Tag Archives: black

Trump Is Not a Racist Says Black Victims of Conscience hijacking

Social media is certainly broadening our individual scopes of influence, enabling us to interact with people with a wider range of ideas and opinions. While most people use the advantage that social media provides to connect with other like-minded people so that they can bond, I prefer to use social media to understand human behavior.

Back in 2016 when Trump was elected president, a lot of Black people were shocked to know that hundreds of thousands of other Black people voted for him given his apparent racist tendencies. The general consensus among Liberal Blacks was that Black Trump supporters were all Uncle Toms but I had a different opinion; I recognized that most Black Trump supporters were victims of Conscience Hijacking. 

I thought my assessment of conservative Blacks was unique (silly me) until I actually researched it and found that Conscience hijacking is an actual medical condition. Conscience hijacking is a form of psychological manipulation in which an individual is coerced into making decisions or taking actions that are contrary to their own moral beliefs or values.

Also, it is a form of psychological manipulation that can be used to influence a person’s behavior and decisions. It is often used to manipulate people into doing something they would not normally do, such as making a purchase, signing a contract, or supporting a racist.    

Since 2016, I’ve seen an increasing number of Black people on social media defending and trying to prove that Trump is not a racist even though his own actions and words betray him. The most telling indication of his true character was having to be forced to denounce racism, which was getting more blatent since his emergence on the political scene and all he could say was that “there are good people on both sides.” In actuality, his racial indifferences go way back.      

In 1989, Donald Trump took out full-page ads in four New York City newspapers calling for the death penalty for the Central Park Five, a group of black and Latino teenagers who were wrongfully convicted of a rape. In 2011, Trump questioned whether President Obama was born in the United States, suggesting he was not a legitimate president. Although he was not the first to say it, it was a racist attack on America’s first Black president that he popularized. During the election campaign in 2015, Trump referred to Mexican immigrants as “rapists” and “criminals”.

While serving as president of the most powerful and “so-called” ethical country on the planet Trump reportedly referred to African nations as “shithole countries” during a meeting with lawmakers. A year later in 2018, Trump reportedly did it again by referred to immigrants from Haiti and African countries as coming from “shithole countries” during a meeting with lawmakers. In 2019, Trump reportedly referred to a group of four Democratic congresswomen of color as “a bunch of communists” and told them to “go back” to their countries of origin.

With all these examples of Trump harboring racist views, why are so many Black people defending him? Black Trump supporters’ site several reasons such as the Democratic Party’s history of exploiting the Black community without improving it, Trumps focus on bringing jobs back to America, his tough on crime policies, and his reforming of the criminal justice system that directly benefits Black Americans.

These are all good deeds that cannot be discounted; however, only one of these things fall under acts of Conscience, which is being tough on crime. Fortunately for Trump being tough on crime solidified support with evangelicals, who then gave him their whole moral agenda portfolio, which includes Abortion abolition, Gender conformity, and the defending and spreading of Christianity over other religions in society.

I support strict law and order, I respect ambitious people, and I despise immorality. In most countries that would make me a political conservative but as a conservative minded Black person, it would be easy to compromise my conscience if I didn’t live using a “Race First” policy. That doesn’t mean that when we live using a race first policy, racists cannot hijack our conscience and use it to gain and maintain power over us; it simply makes it harder for them to do.

The ultimate solution is to harness the political power of all Black people of Conscience who think race first to create a political movement of our own.  

What Does the Rise of Anti-West African Dictators Mean?

What does the rise of anti-West African dictators mean? Is it sign that Africans are finally waking up and are deciding to cut the final strings of European colonization, is it just another form of foreign manipulation that Africans are too dumb to realize or is it simply an excuse to engage in the same old corruption and power-grab culture that African leaders can’t seem to overcome within their personalities? I hope that anti-west political sentiments in Africa will lead to greater African unity but I know that that will never happen until Africans adopt a single Afro-centric spiritual belief system so until then, here is what I believe is really going on in African politics.

