Tag Archives: colon
African Poop Is Becoming a Commodity

Africans, you might not believe this but your poop is becoming a commodity in western countries. What do I mean when I say poop and how is it becoming a commodity, you might be asking?
Most Black people don’t pay attention to science so we may not understand Biology and the importance of good health. Even so, people living in Africa and other parts of the so-called “Developing” world, are at an advantage compared to a lot of white people and even Blacks living in 1st world countries. Africans are not susceptible to a very deadly diseases called Clostridium difficile (C. difficile), which is killing thousands of people every year.
Good health is a combination of regular physical activity and a healthy diet. However, good Gut bacterial balance is essential to good health as well. There are billions of Bacteria that live inside us, most of which reside inside our belly/gut/digestive system, breaking down food and living a normal life the same way we as humans live a normal life on Earth. Over time and as humanity “advanced” as they say, humans began to develop chemical drugs to help fight Diseases. These Disease-fighting drugs are commonly referred to as Anti-Biotics.
Anti-Biotics are designed to help our Immune System fight and get rid of Bacteria inside us that contribute to the development of Sicknesses and Diseases. Unfortunately, one of the disadvantages of Anti-Biotics is that they also get rid of good Bacteria or Pro-Biotics, as they are referred to as. This Bacterial imbalance results in a condition called C. difficile and the symptoms include inflammation of the colon and severe diarrhea.
It is reported that an average of five houndred thousand infections of C. difficile are recorded in patients in the United States every single year. Of those, approximately 29,000 patients die within 30 days of the initial diagnosis. More than 80 percent of the deaths associated with C. difficile occurred among Americans aged 65 years or older.
So, what is the cure for C. difficile? The cure for C. difficile is the reintroduction of good bacteria inside the stomach. Some good Bacteria can be found in Yogurt but the best source scientists have found so far is the poop of African people. Most African people haven’t destroyed their Gut Biology with too much Anti-Biotics therefore, your poop is becoming a commodity in the healthcare industry.
Pharmaceutical companies are now setting up facilities in many African countries and are hard at work developing drugs infused with live Pro-Biotics from your poop. You will not get paid of course, because just like how Europeans and Asians come into Africa and mine your mineral resources for next to nothing, creating drugs from your poop will be no different unless you encourage your leaders to do something about it.