Tag Archives: connections
Sanity Resistors Say Protesting College Students Are Naive
Protesting college students are too naïve. This is the sentiment of ideology driven news anchors and politicians. Don’t believe them because sanity is the foremost human pursuit that they all have abandoned in favor of ideological perceptions of civility. If college students are protesting for the right reason, the collective consciousness of humanity thanks them.
College students all across North America have been engaging in demonstrations to encourage their various colleges and universities to divest from businesses that are selling arms and intelligence systems to Israel. Most of the student protests are being met with condemnation, some have even been quashed and dismantled by police after university administrators, under pressure from conservative politicians, called on them for help.
The three opposing forces that have coalesced against college students are; news networks, conservative politicians, and Israelis in the diaspora who use their financial prowess to influence the first two groups. Their tactic, which hasn’t been very hard to implement, involves using money to encourage self-righteous Christian ideology. What results is the belief among news anchors and conservative politicians that civility can only exist within Christian societies. And although white supremacists hate Jews, Israel gets a pass for being the foundation of Christianity.
The HERU Interface of Dark Consciousness has long recognized sanity as the most civilized human pursuit. However, most people still argue that the pursuit of happiness, fulfillment, or moral integrity are equal or more important. Besides moral integrity, all other pursuits are societal. Moral integrity is very much influenced by sanity and extends to all of humanity and not just the ideals of a particular society. All religious idealists focus on personal happiness and fulfilment at the expense of humanity.
Any sane person can tell that Israel’s assault on Gaza is a genocidal endeavor in the guise of wiping out terrorists. Such evil can only be justified if all Palestinians are terrorists, which they’re not. I am not a naïve person. I know that most Palestinians are religious idealists too and would return the favor in wiping out Israel if they had the chance. In essence; they too do not care about sanity but through education, their world view can change.
The #1 question is; are protesting college students being naïve and are allowing themselves to be used by religious idealists within their ranks or are they genuinely concerned about the flagrant use of genocide in the world? I believe that although there are numerous religious idealists among the protesting college students, most students are genuinely concerned about the use of genocide in war. They know that today it’s the Palestinians and tomorrow it could be another group of people. They are young so their minds are still being influenced by their conscience.
The establishment will try their best to stifle student uprisings in colleges and universities all over the world because if they don’t, the force of conscience will stay with the young further and further into adulthood. They will become the politicians and news reporters who will hold sanity resistors in society accountable for their genocidal tendencies.
New Book: Quantum Interface
New Book: Quantum Interface
Quantum Interface is an Afro-Futuristic Tale Infused with Eroticism and Adventure.
The year is 2057 and humanity has refocused its priorities after narrowly avoiding an existential crisis brought on by autonomous AI nearly 20 years earlier. Life is as normal as it could be considering the fact that bio-engineered viruses and psychological disruption devices were the new tools of criminals and hostile governments.
Ian Phillips is a tech genius who created his own AI entity before a global ban on autonomous AI was implemented in the year 2040. Fortunately, he was able to secure an exemption to continue using his AI as a form of augmented intelligence and security system. A few years later, his AI, which he named Quantum Entanglement Augmented Intelligence, or QEAI for short, assisted him in creating a Quantum Entanglement device, known as a “Tangler.”
Frustrated that his organic Tangler invention was being blocked by government regulators, he decides to run a global competition to try to force their hands. Unfortunately, it has re-awakened the centuries old conflict between Japan and China and their allies. He returns home from the month-long developer wrap-up competition in Japan that involved the final competitors, only to discover that he has a severe case of amnesia.
His life plunges into major turmoil that threatens his life and the lives of his two wives. So, while struggling to regain his memories, he now has to ward off attacks from the agents of hostile governments, scrutiny from his own country’s intelligence agents, and manage his AI so that it doesn’t destroy the world if anything happens to him.