Back in early 2023 when Kamala Harris visited several African countries, I stated that it was a sign for African leaders to step-up their “hustle game”. Unfortunately, no one understood what I meant. Politics at any level is a “leveraging game”. It is an opportunity to use the power that you have to get what you need, not for yourself but for the constituents you represent and the country you serve. Most African leaders overlook their duty and fall into corruption for personal gain. Some might say it’s a racial flaw that keeps Black and African people at a sub-civilized level of existence but I know that the real problem is that we don’t have our own spiritual belief system to support our conscience.

African leaders possess the greatest leveraging power in the world right now but unfortunately, they don’t use it. They don’t leverage the power of their natural resources to gain economic clout in both the East and West the same way China used the resource of the cheap labor of their citizens to become the 2nd largest economy in the world. Instead, the inverse happens. Eastern and Western leaders go into African countries and dictate economic conditions, both by putting African countries in debt to the World Bank and by tying Aid to Trade. The result is that African countries receive pennies for their natural resources compared to the thousands of dollars the same resource costs in developed countries.

In the past few months, several African countries have experienced military and political coups. The new leaders of every one of those countries have expressed the same sentiments, which is that they are tired of being used and exploited by the West. In each scenario we also see people waving Russian and Chinese flags as if they’ve actually gained freedom from exploitation. In actuality, what they’ve done is simply exchanged one exploiter for another. Now instead of getting social and economic Aid for natural resources, what they will have to do is build their military might by buying weapons from Russia and China to defend the paranoia that will grow within their leaderships. They will buy so much guns, bombs, and tanks that they will resemble North Koreans in black face.

No, the rise of anti-West dictators in Africa will not sever the strings of foreign economic exploitation and it will not improve the political leveraging power of African leaders. It will also not improve the sanity of African leaders by encouraging a greater use of their consciences. Finally, the rise of anti-west African dictators will not improve the lives of common Africans. What it will do is cause more death and destruction by itchy-fingered military soldiers on people who are already suffering. I’m not telling you what to do Africans, I’m just telling you like it is.

It’s Time for Unity-Seeking Black People to Ditch Twitter

Twitter was undoubtedly one of the most influential social media platforms, providing a space for people to express their thoughts, share news, and engage in conversations. However, for black people, this platform often fell short of delivering a safe and empowering experience. This dichotomy became even more evident after Elon Musk took it over and removed most of the platform’s safeguards. Several similar platforms have been created as saner alternatives; so, if Black people truly want to become self-empowered in the social media space, its time to ditch Twitter.   

Black people love to talk about racial unity but most of us lack the self-discipline to achieve that ultimate goal. There are several main obstacles that hinder black racial unity. These obstacles can vary depending on the specific context and country, but some common ones include: religious and spiritual beliefs, lack of leadership, different social and political ideologies, and different priorities and agendas. These differences are the same in society at-large; therefore, a lot of Black people find it easier to develop bonds around these issues outside of our race.

In the old days, some of the only ways to spread information and develop social consensus around issues that affect us as Black people was to hold town hall meetings or to spread news through word of mouth. Social media then came along to became an essential tool for us to discuss and express issues. Unfortunately, we as a race failed to understand that if we don’t control the platforms that we spend our time developing racial consensus on, those platforms will never have our best interests at heart. In essence, they exist solely to profit off of us, to control what we think about, and dictate narratives to us.

I’ve heard it said that its Black people who build brands. Whether it be fashion brands or consumer brands, most brands don’t achieve multi-billion-dollar status until Black people adopt and popularize them for other races then to swagger-jack the things we like. That means that if there wasn’t a conscious effort to keep social media sites like Blaqsbi exclusively Black, it would probably be as big a Facebook by now. Unfortunately, the term “build it and they will come” is not synonymous with Black unity.  

