Tag Archives: black conservatives
Trump Is Not a Racist Says Black Victims of Conscience hijacking

Social media is certainly broadening our individual scopes of influence, enabling us to interact with people with a wider range of ideas and opinions. While most people use the advantage that social media provides to connect with other like-minded people so that they can bond, I prefer to use social media to understand human behavior.
Back in 2016 when Trump was elected president, a lot of Black people were shocked to know that hundreds of thousands of other Black people voted for him given his apparent racist tendencies. The general consensus among Liberal Blacks was that Black Trump supporters were all Uncle Toms but I had a different opinion; I recognized that most Black Trump supporters were victims of Conscience Hijacking.
I thought my assessment of conservative Blacks was unique (silly me) until I actually researched it and found that Conscience hijacking is an actual medical condition. Conscience hijacking is a form of psychological manipulation in which an individual is coerced into making decisions or taking actions that are contrary to their own moral beliefs or values.
Also, it is a form of psychological manipulation that can be used to influence a person’s behavior and decisions. It is often used to manipulate people into doing something they would not normally do, such as making a purchase, signing a contract, or supporting a racist.
Since 2016, I’ve seen an increasing number of Black people on social media defending and trying to prove that Trump is not a racist even though his own actions and words betray him. The most telling indication of his true character was having to be forced to denounce racism, which was getting more blatent since his emergence on the political scene and all he could say was that “there are good people on both sides.” In actuality, his racial indifferences go way back.
In 1989, Donald Trump took out full-page ads in four New York City newspapers calling for the death penalty for the Central Park Five, a group of black and Latino teenagers who were wrongfully convicted of a rape. In 2011, Trump questioned whether President Obama was born in the United States, suggesting he was not a legitimate president. Although he was not the first to say it, it was a racist attack on America’s first Black president that he popularized. During the election campaign in 2015, Trump referred to Mexican immigrants as “rapists” and “criminals”.
While serving as president of the most powerful and “so-called” ethical country on the planet Trump reportedly referred to African nations as “shithole countries” during a meeting with lawmakers. A year later in 2018, Trump reportedly did it again by referred to immigrants from Haiti and African countries as coming from “shithole countries” during a meeting with lawmakers. In 2019, Trump reportedly referred to a group of four Democratic congresswomen of color as “a bunch of communists” and told them to “go back” to their countries of origin.
With all these examples of Trump harboring racist views, why are so many Black people defending him? Black Trump supporters’ site several reasons such as the Democratic Party’s history of exploiting the Black community without improving it, Trumps focus on bringing jobs back to America, his tough on crime policies, and his reforming of the criminal justice system that directly benefits Black Americans.
These are all good deeds that cannot be discounted; however, only one of these things fall under acts of Conscience, which is being tough on crime. Fortunately for Trump being tough on crime solidified support with evangelicals, who then gave him their whole moral agenda portfolio, which includes Abortion abolition, Gender conformity, and the defending and spreading of Christianity over other religions in society.
I support strict law and order, I respect ambitious people, and I despise immorality. In most countries that would make me a political conservative but as a conservative minded Black person, it would be easy to compromise my conscience if I didn’t live using a “Race First” policy. That doesn’t mean that when we live using a race first policy, racists cannot hijack our conscience and use it to gain and maintain power over us; it simply makes it harder for them to do.
The ultimate solution is to harness the political power of all Black people of Conscience who think race first to create a political movement of our own.