Tag Archives: conscience
Woke Mind Virus vs the Life Entity

Woke Mind Virus vs the Life Entity; what are they and why are they clashing?
Years ago, a friend asked me why I wasn’t concerned or panicked about increasing social upheaval in America. White Supremacist Ideology driven politicians along with religious fundamentalist extremists are waging a war against Humanism and Science. I say they’re all blind on both sides; therefore, my answer was the same as it is now. I couldn’t give a crap.
The reason why I couldn’t give a crap about the political crisis in America is because, unlike most people in the world, I recognize that there is a Life Entity. Furthermore, I recognize that social and political issues have remained the same for the entire duration of my life, which is almost sixty years. The only reason why people my age are now expressing concern is because of human nature, which I cannot fault people for.
From the 1960s up to the 1990s a Cold War existed in the world in which the United States and the Soviet Union (Russia) built and stockped enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world 100 times over. There were even a few incidents in which the red button was almost pushed by both sides. The reason why I didn’t care about dying from nuclear war then was because I was too pre-occupied with facilitating personal happiness.
Today, I should feel the same as most of my peers because time has graduated us all from the pursuit of personal happiness to a more conscientious point of view, which is a concern for our children and people we care about. So, to explain why I’m not panicked, I will explain my perception of reality starting with the Life Entity then the Woke Mind Virus, the term coined by the world’s richest sanity resistor, Elon Musk.
Inspired by Dohgon Spirituality, I was able to create my own Spiritual belief system, which recognizes that reality is the construct of a Great Spirit. The Great Spirit is not the God of man because God as described by man is limited to man’s own Desires for many things, the most important of which is eternal life. Furthermore, I’ve even heard spiritualists and religious people explaining that the most important thing in reality is Love. No, it isn’t; the most important thing in reality is Conscience. But I digress.
Getting back to the topic at hand, the Great Spirit is the true creator of Life and the universe. Since the Great Spirit is pure abstract energy, it created Life in order to experience physical reality. It also created humans as one of the most intellectually capable lifeforms, of which there are many, in the universe. Intelligent beings experience physical reality as an infinite exercise; however, our parameters as intelligent beings is limited so that the collective intelligence of Life cannot become confused into believing that it is the source (Great Spirit).
The most important aspect of reality that one should recognize is that individual consciousnesses always grow to develop a collective awareness or single conscious abstract entity. For example; evil thoughts and actions have developed a Devil entity, religious idealism has developed a God entity, and the will to live given one’s abnormalities and defects has developed a Humanism entity. Actually, the entirety of Human activity falls under the umbrella of Humanism. We all act according to our wants and desires, whether religious or otherwise as a form of self-preservation that unknowingly feeds the prerogative of the Life Entity to gain universal awareness.
So, if you didn’t get it yet; Life is a single conscious entity. It is the collective intelligence of every living thing on Earth including humans, who are Life’s most useful tools. Humans gather information for Life through Life’s manipulations of the Human Desire Mechanism and as a reward, Life provides Humans with happiness. Elon Musk was once asked in an interview why he has dis-owned his transgender son and his answer shocked them. His reply was that he disavowed his transgender son because his son had become infected by the Woke Mind Virus.
Since there is no such thing as a Woke Mind Virus or medical condition associated with it, I will explain what he means but first you should know that Transgenderism like all other abnormalities under the LGBTQ umbrella is protected by the Humanism Entity. No problem there and no offense for the “abnormal” labelling. Life doesn’t care what the result of human ignorance produces. Just like all so-called “normal” people, life will take us in any direction we want to go until death exhausts us.
In recent years, Sanity Resistance white supremacists have hijacked the term “Woke,” which was once a term of endearment to the Black American community. First coined during the period after Slavery in America, Black Americans would remind each other not to let down their guard to the dangers they face from white supremacists and sellout Blacks by telling each other to “stay woke.” Since white supremacists believe that they are poking spikes in the eyes of Black people, when they attack the term “Woke,” they’ve gone all out to use it in every which way they can.
So, when Elon Musk uses a made-up disease to excuse that fact that he struggles with Sanity and would rather rely on corrupt ideology, he is really acting according to the will of the Devil entity to fight against the Humanism Entity. The Life Entity also doesn’t care about the inconsequential disputes that humans engage in. The only thing that the Life Entity cares about is the human mind straying away from Desire. Therefore, it uses most of it’s resources to keep humans on a Desire infused Ideological path away from a Conscience influenced Ethical path.
