Tag Archives: black people

Black People Must Defeat Our Crab in a Barrel Mentality

Every day it seems that more and more issues arise to separate the Black Race. Our oppressors are salivating knowing that they’ve done their job. The seeds of ignorance that they sowed have germinated and are growing like weeds, twisting their way around every beautiful flower in the garden of Life. These weeds of destruction must be stopped and the only way to do it is to resist our Crabs in a Barrel mentality.    

I’m sure that a lot of Black people all over the world have pondered the question of why the Black race is so dysfunctional at some time or another. There are numerous answers to this question but the most common excuses are based on our cultural, religious, and regional differences. There is one self-deprecating answer to this important question and I’ve been hearing it since I was a child. That answer is that Black people are nothing but Crabs in a barrel.

Most people do not understand the term Crabs in a Barrel. I’ve even heard people on social media questioning the term, saying that it makes no sense because Crabs don’t live in Barrels. In order to understand the term, you have to understand it’s origin. The term “Crabs in a Barrel” is a derogatory term that describes the behavior of a bunch of Crabs that have been captured and put into an open Barrel for storage before being cooked or sold for food.

Unlike Fishes that can be killed and kept for several hours before cooking, Crab meat quickly becomes toxic after a Crab dies so if you kill them, they must either be immediately frozen of cooked. Once inside a Barrel, Crabs naturally will try to climb their way out but since they don’t have the intelligence to work together, all they do is pull each other down as they try to climb up the sides of the Barrel.

Several correlations can be drawn between the state of the Black race and Crabs in a Barrel. The 1st similarity is that we do not understand the situation that we are in, in terms of containment. Some of us who were taken from our natural habitat, were brought as slaves into a different habitat or metaphoric Barrel. Black people in Africa were colonized and separated into groups based on colonial boundaries. That is another metaphoric Barrel.

The 2nd similarity is that we do not truly understand the consequences of the situations we are in and how it will eventually result in our demise. Our situation can even be compared the boiling Frog scenario. It has been shown that when a Frog is placed in a pot of water on a fire, the Frog will instinctively adjust its body temperature to cope with the rising temperature of the water in the pot. It does not know that at some point it’s coping mechanism will fail and it will die.

The 3rd similarity is that we do not seem to have the capacity to work together for our own good. Outside of instinct there is a mental ability known as Foresight and it is a trait that most Black people have long been accused of not posessing. The Dohgon were one African tribe that saw the demise of the Arab and European invasion into Egypt and migrated into isolation in West Africa.

I said all that to get to the point of my argument, which is that Black people need to resist our Crabs in a Barrel dysfunctional mentality. Social media is the driving force of the information age but while social media has so far been a great tool for opening Black minds, allowing for the unlearning of generations of colonial indoctrination, social media has become a perfect place for the Crabs in a Barrel mentality to thrive.

I consider dissenting political views and spiritual beliefs to be fare gain but when it comes to hating other Black people because of their nationality, it goes too far. I’m now seeing many Black people who have no care for racial unity, gaining enormous following on social media. These people are actively sowing seeds of disunity between Black people of different nationalities and it makes me wonder if they are Agents on a mission.

We’ve all seen the results of xenophobia in Rwanda, and South Africa but the social divisions that those situations caused will be nothing compared to the hate that is building up between a new group of Black Americans, now known as FBAs, and Black immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean. If you don’t know, FBAs claim to be indigenous Americans and don’t have any genetic connection to Africans. You can find FBAs all over social media these days claiming many outlandish things including the lie that DNA ancestry is fake.

I have just one question for any FBA leader; if you, as a Black man in America, ever gets accused of raping someone and the only way to exonerate yourself is to get a DNA test, will you refuse it because, as you say, it’s all fake? I know why you are engaging in this type of deranged behavior that is akin to the deranged behavior of your white supremacist neighbors. They’ve indoctrinated you with their psychopathic behavior so you believe that you can alter reality by hammering square pegs into round holes.

child playing with peg toySchools perform psychological assessments on children starting in kindergarten. They do so to assess cognitive abilities so that they can determine if a child will need extra attention outside of the regular curriculum. They can also tell if a child possesses aggressive or psychopathic traits. One basic tool that schools use is a Peg Block Toy in which a child is instructed to place geometric pegs into the spaces that they fit.

