and more extravagant until man himself demanded praise from the people under his control. Deities and human gods always died however, breaking the influential energy they hold. It wasn’t until the Jews created a mystery god, bringing the physical into the abstract realm, that the power of the man-made god excelled. 

The Devil is an abstract entity created by man. There are many evil entities (Demons) but the collective evil energy humanity creates is the entity that is referred to as the Devil. The Devil represents all the bad and undesirable aspects of existence. Although the Devil is abstract its energy can become an influential force by way of the energy we feed it. In essence, evil energy is a contagious disease because doing evil to others also generates evil in them, especially when they have substituted true Spirituality with a god. So just like doing good to others produces goodwill among men, doing evil also produces an overall evil society.

The Devil (evil energy) is also responsible for man’s ignorance of the Great Spirit. The Devil is not a very powerful entity since it is man made however, evil energy traps the human mind into relying on ideology and the mechanisms of Life; namely Desire rather than Truth. In such a condition the mind twists life into a (pursuit of Happiness) whereby we live to quench our Desires for sex, money, beauty, heaven, and ultimately a paradise in death next to our imaginary gods.

Abstract Entities are energy beings that cannot be communicated with or affected by physical interaction. The only way to increase or decrease the influence that Abstract Entities have on one’s Soul is through mental strength. The Dohgon University of thought is a school of mental concentration management that teaches how to improve your Concentration in order to communicate with the Great Spirit, how to manage the mechanisms of Life, and how to avoid being trapped by the Desire driven energies of gods and devils.

Black Conscious Racism

Over the past few years the Black Conscious movement has been growing by leaps and bounds; mostly with the help of Social Media. At the same time that Social Media is helping the movement, it’s also exposing many of the psychological traumas that exist in Black people.

Without fully understanding how the Mind and Brain works however, many observers including many of our own fellow Blacks are labeling people involved in the Black Conscious movement as racists. Are they correct?

Any sane observer of the state of humanity will conclude that the Black Race functions in a depressed state compared to most other races. Some observers will deduce that the disadvantage is due to centuries of exploitation at the hands of Racists.

Some ideology driven observers however, will take the opposite position and conclude that the depressed state of the Black Race is due to Black peoples own inability to compete in a world built on “Survival of the Fittest”.

Observation is one thing but living at a disadvantage is another. It is a built in trait of human nature to exist in a state of freedom and happiness. The founding fathers of America recognized and reserved that condition to be an Inalienable Right of all its citizens. To expect someone to exist any different would be unjust of the perpetrator and mentally retarded of the victim.

As Black people, do we consider ourselves mentally competent or retarded because it would seem to me that Black Consciousness is Black people becoming aware (woke) of the pitfalls of an oppressive society.

Consciousness is generated by the Human Conscience, which is an instinct installed in us by the Spirit of the universe. When someone, Black or white is truly Conscious they have no choice but to function with Fairness, Equity, and Accountability. It is only Human Desire that fights against our Conscience.

Desire is the primary driving mechanism of Life. It is the force that makes us pursue happiness. It is also why some humans can be happy while oppressing others. Desire gets out of control without the active influence of our Conscience.

Are you a Black person who considers yourself conscious but you want nothing to do with the so-called Black Conscious movement? If so then understand that your Conscience is the reason why you feel the way you do. You don’t want to hate or be Racist because you want to be a better person than those who are hateful and racist against you.

Should Black people wait for time to erode the unethical treatment inflected on us by other races. Or should we continue to endure oppression in blissful self-righteousness? I say Time is the deciding variable in the equation. We are humans who don’t control time so we cannot depend on anything other than ourselves to achieve happiness. Neither Time nor wishful thinking can break mental chains.

Black Is Not Beautiful

beautiful black women

Black is not beautiful. Beauty is a mechanism which is a tool that the Life Entity uses through Desire to encourage its creations to reproduce. Most people fail to understand this so they allow their psyche to be driven by their senses, which results in self-hate and self-destructiveness. People hung up on beauty can be classified as being Desire Dependent. Afrakans must conquer this mechanism, our psychological stability depends on it.