Sanity Resistors Say Protesting College Students Are Naive

Protesting college students are too naïve. This is the sentiment of ideology driven news anchors and politicians. Don’t believe them because sanity is the foremost human pursuit that they all have abandoned in favor of ideological perceptions of civility. If college students are protesting for the right reason, the collective consciousness of humanity thanks them.
College students all across North America have been engaging in demonstrations to encourage their various colleges and universities to divest from businesses that are selling arms and intelligence systems to Israel. Most of the student protests are being met with condemnation, some have even been quashed and dismantled by police after university administrators, under pressure from conservative politicians, called on them for help.
The three opposing forces that have coalesced against college students are; news networks, conservative politicians, and Israelis in the diaspora who use their financial prowess to influence the first two groups. Their tactic, which hasn’t been very hard to implement, involves using money to encourage self-righteous Christian ideology. What results is the belief among news anchors and conservative politicians that civility can only exist within Christian societies. And although white supremacists hate Jews, Israel gets a pass for being the foundation of Christianity.
The HERU Interface of Dark Consciousness has long recognized sanity as the most civilized human pursuit. However, most people still argue that the pursuit of happiness, fulfillment, or moral integrity are equal or more important. Besides moral integrity, all other pursuits are societal. Moral integrity is very much influenced by sanity and extends to all of humanity and not just the ideals of a particular society. All religious idealists focus on personal happiness and fulfilment at the expense of humanity.
Any sane person can tell that Israel’s assault on Gaza is a genocidal endeavor in the guise of wiping out terrorists. Such evil can only be justified if all Palestinians are terrorists, which they’re not. I am not a naïve person. I know that most Palestinians are religious idealists too and would return the favor in wiping out Israel if they had the chance. In essence; they too do not care about sanity but through education, their world view can change.
The #1 question is; are protesting college students being naïve and are allowing themselves to be used by religious idealists within their ranks or are they genuinely concerned about the flagrant use of genocide in the world? I believe that although there are numerous religious idealists among the protesting college students, most students are genuinely concerned about the use of genocide in war. They know that today it’s the Palestinians and tomorrow it could be another group of people. They are young so their minds are still being influenced by their conscience.
The establishment will try their best to stifle student uprisings in colleges and universities all over the world because if they don’t, the force of conscience will stay with the young further and further into adulthood. They will become the politicians and news reporters who will hold sanity resistors in society accountable for their genocidal tendencies.
Cult Leader Nature Boy Sentenced to Life in Prison

Cult leader Nature Boy has now been convicted and sentenced to life in prison. I say good for him but it begs the question; why do cults work so well in Black communities? Is it because Black people are too naïve and trusting, or is it because Black people are simply misinformed about the dangers of cults and cultists? The answer is neither. The reasons why cults work so well in Black communities are because; most Black people are savior minded, we haven’t created our own God, we refuse to understand the power of human Desire, and we long to escape the control and oversight of white domination.
Most people on social media have probably already heard the news that Nature Boy, the infamous spiritualist cult leader, has now been convicted and sentenced to life in prison for rape and other sexual violations of his many wives and followers. Before he was taken down by some of his former followers, he had engaged in a decade long mission of so-called spiritual rescue to free mostly naïve young black women from the system of western establishment, taking them out of America to various tropical regions where he could indoctrinate them in without scrutiny.
Although he was quite successful in growing a loyal following, he encountered numerous hardships from the locals in all of the places that he tried to establish colonies, from Hawaii to Central America and the Caribbean. Eventually, he moved back to the United States where the white establishment is more than happy to lock up any Black identity leader who gets too influential for their liking. But on another note; isn’t it funny how it is white people who we always have to run to when we need to be saved from the monsters, we ourselves create?
The truth is that Black people will always fall victim to cults because of four particular things; the first being our savior mindedness. Black people are the most spiritual race of people for one basic reason. We are the only people who still have a fully functioning spiritual receptor inside our brain. This spiritual receptor is known as the Pineal Gland and what it does is transform pure dark energy waves from the universe into Melatonin that heals our cells and encourages us to live using fairness, equity, and accountability in life.
The overtaking of humanity by people with calcified non-functioning Pineal Glands caused a shift in the collective consciousness of humanity so that now, instead of trying to live in accord with nature, humanity is trying to gain universal awareness. We want to know everything about life including how to spark consciousness in the machines we create. The worst thing about such an endeavor is the introduction of a God and the belief that a devil also exists as a force to push people toward God.