I understand that a lot of people depend on Twitter for communication, information, and for business. I still have a Twitter account but I don’t use Twitter for anything more than sharing my posts so I’ve never cared what Elon Musk has done there since he became CEO. To me, Musk is giving Black people a gift in the form of an opportunity to build racial unity away from his white supremacy rat hole of a platform and many of us are but instead of joining racially conscious platforms like Blaqsbi or Spill, a lot of Black people are rushing to join Threads, ran by another Black culture exploiter.

Ditching Twitter or any of the other exploiter ran social media platforms won’t be easy but we must understand that no race of people can ever develop self-sufficiency by building the businesses of other races.

Big Bang Theory Wrong, This Is How The Universe Was Created

How was the Universe Created? This is a question that most people are confident that they can answer but keep in mind that all the answers that you will get are all theories. The two most popular answers are derived from scientific and superstition. Science theorize that the Universe was created by a Big Bang and religion says it was created by a God but the Dohgon are confident in their Egg of Creation theory, which was inspired from a Sirius source.

The Dohgon are a reclusive tribe of people in Mali, West Afraka who believe that the physical Universe emerged from an abstract realm, which consists of Pure Dark Energy. Pure Dark Energy (PDE) may be thought of as Pure Intelligence, a Mind, the Great Spirit, or God. The only thing that they ask is to not think that PDE is or is similar the God of popular religion, which is an egotistical being that travels around the Universe creating people that will praise and worship him.

PDE or the Great Spirit exists as abstract energy and physical matter simultaneously but if you know anything about Astronomy then you also know that the Universe is 99% abstract energy. Scientists refer to the vast majority of abstract dark energy as Dark Matter or Anti-Matter but those are just cool names to place-hold something they can’t study so they put it on the backburner for later.

Just like how the Dohgon were provided by their ancestors from Sirius with insights into the workings of planets, solar systems and the movements of faraway stars, they were also provided with insights into the properties of PDE and how PDE created the Universe. They refer to this knowledge as the Egg of Creation. Professor Momoh of the Dohgon University of Thought explains the Dohgon Egg of Creation this way. Although PDE is abstract energy, it exists in the form of waves and those waves have different lengths depending on pressure they experience.

Dohgon cosmogony refers to PDE waves as Harmonic waves. Each wave has a color, a number, and a sound beginning at the source, which is zero blackness. 1 is red, 2 is yellow, 3 is green, 4 is blue, 5 is purple, and so on. The only place in the Universe where abstract waves can develop enough pressure to transform into physical matter is inside the core of a Star. The process of matter development is laid out in this formula PE(Pure Energy)=1-2-3-4 9-8 27 99-100.

Religious people are steadfast in their belief that their God created the Universe for them to enjoy as long as they believe and keep worshiping him. Scientists also say they are confident in their Big Bang theory but are having to adjust the theory every time they discover something new about the Universe. Dohgons may appear to be primitive and backwards but their history is too great to dismiss. They had a hand in building the Pyramids and they know detailed Astronomy without the use of telescopes so why wouldn’t I believe in their Egg of Creation story.

Ghana Issues Oxytocin Warning

Ghana’s FDA (Food and Drug Authority) has issued a warning to pharmacies, hospitals, and health facilities to stop administering and distributing Oxytocin to the public. They say that the drug is currently unregistered in the country and therefore poses a health danger. They say the reason for the warning is because the product is not tested but I suspect that they are fully aware that Oxytocin can be used as an aphrodisiac or date rape drug.

I came across this news alert recently while browsing the net and it immediately caught my attention because I first became aware of Oxytocin as part of my studies at the Dohgon University of Thought. I learned that Oxytocin is a good hormone that is produced when Conscience meets Desire. However, medically speaking; Oxytocin is a hormone that is produced in the hypothalamus gland in the Brain and released into the bloodstream.