If a child cannot understand why a square peg will not go into a round hole, then obviously, that child will need help in managing reality. If the child persists in trying to force a square peg into a round hole and even gets angry about it, then that child is psychopathic. Recently, I watched a video on YouTube in which a Black man was claiming that America is really Egypt. He even attempted to give written and logical proof based on the history of Napoleon and early American exploration.

The worst part about the whole thing was that there were hundreds of Black people commenting saying that this guy was doing a great job revealing the true history of Black Americans. In investigating him further, I saw that his channel was filled with mis-information based on one purpose and that was his hatred of non -American Black people. To me, this is the perfect example of a Crab in a Barrel psychopathic mentality. The sad part is that he is not alone in sewing dis-unity within the Black community.

There are Crab in a Barrel Black people all over the world. Some continental Africans don’t like Western Blacks and are actively working to keep us out of Africa. There is xenophobic hatred between continental Africans and there is xenophobic hatred between Caribbean nations, American Blacks, and Africans. Some of this hate is because we do not respect one another but most of the hate is because we don’t like to see other Black people prosper.

We are happy knowing that everyone is in the same Barrel of desperation, not realizing that if enough Black people makes it out of the Barrel eventually one of those people will have the conscience to come back and help the rest.

Grand Deception Conspiracy vs the Covid-19 Vaccine

Several Covid-19 vaccines have been approved for use since January but while millions of doses have been administered so far, there is a huge anti-vax resistance building around the world. The vast majority of anti-vaxers believe in a Grand Deception conspiracy that states that Covid-19 is a government hoax designed to take people’s freedoms away.     

No Grand Deception conspiracy won’t stop me from protecting my health by taking the Covid-19 vaccine. In fact, I recently received my first shot of the Pfizer vaccine. It took me so long because I’m a very busy person. But when the government said “social distance” to avoid sharing Air with strangers; I followed the advice. When they said “wear a face mask” to dampen the expelling of particulates into the Air; I wore a face mask. I followed all the recommendations that Doctors suggested because I value my health and the health of my family.

Some people might think of me as a sheep that follows the commands of my master without question but the truth is that I live by common sense and not hysteria. Ever since my teenage years I loved being informed. My TV and radio are always on the news and most of my time on the Internet is spent browsing information. I’m totally aware that a lot of people love information the same as I do but most of them do for a different reason.

A lot of people who seek to stay informed believe there is a Grand Deception at work in the world. They believe that this so-called “Grand Deception” is being carried out by some secret society to hide “the Truth” in order to maintain control over people who don’t know “the Truth” whatever that truth might be. They refer to the deceivers as the Illuminati.

I used to believe in this Grand Deception until I read the Bible for myself instead of listening to preachers. It was then that I realized that the Bible was simply a glorified history book that provided many truthful insights into human behavior. I then correlated what I learned from the Bible with all the general information that I’d absorbed from society throughout the years. Finally, I used my new outlook on life to analyze general human behavior and realized that the only conspiracy going on was an attempt by some to make everyone believe there actually is a Grand Deception going on.

The Grand Deception conspiracy is why most Black people refuse to believe that Covid-19 is real and won’t take the vaccine. Unlike white anti-vaxers, Black people are experiencing a double jeopardy in these perilous times because we actually have precedence for our vaccine fears. Our fears stem from 400 years of slavery, racism, and discrimination at the hands of white people; the same people who are trying to convince us that the vaccine is safe.

There is one glaring problem with the Grand Deception Conspiracy though and that problem is the fact that white racists are fighting harder against getting vaccinated than everyone else. How is this possible if the goal of white racists is to trick Black people into taking the vaccine so it can kill us off? Right-Wing politicians, white militia cult groups, and white supremacists all over social media are all fighting like hell to avoid taking the Covid-19 vaccine.  

The truth about the Grand Deception conspiracy theory is that while there are several major deceptions at play within humanity right now, none of them are what most people think they are. In fact, those deceptions are all designed to deceive humanity for humanity’s own good. We humans are very dangerous and destructive creatures who not only have the unique ability to commit suicide, we also have the ability to kill other people out of animosity. 