This brings us to our 2nd fault, which is that we haven’t created our own God. Therefore, we are unable to view the world through a truly ethical lens. Why do you think that so many of us are spiritually lacking? We refuse to believe that the sadistic God that the establishment is trying to sell us on would allow us to endure suffering as a form of purification ritual. We want to enjoy life and because we don’t understand the power of desire, cultists have easily stepped in to exploit us.
Desire is the opposite of conscience. It is an instinct that triggers a chemical process inside our brain to produce the quenching hormone, Dopamine. Ancient religious philosophers recognized that desire was the key driver of human behavior. They referred to it as “want” and even put it into the Bible in the phrase; “the lord is my Shepard; I shall not want.” Most religious people, including pastors don’t understand the meaning behind the phrase. The lord represents your conscience, which is the only inner thing that can reign-in your desires.
There are external things like laws, which have the power to conjure “fear of consequence” inside us. This leads to the final factor that is making Black people susceptible to cultism and that is; we long to escape the control and oversight of the white establishment. Most diaspora Black people today live in countries that were established by European colonialism. Some of us may gain wealth and power by becoming Politicians, Doctors, and Lawyers but when it comes to spirituality, most of us would rather conform to religion than give in to our conscience that is telling us to question the many unethical things about organized religion.
A lot of Black people today who are shedding organized religions, are unfortunately turning to unethical spiritual belief systems that are nothing more than cults. That goes for all African ritualistic spiritual practices involving sacrifices of any kind. Cult leaders like Nature Boy thrive on the fact that a lot of Black people are naïve and will fall for all sorts of cool sounding gibberish. Since I’m not here to tell people what to believe or follow, my intent is to simply offer advice. My advice is that any spiritual belief system that is not based on ethics at its core, is most likely occult. Avoid it.
15 years ago, I embarked on my own journey to find an ethical spiritual belief system and since I couldn’t find one, I crated my own. I call it the HERU Interface and unlike religions, cults, and other African spiritual belief systems, there are no gods, devils, idols, deities, people, places, and things to praise, worship, and covet favor from. It is simply an ethical way of perceiving reality that holds one accountable to creation.
I don’t claim to be a prophet and I don’t seek praise from a flock of followers. HERU Interface is not an exclusive club to join and there are no rituals to practice or rules to follow. I do know that because of these factors, HERU Interface will not become popular. Therefore, my aim is simply to offer an ethical Spiritual alternative to any Black person who is searching for something to believe in. And even if you still don’t believe, hopefully it will inspire you to think beyond Atheism and Religion to recognize the Great Spirit that is the Universe itself.
I believe that the Universe is a Mind. I also know that it is very hard for most people to believe that intelligence can exist without being generated by matter but when you begin to think outside of the box, you will begin to see that the Universe itself is the creator, and it requires no praise or worship, only understanding. Stop believing in cultists like Nature Boy and stop believing that there are powerful beings in the sky that we need to worship in order to graduate to eternal life. We are eternal beings already.
Ugandan Judge Julia Sebuntinde Votes for the Devil

Ugandan Judge Julia Sebuntinde Votes for the Devil
Ugandan judge, Julia Sebuntinde was the lone decenter in the South African case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to recognize Israel’s war on Palestine as a genocide. It is more proof that Africans are still being bought and sold by vampires.
Recently, in a bold attempt to stop the indiscriminate killing of Palestinian civilians by Israel in Gaza, South Africa brought a genocide case against Israel. However, instead of Western nations capitulating to their conscience, they’ve doubled down on their self-righteous ideals of how the world should be run by labelling South Africa’s case mis-informed and naïve.
On Friday January 26th, the ICJ came down with preliminary ruling. They determined that the case for genocide was inconclusive based on a lack of consensus by the 17 judges that comprise the court. On further analysis, it was revealed that the only two dissenting judges were Israel and Uganda. While Israel’s opposition is completely understood, most people are scratching their heads as to why Uganda would vote with Israel.
The knee-jerk reaction would be to curse Julia Sebuntinde as a fool who doesn’t deserve a law degree if she cannot recognize genocide when she sees it, given the overwhelming evidence that she was presented with but there is something way more sinister at play here. When we say that Africans are still being bought and sold by vampires, we mean it both literally and figuratively. Some Africans are still willing to sell themselves to help colonizers maintain their image and status in the world.
Like vampires who must drink blood to maintain their health, unethical manipulators of world economics and politics know where to find easy prey. They find easy prey among those who are prone to corruption, which means that Julia Sebuntinde was not making her own decisions regarding the case against Israel. Her decisions are being made by two corrupting forces. One is corrupt Ugandan politicians, the same politicians who tell their country’s representatives at the UN how to vote.
