Tag Archives: christianity

White Supremacy Will Never End

white supremacy

White Supremacy will never end until humanity adopts a more ethical ideology of reality than those offered by Religion and Science. White Supremacy is the product of the two generally accepted existential belief systems in use today, which are Religion and Science.

Religion is defined as a set of Spiritual beliefs that a group of people have concerning their origins and the origins of creation. Before the white man accepted Christianity as his core belief, he was a Pagan, meaning he held many religious beliefs including the belief that kings and leaders were gods themselves. However, upon taking control of the Jewish religion and creating the New Testament of Jesus Christ, they completely inserted themselves into the Jewish creation story.

They then claimed that since Jesus came to his own, the Jews, and the Jews did not accept his message; Jesus then gave permission to anyone who believed in God through Him, to get to Heaven. They moved their Spiritual headquarters to Rome and declared that they were now the chosen people of the Jewish God. This brand of psychological White Supremacy is so powerful that even Black people today worship a white Jesus and live subservient to white Christians.

Science is defined as knowledge in all its various forms. The acquisition of knowledge therefore has to undergo a process of approval because reality is Subjective. In other words, 1+1 only equals 2 in theory and not absolute physical proportion. Science theorizes that humanity originated in Afraka making the original humans Black. This is not necessarily a plus for Black people because Science also accepts the theoretical concept of Evolution as its core belief.

The theory of Evolution teaches that Life originated by the chance of Nature over Time. In this process, Life evolved from complex molecules in Clay mud then evolved into single cell organisms in the Ocean millions of years ago. Over time, these organisms evolved into amphibious creatures that crawled out of the ocean and developed Lungs to breathe Air on land. Some creatures also developed Legs, feathers, and wings and began to fly while some stayed grounded on land and developed into animals. In short, Evolution states that humans developed from Monkeys.


White Supremacists believe that they are different from other races of people because during the process of their evolution, they were fortunate to mix with Neanderthals while others didn’t. This Neanderthal mix is what gives them their superior genetic and intellectual character. The theory of Evolution is flawed in many ways but since it supports their unethical beliefs of racial superiority, white Supremacists are happy to use it to corrupt the development of humanity.

Religious and Scientific theories of racial superiority are both being used by the white man to maintain psychological control over humanity. Logic would suggest that based on his domineering nature, the white man should have wiped out all the other races of people long ago in order to eliminate competition and to solidify his position as God’s chosen people. However, there is one thing that everyone is missing and that is the power of the human Conscience, which was installed in us by the Great Spirit that is the Universe and not an egotistical god or the chance of Evolution.

Conscience defies the religious belief by whites that they are the chosen people of a god when they are as ignorant of their true origin as everyone else. They are still susceptible to the same pitfalls of life that everyone else is and they still suffer disease and death like everyone else. Conscience defies the scientific belief by whites that they are a genetic and intellectually superior race based on Evolution because the more they dig into the history of ancient races, it’s the more they are discovering that our ancestors had technology that eludes their understanding. They also studied human DNA and discovered that African DNA is more complex than theirs.

The solution for us is to abandon the religious and scientific theories that support White Supremacist beliefs. It will render those beliefs ineffective to everyone except them. Many races are doing so now by returning to their traditional Spiritual beliefs. Some are using their religious beliefs to engage in their own quest for racial superiority but we must not follow their examples because Black Supremacy would be just as insane and unjust as white supremacy, Arab supremacy, Asian supremacy or any other racial supremacy quest.

Black people must adopt a Spiritual belief system that gives precedence to human conscience instead of human desire. A belief system that is based on an ethical creation story and not one that is based on the self-serving desires of a worshiper seeking God. A belief system that values the whole of life and not just humanity. The only Spiritual belief system that can and will defeat white supremacy and the propensity of all races to engage in racial superiority ideology is the HERU Interface.



Jamaicans Losing Their Religion

Jamaicans are slowly losing their religion. It is a social condition that has been happening for years and one that has recently become more evident when popular entertainer, Mr. Vegas, challenged the controversial statements of a well-known pastor on social media and in church. Mr. Vegas’s surprising loss of faith in the church is a recent phenomenon as the popular Dancehall artiste has always been very outspoken about his Christian beliefs in public and in his music.