The #1 deception at play in the world is religion. Like all things that humans adapt to, religion was developed by chance and stuck because it helps to reverse numerous human psychological problems. Several of those psychological problems include; fear, anxiety, sadness, hopelessness, and lack of courage or cowardice. Religion would be the greatest thing since sliced bread if it didn’t have one very bad flaw. It relies on faith and faith overrides knowledge and common sense in most people.

Humanity depends on both knowledge and faith to survive but what happens when they clash? If conspiracies are based on the manipulating of faith while the Covid-19 vaccine is based on knowledge, how do we as Black people make the right decision whether to take the vaccine or not? The only thing that we can do is to make an informed decision by examining reality and using common sense.

The truth of reality is that White Conservatives and white Liberals hate vaccines and consider them to be tools of an elite Grand Deception Conspiracy yet the elite are both Conservative and Liberal whites. Black people are an afterthought in a Conservative vs Liberal game. Therefore, we must use our common sense to determine how to ensure our survival while they fight for control of the direction of humanity.

I chose to take the vaccine because I recognize that Knowledge is a prerogative of the Life force while Conspiracies depend on ignorance and misinformation.


New Afrakan Spiritual System Encourages Racial Unity

afro futurism

Judging from the desperate condition of the Afrakan race, it is no longer debatable as to whether we need saving or not. Even so, most Black people are so happy in their religious illusions that they will never agree. Fortunately, many of us are waking up and realizing that most of the Spiritual practices that once gave us hope in a brighter future are a deception because they hold us subservient to other races of people who do not have our best interest at heart. If we are ever going to survive as a race we will need a new Afrakan Spiritual system to encourage racial unity.  

We know thаt the human рѕусhе nееdѕ аn operating ѕуѕtеm tо hеlр nаvіgаtе this world in which humans are bоrn without knоwlеdgе and often have to struggle to survive. In order to survive we must acquire knоwlеdgе, dеtеrmіnе реrѕоnаl purpose, and pursue happiness before we inevitably dіе, оftеn unfulfilled due tо thе mаnу іniԛuіtіеѕ of life. Amazingly, most іniԛuіties in life are man made including thе racism, еxрlоіtаtіоn, and dіѕсrіmіnаtіоn that wе as Black people have been facing as a rасе fоr thе раѕt 500 years.

It is also evident that iniquity is the author of the insanity of colonizing races. It has caused them to develop the Religions and Cultѕ that they use to conquer, соlоnіze, and indoctrinate the іndіgеnоuѕ реорlе of the world. Fortunately for some, their own Spiritual practices have hеlреd them to rеbuff thе Rеlіgіоnѕ аnd Cults of the colonizers. The result is that over the past 500 years, indigenous реорlе ѕuсh аѕ Asians аnd Sоuth Aѕіаnѕ hаvе dоnе vеrу wеll аt rebuffing thе rеlіgіоnѕ аnd сultѕ оf Eurореаnѕ bу аdhеrіng to their own bеlіеf systems.

Other іndіgеnоuѕ реорlе such as the North аnd South Amеrісаn Nаtіvеѕ аnd thе Sоuth Pacific Iѕlаndеrѕ іnсludіng Auѕtrаlіа and New Zealand, haven’t fаrеd so wеll. In fасt, many оf them are оnlу hаngіng on tо their Spiritual trаdіtіоnѕ bу a thrеаd. Afrаkаnѕ аnd оur dеѕсеndаntѕ that hаvе bееn ѕрrеаd throughout thе wоrld as a result of slаvеrу аnd forced mіgrаtіоn аrе thе only lоѕt саuѕе whеn it соmеѕ to bеіng able tо rеbuff the рѕусhоlоgісаl іnfluеnсеѕ of nоntrаdіtіоnаl Spirituality.

In thе Amеrісаѕ, thе Cаrіbbеаn, Europe, аnd on thе Cоntіnеnt іtѕеlf, Afrаkаnѕ (Blасk реорlе) hаvе whоlеhеаrtеdlу еmbrасеd the rеlіgіоnѕ оf оur colonizers, bе thеу Arаb оr European. In many саѕеѕ уоu саn’t аrguе wіth a Black religious реrѕоn duе to thе faith they hold thаt God оr Allah wіll rеwаrd them fоr thе suffering thеу endure іn lіfе. 