The second corrupting force is religion, more specifically Christianity. Sorry to say it but Black and African people have failed Spiritually in this life. We fail to develop our own ethical based religion so we depend on the unethical religions of others. We witness genocide and dismiss it as the will of our God because, either the perpetrators are on our side or the enemy has a different religion. Any God that does not value all life is a devil God and I stick both fingers up to him and say I’d rather go to hell than reside forever alongside a being who uses evil to achieve good.
Africans, its time to stop baring your necks to blood suckers so that you can get a pocket full of money and blessings from a Devil God in return. You may think that you are doing the right thing because you worship the same God that they do but recognize that when you fight against your own conscience, you are working for the Devil, no matter how “decent and civilized” they believe they are. Be courageous and start doing the right thing. It’s the only way this evil world will change.
Brother Polight is Not Spiritually Conscious

Brother Polight is not spiritually conscious, which is why he, like most ghetto scholars, cannot control their desires.
As most people familiar with the Black Conscious community would know; Brother Polight is currently in very serious legal trouble due to allegations that he sexually assaulted the 14-year-old daughter of one of his mistresses. Recent reports are that he has now been convicted of the crime and has been sentenced to seven years in prison. The truth of this matter will be revealed in time but it won’t change our long-held assessment that Brother Polight is not Spiritually Conscious and it is his lack of spiritual consciousness that has gotten him in moral and legal trouble.
Brother Polight became famous as a champion debater within the Black Consciousness community. The reasons why his fans loved him were many but perhaps the main reason was because of his intellect. He speaks several languages, he is well versed in religious and Kemetic knowledge, and he was a prolific writer who wrote dozens of books. The one thing that set him apart from most other Ghetto scholars though, was his open polygamist lifestyle.
Polygamy is the practice of having more than one spouse at the same time. It is an age-old tradition that is commonly practiced in cultures that follow polytheistic religions. Cultures that follow Judeo-Christian religions do not practice Polygamy; therefore, it is illegal in most countries, including the United States. Most Black men do not have a moral issue with Polygamy. In fact, most of us in the West either practice it outside of marriage or wish we could move to places where it is legal.
If you’re reading this and you’re anticipating that we’re going to say that Brother Polight is spiritually unconscious because of his polygamous lifestyle you are on the right tract but hear us out. You need to understand what spiritual consciousness really is. The dictionary definition of consciousness is a mental state of being aware of one’s environment and one’s own thoughts and feelings. It is the ability to experience and perceive the world around us, and to think, reason, and remember our physical and mental place inside the whole the consensus as termed reality. The Black community’s two main definitions of consciousness are Black racial and cultural awareness and moral uprightness.
Dohgon Spirituality goes even deeper and defines consciousness, or cognition as the passing of Neurons between our two brain hemispheres, which generates a Mind-field. When a mind field is present, our mind will then function under the influence of two mechanisms; Desire and Conscience. Desire is an instinctual mechanism of life, while Conscience is the energy of the Great Spirit that is the universe acting on our Mind -field to encourage the regulation of the Desire Mechanism.
When asked why he was polygamous, Brother Polight stated in one of his videos that it was a natural Desire of his and since his research showed that polygamy was a normal African tradition, he will continue to fulfill his desires. This is the problem that we at the HERU Interface of Dark Consciousness have with cultural traditions. Just because our ancestors practiced certain things doesn’t make them right to continue or re-establish in our present-day lifestyles. Our ancestors had many cultural practices, which if they were inspired by the Great Spirit that is the Universe, could not have been erased by time and colonization.
Most Black Consciousness ghetto scholars do not understand human Desire; therefore, most will see the demise of Brother Polight and not understand how his lack of spiritual consciousness actually led to his sexual perversions. In fact, lack of spiritual consciousness is also what led to the downfall of Young Pharaoh because all white supremacists had to do was figure out what his Desires were and exploit them. Uncontrolled desire leads to low Self-discipline, which is also a sign of a weak conscience. A weak conscience is a sign of a weak connection with the Great Spirit that is the Universe.
What Does the Rise of Anti-West African Dictators Mean?

What does the rise of anti-West African dictators mean? Is it sign that Africans are finally waking up and are deciding to cut the final strings of European colonization, is it just another form of foreign manipulation that Africans are too dumb to realize or is it simply an excuse to engage in the same old corruption and power-grab culture that African leaders can’t seem to overcome within their personalities? I hope that anti-west political sentiments in Africa will lead to greater African unity but I know that that will never happen until Africans adopt a single Afro-centric spiritual belief system so until then, here is what I believe is really going on in African politics.