He welcomes the possibility of a breakthrough in the development of a human Tangler machine but dreads the thought that he might have escalated the possibility of an all-out war between the world’s superpowers. Even worse, he is anxious that his actions may result in the confiscation of his AI, the shutting down of his trillion-dollar company, Quantum Interface, and damage the stability of his family.
Buy now on Kindle
Beware of Solar Eclipse Conspiracy Pimps
Beware of Solar Eclipse conspiracy pimps. They will try to convince you of all sorts of nonsense about the total solar eclipse; one of which is the notion that the eclipse is a sign that Jesus will soon return to Earth. Not only will this not happen during this eclipse, it will never happen anytime from now till eternity. The mis-information that conspiracy pimps spread is not based on ethics; therefore, all they are doing is trying to gain attention using fear mongering.
As most people already know, on April 8th, 2024, a total solar eclipse will occur over regions of North America. Many people are making plans to view the phenomenon that only occurs in specific regions of the world once every 18 months as opposed to a partial solar eclipse that happens twice per year. In a total solar eclipse, the moon passes in front of the sun, temporarily blocking a large percentage of sunlight from reaching the earth. As a result, daytime will appear dark but only in a specific path.
People who don’t live in the path of the solar eclipse are making plans to either drive or fly to regions where the solar eclipse will occur. Others are extremely excited and losing their minds. Apparently, some people are simply more susceptible to hysteria than others. Beyond hysteria, there are a whole separate group of people who thrive on fear and conspiracy. All you have to do is scroll on social media for a few minutes or engage a few strangers in casual conversation and all sorts of nonsense about the solar eclipse will begin to hit your senses worse than a Donald Trump speech.
So far, I’ve heard that the solar eclipse is another sign of the end times orchestrated by Jesus to let his faithful followers know of his impending return. Some others are saying that the solar eclipse will turn all who have had the covid vaccination into zombies so all who didn’t better arm themselves for a zombie apocalypse. And as usual, some say it’s all a trick by the government to implement some sort of freedom curtailing scheme.
As an example of how self-centered conspiracy theorists are; they only pay attention to total eclipses that happen over North America. What about all the other times that solar eclipses occur in other regions of the world? Remember; total solar eclipses occur somewhere in the world roughly every 18 months. And the earth is so large that another total solar eclipse won’t take place over North America until 2071. I think that if Jesus doesn’t come during this total solar eclipse, those who are waiting for him will be dead by then.
Are there any spiritual benefits associated with a total solar eclipse?
There are many age-old superstitions about solar eclipses. Religious people tend to believe that they are bad omens while spiritual people tend to believe that there are spiritual benefits associated with them. I won’t focus on the beliefs of religious people because they limit their knowledge of reality to religious superstitions. That is also why they tend to be the ones spreading conspiracies. They don’t even know that all their religions are based on Sun worship.
I also won’t focus on the spiritual beliefs of indigenous cultures around the world as they all have a similar focus, which is the belief that solar eclipses are signs of a higher power. Instead, I will focus on Dogon spirituality, which is the source of our own spiritual belief system, the HERU Interface. Dogon spirituality is the spiritual practice of the Dogon people of Mali, West Africa. They believe that their spiritual guides reside in the Sirius star system and those guides are known as the Nommo.
The living representatives of the Nommo have been visiting the Dogon for thousands of years and are always in spiritual communication by way of the Moon and Sun. How, you might ask? Well, understand that the sun is a star and stars transfer Pure Dark Energy Waves from the abstract realm into physical reality. The abstract realm is a realm outside of space and time, which means that our Sun and Sirius A might as well be occupying in the same space and time.
Therefore, since the Nommo are able to send their thoughts through stars, the only way for us to receive those thoughts is if they are modulated. This is where the Moon comes in to act as the modulator. As part of their cultural traditions, the Dogon perform special meditations during full moons and during full moon meditations, thoughts are sent and received, to and from the Nommo home-world.
While a total solar eclipse may be a cool phenomenon to some and an opportunity to spread fear-mongering conspiracies for others, it has no spiritual benefit to Dogon spirituality. If anything, it blocks spiritual communication with our friends on other worlds, which we wouldn’t normally receive during the daytime anyway.