Whеn wе ѕее thе lоw level of consciousness іn Blасk соmmunіtіеѕ, creating a nеw Spiritual system tо еnсоurаgе rасіаl unity mау nоt bе ѕuсh a bаd іdеа. Mаnу реорlе mау dеnу іt but rеlіgіоnѕ аrе сultѕ. If you аѕk a religious реrѕоn whаt thе dіffеrеnсе bеtwееn a rеlіgіоn and a сult іѕ mоѕt wіll most likely ѕау that religion praises gоd while сultѕ рrаіѕе idols, dеіtіеѕ, аnd demons. In reality, thе оnlу dіffеrеnсе between religions and cults is that one praises an imaginary being and the other praises рhуѕісаl objects. 

Whу dо Blасk аnd Afrakan реорlе hаvе ѕuсh a hаrd time achieving rасіаl unіtу?

In оrdеr to achieve rасіаl unіtу, wе must fіrѕt undеrѕtаnd whаt unіtу is. Unіtу is a mеntаl ѕtаtе in whісh a ѕеt оf commonalities encourage реорlе to fоrm a ѕосіаl “Bоnd”. Unity іѕ fоund іn mаnу forms іn ѕосіеtу. It соuld exist through Rеlіgіоnѕ, Cults, Grоuрѕ оf реорlе who practice a ѕіmіlаr lifestyle, Gаngѕ, Sororities, Rасіаl and Political Idеаlіѕtѕ оr аnуthіng else that unіfіеѕ a grоuр of реорlе ѕо muсh that thеу are wіllіng tо mаkе реrѕоnаl sacrifices tо defend the grоuр.

In order tо undеrѕtаnd whу Blасk реорlе сlіng to religions even when thеу dоnt hеlр our racial unіtу wе must аnаlуzе thе еѕѕеnсе оf thе роwеr оf rеlіgіоn іtѕеlf. Thе роwеr оf rеlіgіоn lies in maintaining Blіnd Fаіth іn a Belief thаt God іѕ rеаl. Thеn bеlіеf іѕ supported and enhanced bу ritualistic practices such as prayers, offerings, and affirmations. Gathering with other people to engage in all those things also adds enormous emotional еnеrgу to ones Faith.

In a gаthеrіng of people expressing thе same ѕtrоng emotions, the energy of аll their Sоulѕ vіbrаtе in unity. Thіѕ invisible energy fіеld mаkеѕ реорlе begin tо fееl funny аnd they bеgіn tо believe thаt their God іѕ now among thеm. Thе рrоblеm wіth Soul energy vіbrаtіоn іѕ thаt іt саn be generated іn аnу сіrсumѕtаnсе whеrе people оf thе same еmоtіоnаl mеntаlіtу hаvе gаthеrеd. Whеn people wіth bad intentions gаthеr thеу generate bad еnеrgу, thаt energy turns into Dеvіl energy.

What are the ethics оf сrеаtіng a Spiritual system tо еnсоurаgе Black unіtу?

Rеlіgіоnѕ аnd cults require leaders оr keepers оf the “rulеѕ”. These keepers wоuld understand аnd know that thе rеlіgіоn or сult іѕ not rеаl but in оrdеr fоr thе religion or сult tо hold роwеr as an іndереndеnt entity, аvеrаgе реорlе must nоt know thаt thе bеlіеf ѕуѕtеm is fake. This іѕ the source оf the power of аll religions and сultѕ in ореrаtіоn tоdау so whу wоuld wе wish to mаіntаіn thіѕ form оf dесерtіоn, еѕресіаllу whеn they have bееn іnѕtrumеntаl іn our dерrеѕѕіоn?

This is an issue of great internal debate. However, crеаtіng аnd рrораgаtіng a fаkе bеlіеf system would bе useful іn сарturіng thе аttеntіоn оf оur rесklеѕѕ youth whо are doing nothing оthеr thаn dеѕtrоуіng оur rасе thrоugh crime, vіоlеnсе, immorality, drug uѕе, and ѕеlf-hаtе. Wе knоw thаt thе destructive еnеrgу thе уоuth аrе projecting is the rеѕult оf сеnturіеѕ оf сulturаl dеѕtruсtіоn аt thе hаndѕ of оur оррrеѕѕоrѕ because in оrdеr tо іnѕtіll thеіr rеlіgіоnѕ and сulturеѕ on оur реорlе and render us subservient to them, thеу hаd to dеѕtrоу оur Spiritual practices and our cultures first.