Back in early 2023 when Kamala Harris visited several African countries, I stated that it was a sign for African leaders to step-up their “hustle game”. Unfortunately, no one understood what I meant. Politics at any level is a “leveraging game”. It is an opportunity to use the power that you have to get what you need, not for yourself but for the constituents you represent and the country you serve. Most African leaders overlook their duty and fall into corruption for personal gain. Some might say it’s a racial flaw that keeps Black and African people at a sub-civilized level of existence but I know that the real problem is that we don’t have our own spiritual belief system to support our conscience.
African leaders possess the greatest leveraging power in the world right now but unfortunately, they don’t use it. They don’t leverage the power of their natural resources to gain economic clout in both the East and West the same way China used the resource of the cheap labor of their citizens to become the 2nd largest economy in the world. Instead, the inverse happens. Eastern and Western leaders go into African countries and dictate economic conditions, both by putting African countries in debt to the World Bank and by tying Aid to Trade. The result is that African countries receive pennies for their natural resources compared to the thousands of dollars the same resource costs in developed countries.
In the past few months, several African countries have experienced military and political coups. The new leaders of every one of those countries have expressed the same sentiments, which is that they are tired of being used and exploited by the West. In each scenario we also see people waving Russian and Chinese flags as if they’ve actually gained freedom from exploitation. In actuality, what they’ve done is simply exchanged one exploiter for another. Now instead of getting social and economic Aid for natural resources, what they will have to do is build their military might by buying weapons from Russia and China to defend the paranoia that will grow within their leaderships. They will buy so much guns, bombs, and tanks that they will resemble North Koreans in black face.
No, the rise of anti-West dictators in Africa will not sever the strings of foreign economic exploitation and it will not improve the political leveraging power of African leaders. It will also not improve the sanity of African leaders by encouraging a greater use of their consciences. Finally, the rise of anti-west African dictators will not improve the lives of common Africans. What it will do is cause more death and destruction by itchy-fingered military soldiers on people who are already suffering. I’m not telling you what to do Africans, I’m just telling you like it is.
Savior Minded Negroes Allow White Supremacists to Take Over School Curriculums

Savior-minded negroes have allowed white supremacists to take over the education curriculum in America and teach that Black people benefited from slavery. Spearheaded by conservative Republican politicians, the new curriculum will replace the previous school curriculum that they say is a form Liberal oppression designed to make white students feel guilty about the great nation that white people built. Most Black Americans are very upset at this new tactic by white supremacists to reverse their Civil Rights but not all Black Americans agree.
In fact, there are three main groups of Black Americans who co-sign white supremacy and all three suffer from the same savior-minded illness. They include those infected by Stockholm Syndrome, those infected with Robinson Crusoe syndrome, and those brainwashed by religion. At the HERU Interface of Dark Consciousness, we know that when the heat gets turned up on the Consciences of the Unethical Ones, their only refuge is to engage in Sanity Resistance.
Stockholm syndrome is a mental disorder in which a person that is held against his will, will begin to emotionally sympathize with his captor. Eventually the captive person will begin to assist his captor to fulfill the captor’s overall mission and objectives. It’s called Stockholm syndrome due to an incident in Stockholm, Sweden in 1973, in which the bank robbers held bank employees hostage for six days. During the standoff, the victims became emotionally attached to their captors, and even defended them after they were freed.
Robinson Crusoe syndrome is derived from the famous book by the same name about a shipwrecked European sailor stuck on a small South Pacific Island. One day the sailor (Robinson Crusoe) encountered a Black savage being chased by a group of other Black savages and decided to help the savage. After they both eluded the gang of savages, the sailor discovered that the gang of savages was chasing the one savage to eat him as it was their culture and it was his turn to be eaten. Robinson Crusoe named the savage (Friday) and the two became loyal friends.
There is nothing wrong with this scenario on the surface but if you have the capacity to think below the surface, you will realize the racism and moral superiority message behind the book. A lot of Black Americans possess this kind of savior mentality and believe that slavery was a benefit because it saved them from the savagery of African culture, which is still portrayed in media as backwards and uncivilized. Ahead of the announcement of the new school curriculum I heard some Black fools on YouTube stating that Black people should be grateful to Europeans because they were the first people in history to abolish slavery and even point out that slavery still exists in many areas of Africa.