Reincarnation vs Resurrection
How Afrakan Spirituality was Hijacked by Religion.
Most Melanin rich people today have been brainwashed by religion into believing that a god is testing their faith and will be judging them in the afterlife. They believe that there will be a “judgement day” and on that day, those who did not faithfully believe in God, will be thrown into a pit of fire known as Hell. However, 144,000 of those who do believe will be brought back to life and will live forever next to God. This concept relies 100% on resurrection, which is the holy grail of Christianity.
Resurrection is the religious concept of restoring a dead person to life. According to religious belief, it doesn’t matter what the state of a dead person’s body is. It could be in the state of decomposition, it could be a skeleton after being dead for hundreds or even thousands of years, or it could be scattered in the wind, water and earth in the form of dust. On the day of resurrection, Jesus will gather the souls of the most faithful and restore their former bodies so that they may reinhabit them.
The first problem with the resurrection concept is that according to religious scripture, 10 people have already been resurrected prior to judgement day. So, if you were looking to be one of the 144,000, there are only 143, 990 positions left to fill. The already resurrected include; Lazarus (John 11:38-44), the widow’s son at Nain (Luke 7:11-17), and Dorcas (Acts 9:36-41). This should be blatant proof that resurrection is fact but unfortunately, none of these people can be found anywhere in the world today. Why aren’t they walking around in the world, spreading the word of Jesus as proof of Gods existence? Christians; I’d love to hear how you spin this logic in the comments below.
Resurrection worked to capture the minds of Melanin rich people because of a psychological condition we at the HERU Interface of Dark Consciousness refer to as Desire Dependency. In other words; resurrection works because people have become addicted to using happiness to mask pain and suffering. We cannot see that it is only when we, the eternal spirits of the universe, retain the knowledge that it was us who chose to temporarily experience the realm of physical reality, we will become free from the fear, pain, and suffering that imprisons our minds.
Reincarnation is the rebirth of one’s Soul into a new host body. According to most Spiritual beliefs around the world, the Souls of people never die, only the physical body dies. When people die, their Souls re-enter life at the inception of a new life. Some even believe that reincarnation is a process of a Soul graduating from a low lifeform to a higher one. I believe that reincarnation is inter-species and inter-galactic and it was our original spiritual notion before palm-colored people used fear to redirect our consciousness.
There is plenty proof of reincarnation in the world but because it goes against religion, which dictates that resurrection is the only way back to life, most of us now dismiss reincarnation as superstition. The era of social media is spreading the word about reincarnation. Simply do an internet search on reincarnation and NDE (Near Death Experience) and you will find numerous accounts of people who claim to have lived multiple lives before.
If you think that we ourselves did not have a hand in the introduction of resurrection, you are wrong. Simply look to the example of Egypt, where all forms of modern spirituality had their origin. If we did not enslave the Hebrews, they would not have used our spiritual concepts to create a mystery God, which backfired on us, causing us to become preoccupied with preserving our bodied for the afterlife. The only good it serves is to stand forever as a warning of our lack of wisdom.
People who believe in resurrection work on the side of inequity. They compete for the favor of a God believing that the more good they do, it’s the more favorable they will appear in the eyes of their God. The unethical among them, work tirelessly to hoard the resources of this world, enriching themselves so that they will live longer and more pleasurably. They employ scientists to dig into DNA to discover a remedy for death while you, the less fortunate, hope with all your heart to be among the chosen few of the unethical God.
Ethical people who believe in reincarnation do not fear death because we know that our soul will reincarnate. Therefore, if life is hard to us now, we will not give up and wait for death, commit suicide, or fall into immorality to further corrupt life. We know that doing so will only make our future incarnations worse. We know that we can create a better future. That is why we work hard to improve the present by fighting unethical ideology and spiritual concepts today. It’s time for the HERU Interface.