Mr. Vegas is a smart man who has been reading the bible for years and while he has discovered many passages in it that are contradictory, he has never questioned his Faith before. However, one passage that always bothered his conscience is one that says “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”. This passage is explained as; people are dying because they don’t or refuse to truly know god.

When a rational thinking person reads this passage and he or she observes the level of corruption in society and in the church he or she will naturally conclude that most people don’t know god. And even those that have unshakable Faith in god are dying in great numbers at the hands of merciless criminals. The rational thinking person will then either challenge the church and society using his own understanding of god or he will seek an alternative belief system because the one that society is using to understand god is not working.

Mr. Vegas has chosen to seek an alternative belief system in Kemetic Spirituality as well as to challenge religion. The question that he has to face now is how he will determine truth from Illusion because real Knowledge is based on Truth. He already knows that only real knowledge can help Black people end our cycle of destruction. The best way determine truth from illusion is through questioning. However, on one hand illusionists believe that to question is to lack faith in what they believe to be true. Therefore, they will redefine questioning to mean (seeking clarity) instead of to actually seeking truth. What then is (seeking clarity) if not to enforce that which you already believe.

All Jamaicans who are experiencing a loss of faith in Christianity and are seeking an alternative belief system need to be careful of settling for other religions or Atheism before you truly understand yourself psychologically. Imagine, 3000 years ago philosophers knew that DESIRE was the key problem in human nature but pastors and 99% of people today do not understand DESIRE. Know that the only balance for Desire is Conscience. That is how all religions were born. Religions are systems of Desire management where an overseer (god) is put in place to help people control their Desires.

People today are actively destroying the tenants of Conscience which are; Fairness, Equity, and Accountability, by using Human Rights laws as a means of quenching their various Desires. Pastors are creating conflict in society because they don’t understand desire so they condemn people without helping them to strengthen their Consciences in a productive way. Conflict will always produce conflict. If pastors were truly conscious they would invite and train people to manage their dysfunctions by strengthening the power of their Minds by strengthening their consciences.

When Jamaicans begin to learn how our Mind works we will also begin to understand the validity of religion and how to move beyond it without destroying ourselves in the process. We will learn that religion can only get us to the bank of a great river where joy and prosperity can be seen at the other side. Those of us who do not understand Life will drown as we try to swim across.  The Mind is the bridge. Learn to understand it, enrich it with knowledge, and we will reconnect to the Spiritual energies of the universe. Our collective unity will then form the bridge to achieve racial respect and prosperity.


I Am AfRAkan, Not Hebrew

African not Hebrew

I am AfRAkan, not Hebrew. I am the first human before all other humans were created. I was not created by the God of man; I was created by the Spiritual intelligence that is the Universe, which exists in physical reality in the form of Pure Dark Energy Waves. Scientists studying the universe are still confounded as to what is holding the Universe together. It is Pure Dark Energy Waves (PDEW), which like all forms of energy are abstract and exists infinitely.

To create me, PDEWs transformed from abstract energy to physical matter through a permutation process. Europeans say the universe was created from a “Big Bang” when a single particle of matter exploded. Now they’re spending billions of dollars trying to find Higgs Boson or “God Particles” to prove it. Professor MOmOh of the Dohgon University of Thought says, no! Matter forms when PDEWs flux (cut into ½ waves) until subatomic particles form. He is a high priest of Dohgon Spirituality who has the ability to bring ancient AfRAkan knowledge back into reality. So, forget all those religious and theoretical nonsense.

Why do some Black people believe that they’re Hebrew and are fighting Ashkenazi Jews for ownership of an Unethical Spiritual concept?

Some Black people claim Hebrew as their ancestry because they’ve been brainwashed by centuries of mind control plus it comforts their disconnection from the Spiritual essence that is the Universe. All modern religions had their origins in KMT (Egypt). It was during their captivity in KMT that the Afrakan Ethiopeans who now call themselves Hebrews/Jews, gained deep understanding of human nature and created a mystery God. That mystery God couldn’t be seen so it couldn’t be killed while at the same time providing strength by way of faith in the midst of their despair.

The Mystery God concept proved to be superior to the physical deities of the Egyptians so when the Ethiopian Akhenaten became Pharaoh of KMT, he began to combine Ethiopean spiritual concepts with traditional Egyptian beliefs. Ethiopean beliefs slowly corrupted Kemetic science to the point where it refocussed Egyptian spirituality from a belief in Reincarnation into a belief in Resurrection. Egyptians then became preoccupied with preparing themselves to be resurrected.