A mechanism is an intentional process in which an action is performed in order to produce a desired outcome. Mechanisms can exist in all aspects of reality. They can be mechanical, physical, chemical, or abstract. Beauty is an abstract mechanism, which means that beauty is subjective and whatever the characteristics that determine beauty are in relation to race and culture, they all provide the same purpose to Life. Therefore, beauty is a tool that works best when people are unconscious and desire dependent.

We know that beauty is a mechanism because we recognize that Life is a single conscious entity. It is the collective awareness of every living organism on Earth and it is in full pursuit of universal awareness. Humans function in reality using our senses. Our senses react to stimuli from the outside world and feed the information to our Brain for processing. Some stimulations trigger the release of Dopamine in our brain to produce a sensation of pleasure. Memories of strong stimulation from such things as beauty, music, drugs, sex, and even food build up in our memory banks. If we cannot experience these things over and over again, we use our memories to satisfy our desires in times of Want.

The main reason why people cannot see that beauty is a mechanism is because they either operate using religion or popular culture. Religious people do not recognize beauty as a mechanism because they view beauty as a gift from their god. Secular society cannot recognize the mechanism because people are trained to believe that “life is what it is”. They believe that people have to learn to accept their looks and develop their own psychological crutches. At the same time, they are also trained by pop culture to celebrate and admire others who win the “beauty lottery” at birth or through the good genes.

A very popular saying insists that “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder” but is it? All races are susceptible to desire fulfillment based on beauty. However, some physical characteristics that one race may consider attractive may not be considered attractive in another race. Beauty can also be cross-racial and cross-cultural. As races naturally interact with each other, race mixing will occur; sometimes out of curiosity but mostly because of desire manipulation. If left unchecked the physical characteristics that determine one race from another will eventually become indistinguishable. Some people may say that is a good thing for race relations but is it?

In a perfect world race mixing based on desire and beauty wouldn’t be a problem but this is an imperfect world we live in. People are actively engaging in racial prejudice and racial genocide every minute of the day in every country on the face of the Earth. If AfRAkan people are not conscious about preserving our racial identity we will definitely go extinct as a race. Colonization has already been responsible for the widespread rape and unwanted siring of mixed breed Black people all throughout the Americas and the Afrakan continent. 

Furthermore, through multiculturalism, the unconscious among us are engaging in cultural and racial genocide. Their life is theirs to live of course. On one hand they are right but, in many cases, they are only seeking to breed with the dominant race because they think it will produce “better” offspring able to compete in the dominant race’s unethical culture. Some others are even attempting to diminish their blackness by bleaching their skin, installing weaves and wigs to hide their natural hair, or getting surgeries to diminish their noses, lips, and high cheek bones. They become like the oppressor, self-absorbed and vain believing that they are better than others.  

All this focus on unnatural beauty has created a condition we call Desire Dependency in Black people. Desire dependency is a condition that creates numerous psychological problems for us because the ideals of beauty are Eurocentric. Without a strong conscience Black people who live by religion and secular culture have become susceptible to desire and because others control popular culture and the tools to manipulate it, such as money and information, they also have power over your emotions. Beauty as a mechanism is not an existential problem for the Life entity therefore Black people are left to manage our psychological problems ourselves.

Fortunately, there are still Black Conscious AfRAkans who, though they might not recognize the intricate workings of Life, value their racial identity. They use mind over matter to rebuke the desire manipulations of popular culture. They maintain pride in their dark skin, their kinky hair, and their unique physical features. They are unknowingly fighting back against the mechanisms of Life but their actions are key to the overall Black Consciousness movement.

Black women and man; We are not insects who are easily attracted to colorful plants. We have advanced cognitive abilities which we need to use if we truly desire to escape the mechanisms of Life and the manipulations of popular culture. We must make a conscious effort to love ourselves; it’s the only way to return our youth to valuing the qualities of the Afrakan race and it is one of the ways of ultimately preserving our longevity.

Black is not beautiful; Black is powerful, electric, magnetic, capable, compelling, dominant, dynamic, energetic, impressive, influential, potent, robust, and mighty.