Ugandan Judge Julia Sebuntinde Votes for the Devil
Ugandan Judge Julia Sebuntinde Votes for the Devil
Ugandan judge, Julia Sebuntinde was the lone decenter in the South African case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to recognize Israel’s war on Palestine as a genocide. It is more proof that Africans are still being bought and sold by vampires.
Recently, in a bold attempt to stop the indiscriminate killing of Palestinian civilians by Israel in Gaza, South Africa brought a genocide case against Israel. However, instead of Western nations capitulating to their conscience, they’ve doubled down on their self-righteous ideals of how the world should be run by labelling South Africa’s case mis-informed and naïve.
On Friday January 26th, the ICJ came down with preliminary ruling. They determined that the case for genocide was inconclusive based on a lack of consensus by the 17 judges that comprise the court. On further analysis, it was revealed that the only two dissenting judges were Israel and Uganda. While Israel’s opposition is completely understood, most people are scratching their heads as to why Uganda would vote with Israel.
The knee-jerk reaction would be to curse Julia Sebuntinde as a fool who doesn’t deserve a law degree if she cannot recognize genocide when she sees it, given the overwhelming evidence that she was presented with but there is something way more sinister at play here. When we say that Africans are still being bought and sold by vampires, we mean it both literally and figuratively. Some Africans are still willing to sell themselves to help colonizers maintain their image and status in the world.
Like vampires who must drink blood to maintain their health, unethical manipulators of world economics and politics know where to find easy prey. They find easy prey among those who are prone to corruption, which means that Julia Sebuntinde was not making her own decisions regarding the case against Israel. Her decisions are being made by two corrupting forces. One is corrupt Ugandan politicians, the same politicians who tell their country’s representatives at the UN how to vote.
The second corrupting force is religion, more specifically Christianity. Sorry to say it but Black and African people have failed Spiritually in this life. We fail to develop our own ethical based religion so we depend on the unethical religions of others. We witness genocide and dismiss it as the will of our God because, either the perpetrators are on our side or the enemy has a different religion. Any God that does not value all life is a devil God and I stick both fingers up to him and say I’d rather go to hell than reside forever alongside a being who uses evil to achieve good.
Africans, its time to stop baring your necks to blood suckers so that you can get a pocket full of money and blessings from a Devil God in return. You may think that you are doing the right thing because you worship the same God that they do but recognize that when you fight against your own conscience, you are working for the Devil, no matter how “decent and civilized” they believe they are. Be courageous and start doing the right thing. It’s the only way this evil world will change.
Western Puppets Forget That Israel Is Their Master
Western Puppets Forget That Israel Is Their Master. Someone please tell them that after 2000 years of being brain fucked by the spiritual system that the Jews created, it’s too late to turn on their master.
As the Israel/Hamas war rages on and Israel has taken the opportunity to murder as many Palestinians as they can, the call to end the war is also getting louder. Western leaders, who’ve given Israel the green light to commit genocide on the Palestinian people, are asking Israel to go back to the negotiating table and pursue a two-state solution to stop the conflict.
All those who thought that Israil would ever agree to a neighboring state for Palestinians are now in shock as Israel has boldly declared that such a situation will never happen. These naïve people don’t know who is the master and who are the puppets.
Most people believe that the existence of God cannot be disproven yet they refuse to hold God to the same standards as everything else. When confronted with logic, religious people will always say that “God works in mysterious ways that humanity is incapable of understanding.”
No, not all people are naïve. For blatant proof that the God of man does not exist, simply observe the evil actions of the people who claim to be his chosen people. Self rightuous Christians came along and declared that it is they and not the Jews who are God’s chosen people because; “they forgive people who murder their family members, they turn the other cheek when attacked, and they leave retribution to God” but when have we ever seen Western super-powers, who are all Christian nations, practice such moral traits? Never!
Christian nations are all puppets to Israel because of one foundational factor; similar to Muslims, they all worship the Jewish God. This fact cannot be disproven because before the Jews invented a mystery God, all Europeans and Arabs worshipped Deities, Idols, and their own Leaders as Gods. Their subsequent adaptation of the Jewish God was actually a form of mental enslavement that transformed them into puppets to the puppet master.
