Tag Archives: biological war

Attack White People’s Conscience

angry white man

Attack white people’s conscience. This might sound violent but not only is attacking white people’s conscience the most non-violent way for Black people to achieve liberty, it will help white people improve their Sanity as well.

Racism and Police Brutality are only two of the many plagues that torment the daily lives of Black Americans. In order to achieve liberty, Black Americans have either been fighting back, seeking better ways to integrate into society, or seeking to separate all together. All options come with their own consequences because following Slavery, Black people have continually been harassed and killed by racists and corrupt police officers at alarming rates.

There are several ways to combat the problem and unfortunately, none of them are easy but the real solution will involve a completely new way of thinking. The choice will depend on the willingness of Black people themselves. Thanks to social media in the modern era, Black people are not as isolated and low-informed as we used to be. News travels fast and when the police kill a black person without just cause there is usually someone around to see and document it, either by video or personally sharing the incident online for others to be informed.

Religious leaders in the past, confronted racism and police brutality by attempting to showcase the hypocrisy of the actions of white racists who believed in the same God as they did. The tactic worked to a certain extent because it forced a lot of white people to use their conscience. The only problem with that tactic was that most white people never gained real sympathy for Black people; they only thought it would gain them favor in the eyes of their imaginary God.

Most religious leaders today know nothing about the psychology behind religion. In fact they think its real and a god is waiting to anoint Black people for our faithful misery. If they did know how religion really worked, they would be out in the streets leading marches and protests every single week. RIP to MLK but religious leaders today learned nothing from him because he himself didn’t understand why his movement had so much success. Black religious leaders; if you only knew the power you posses. 

Physical Confrontation

A lot of Black people have this silly belief that they can defeat the white man by force. They point out the actions of the Black Panther Party of the late 60s and early 70s with pride but dismiss the conclusion of the movement and others like it. They omit the fact that white people are seasoned killers who are experts in all manner of conflict including; conventional, biological, chemical, nuclear, and psychological warfare. They are most like the fictional Devil character most people fear.

Furthermore, white people own the media and all platforms of communication. They own the Internet, computer companies, cell phones that we all love to play on, and television and news outlets. Because of their hidden prerogative to feed universal awareness they also understand Black people better than most Black people understand themselves. Depending on how you organize, you may kill a few white people in pockets around the country but realistically speaking, how long do you think a physical war with white people would last?

Total Racial Segregation

Black people also have the option of separating from white society. We have already been doing it for decades by moving into urban ghettos. The initial purpose was for financial help in the form of cheap or assisted housing. Eventually it grew into a way for both whites and Blacks to benefit from living separately. White people saw an opportunity to push Black people away from themselves and Black people saw a way to live their life without having to interact with too many whites.

The problem with ghettos is that because white people control the services and infrastructure, they defund the resources to maintain them. The results are poor education, poisoned water, broken down pest-infested dwellings, and of course, unhealthy food. Crime and drug use increases due to lack of good paying jobs and whites use the police as over-seers to keep Blacks from ranging too far out of bounds.

Some Black leaders have suggested the possibility of a segregated State within the United States. It would be a completely Black State, run by Black politicians, business people, and community leaders. All Black people across America who wish to socially separate from white people would relocate there. And of course, racist whites would also force Black people to relocate there.

A Black State’s internal success would depend on Black peoples ability to sort out our own problems among ourselves. The external success would depend on the level of interference from racist whites that would seek to defund it federally as will as to isolate it economically.

Attack white people’s Conscience

The best method of fighting racism and police brutality in America is to gain a deeper understanding of Life then use the tactics of the past for the betterment of society on a whole. Black people must recognize that Life is a single conscious entity on a quest for universal awareness. White people are life’s most useful tool. The hormone Serotonin, which keeps them happy while their imaginary gods give them purpose, drives their consciousness.

Like Black people, they do produce Melatonin but because their Pineal Glands are calcified, they don’t produce enough to balance the erratic effects of Serotonin. It reinforces their unethical ideologies about reality that they arrive at through Curiosity and Risk. The Melatonin that they do produce acts on their Conscience to encourage fairness, equity, and accountability.

When Black people defeated the laws that maintained segregation in America, it was referred to as a gain for Black America. It was not referred to as a gain for the psychological improvement of white people. That’s because white people are so self-centered that they believe they don’t need psychological help.

A lot of Black people will have a problem with this method because while it will help to combat racism, discrimination, and police brutality, it will also help white people with their sanity. This method involves targeting white people’s Conscience but first we must understand what Conscience does in order to target it.

Conscience is a base instinct that produces the psychological traits caring, sympathy, and empathy. White people seem to have an abundance of all three so why is their conscience so weak? Their conscience is not weak at all; it’s just hijacked by ideologies that enforce their false beliefs of racial and moral superiority over others. Ideology hates Truth so when they go to school and learn truth it burns away ideology.

That is why ideology driven conservative whites hate truth-seeking whites. They label anything based on conscience as political correctness and weak-minded Liberalism. Yes, they fight among each other over ideology but they never hate each other based on race. When they do fight they fight over money, territory, and class. They also never colonize and enslave their own. They only recognize the human will to be free in their own race.

Therefore, their conscience must be targeted through the media. Their conscience must be targeted through the courts and political systems. Their conscience must be targeted through religious and educational systems. Expose their hypocrisy by asking them if their god thinks its right to hate. Ask them if all humans were not created equal with the same inalienable rights. It will cause them to question the ideologies that comfort and support their so-called “way of life”.

Most Black Americans are under no illusions about race; it is an ever-present obstacle in their pursuit of happiness. They find themselves having to defend their own lives all because of their race. A solution must be implemented or America will continue on its inevitable course to all out civil war. Black people can arm themselves for that reality, seek total segregation, or help change the level of consciousness within society in general. The choices are clear, which one will you choose?