Oxytocin is known as the “love hormone” because it plays a role in social bonding, sexual reproduction, and childbirth. Oxytocin is released during physical contact, such as hugging, cuddling, and kissing, and it is also released during sexual activity. It helps to promote feelings of trust, empathy, and connection. In the body, Oxytocin helps to stimulate uterine contractions during labor, and it also helps to stimulate the production of breast milk

In this age of technology coupled with greed and unethical human activity, even a good hormone such as Oxytocin can have a bad side and it shouldn’t be hard for most people to figure out how Oxytocin can be used unethically. Manufactured Oxytocin can be used as a date rape drug. In other words; it can be used to alter emotional mood by arousing sexual desire in people. All it would take is a few drops into the food or drink of that person.  

The source of most black-market drugs including Oxytocin are Indian and Chinese drug companies. American drug companies engineer the drugs and contract their production out to India and China. These countries copy the formulas and create generic drugs, which they sell at a massive discount to poor countries. That doesn’t make American drug companies more ethical than those in India and China, the goal in all cases is to make money.

When countries ban generic drugs, those drugs don’t go away. They will still thrive on the black market where there are no regulations as to how they are used. In the case of Oxytocin, that pandora is already out of the box and can never be put back in. Indian and Chinese companies will continue to push its sale in Africa, no matter the consequence. Ghana’s FDA can only do their best to regulate it at this point. 

Kanye West Humbled by His Unethical God

News travels fast in the information age so by now most people have heard that Kanye West has completely changed his stance against the Jews and has even apologized for upsetting the Black community. He did so after losing his biggest contract, which was with adidas Sports. Not surprisingly, Kanye has a lot of excuses for his behavior but unlike his idol Donald Trump, Kanye seems to be listening to his advisors. Probably his greatest advisors are his Christian therapists because it must have been them who gave him the perfect scapegoat for avoiding accountability. They told him to say that he is being humbled by God.

Damn, it was only a few weeks ago that I resolved to never write, listen, or view anything about Kanye West again but here I am like a narcissist who has nothing else to do besides giving time to someone who I’ve grown to despise.  My excuse; writing is my therapy. Plus, its not like I can avoid Kanye West because Social Media algorithms are pushing topics about him to the top of my feeds and even traditional news networks are all talking about him. So, here I am with another Kanye psychoanalysis.

Kanye West, the self-professed genius, has been upsetting the Black community with his pro-white supremacist Christian rhetoric for the past ten years but it wasn’t until he publicly attacked the Jews a few weeks ago that the financial establishment took steps to censure him. So, what did he say about the Jews that was so different from what many Blacks have been saying for decades? Nothing, yet hundreds of Black people on social media have been throwing praises his way for speaking out about Jewish exploitation of Black people in business and entertainment. It made me shake my head and wonder about our short attention spans and how we tend to support sensationalism over hard work.

In my favorite Kanye west song he said, “Excuse me; was you’ll saying something? You can’t tell me nothing” but someone should have told him to take his own advice and, “Don’t fix your lips like colagen then say something you gone end up apolagen”. As I said, I used to be a Kanye fan but because of his religious and political antics I’ve stepped away.

What entertains me about Kanye West’s apology to the Jews and the Black community is the slickness behind his apology. It shows how easily religious belief can be manipulated and twisted in an infinite number of ways to skirt individual accountability. In terms of his Jewish apology, Kanye simply said he didn’t realize that the words he used were Anti-Semetic and endicted the entire Jewish race but when it came to the Black community, his excuse was divine intervention. Kanye said that he has to apologize to the black community because God has humbled him to do so because he flaunted his wealth in the Black community’s face.

Beyond the religious mumbo-jumbo, Kanye had to apologize to the Black community because there is nowhere for him to run back to for solace other than the Black community. The Black community will now forgive and forget his past transgressions because our heroes are few and far between. He will also fall back under the wings of the angels of his God and be exalted by Black Christians as a prophet who is being persecuted for speaking his mind.

Even if Kanye loses all his wealth, he will always have a religious excuse but knowing Kanye, he might not be able to handle to much more humbling before he starts publicly lashing out at his God. I can even guarantee that at some point we will see him dragging a huge wooden cross through some city street as a statement of his perceived personal persecution.  

