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Robert Mugabe Deserves Respect

Robert Mugabe is a AfRAkan hero!
In the early hours of Nov 15th, 2017, news broke that Robert Mugabe, president of Zimbabwe had been removed from office by his country’s army. The details of his ouster are not well known, however, Army leaders in Zimbabwe are refusing to call it a Coup. Instead they say Mugabe is safely under house arrest as part of a military action to root out criminal elements in the government. Whatever the outcome of the situation turns out to be I think it is safe to say that Mugabe’s rule of Zimbabwe is over.
Many people are no doubt rejoicing at Mugabe’s demise, some inside Zimbabwe, other regions of Afraka, and especially in the Western world. All three areas hate him for three different reasons, none of which are valid if he is to be judged as a man who loves his race, his country and Afraka; his personal imperfections notwithstanding.
Mugabe rose to power in the 1980s as part of a rebel uprising against foreign influence in Zimbabwe; namely White rule. They gained independence from Britain by force, changed the country’s name from Rhodesia to Zimbabwe and held elections, which Mugabe won. The country immediately began to experience turmoil as the losing parties began to fight back physically as well as through economic sabotage.
Mugabe’s main opposition came from the other rebel groups, which helped to free Zimbabwe from British rule. They felt they should have been rewarded with a share of power. When they realized that they were double-crossed they began to stoke tribal conflicts within the country. They also sought help from Western backers who steered them away from Socialist ideologies and trained them to fight Mugabe using Human Rights and Ethics.
The Whites of Zimbabwe were the most outraged. Although their population was small, they owned most of the land and commercial wealth of Zimbabwe. (I guess Ethics are only reserved for the so-called civilized) They immediately began to move their money out of the country and with the help of Western financial agencies and governments began a covert operation to bankrupt the Zimbabwe government.
Mugabe saw all the unethical things that Western governments were doing to sabotage Zimbabwe so he lashed out. He taunted Britain and the Queen as well as to implement a land seizure policy against White farmers. Many White farmers were killed in the process as poor Afrakans invaded White owned farms and took over; never mind they didn’t have the expertise or know how to farm themselves.
Throughout his rule, Mugabe fought crippling Western sanctions that sunk Zimbabwe into financial obscurity. National pride eventually eroded into despair as the quality of life for everyday Zimbabweans fell year after year. Mugabe developed a dependence on financial help from his original backers in China, which only sunk the country further in debt. Then he was labeled a Dictator when he refused to step aside and let someone else rule.
Was Mugabe power hungry or was he afraid that open Democracy would open the doors to foreign influence? The fact that the country’s opposition leaders were groomed in the West is the proof of the latter. Revolution is one thing, governing in a fair, equitable, and accountable manner is another. Such a task requires deep understanding of Life and reality, a quality that is also absent from all world leaders.
In essence, Mugabe failed as a leader because he is susceptible to the mechanisms of Life just like Europeans. That is, his personal Desires grew to corrupt his Conscience. He grew to believe that only his solutions could guide Zimbabwe for all time. His final misstep was to begin grooming his wife to take leadership of his political party as well as the government, a move that angered his comrades so they acted in his removal from power.
Why is Robert Mugabe a hero? Mugabe is a hero because he attempted to show AfRAkans a glimpse at true freedom.
Europeans live by the motto “Live Free or Die”, a motto that they reserve for themselves. Indigenous people of the planet have been colonized and put under subjugations to them. Freedom has to be fought for but even when it is achieved physically, the economic chains are enhanced and secured. (Ask Haiti about that) The result is that most former colonies exist in a state of false independence to enrich the homeland.
Never let dumb newscasters or political experts brain wash you with the narrative that Mugabe ruined his country. Mugabe was not perfect. He did not always govern using Fairness, Equity, and Accountability but he is the only Afrakan leader who dared to break the chains of colonial influence and for that he deserves respect.