ANKH’s Brain


Imagine ANKH as a Brain trapped in a paradox. This paradox is a space between awareness and consciousness. Awareness is a state of the Mind while consciousness is a state of the Brain. Can we be conscious yet not be aware? Yes, we can. This is evident by the mere fact that we do not understand what we are. Furthermore, I believe that the development of Life is currently stalled in that paradox, perhaps voluntarily.

Ask yourself, have we really taken the time to understand ANKH/Life? I know we have always sought answers to why we exist, selfishly omitting the rest of creation. In our quest we have created gods and other concepts that attempt to give reason and meaning to our existence. Why then are we not more advanced than we are now? Why do we still stumble around in ignorance? Could it be that we are searching in the wrong place?

There are trillions of Life forms on this planet, a small percentage of which are conscious. The level of consciousness varies from species to species with Humans being the most conscious. Humans are therefore classified as the vanguard species. Our attempt to understand our existence is only the beginning of our self awareness.

To date, all of our premature attempts at awareness have left us disillusioned. Some of us live by blind faith, believing that everything that happens to us is the will of our imaginary gods. Some of us strive for power and domination over everyone else by adopting a state of mind called “survival of the fittest”. And finally, some of us are so lost that we function with complete disregard for all Life including our own.

Fortunately Life understands that the best way to ensure survival is to diversify. That is why there are so many races of people. Do not be unwise to think that any one is more important than another. As AfRAkans we may appear to be at the bottom of the rung but we are Life’s first Human. All other races of Humans diversified from us. If you check it you will see that only AfRAkan DNA has the least mutation.


History has revealed that Humans have become a self destructive species. No other species kills for sport, greed, animosity, covetice, or malicious intent. Does that not create a default condition of fear in Humanity? Do you trust everyone you meet given the evidence of un-justness that is continually exhibited in society? Life may not be fully aware yet but it is a Brain and it is collecting information, learning, and growing albeit at a very cautious pace.

The problem with the pace of human development is that every time Life/ANKH has gained a level of awareness Humans have used the knowledge for destructive purposes. Thousands of years ago Humans migrated out of AfRAka. Colder temperatures in the northern regions of the planet affected certain internal processes in us which resulted in dramatic physiological and emotional changes in our behavior.

Where we once functioned with fairness, equity, and accountability we gradually changed to selfishness, survival of self, and a kill or be killed mentality. They say “necessity is the mother of invention”, well these new humans learned that survival required better weapons, bigger armies, and systems of obedience to those who garner the most power and influence.

When these Humans began to return to AfRAka it was to gain knowledge from their ancestors but eventually their selfishness and pomposity lead to systems of savagery, exploitation, and colonization. Life/ANKH recoiled in astonishment. They continued to engage in countless wars that have killed tens of millions. When Life gained knowledge of the atomic structure of matter, humanity used it to build the Atomic bomb and destroy 3 million more people in a split second.  Again Life/ANKH recoiled in astonishment.

“Conscious Life” is a description of an idea. ANKH is its name. It is a way of referring to the state of consciousness if Life were a living entity. As a collective entity Life can be considered a Brain that we should be helping to develop and grow into one day becoming aware. This can only be achieved through the diversification of knowledge. If however, we choose to continue on a self destructive path Life will have no choice but to “rinse and repeat” as it has done many times before.

Afrakan Or African, Which One Are You?

Afrakan or African

Afrakan or African, which one are you?

Academia has chosen the term Negroid to classify the AfRAkan race however, several other unofficial names are being used including; Black, Nubian, and African. All these terms refer to the indigenous inhabitants of the continent known as Africa and their direct descendants. Although physically diverse, the indigenous people of Africa are racially connected by way of key genetic characteristics.

So, when someone uses the word African to refer to a Nigerian, a South African, or a Kenyan they are referring to the race rather than that person’s nationality or tribe. When someone uses the terms Negro, Black, or Nubian to refer to an Afro-American, a Afro-West Indian, a Afro-Latino, or a Afro-English person they are referring to the race and not the nationality of that person.

Do you know what the word Africa means? Did we give ourselves that definition? One of the most valuable things that a person can possess next to a good education is a strong personal identity. One has to be very careful therefore to ensure that you are the one that defines your own identity instead of someone else defining it for you.