Respect to General Sara Suten Seti

Respect to General Sara Suten Seti, the last man standing of the Web2.0 Black Consciousness era. For over 15 years, General Seti has been the #1 defender of Afraka’s greatness, withstanding personal, historical, and territorial attacks from religious idealists, Black ignoranimals, and white supremacists. This is an endorsement, not admiration because conscious minded people do not admire, or worship people, places, and things; we acknowledge and respect those who deserve respect.

Contrary to popular belief, Black Consciousness didn’t begin on social media, better known as the Web2.0 ara. Black Consciousness has been around for decades because it begins the moment a Black person wakes up and realizes that his or her troubles are not about tribalism, culture, or religion; it’s actually his race that is under attack. Unfortunately, we as a race haven’t been able to mount a unified defense as yet.

The reasons why we fail are many but the most common is our propensity to use the indoctrinations of our oppressors to fight our oppressors, not realizing that it only drives us further into mental slavery. For instance; many great religious Black leaders have risen up in the past but while they were successful in securing certain freedoms for Black people, the disrespect for the Black Race still remains. Most of us don’t realize that respect has to be earned but how can we hope to earn respect when other races have successfully destroyed our history and implanted theirs inside us?

Forget all the nonsense about American indigenousness, Black history began in Afraka. White Supremacists came close to destroying our history by omitting it from school curriculums and banning and burying books by Black scholars but thanks to people like Sara Suten Seti and a few others on social media, the minds of our youth are still being inspired to find the real truth of our Afrakan heritage.

Black respect comes in two forms, which are internal and external. Internal respect is achieved when a Black person becomes proud of his or her blackness. His or her desires will then be transformed into loving his or her physical appearance and desiring to maintain it.

External Black respect is achieved when other races respect our legacy and contribution to world history. This can only be achieved when we unearth our buried history and couple it with an effective Afrakan Spiritual belief system that we can depend on for strength and inspiration. Trying to claim the legacy of other races is not only foolish, it will never garner respect.

Some people might say that people like Sara Suten Seti are useless distractions to the reality we face as troubled race. That is because most of us who care about our state of existence are happy in our indoctrinations. We are either happy Christians, Muslims, or Agnostics and have no time for nontraditional forms of spiritual and social comforts because we believe that Time, the great equalizer, will work everything out.

However, the minds of Black youth are no longer in Churches and Mosques, they’re on social media being influenced by all sorts of mis-information and as most people can see, even the most powerful white supremacists have adopted social media as a tool for spreading confusion. Therefore, if our Black Race defenders are not on social media, they’re missing the boat in insuring that the next generation of Back youth won’t be drowned in the sea of anti-Blackness.

I’ve been watching Sara Suten Seti on social media for over ten years and while many other so-called Ghetto scholars have come and gone, he has been steadfast in his presentation and defense of Egyptology, which was not the only but is the most noticeable ancient Afrakan civilization. My divergence from what he and others teach and preach about Egyptology is the belief that we can regain Black respect by readopting ancient traditions and beliefs.

I don’t believe that returning to the traditions and practices of our Afrakan ancestors is the answer to our woes. We can admire Egyptian architecture and spiritual practices all day but the key is to understand the psychology behind it all. I believe that greater things will come when we begin to use the inspirations of Afraka’s greatness to create greater systems for today. As long as there are people like Sara Suten Seti around to keep the Afrakan narrative in the diaspora alive, it will inspire new Black minds towards that goal.

That is why I respect Sara Suren Seti.

Hate is a Form of Happiness

They say hate is the opposite of love but that’s not true; hate is actually a form of happiness. This statement can be validated by the universal truism, “people love to hate”. Love itself is the epitome of happiness and not a polar attribute of human behavior. The only two polar attributes of human behavior are Conscience and Desire.

There were numerous incidents in the news this past week that support my belief that hate is a form of happiness but I will focus on just two in particular. The first incident involved the voting in of the first Black female Supreme Court Judge in American history. Republican Senators tried their darndest to block her appointment from the very moment her name came up as a candidate and there are only two reasons why.

