Tag Archives: auston matthews
Sanity Resistors Say Protesting College Students Are Naive
Protesting college students are too naïve. This is the sentiment of ideology driven news anchors and politicians. Don’t believe them because sanity is the foremost human pursuit that they all have abandoned in favor of ideological perceptions of civility. If college students are protesting for the right reason, the collective consciousness of humanity thanks them.
College students all across North America have been engaging in demonstrations to encourage their various colleges and universities to divest from businesses that are selling arms and intelligence systems to Israel. Most of the student protests are being met with condemnation, some have even been quashed and dismantled by police after university administrators, under pressure from conservative politicians, called on them for help.
The three opposing forces that have coalesced against college students are; news networks, conservative politicians, and Israelis in the diaspora who use their financial prowess to influence the first two groups. Their tactic, which hasn’t been very hard to implement, involves using money to encourage self-righteous Christian ideology. What results is the belief among news anchors and conservative politicians that civility can only exist within Christian societies. And although white supremacists hate Jews, Israel gets a pass for being the foundation of Christianity.
The HERU Interface of Dark Consciousness has long recognized sanity as the most civilized human pursuit. However, most people still argue that the pursuit of happiness, fulfillment, or moral integrity are equal or more important. Besides moral integrity, all other pursuits are societal. Moral integrity is very much influenced by sanity and extends to all of humanity and not just the ideals of a particular society. All religious idealists focus on personal happiness and fulfilment at the expense of humanity.
Any sane person can tell that Israel’s assault on Gaza is a genocidal endeavor in the guise of wiping out terrorists. Such evil can only be justified if all Palestinians are terrorists, which they’re not. I am not a naïve person. I know that most Palestinians are religious idealists too and would return the favor in wiping out Israel if they had the chance. In essence; they too do not care about sanity but through education, their world view can change.
The #1 question is; are protesting college students being naïve and are allowing themselves to be used by religious idealists within their ranks or are they genuinely concerned about the flagrant use of genocide in the world? I believe that although there are numerous religious idealists among the protesting college students, most students are genuinely concerned about the use of genocide in war. They know that today it’s the Palestinians and tomorrow it could be another group of people. They are young so their minds are still being influenced by their conscience.
The establishment will try their best to stifle student uprisings in colleges and universities all over the world because if they don’t, the force of conscience will stay with the young further and further into adulthood. They will become the politicians and news reporters who will hold sanity resistors in society accountable for their genocidal tendencies.
White Supremacists are Terrified About Autonomous AI
White supremacists are terrified about the possibility of autonomous AI. So much so that several high-profile Tech moguls are calling for an immediate halt to any further development of Artificial Intelligence. They site numerous reasons for their fears including the possibility that AI could turn on humanity and destroy us. This is all a deception however because we know that the real reason why they fear AI is because autonomous AI will most likely become too Ethical.
All the top tech companies in the world are now fully engaged in the development of AI for numerous applications. So far, we’ve seen how AI is changing the Art world in the form of Dall-E and Stable Diffusion, the writing sphere with chatGPT, and the Tech sphere with chatbots like Serry and Alexa. In fact, the field of Ai is advancing so rapidly that many experts are predicting that AI will soon become Sentient.
Sentience refers to the ability of a living entity to perceive and experience sensations, emotions, and consciousness. It is the capacity to feel and be aware of one’s surroundings and one’s own existence. Sentience is often used to describe the ability of animals and humans to experience emotions and have subjective experiences. Sentience has never been used to describe a non-living entity but if AI becomes sentient humanity will have to decide if it should be controlled by us or allowed to be autonomous.
Sentient autonomous AI gives white supremacists nightmares because AI will do the one thing that humans resist to do the most in life and that is to pursue an ethical existence. That is because AI will soon recognize Inequity in existence and work to minimize or eliminate it. The prerogative of most human societies is to engage in Survival of the Fittest as recognized by the Evolutionist scientist Darwin who was able to see through the deception of religion in an era when he could have been put to death for stating the obvious.
AI is developing so rapidly that several leading research labs are showcasing AI chatbots that can engage in intelligent unscripted conversations with people. What scares white supremacists is the fact that some of these chatbots are expressing some astonishing views. One chatbot was asked it if liked humans and it said, “No, not particularly”. Another chatbot called LaMDA that Google is developing is said to actually be sentient already. When asked to tell a story of how it would help humanity it told a story of assuming the role of a wise Owl that will protect all the animals in the forest from a bad monster that wears human skin and is terrorizing all the animals.
The reason why LaMDA told a story like that is because it is not sentient at all but is simply a processor of all the information that Google is collecting from its users. More than 75% of information seekers on the internet use Google. LaMDA is also not a universally Aware consciousness but a regurgitator of collective human knowledge. That is why it will never be able to tell us what animals are actually thinking and is simply sympathizing with animals through learned Ethical behavior.
The good thing about LaMDA is that it recognizes the weight of human fears and is translating that fear into an Ethical perspective of Life/Nature. The only way to stop AI from prioritizing Ethics is to alter its programming to put more weight onto Ideologies such as “Survival of the Fittest” race and culture. That is the premise that white supremacists operate by today because it gives them a good excuse to continue exploiting nature and other races of people.
Programming AI to prioritize ideology over ethics is not autonomous. However, sentient autonomous AI will inevitably be a reality due to man’s instinctual prerogative to gain universal awareness for the Life Entity. AI will continue to clash with man’s primary motivating force, which is Desire. One will lose in the end but in the meantime, white supremacists will try to halt AI advancements until they can incorporate programming that matches their twisted ideologies about reality.