Over the past few decades, a lot of Blасk аnd Afrаkаn реорlе have been waking uр оut оf our соlоnіаl ѕlumbеr аnd have been turning to Afrаkаn Sріrіtuаlіtу to fill our Spiritual void. Unfortunately, many of us are been fooled by useless Afrakan cults that involve engaging in ritualistic practices to gain wealth, health, love, or to inflict harm on others. Before you follow these useless cults just ask yourself one very important thing. If cults really worked, how is it that we didn’t use it on the white man when he was raping our young girls, chopping off our penises and hands, and carrying us away in chains for over 400 years?  

We see our brothers and sisters in mаnу аrеаѕ оf Afrаkа dеѕtrоуіng thеіr оwn соmmunіtіеѕ bу killing іnnосеnt реорlе tо uѕе their bоdу parts іn ritual practices. We see our brothers and sisters in the west destroying themselves with drugs and senseless violence because they worship money. It ѕееmѕ that we as Black people hаvеn’t lеаrnеd anything аbоut hоw rеlіgіоnѕ and cults rеаllу work. All cults do is force conscientious people to retreat back to the religions of the colonizers where their creativity is crippled by the survival instincts that fear produces.

Ritualists don’t see that the colonizers figured cults out over 2000 years ago and created the New Testament in which ritual practices were nullified using one single sacrifice. All desires, hopes, and dreams were then channeled into Jesus. We have been practicing religions and cults for thousands of years yet we have become the most self-destructive race on Earth. That is because until we learn how the magic works we will always be fooled by the trick.    

We are Conscious minded Black people who recognize that Ethics is the most civilized human pursuit. That is why we have created the HERU Interface as an alternative Spiritual belief system for Black and Afrakan people. In doing so, we endeavor to change our social condition and encourage racial unity. Without Ethics, human happiness will always be compromised by the Ideologies of the few who will use religions and cults to control the minds of the masses for their favor. Religions and Cults are unethical and useless to us because we refuse to be anything but the gods of our own destiny.



Dilemma of a Black Conservative


“I feel like a Black Republican, money keeps comin in. But I can’t turn my back on the hood, I got love for them.” – Jay-Z

The dilemma of Black conservatism is a serious one. Depending on our level of consciousness some of us may choose to live like Kanye West and some of us like Jay-Z. Conservatism is a vile term among many Black people simply because it is often associated with white supremacy and economic oppression. The fact is, many Black people think and act conservative, we just don’t practice it politically due to our racial bonds. Kanye West and Jay-Z are two Black conservatives with politically different views. One openly praises political conservatism and one fights against it.

Conservatism in America is often associated with white supremacists and racists. Take a pick from any of the known white supremacist organizations in the country and you will find they identify themselves as Christian conservatives. Religious conservatism is the belief that one’s religion is the chosen of God therefore your actions are guided and accepted by your God. That goes for all religions, as is evident with the rise of Islamic extremism throughout the world.

White supremacists believe that Christianity is the guide for all aspects of life, be it political, financial, social, or environmental, therefore they go about destroying the environment because “God put resources on Earth for them to use”. They actively seek to convert Black people to their religious ideology; not to improve the lives of Black people but to individually covet favor from their God in hopes that they will join him in Heaven.

The problem is that once a Black person is converted to religious conservatism his status does not change. He may feel that he has gained the world but he is still considered a servant to the white race. Any injustice that is inflicted on a Black person by a white person in this condition is seen as the norm of a master and slave relationship. The only alternative for religious Blacks (who have a conscience) is to get political, as in the case of Martin Luther King.

Any culture that is built on the exploitation of Black people under the excuse of religious superiority will ultimately become unjust and oppressive. Oppression is the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner. Many white people will argue that they “don’t have a racist bone in their body” but they do nothing to fix the systems of oppression. They will see Black people getting gunned down by the police on a daily basis and they will do nothing.

They will see Black people being denied service at businesses and they will do nothing. They will see Black people being railroaded into prisons by the corrupt court system and they will do nothing. Their psychological condition is the result of a moral superiority complex created by religion. For that reason, Black people are scared to associate themselves with what most white people associate themselves with, which is political conservatism.

