Tag Archives: Black Consciousness Term
Dark Consciousness vs Black Consciousness

Dark Consciousness is different from Black Consciousness and it’s time to differentiate between the two. It’s been 10 years since the inception of the HERU Interface, an Afrakan spiritual concept that borrows inspiration from Dohgon Spirituality with the sole intent to improve the sanity capacity of Black people worldwide. In the beginning, we aligned the HERU Interface with Black Consciousness as they similarly promoted the acquisition of knowledge as the primary tool for global Black Liberation. Numerous things have changed since then; therefore, the HERU Interface will now part ways with the confusion that Black Consciousness has morphed into and concentrate on Dark Consciousness.
Black Consciousness has existed in the psyche of all Black and Afrakan people ever since Europeans decided to carve up Africa into colonies and indoctrinate us with their languages and cultures. Not to say we weren’t drifting off course before by the way we allowed Arabs to take over the entire northern regions of the continent but Europeans made it official. Subsequently, our conscience kicked-in and generated a desire within us to regain our ways of life in the face of the overwhelming force of indoctrination. Over time and as other mechanisms besides indoctrination such as; race mixing and desire dependency through spiritual loss, took hold of our collective psyche, Black racial unity is now virtually non-existent. Today we have Black people who do not want anything to do with Africa and Afrakans. Instead, they prefer to refer to themselves as Indians, Black Americans, Caribs, Arabs, Hispanics, Hebrews, and Moors. A similar situation even exists on the continent, where we now have Afrakans refusing to refer to themselves as Black. They would rather classify themselves by Tribe and Nationality instead of Race.
Throughout the Black struggle for liberty from oppression and colonization, numerous leaders have emerged and faded. Those who managed to gain prophetic status, no matter where in the world they resided, are still regarded as champions of Black Liberation today. There was never any talk of who was Black from who was Arab, Spanish, Portuguese, or Native Indian. Black people in the West were inspired by Hail Selassie I, Nelson Mandela, and Kwame Nkrumah and Afrakans were inspired by Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Fredric Douglas, and Martin Luther King. The problem is that knowledge without unity results in confusion. This condition is most evident in American society today as politicians have learned to silence people’s consciences using extrememist indoctrination.
Lasting Black unity requires a deep understanding of our Spiritual origins. Without it, Black people will always dig for information to prove that we were civilized before European and Arab colonization. Every time we discover some information, we try with all our energy to bring our past back to life, not realizing that only flawed ways of life fail. The solution is to learn from the past then use past insight to create a better future for ourselves and our children. Back in 2011, I asked Professor Momoh of the Dohgon University of Thought, the formost scholar on Brain and Mind functions, why he wasn’t trying to reach out to the Ghetto Scholars that were all over social media so he could teach them how to use their talents to take full advantage of Afrakan ancestral knowledge and he said that he had tried but was ignored by SA-Neter TV and others.
That revelation disappointed me but the reason why would manifest a few years later when I came to the realization that most ghetto scholars were nothing more than hustlers trying to capitalize on Black Consciousness and the hunger that Black people had to find solace. I also realized that most ghetto scholars and most Black Consciousness followers are not into trying to improve their Brains and Minds, much less improving their Sanity. Similar to religious people, ghetto scholars are happy trying to relive spiritual practices that were created and used by ancient philosophers to comfort human ignorance. The result will inevitably be occultism.
What is Dark Consciousness?
Modern science theorizes that the universe is 99.9% Dark Matter and Energy. Dohgon Spirituality recognizes that the primary characteristic of the universe is Pure Dark Energy Waves. We do not believe that a God exists independently within the universe. That would mean that God came from somewhere else. Instead, we believe that Pure Dark Energy Waves possesses the intelligence that creates physical reality in a consistent basis. We therefore recognize Pure Dark Energy Waves as the Great Spirit that is the Universe. The Great Spirit created Life and through Life it created Humans. It then installed a tiny portion of itself inside us and that energy grows to become what we call our Soul.
Our Soul drives our consciousness by way of numerous instinctual mechanisms; however, the more Life influences our Soul, our Soul becomes dependent on the mechanisms of Life, which primarily are Survival and Desire fulfillment. At a certain point, which most of humanity has reached already, Life will take over completely and use people to gain Universal Awareness. If you don’t know, Life is a single conscious entity that took on its own awareness from the collective consciousness of every living organism on Earth. People no longer listen to their Conscience as Life induces their Desire to pursue Happiness until Death exhausts them. They adopt either a Religious or a Humanist point of view about Life and either work to protect or destroy the by-products of their own ignorance, such as homosexuality.
The prerogative of Dark Consciousness is to understand the Great Spirit that is the Universe and its creations, which are Non-Living Matter, Life/Nature, Humans, and any other iterations of Life that may exist within the physical realm. Unlike other Ghetto scholars, we know that the best way to understand the adverseties of Life is to first understand our own Brain and Mind. The HERU Interface of Dark Consciousness will continue to produce information based on our understanding of reality because we know that there are still some Black people who haven’t been completely brainwashed by the Life Entity and are seeking ways to regain their connection to the Great Spirit that is the Universe.