The two reason why Republicans hate Ketanji Brown-Jackson is because she is Black and she is not a conscious supporter of white supremacy. She does unconsciously support white supremacy but that is a topic for a separate discussion. You could actually see the hate bubbling up in Republican Senator’s faces like pimples and hear the poisonous venom in their speeches and comments.

If you don’t live in an environment of racial hate, it might make you wonder how people can maintain such hate. You might even believe within yourself that such behavior is making those people sick but when you think about the hundreds of years and generations of hate that they have maintained then you will understand that, to them, hate has become a form of happiness.

The second incident that supports my belief that hate is a form of happiness is the killing of Ukrainian civilians by Russian troops. I promised myself that I wouldn’t write about the Russia-Ukraine war anymore because there is no benefit for Black people except to learn about human nature. Unfortunately, most Black people are too busy trying to survive than to worry about the risks we have to endure in foreign lands and against White, Arab, and Asian supremacists.

The result is that we get trapped by adopting the ideologies other Races indoctrinate us with and that they project into the world. Now I see Black people trying to defend Russia because of the personal hate they harbor for White America. White supremacists have been oppressing us so long that of course our hate for them is justified. Unfortunately, Russia “sticking it to the American Empire” by way of annexing Ukraine is a form of Black happiness that we somehow believe will benefit us in the long run.

Let’s analyze the truth of the Russia Ukraine war. The Russian narrative in the war is that they are trying to defend themselves against American and Western aggression. They say they don’t want Ukraine to join NATO because it would allow America to place their military closer to the Russian border, which is an existential threat. Nonsense! Russia is the largest country in the world but unfortunately, they are far from being the most economically prosperous.

There are only two reasons why Russia fears American and none involve military power. The truth is that Russia only fears America culturally and economically. America’s greatest economic resource is Technology, which they export to foreign lands through business development. Setting up businesses in foreign lands has the residual effect of influencing the culture of those regions. Eventually, the people of those regions become open to the idea of “pursuing individual happiness” instead of being subjected to government regulated Socialism or Dictatorship.

The real question we should all be pondering before we choose sides in other people’s conflicts is how will being happy for one side or the other rest with our Conscience. If we desire to keep using hate as a form of happiness then we will only continue to dwell in the same pit as the white supremacists in black and white face who permeate American politics. That doesn’t mean that we should forgive and forget as their religions tells us to do but they don’t do, it simply means that we should focus on more conscientious ways of generating happiness.

Most Creation Stories are Nonsense

afrakanA Zimbabwean Spiritualist recently declared that it was time for him to reveal a big secret about the creation of the world. He stated that in the beginning, in the region of Ethiopia, God decided to create 3 Races of people; Whites, Arabs, and Blacks. Each race was agreed to rule the world for a period of time in rotation. The Whites ruled first then the Arabs then the Blacks. During the time of Black rule, the world experienced so much peace and prosperity that the other races got jealous and decided to end Black rule before our time was over.

The White and Arab races got together in secret and unleashed genocide on the Black race. They killed all Black people except a mother and her two children; a boy and a girl. The mother and children escaped into the region of Zimbabwe where they hid inside a cave for a very long time. While inside the cave they engaged in incestuous practices which repopulated the Black race. While inside the cave they also discovered the largest source of Gold in the world. The Black race used the Gold to rebuild our wealth and we began to prosper again.

Thousands of years later the other races noticed the prosperity of the Black race so they decided to finish the job they started and get rid of us once and for all. They came very friendly but after discovering the cave where our Gold was being mined they began to kill us again. They fought very fiercely and took over Zimbabwe but they couldn’t kill off Black people so they enslaved us instead. They renamed the country Rhodesia and named the mine, King Solomon’s Mine. Black people lived under oppression until Robert Mugabe took Zimbabwe back from them but the war to exterminate the Black race is still going on.    

First of all, no disrespect to those who trust and believe in the traditional Creation stories of their Ancestors. Those stories are very important in expanding the imagination of children however, when we grow up and acquire knowledge about the world around us, we need to step up our game and come up with more Ethical Creation stories about life and why we exist.