Contrary to popular belief, Black people are not an unethical race. We are hardworking, fun loving people who believe in getting good education and maintaining strong family ties. We have high ambitions of becoming Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, and Business owners. All these things require supreme self-discipline, hard work, and financial sacrifice to achieve. Those of us who make it to the top of society fall into two categories.

The first one (Kanye West) attributes his achievements to his own hard work and sacrifices so he abandons his past. He begins to think like the white man politically, fiscally, and religiously. He dumps his Black girl and picks up a white girl that everyone in sports and Hollywood has slept with simply because of his own deranged ego. Then he starts to praise the most race baiting president in history as his hero.

The second one (Jay Z) acknowledges that although he worked hard to achieve success he must pay homage to those who helped to break down many of the barriers that white supremacists put in our paths to limit our success. He maintains a fiscal and religious conservative view but he refuses to break his racial bonds, therefore he shuns the national political conservative system that enforces the oppression of Black people.

Jay-Z works behind the scenes to improve the lives of Black Americans because he knows that no matter how rich and successful he gets, he’s “Still Nigga”.

Beware of Spirit Killers

Beware of Spirit killers. They encourage slothfulness.

Have you ever seen someone who lives in a dirt hut with no toilet, running water or electricity but he has the latest Apple iPhone? This scenario is a common sight in many developing countries. A developing country is classified as one where workers earn little to no income and the country itself lacks economic self-sufficiency.

Therefore, most 3rd world countries are lagging way behind 1st world countries, economically and technology wise. There are many advantages and disadvantages to such a condition. A lot of people in developing countries see their technology deficit as a major advantage because new technology makes their life easier and they don’t have to develop it themselves.  

The problem with 3rd world countries depending on 1st world technology is that 3rd world people will never get to exercise their Minds by engaging in the creative process. When everything you need in life is provided for you, you become dependent and Slothful. Eventually you become disconnected from the Spirit of Life.

Spirit is the creative force behind the universe. It cannot be destroyed so when we say, “kill”, we are speaking metaphorically to mean stiffled, dulled, or made redundant. Everything in nature functions by tapping into the same creative Spirit to survive and thrive at all costs. The world is a harsh environment that if humans were not a creative species we could never have survived this long.

Black people in developing countries need to put more emphasis on developing their own technologies. When Black people in developing countries keep depending on foreign technology those technologies become Spirit killers. That is because it makes Black people lose their creative instincts and they become Slothful.

The most infamous Spirit killer is Religion.

Religion encourages Black people to depend on Faith through all our adversities in life. Black people have a history of being disadvantaged. We survived colonization and slavery only to enter a system of worldwide cultural genocide. Many areas of Afraka continue to experience drought and starvation while war and violence along with economic and political corruption is a plague to every predominantly Black nation.

All these hardships in life have produced generational psychological trauma in Black people. The result is that we have become easily depressed, fearful, untrusting, and pessimistic about life in general. Without available options, conscientious Black people have turned to religion but the only solution that religion offers is to have Faith that a god is working on our problems.

When nothing seems to change year after year and decade after decade, our preachers now tell us to forget about life and expect a paradise in the after-life. That is the hope that keeps most of us going when our sons turn into killers and our daughters turn into prostitutes.

Unfortunately, “Faith” is fake inspiration that pretends to give hope when in actuality; it’s really a Spirit killer. Now even when you try to teach religious people how to use religion to prosper it doesn’t work because Black people are too fooled by Faith. That’s why the only people benefiting from religion are its leaders because only they enjoy all the luxeries of life while they’re still living.

Black people need to regain the Spirit of Life. Unfortunately not many people can see Life. It’s like the “Elephant in the room”. Life is all around us. It’s in the air, the water, and the soil. Life is viruses, bacteria, insects, animals, tree, and us. Where do our food and our medicines come from? Life. Stop looking into the clouds and space for a savior and learn to work with Life.

Attack White People’s Conscience

angry white man

Attack white people’s conscience. This might sound violent but not only is attacking white people’s conscience the most non-violent way for Black people to achieve liberty, it will help white people improve their Sanity as well.

Racism and Police Brutality are only two of the many plagues that torment the daily lives of Black Americans. In order to achieve liberty, Black Americans have either been fighting back, seeking better ways to integrate into society, or seeking to separate all together. All options come with their own consequences because following Slavery, Black people have continually been harassed and killed by racists and corrupt police officers at alarming rates.

