Tag Archives: Choice
Kanye West, Slavery Was Not A Conscious Choice

This is a message to Kanye West and the growing number of mentally deranged Black people who believe that slavery was always a choice. You all lack perspective and to experience the psychologically crippling trauma that our ancestors had to endure before you can talk about choice.
Recently in an interview, popular rapper Kanye West, stated his belief that slavery was a choice. This outrageous statement is only the latest in a series of questionable moves on his part. Many people who heard his comment on TMZ might say that Kanye’s statement is being taken out of context.
So, to be fair, he did indicate that the time period (400 years) was “in his opinion” what made slavery a choice. This still doesn’t let him off the hook. In fact he needs some basic education in Black American history and psychology.
I argue that slavery was not a conscious choice from the perspective that Life’s base instinct is to survive. Choice is a subjective thing. It is not always yes or no, black or white, life or death. Human choice is based on perspective and ranges from instinct to rational thought. Rational thought depends on precedence and hindsight. If none of the two is available then instinct takes over. Instinct is based on Life and Life will always choose to survive.
The first slaves knew that they were destined for hardship simply because slavery was not a new thing. Tribes warred against each other all the time and those who weren’t killed were made slaves by other tribes. This is precedence however, trans-Atlantic slaves had very little knowledge of the hardships that North America would bring.
Once in North America slaves freed themselves over time as they gained knowledge and perspective of their surroundings. Of course, there was the ultimate choice of death but the instinct of life is to live to fight another day. It exists outside of choice just like any other mechanism of Life.
This instinct is called the “Fight or Flight” response and if it didn’t exist many of us wouldn’t be using the benefit of hindsight to say such things as; “I would have escaped or I would have chosen to die” because you wouldn’t exist.
Instinct is being used to prolong the duration of physical and mental slavery in North America, the West Indies, and South America. This condition is maintained by several tactics which include; lack of knowledge, fear of consequence, religious indoctrination, and dis-unity.
It is well documented that during slavery, Black people were forbidden from reading, writing, and education. Slave masters knew that knowledge in any form develops the mind. Therefore, any form of learning was as dangerous as being alone with a slave with a knife in his hand. For that reason, they kept their slaves uneducated and dumb.
The stability of the plantation was at risk of falling into dysfunction if slaves begun to develop rational thought. Slaves were also kept from knowing anything about life outside the plantation, which maintained a psychological condition of uncertainty as to how unsecure they actually were.
Fear of consequence is one of the most crippling psychological conditions. It was a tactic used all throughout slavery and is still being used against us in present day in the way cops publicly execute Black people on a daily basis. Fear of consequence is the process of inducing fear into people by showing them examples of what will happen if they act out of line or disobey the rules.
Slave masters used numerous measures of cruelty to control their slaves. Slaves were gathered to watch as runaways and disobedient slaves were either wipped senseless, lynched, castrated, or dismembered. Pregnant women had their stomachs cut open and their unborn babies were crushed.
Family members and even children were sold away to other slave owners and women were raped and impregnated on a regular basis. Where in today’s society does such brutality exist to test our so called “choice”? Hindsight has black people f’ed up because not even the Jews are dumb enough to say they knew that not fighting back would result in them being gassed.
Religion was used as a tool to pacify slaves. It was a form of education that slave masters had no fear of sharing because it teaches that a master and slave relationship is an acceptable thing in the eyes of God. Slaves were encouraged to accept their suffering, as it was the will of God as punishment for non-belief.
The quest of a slave therefore, was to develop deep faith in God as God would forgive and reward their suffering once they die and go to heaven. Credit religion for helping Black people to endure 400 years of trauma but it’s time to dismiss this tool of slavery.
Black religious people today are still mentally enslaved because they still cannot see that religion is merely a tool to understand human nature. Choice will exist when a more powerful comforter is provided for Black people to depend on. Dohgon Spirituality aims to be that alternative.
Kanye West, understand that there were numerous slave revolts throughout the time of slavery. Nat Turner and Harriet Tubman are just a couple of examples. In the Caribbean and South America there was the Garifuna, the Maroons, and many others, some of whom never made it to the slave auction docks. Instead, they killed the sailors and took control of the slave ships.
Toussaint Louverture in Haiti defeated the French to gain freedom almost 100 years before American slaves gained their freedom. Come on man! Wise up and stop the self-righteous foolishness that conservative ideology is twisting your mind toward.
I see you and many others like yourself who they have recruited to whitewash history by telling us that we have choice while they continue to heard us by Instinct and Desire. Black Consciousness won’t let it happen because there are other ways to achieve prosperity without selling one’s Soul.