Eventually, the Ethiopeans gained their freedom from KMT and travelled into the Middle East where they spread their new-found spirituality with the local Hebrew tribes who they believed they shared kinship with due to their similar lighter skin tone. That spirituality eventually became known as Judaism and its followers racked up major military defeats in Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Babylon. In effect, it helped to civilize the savagery that was commonplace in the Middle East at the time. The Arabs, who were practicing Idol worship at the time, began to recognize the power of a Mystery God concept.

Hundreds of years on, a rich Arab merchant by the name of Mohammed became exiled in Israel and while there he studied the mystery God concept and created the Islamic Faith. Back in Afraka, the decline of KMT was slow and painful for Egyptians. An overwhelming influx of foreigners of Greek, Roman, Arab, Hebrew, and other European origins resulted in widespread corruption. Some wise AfRAkans left, including those who wished to preserve the original knowledge of the land and people. Some of that knowledge is hidden in Ethiopia and Sudan while some of it went as far away as Southern AfRAka and Mali, West AfRAka where the Dohgon people now reside.

Christianity originated in Israel 2000 years ago after the Romans conquered much of the Middle East. Although they defeated them physically, many Romans marveled at the resilience of the Hebrews who refused to bow to the Caesar of Rome as their god. Instead they gained strength from their Jewish faith and the teachings of Jesus, who encouraged them to hold steadfastly to faith in their Mystery God who saved them many times before and would deliver them out of bondage again. Jesus was eventually betrayed by his fellow Jews and crucified by the Romans.

Roughly 50 years after Jesus was crucified by the Romans, Saul, a Hebrew who had betrayed his people and rose to the rank of General in the Roman army, declared that he had experienced a divine intervention while on the road to Damascus, Syria. In his divine intervention, Saul claimed that the God of the Jews struck him off his horse with a bolt of Light and instructed him to heed to the teachings of Jesus. In reality, Saul’s conversion to becoming a follower of Jesus may have been a covert mission to infultrate the new Jesus-centered religion that was growing exponentially. No one knows for sure but soon he became Jesuses’ 13th disciple, dispensing wisdom of Jesus “the Christ” to all who would listen.

Followers of Jesuses message became known as Christians and Saul gave up his military armor for religious robes, changed his name to Paul and embarked on a mission to gather all information about Jesus that he could find. He investigated and pieced together accounts from Jesuses former disciples and followers. He also befriended Christian preschers and wrote letters (Epistles) of encouragement to Christian ministers across the roman empire. Soon, Saul became the self-appointed keeper of Jesuses’ legacy. He compiled the teachings and accounts of Jesus into a book and called it the New Testament of Jesus Christ. He declared that all Non-Jews and Romans could now gain access to Heaven in the name of Jesus.

The Black Hebrews of today are the descendants of those original Ethiopeans who helped to corrupt KMT with beliefs in resurrection and desires for eternal life. They were the same AfRAkans who introduced the Hebrews to the Mystery God concept but since they cannot change their skin (meaning their skin is too dark) they will never be accepted as one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. They are discovering that it was their ancestral philosophers who created Judaism in the first place but like their ancestors, what they fail to understand is the psychology behind the Mystery God concept and how it traps the Mind into Desire Dependency. 

Now most Black Hebrews/Jews say that they don’t want anything to do with the “dirty AfRAkans”. That is because they covet the same thing that Ashkenazi Jews, Christians, and Arabs covet and that is the favor of their unethical God. They clamber to go to Israel believing that a miracle will happen when they arrive but when they get there they aren’t getting the same welcome as European Jews. Instead, they get beaten, killed, deported, or forced into military service to defend a homeland that despises them.

Their internal Organs are untimely harvested to keep European Jews alive and their women are secretly put on contraceptives to limit their population. The only thing Black Hebrews can do is comfort their ignorance of reality with the belief that they are “the real Jews”. As for me, I am a descendant of original AfRAkans and I would rather believe in an Ethical Spiritual belief system. One that respects all Life and strives for balance instead of coveting the favor of unethical Gods. I believe in the HERU Interface.