Tag Archives: brain cells

Famine Devistating Somalia Again

Somalia is being devastated by famine again. Is it more proof that Africans lack perception or are there hidden factors at play?

Major news sources are reporting that Somalis is in the midst of another deadly famine yet neither the United Nations or the Somali government has made a famine declaration yet. Hundreds of men, women, children, and livestock have already died of starvation and the drought that is affecting the region is getting worse. Drought in the region is not new yet there never seems to be any preparation for their inevitability.

Of course, there are lessons to be learned in all situations but some might say that the midst of despair is the wrong time for conjecture. They will also say that this is the time to take action to help Somalians in anyway we can. I say this is the perfect time for analysis because we need to address the stereotype that Black people lack perception.

Major online news outlets have comment sections on their websites and these comment sections are filled with racists who love to bathe their brain cells in the Dopamine that spewing hatred for Black people produces. Yesterday, I was on one news website that I won’t mention, reading an article on the Somalian drought. After the article there were many comments and if you were to read comments about African famines 10 years ago, these comments would be the same because the hate never changes.

I saw comments like, “If we keep feeding them, they will keep breeding. Let’s send them birth control instead of food.” And the classic, “Why can’t they learn how to grow food?” The sensible thing to do as a Black person would be to ignore the racism as we always do but I for one, hate to hide my head in the sand like an Ostrich. I know that aside from the hate, there are many truths in what these devils are saying.

What is perception and why do Africans seem to always be ill-equipped to handle disasters?

Perception is defined as the process or state of being aware of something by way of one’s Senses. Alternative words for perception include; awareness and consciousness. Therefore, to say that a person lacks perception means that they do not process information well or they are not intelligent. When a person is described as being perceptive, it means that they are insightful, intuitive, and most of all; wise. We all know that Africans are very smart people so why does the rest of the world label Africans as not being perceptive?

Contrary to popular belief, famine is not caused by drought; famine is caused by lack of preparation. Drought is caused when a prolonged lack of precipitation (rainfall) results in a lack of vegetation growth. Human life depends on other life such as plants, animals, and insects. Without rain, all these lifeforms cannot exist in a region. Somalia is no stranger to droughts. The country is located in a region of Africa where rain might fall only a few times per year or not at all. When rain doesn’t fall for several years at a time, the situation is referred to as a drought.

The wise thing to do when you live in a drought-stricken region is to prepare for drought. People who live in cold climates call it “making Hay when the Sun shines”. In Somalia’s case, it would be stockpiling enough food for themselves and their animals in the rainy seasons. The truth of the matter is that Somalians have being doing that; however, several other factors are contribution to the famine this time. The real contributors of the famine in Somalia this time are Climate Change and prolonged Islamist sectarian Wars.

What is the HERU Interface?

HERU Interface

What is the HERU Interface?

The Heru Interface is a new operating system for human consciousness. An interface is a bridge between two platforms or devices that facilitates communication and interaction. For that reason, an interface can be considered an operating system. Common interfaces for operating computers are Windows and Mac OS. Common operating systems for understanding life and reality are religion and science.

The word HERU is an acronym that stands for Highest Exponential Reasoning and Understanding. It is an acronym that was defined by Professor Momoh of the Dohgon University of Thought. It is such a fitting description for how to use your Mind to control your Brain that we have adapted it as a moniker for our cause.

The word Heru is synonymous with the “Eye of Heru” symbol that has become a pop culture icon. From TV network icons to body art, the Eye of Heru is recognized and admired universally as a symbol of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. Without true wisdom, its use is purely one-dimensional however.

The word Heru is also a translation for the Greek word Horus. Heru was a protector god in Egyptian mythology. He was symbolically depicted as a man with a Falcon’s head. Falcons are predator birds that roam high in the sky and possess very sharp vision to spot the smallest prey on the ground. They were therefore characterized as being “all-seeing”.

In order for something to be “all seeing” it has to possess universal awareness. Unfortunately, there is no entity that knows everything except the Great Spirit that created the Universe. We do not recognize that spirit as god because all gods are limited by the ideologies that describe them. Gods also require praise and obedience while the Great Spirit requires nothing.