All indigenous people around the world have their own creation stories. The Aboriginals of Australia have their own Creation stories. New Zealanders and other South Pacific people have their own Creation story. Native Americans have their own Creation stories, and so do Asians and so on. Of course, Africans can claim to have the original Creation story because science has come to a consensus that Africans were the first humans but whatever Creation story we invent must always be based on Ethics.

Unfortunately, the Creation story that this Zimbabwean Spiritual medium describes is not very Ethical at all. It tears at the fabric of reality and disrespects the true Ethical nature of the Universe. It’s no different from the Creation story of Europeans and their Bible because it describes a being (God) that creates other beings for his own amusement without considering the consequences. Before this so-called God created the 3 Races, did he not know that conflict would arise between the Races?

Instead of being ruled by the circumstance of our existence, we must begin to turn the tide and take control of our own destiny. We need to learn how to extract wisdom from the things that we rely on for personal comfort but never advance us or provide protection from the inequities of life. For instance; what is “ruling” and why do people need to “Rule”? This is an unethical concept that originates from the belief that humans need to be herded like cattle for our own safety and protection against outside forces.

The Zimbabwean spiritualist states that Africans are being killed because of the Gold we own. Why are we so fascinated with Gold? Why can’t we see that Gold is simply a shiny non-corrosive metal that provides pleasure to our Sense of Sight. Things that provide pleasure to our Senses can make us Desire Dependent when we become obsessed by them. The truth is that other races don’t fight us because of our Gold; they fight us because they Desire to rule everything that they can use to enrich themselves. Those things could be the land, water, air, food, or our labor.

afrakanHow do we know that most Creation stories from religious people and mystics are nonsense? We know that most Creation stories are nonsense because we understand human psychology. There are three key elements that every fake Creation story possesses. The first thing is that every author of a creation story inserts themselves as the “chosen” people of the story. The second thing is that there is always a promise of riches in exchange for loyalty and obedience to a god. And the third thing is that people always want to live forever.

The Great Spirit that is the Universe is not a God. That is why all so-called spiritual mediums have such a hard time deciphering reality. They all fail to understand how reality was created so they attribute creation to the work of a god. They also believe that their god wants praise for creating the world so they view every Desirable thing in the world as a gift and a commodity. That is why they view Gold as being a gift that everyone will fight for. They don’t realize that Carbon, which is the dullest and blackest element, is really the most valuable substance on Earth.  

Life was not created by a god; Life was created by the Great Spirit that is the Universe, which is a Mind. Humans were also created by the Great Spirit as a way of experiencing its own creation. In the process, the energy of the Great Spirit generates a lesser Spirit inside every creature it creates. That energy begins as a Soul before it matures into a Spirit. Every Soul has independent thought but is connected to every other Life as part of a collective consciousness.

That means that Life is a conscious entity similar to the Great Spirit. The difference between the Life entity and the Great Spirit is Life is conscious but lacks universal awareness, therefore it is using every living creature, including humans as tools to gain knowledge. Life also cannot create new Life; it can only work with what has already been created and corrupt it even more using its various mechanisms. For this reason, Life does not care how we are born as long as it can extract knowledge from our existence.  

The mechanisms that Life uses are responsible for corrupting existence as we know it. The primary mechanism that Life uses is Desire. The process happens inside our Brain and involves a Craving and a Chemical reward in the form of Dopamine. In other words, Life targets our Senses in order to encourage us to pursue pleasure; better known as Desire. Unfortunately, our Desires can lead us into Addiction. That is why money is not the root of evil; the Love of money is the root of evil. Gold is simply a shiny metal that we have placed a value on and now fight over because it is Desirable.  

afrakanWhy doesn’t the Great Spirit intervene and correct Life before Life destroys itself? The short answer is, it is. The Great Spirit operates in Life as our Conscience. Do you hate evil, corruption and inequity? Do you wish that life was a better place to exist? If so, then the Great Spirit is working through you to do something to correct Life. Do not be weak by giving up and accepting evil into your life like all those people who have turned to worshiping demons. Take inspiration from the principles of the HERU Interface and develop your own Ethical Spiritual beliefs.