There are several ways to combat the problem and unfortunately, none of them are easy but the real solution will involve a completely new way of thinking. The choice will depend on the willingness of Black people themselves. Thanks to social media in the modern era, Black people are not as isolated and low-informed as we used to be. News travels fast and when the police kill a black person without just cause there is usually someone around to see and document it, either by video or personally sharing the incident online for others to be informed.

Religious leaders in the past, confronted racism and police brutality by attempting to showcase the hypocrisy of the actions of white racists who believed in the same God as they did. The tactic worked to a certain extent because it forced a lot of white people to use their conscience. The only problem with that tactic was that most white people never gained real sympathy for Black people; they only thought it would gain them favor in the eyes of their imaginary God.

Most religious leaders today know nothing about the psychology behind religion. In fact they think its real and a god is waiting to anoint Black people for our faithful misery. If they did know how religion really worked, they would be out in the streets leading marches and protests every single week. RIP to MLK but religious leaders today learned nothing from him because he himself didn’t understand why his movement had so much success. Black religious leaders; if you only knew the power you posses. 

Physical Confrontation

A lot of Black people have this silly belief that they can defeat the white man by force. They point out the actions of the Black Panther Party of the late 60s and early 70s with pride but dismiss the conclusion of the movement and others like it. They omit the fact that white people are seasoned killers who are experts in all manner of conflict including; conventional, biological, chemical, nuclear, and psychological warfare. They are most like the fictional Devil character most people fear.

Furthermore, white people own the media and all platforms of communication. They own the Internet, computer companies, cell phones that we all love to play on, and television and news outlets. Because of their hidden prerogative to feed universal awareness they also understand Black people better than most Black people understand themselves. Depending on how you organize, you may kill a few white people in pockets around the country but realistically speaking, how long do you think a physical war with white people would last?

Total Racial Segregation

Black people also have the option of separating from white society. We have already been doing it for decades by moving into urban ghettos. The initial purpose was for financial help in the form of cheap or assisted housing. Eventually it grew into a way for both whites and Blacks to benefit from living separately. White people saw an opportunity to push Black people away from themselves and Black people saw a way to live their life without having to interact with too many whites.

The problem with ghettos is that because white people control the services and infrastructure, they defund the resources to maintain them. The results are poor education, poisoned water, broken down pest-infested dwellings, and of course, unhealthy food. Crime and drug use increases due to lack of good paying jobs and whites use the police as over-seers to keep Blacks from ranging too far out of bounds.

Some Black leaders have suggested the possibility of a segregated State within the United States. It would be a completely Black State, run by Black politicians, business people, and community leaders. All Black people across America who wish to socially separate from white people would relocate there. And of course, racist whites would also force Black people to relocate there.

A Black State’s internal success would depend on Black peoples ability to sort out our own problems among ourselves. The external success would depend on the level of interference from racist whites that would seek to defund it federally as will as to isolate it economically.

Attack white people’s Conscience

The best method of fighting racism and police brutality in America is to gain a deeper understanding of Life then use the tactics of the past for the betterment of society on a whole. Black people must recognize that Life is a single conscious entity on a quest for universal awareness. White people are life’s most useful tool. The hormone Serotonin, which keeps them happy while their imaginary gods give them purpose, drives their consciousness.

Like Black people, they do produce Melatonin but because their Pineal Glands are calcified, they don’t produce enough to balance the erratic effects of Serotonin. It reinforces their unethical ideologies about reality that they arrive at through Curiosity and Risk. The Melatonin that they do produce acts on their Conscience to encourage fairness, equity, and accountability.

When Black people defeated the laws that maintained segregation in America, it was referred to as a gain for Black America. It was not referred to as a gain for the psychological improvement of white people. That’s because white people are so self-centered that they believe they don’t need psychological help.

A lot of Black people will have a problem with this method because while it will help to combat racism, discrimination, and police brutality, it will also help white people with their sanity. This method involves targeting white people’s Conscience but first we must understand what Conscience does in order to target it.

Conscience is a base instinct that produces the psychological traits caring, sympathy, and empathy. White people seem to have an abundance of all three so why is their conscience so weak? Their conscience is not weak at all; it’s just hijacked by ideologies that enforce their false beliefs of racial and moral superiority over others. Ideology hates Truth so when they go to school and learn truth it burns away ideology.