Dohgons have defined our identity as AfRAkan and while the term may appear similar it is unlike the words African or Afrikaan in that it has a meaning that is defined by us and not European colonizers. AfRAka means First-Sun-Soul.

Af means first, as in the first humans on the planet. Many so called historians would like to white-wash history but they know that once they do their foundation will be pulled out from beneath their feet. Therefore the only direction that they can take is to rely on false concepts that tell them that they are at the forefront of an evolutionary process or that a god created them to take dominion over everyone.

Whichever direction they take they know that the AfRAkan is the only genetically complete human being, the first of whom was Mother Tang followed shortly after by Father Tang. Both emerged through a permutation process out of Pure Dark Energy Waves about one million years ago on the banks of Lake Tanganyika. Every other race is a mutation from the original. The colonizers have since renamed Tanganyika, as Tanzania.

RA means Sun and while AfRAkans are the people of the Sun we do not worship the Sun. We are simply acknowledging the Sun as a life sustaining source of energy. Although the Sun emits very dangerous radiation the Melanin that enriches our skin is a protective agent that allows us to tolerate the Suns’ harsh effects while at the same time benefit from its unseen energies.

Stars are the first physical entities to manifest in the physical Universe. When a Star is able to sustain Life on a planet it births through the process of its creation we call it a Sun. That Sun also acts as a conduit to the Pure Dark Energy Waves of the abstract unseen universe through its Carbon core.

Ka means Soul. A Soul is an energy field that is generated by a living organism. People, animals, plants, and even Water can generate a Soul since Water is one step below Life. A Soul develops over time to be good or bad according to the internal energy it germinates. Bad energy creates a demonic Soul while good energy attracts the Spiritual energy of the universe. And since Spirit cannot be bad or become corrupted it acts to enrich a good Soul to one day transform into Spiritual energy.

AfRAkans are the foremost of all Souls because we have a functioning energy receptor in our brain which can be calibrated to harness the full power of Pure Dark Energy Waves (Spirit). That receptor is called the Pineal Gland and once it is functioning correctly you as a Soul will have a better chance of transforming into a Spirit.

Spirit is the omnipotent abstract energy of the universe. It cannot be created, destroyed, or corrupted by physical matter. As your Soul begins to function under the influence of Spiritual energy you well have no choice but to function with fairness, equity, and accountability. That is because Pure Dark Energy Waves carry in them all the Truths of the universe.

With the loss of a Spiritual connection to the universe most humans have become devilish in our mentality. AfRAkans can and a lot have become mentally devilish while some races cannot help being devilish due to their physiology. The calcification of their Pineal Glands has resulted in severe unaccountable and devilish behavior that has corrupted all humanity.

In their attempt mimic the greatness of AfRAkans that they encountered in Egypt (KMT) the spiritless people created religions but those religions only led to more devilish behavior that has resulted in the deaths of over 100 million people through 2 world wars and countless more conflicts. The colonization of AfRAka resulted in the corruption of most AfRAkans. The result is that most Black and AfRAkan people today suffer from Desire Dependency.

Desire Dependency is a mental state in which Black people function under the control of Life instead of being guided by the Spirit. In this state people live to fulfill their Wants and Desires, specifically “Uncontrolled Happiness”. They want money, fame, sexual pleasure, and most of all to go to a paradise they call Heaven to live with the gods others indoctrinated them to believe in.  

They attempt to control their Desires for Happiness by focusing on their gods but no matter how much Faith they develop they don’t know that their Desires still rule because now they Desire heaven. Sadly, most of their false beliefs are now falling apart. It’s evident in the way people are becoming disillusioned and are turning to suicide and mass murder.

AfRAkans, it’s time to wake up. Don’t be the last to go down with the sinking ship like good slaves. The Dohgon are on a mission to return the AfRAkan mind to a state of fairness, equity, and accountability. Professor MOmOH has the tools that are designed to get your Pineal Gland de-calcified and working properly.

You may be AfRAkan or a descendant of AfRAkans but once you rediscover your true origin you too will develop a Conscious desire to redefine your identity. We believe that at that time you will also want to identify yourself as an AfRAkan.