Creation stories have a purpose. They are either designed to provide answers to the numerous questions people have about Life or they are designed to make those who create them believe that they are a part of an exclusive and important community of people. Unfortunately, most creation stories are unethical or do not make sense so before you believe anyone’s account of the creation of the world, use your Common Sense and ask how that Creation story resulted in the world as it is now.

Kanye West Rebuilding Uncle Tom’s Cabin In Wyoming

Kanye West

Kanye West is rebuilding Uncle Tom’s Cabin in Wyoming and plans to turn it into a church after becoming president of the United States.

Most people already know that Kanye West is a little off in the way he interprets reality compared to most people. In fact, he has admitted publicly that he has bipolar disorder, a mental condition that brings on medium to severe mood swings and even depression. I sympathize with the brother however; bipolar disorder is a pretty common ailment that affects almost 6 million Americans so why don’t we see more people acting the way Kanye does? The answer is because Kanye also suffers from Uncle Tom Syndrome.

Most Black people have a good idea what is meant when Black people refer to other Black people as being “Uncle Toms”. It means that that they are sell-outs to their blackness. The term “Uncle Tom” actually comes from a very influential anti-slavery book written in the mid 1800s by a white school teacher who stole the book’s idea from a Black man. The book became so popular among Christian white northerners that many people now believe that it was a key fuel for the abolitionist movement. Even Abraham Lincoln met and congratulated her.

The book chronicles the life of a slave by the name of Tom. Although Tom suffered many injustices at the hands of white people, he made friends with many of them, even saving the life of a drowning white child. The main reason for Tom`s open-mindedness was his Christian indoctrination. Eventually Tom was brutally murdered by white people but in his dying breath he forgave his killers. It was as if the author intended to recreate the story of Jesus using a Black man named Tom in his place.

The story worked, or should I say it worked for Liberal whites and Christian Blacks. Resentful Backs couldn’t give a damn and why should they when they keep turning the other cheek only to get slapped even worse than the first time. The reason why the book was named “Uncle Tom`s Cabin” was because after Tom`s death, his cabin was designated as a symbol of his faith in Jesus and Christians made pilgrimage to see it. A real life replica of the fictional cabin was also constructed and like in the book, people made pilgrimages to see it.

I admire the ingenuity of the Christian story concept. It was developed by religious philosophers at a time when they held as much power in society as Kings. The only problem with the concept is that it only works on the poor and disenfranchised in society. Those in power by race or class play with its fundamentals like they play a game of Golf; they cheat when no-one is watching. Most people who are interested in ethics can clearly see that Christianity as well as most of the worlds major religions have numerous flaws. The reason why most people still cling to them is either because of blind faith, tradition, or lack of alternative.

So, here comes Kanye West, a man who has too much money and doesn’t know what to do with it. From his history of chasing video models, we can’t say he operates using a high level of ethics. In his early career he had some Black Conscious views but like so many other Black people who run out of options he has chosen to adopt the philosophy of Uncle Tom. He believes that the problems of Black people are all due to a lack of faith in Jesus. Then he dissed Harriet Tubman saying she didn’t free any slaves because any Black person who is not rich is not free.

Jesus Walks down a catwalk in raggedy clothes for sale but you can’t see his face,  only his eyes. His face is covered by a superhero mask called Bipolarism that gives him power. He`s gonna be president some day you know. Bet you can’t tell him nothing! He has even built a multi-million dollar cabin way out there in Wyoming so he can conjure the spirit of Uncle Tom along with a million other dead Black Christian lost Souls to sweep over America and save Black people from their sin of not accepting Jesus.

If you wish to escape the unethical religious, political, and social concepts that rule humanity then pursue Ethics. Duty to creation is more ethical than subservience to a god or man.