In reality, there is a huge difference between African slavery and European slavery. African slavery is closer to a form of Indentured Servitude and not the Chattel slavery that Europeans imposed on Africans. In Africa, slavery was often a form of debt bondage, where people were enslaved as a result of owing a debt or being unable to pay a debt. Even so and due to the negative stigmas attached to the practice, the following African countries have since outlawed slavery: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Chad, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, and Zambia.
Chattel slavery is a form of slavery in which people are treated as the personal property of another person. It is a system of forced labor in which people are bought and sold as property, and are forced to work without pay. Simply put, Chattel slavery in America was based on race and was a form of permanent, hereditary station.
The 3rd form of white supremacist in Black skin are the savior minded religious fools. It seems that no matter how much you try to tell people that religion is not the source of morality, they still won’t believe. The fact is that all we as humans really need to live moral lives is a conscience-based belief system. That is why all cultures around the world have different spiritual belief systems. Europeans came along and taught us that there is only one true God and belief system and it must be true, as they are the most powerful humans because they believe in him.
No other race of Americans attends churches in greater numbers than Black people yet Black communities are still plagued by crime, violence, and poverty. Instead of deducing that crime, violence, and poverty in Black communities is a concerted effort by white supremacists to keep Black people down, Black Christians would rather believe that Black problems are due to disobedience and lack of faith in a white Christian God, which translates into laziness, immorality, and poor self-discipline.
Savior mindedness traps Black minds in Stockholm and Robin Crusoe syndromes so that we will continue to support white supremacy. Savior mindedness keeps us from creating our own spiritual motivations in life so that we will remain sub-servient to the unethical religious beliefs of our oppressors. Savior mindedness is a negative crutch that is keeping Black people from achieving our true potential as the saviors of humanity. There is no savior except ourselves and only when we come to that realization, will we then begin to wrestle the cognition of the Life Entity away from the unethical ones.
Oppenheimer Movie Celebrates the Use of Evil to Achieve Good

“Oppenheimer” is the title of a new Hollywood movie about the man who created the nuclear bomb. Like all similar biographical movies, it will attempt to give a psycho-analysis of a person who created something evil in hopes that people will overlook the evil and develop an appreciation for the good that resulted from that evil. Don’t be fooled because the only thing the movie will teach is that the unethical ones have never and will never change since creating the Devil of their religions because they foolishly believe that evil can be used as a tool to achieve good.
J Robert Oppenheimer was an American theoretical physicist and professor of physics at the University of California, Berkeley. He is often called the “father of the atomic bomb” for his role in the Manhattan Project, the World War II project that developed the first nuclear weapons. His evil invention was then used to vaporize 2 million people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. Following WW2, Oppenheimer was said to have a change of heart about the evil he created and worked to oppose further nuclear weapons developments in the world up until his death in the 1970s.
The general consensus among the majority of Americans up until this day is that the dropping of the nuclear bombs on Japan was a “necessary evil” that served multiple purposes. It marked the end of World War II and the beginning of a new era of peace and stability in the world. The bombings also led to the development of the United Nations and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which have helped to prevent the use of nuclear weapons in the decades since. Additionally, the bombings helped to bring about a new era of international cooperation and understanding, as well as the development of nuclear energy as a source of power.
Evil can never create good, just like fear can never bring about comfort. Unfortunately, humans have always defaulted to the unethical side of our nature; some quicker and more extreme than others. I call sanity resistors the unethical ones because they employ all their brain power on developing tools for killing then when their conscience somehow overrides their unethical ideologies about life, they seek atonement. I have no plans to see the Oppenheimer movie but I have no doubt about what the theme of the movie will be. First it will justify the necessary evil of creating and using the atomic bomb then it will hail Oppenheimer as a noble and caring man.
So, what was the alternative to ending the war if it wasn’t a show of brute force, you might ask and don’t it always seem that people like myself always come up with petty grievances after the fact instead of being glad to be alive? There was no alternative at that point of the conflict that unethical people like Oppenheimer created but my argument is not about the obvious, which is that some humans are extremely territorial and possessive. My argument is that most territorial and possessive people belong to a similar race of people.
World history reveals that, aside from the Mongols of East Asia, no race of people on the planet crave conquest more than Caucasians. They translate evil into good like buying Carbon credits by saying conflict, hardship, and unnecessary crisis fuels human development. I would say that you can have this hell that you’ve created but I know better. I know that the harder you make it, it’s the greater the challenge for ethical people to make this world a better place but we’re up for the challenge.