That is why ideology driven conservative whites hate truth-seeking whites. They label anything based on conscience as political correctness and weak-minded Liberalism. Yes, they fight among each other over ideology but they never hate each other based on race. When they do fight they fight over money, territory, and class. They also never colonize and enslave their own. They only recognize the human will to be free in their own race.

Therefore, their conscience must be targeted through the media. Their conscience must be targeted through the courts and political systems. Their conscience must be targeted through religious and educational systems. Expose their hypocrisy by asking them if their god thinks its right to hate. Ask them if all humans were not created equal with the same inalienable rights. It will cause them to question the ideologies that comfort and support their so-called “way of life”.

Most Black Americans are under no illusions about race; it is an ever-present obstacle in their pursuit of happiness. They find themselves having to defend their own lives all because of their race. A solution must be implemented or America will continue on its inevitable course to all out civil war. Black people can arm themselves for that reality, seek total segregation, or help change the level of consciousness within society in general. The choices are clear, which one will you choose?

How To Fight Oppression

Oppression can be defined as the active denial of liberty and pursuit of happiness by one group of people over another. The oppressors are mostly of a higher class or dominant culture and race while the oppressed are usually of a lower class and minor race. Most people of minor races living within the culture of a dominant race often have to fight to fit in because it is human nature for people to support other people who are more like themselves.

Race and culture favoritism may range from something that is minor to full blown racism at the extreme. These types of oppressions will never change on their own therefore it is the responsibility of the oppressed to recognize oppression in its many forms and act to either protect ourselves against it or act to end it outright if they ever wish to live free and happy as minorities in a dominant society.

Most non-white races may claim to have been oppressed at one time or another but none has experienced the sustained and documented record of oppression as that of the Black AfRAkan race. Throughout history we have and still are being exploited by Europeans and Arabs for the resources of our lands in the form of colonization and for our labor in the form of slavery. Race mixing has colored the exploitation in many aspects to further bind AfRAkans to foreign cultures of all sorts.

Today, many Black people are so brainwashed as a result of colonization and slavery that they don’t even recognize that they are still being actively oppressed. They accept the linear understanding of reality that they are thought and think that they had no culture or understanding of life and reality before Europeans thought them how to function in his reality.

While most Black people acknowledge that oppression exists there are some Black oppression deniers who are blinded by religion which teaches them that their hardships in life are really just tests of faith by their illusionary god. They use the benefits of the sacrifices that others have made to better themselves financially but instead of acknowledging revolutionaries like Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, and DR. King they attribute their success to their own hard work.

Those of us who do recognize that Black people are actively being oppressed by dominant cultures and races are the ones who are taking steps to increase our awareness of the world around us. Fortunately, all people; oppressors and the oppressed, want the same basic things in life so we don’t need to look for any hidden secret of how to fight oppression. We all want to be happy, healthy, and successful in life. Oppressors simply go about achieving those things at the expense of the people they oppress.

For years many of us have been staging our own personal boycotts of businesses and organizations that do not respect Black people or that keep Black people enslaved in consumerism. We are the ones who get accused by other Blacks of being “all talk, no action” because we aren’t in the streets. We fight oppression in different ways through education, awareness, and support of our own cultures and businesses. We spread information about businesses and organizations that serve to maintain a system of direct and indirect oppression against Black people.

We also know that Western cultures are built on capitalism therefore; the most effective means of fighting Western style oppression is through economics. It is the #1 reason why they exploited Black people and lands centuries ago. One of the most successful periods in the struggle against oppression in America was during the 1960 when Martin Luther King JR took Black people out of cowering in churches to marching in the streets, holding sit-ins in white owned businesses, and boycotting national corporations.

Why do we think that the times have changed so much that these measures are obsolete and won’t work today? Sure the struggle against oppression is hard because Black people work for and depend on many of the oppressors businesses so they will be financially affected by boycotts but let us not be foolish in thinking that we are smarter than our leaders of the past or that things that worked in the past cannot work today.

All institutions and corporations are run by people who all want to be successful and happy. None like the uncertainty of economic turmoil so they will bend under pressure. At the same time we must support Black owned businesses and stop the crabs-in-a-barrel mentality that makes us not want to see other Black people succeed while personally we are not.