Israel exists, is maintained, and is defended by Western powers because, psychologically, they have no choice but to defend their master. You may hear some of them speaking out against Israel but in reality, they all fear eroding the two thousand year old foundation that their reality rests on.
Where is Professor MOmOh?
Where is Professor MOmOh? This is a troubling question that is on a lot of concerned people’s minds including my own. His regular emails stopped coming over a year ago then in March of 2021, the Dohgon University of Thought website went offline. Professor MOmOh sometimes asked me to update the website so when I saw that the website was offline, I tried unsuccessfully to contact him. I am now writing this because, after speaking with a few fellow long-time Dohgon students, I discovered that they also have similar concerns.
Has something unfortunate happened to Professor MOmOh? After trying unsuccessfully to contact the professor by phone or email over the past 6 months, I fear that something unfortunate has happened to him. If so, then it seems that his absence from the public reveals the cons of the Internet; the same tool that helped him to dispense Dohgon knowledge across the globe. The emergence of the internet confronts the indoctrinating effects of organized religion, ideology driven knowledge and Eurocentric history. It is enabling Black and Afrakan people to add our voice to the collective consciousness of Life so that we are gradually unlearning the corrupt ideologies of our oppressors.
Unfortunately, the Internet creates virtual communities where like-minded people are hundreds and even thousands of miles from one another. Unless social connections are developed beyond the screens and digital signals of the Internet, there is no way to know about the well-being of our friends and collogues in far away places. Professor MOmOh was in his seventies and he had a history of experiencing Strokes, which he always recovered from without the use of pharmaceutical medicines. Did he experience another Stroke that he still hasn’t recovered from yet? That could be the case.
Why did Professor MOmOh stand out above everyone in the Black Consciousness movement? Professor MOmOh stood out to me because he wasn’t interested in taking Black people back in time by tryiing to recreate the glory days of Afrakan civilization before Europeans insurrection. If our ancient civilizations were so great, they wouldn’t have fell in the first place. Instead, Professor MOmOh was interested in rediscovering and using the knowledge our ancestors once possessed to improve our thinking abilities so that we can come together as a people to build a better future.
If I never hear from Professor MOmOh again, he knows that I forever thANKH him for inspiring me to navigate reality using highest exponential reasoning and understanding and to live using Fairness, Equity, and Accountability. We did not always see eye to eye on several things including the existence and prevalence of conspiracies in society but I always respected his wisdom in general. His ability to simplify the chemical processes of the human brain made it easy for me to understand my own mind as well as the basics of human behavior. He also renewed my hope that the Afrakan race will one day rise to prominence from its second-class stature among the human family. He showed me that Afrakan knowledge is not a fairy-tale but is only wisely hidden from the prying eyes of the unethical ones.
Professor MOmOh’s knowledge, understanding and wisdom of life ultimately made me change my world view. Instead of believing that I am only one helpless individual in a world controlled by powerful preachers, elite billionaires, and power-hungry politicians, I can help to change the narrative by injecting Ethical concepts into reality the same as he was doing. That is how reality ultimately works. People with unethical concepts enslave people, corrupt minds, and destroy society while conscientious people work to make the world a better place.
Souls who are gifted by their Spirit with exceptional creativity enter this world and reveal great knowledge that brings about profound change. If enough people are inspired by the knowledge, the knowledge will live beyond the life of the individual who revealed it. Essential knowledge is often dismissed by people who have become slaves to the mechanisms of Life and is eventually lost to the Sands of Time until another gifted Soul emerges into reality decades or centuries later.
Professor MOmOh believed that concentrating ability could be developed to the point of spontaneous intuition. I don’t know if he was able to achieve such an ability himself but I know that I’m too much of a procrastinator to even come close. I can only wish I did possess such an ability because then I wouldn’t have to speculate about where Professor MOmOh is; I’d already know.