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Understanding the Essence of the “Black is Beautiful” Movement

Understanding the essence of the “Black is Beautiful” movement.
Does Life work against Black people? The short answer is yes! But there is a reason for this and we can learn to overcome this condition by learning to understand Life.
The psychological instincts of human nature force us to seek happiness, conform to simplicity, and to relish beauty. Unfortunately, Life has not been kind to Black people because due to the unethical nature of other races, we have become pawns in other people’s quest for happiness, handicapped by forced complexity, and psychologically scarred by false ideals of beauty.
In order to overcome these challenges, we fought through slavery and continue to fight racism and discrimination. Mostly for our own psychological benefit but also to stop other races from using us to satisfy their own desires for happiness. We are educating ourselves and are often outperforming other races in business, politics, and entertainment.
We are also building self-sufficient nations no matter how others try to handicap us with Debt, financial bribery that creates Dictators that sell out the resources of our nations to enrich themselves, and by stoking tribal animosity to create war amongst ourselves. The only thing that we still struggle with is our self-esteem. That is why we need constant affirmation that “Black is Beautiful”.
Personally, I do not like the term “Black is Beautiful”. To me Black is powerful, intelligent, magnetic, electric, energetic, and potent. Beauty is associated with Desire, which is Right-Brained and unconscious. However, since Conscience is the only opposing force to Desire, affirming that “Black is Beautiful” is our Conscience encouraging us to control and redirect our Desires toward a love of self and race.
Self-hate is a disease that was ingrained in our Psyche over hundreds of years. It encourages most Black people to hate our racial features such as dark skin, tight curly hair, thick lips or broad noses. Most Black people therefor have adopted the belief that Happiness is achieved through lightening our skin, straightening or hair or getting surgery to reduce our noses, and lips.
We admire and idolize bi-racial people, which cripples the confidence of our young, especially our girls who are not equipped to handle dejection so they dwell in depression. Soon they consider themselves useless to society and either commit suicide or sell their bodies to fulfill the desires of men.
The mechanisms of Life are designed to ensure Life’s longevity. Learn to recognize them and control them but never let other people use them to control you or take away your happiness. Black men and women, take pride in your black skin; go ahead and declare that “Black is Beautiful”.