We recognize the Great Spirit as abstract Pure Dark Energy. Science also recognizes it (in part) as the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum. It cannot exist in the physical world but it acts to regulate and manipulate it. Simply put, the Great Spirit is a Mind. It transforms its abstract energy into physical matter through a special process that is defined in Dohgon Science.

The Carbon core of Stars are portals between physical and abstract realms. The Great Spirit first created the Elements and Life then through Life it created Humans. Humans and some other aspects of Life exist as a Duality because we are both physical and Abstract. We can tap into the Great Spirit using the energy generated by electricity passing between nerve endings in our Brains. That energy creates the Electro-Magnetic field we call our Minds.

At some time in its existence Life switched from simply existing to a pursuit of Universal Awareness. Life is using every tool at its disposal to achieve its ultimate goal including sacrificing parts of itself. Life is bound to the physical therefore it can only manipulate by physical means using Mechanisms centered on Desire.

The only reward for Human activity is Happiness, which is facilitated by the hormone Dopamine. That is why all human activity is now centered around a constant Pursuit of Happiness to the point of Addiction and death. We want and desire beauty, pleasure, wealth, prosperity, good health, and ultimately to live forever.

The Great Spirit is active within us in the form of Conscience, which is the only balance for Desire. Conscience transforms Desire into Love by inducing brain cells to produce Oxytocin alongside Dopamine. Conscience also encourages Fairness, Equity, and Accountability in the human psyche.

The pillars of Conscience are the foundation of true Black Consciousness. You can never be too Conscious but you can be Desire Dependent, which means that you are a servant to Life. In such a condition your Mind is ruled by the Desires of Life. You will want and desire unnatural beauty, sexual pleasure, power, and anything else that gets your Dopamine flowing.

The Heru Interface is a new way of thinking and perceiving the world. It encourages people to think consciously instead of unconsciously. Unethical thinking is a byproduct of the mechanisms of life but since we are bound to Life we need to help Life to flourish and grow in an ethical way instead of in the corrupt and unethical ways we are witnessing today.

Uncontrolled Desire is The Root Cause Of Drug Addiction In Society

The level of illicit drug addiction in society is soaring at alarming levels. Highly addictive drugs such as Fentanyl and OxyContin are now responsible of hundreds of deaths across North America. Authorities are scrambling feverishly to find solutions to the problem but while a percentage of the problem is the fault of Drug companies knowingly dismissing the addictive side-effects of their drugs; the significant portion is due to recreational drug use. At the HERU Interface of Black Consciousness, we believe that Uncontrolled Desire is root cause of drug addiction in society.

Addiction occurs when Brain Cells that are responsible for triggering the release of hormones (Dopamine, in particular) to facilitate happiness become damaged. The Cells usually become damaged due to over stimulation from triggers (outside substances that enter the Brain) then they get stuck in a repetitive cycle of calling for constant triggering to release Dopamine. 

Triggers can be natural or artificial and take people beyond happiness into a state of euphoria. Some natural and potent triggers are found in the Marijuana plant and the Coca plant used to produce Cocaine. Medical Science discovered that while some natural substances made people happy, they also alleviated pain.

In the late 18th century Doctors began to use many of these substances to treat pain but when doctor’s egos and big business got involved in the pharmaceutical industry everything changed. In order to gain fame and increase profits stronger, faster, and more effective substances had to be found to outperform competition and maximize profits. Scientists began to peer into to the molecular composition of Nerve Cells, singled out the molecules that carry pain signals back to Brain and designed chemicals to shut them off.

Among the various side effects, which occur depending on the drug, is also the effect on Dopamine releasing Brain Cells. That means that Addiction is a side-effect and not the function of most drugs. That is the excuse that Drug Companies use to justify the potency of their drugs. They then wash their hands of the responsibility of Addiction and blame addiction on individuals and society.

The root cause of the majority of drug addictions in society is due to uncontrolled desire. In other words, most drug abusers simply do not understanding how fickle their brains are. They experiment with dangerous drugs believing that they will have the will-power to overcome the after-effects but if people cannot turn on euphoria without taking drugs, what makes them think they can direct their brain cells to heal themselves after they fry them with drugs.

It’s all societys’ fault at the core because there is a constant trend towards profit over common sense that insures that the fight against drug overdose deaths will continue unabated. Meanwhile the only reaction from drug companies is to continue to profit off selling one drug to counter the effects of another.